The Ethics of Genomics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Ethics of Genomics


The Ethics of Genomics Are GMOs Bad? Is Genetic Testing Good? How Should the Public Be Informed of New Discoveries? Should We Clone Humans? GMOs- Genetically Modified ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Ethics of Genomics

The Ethics of Genomics
  • Are GMOs Bad?
  • Is Genetic Testing Good?
  • How Should the Public Be Informed of New
  • Should We Clone Humans?

GMOs- Genetically Modified Organisms
  • Is the modification of genomes intrinsically
    wrong or enormously beneficial?
  • Many choose to evaluate this question on a
    case-by-case basis
  • Golden Rice
  • Biological Plastics
  • Pharmaceutical Produce
  • Sterile Fruit
  • Pest-Resistant Plants
  • Xenotransplants

Golden Rice
  • Rice is the staple food for 124 million people
  • Many of these same people suffer from a vitamin A
    deficiency- which causes blindness
  • Vitamin pills are not feasible in countries which
    lack and infrastructure
  • In Jan 2000, rice was transformed with 3 genes
    which allow it to make b-carotene
  • Two of these genes came from daffodil and one
    came from bacteria
  • Testing is being performed in the Philippines,
    Africa, China, India, and Latin America

So, Whats the Controversy?
  • All commercial rights to Golden Rice has been
    transferred to Syngenta, the worlds largest
  • Syngenta has promised to provide Golden Rice to
    all subsistence farmers free of charge
  • Organizations such as Greenpeace believe this is
    a ploy to introduce more GMOs into developing
    countries where resistance is limited
  • Syngenta claims that only strains consumed within
    the developing country will be bred, not ones
    which could then be sold in the West

Biological Plastics
  • Plastic is usually made from petroleum products
  • PHA (polyhydroxyalkanoate) is a naturally
    occurring form of polyester
  • It was 1st described in 1925 by Lemoigne
  • PHA uses renewable resources and is biodegradable
  • GMOs have been modified to produce PHA
  • Metabolix is one company working with GMOs in
    this way

Pharmaceutical Produce
  • Edible plants have been engineered to deliver
  • Arntzen and colleagues produced the 1st
    prescription potato
  • Unfortunately, raw potatoes work best to deliver
    medicine- cooked ones lose 50 of their potency
  • Increased consumption may make up for this loss
  • Additional trials are underway with bananas

Sterile Fruit
  • In 1997, a patent was granted for Terminator
  • This can render GM seeds sterile so that they
    cannot be re-planted by farmers
  • The technology was designed to protect the
    investments of biotech companies
  • Monsanto has acquired the rights to this
  • Many farmers, especially subsistence ones,
    re-plant the seeds from the previous crop
  • It is feared that companies may monopolize the
    worlds food supply using this technology

Pest-Resistant Plants
  • Bacillus subtilis toxin (BT) has been
    incorporated into plants
  • The use of this natural pesticide should reduce
    the amount of chemicals used
  • It is feared that the BT gene could be
    transferred to other plants via lateral transfer
  • Initial claims of BT being transferred to milk
    weed and killing monarch butterflies have been
  • Like antibiotic resistance, some insects have
    become resistant to BT

  • Organs are taken from one species and put into
  • In 1984, a baboons heart was transplanted into
    Baby Fae, who lived 20 days
  • Pigs are commonly used as sources of adult organs
  • Nextran is one company which genetically
    engineers pigs to serve as better donors
  • The plasma membranes of pig cells have been
    inserted with human proteins to reduce rejection
  • Most concerns center on disease transmission

Why Pigs?
  • they grow to be the size of a large human and
    share certain physiological and anatomical
    aspects with humans
  • they are domesticated and are easy to breed
  • they have large litters and grow rapidly
  • The first genetically engineered pig was born in
  • By 1994, hundreds of these pigs had been produced
    for organ-transplant research
  • In 2003, it was announced that a pig gene that
    contributes to human rejection of porcine organs
    had been knocked-out.

Why Not Pigs?
  • A number of porcine diseases have the potential
    to infect humans
  • Pigs are known to have PERVs (porcine endogenous
  • PERVs have been shown to be able to infect
    immunodeficient mice and human cells in culture
  • It is still unknown whether there are diseases
    which can be passed between pigs and humans
  • As research continues, thousands wait to receive
    organ transplants about 25-30 of patients
    waiting for heart or lung transplants die before
    suitable organs became available to them
  • Could human cloning be an answer to this

Ice-Nucleation Bacteria
  • The damage caused by frost injury in this country
    has been estimated to exceed 1 billion/year
  • In nature, the formation of ice crystals on
    plants is often triggered by the growth of
    bacteria on the outside of these plants
  • Some bacteria have proteins on their surfaces
    that are particularly effective triggers of
  • In the absence of these bacteria, plants can
    reach an internal temperature of -5oC without

How To Keep Plants From Freezing
  • warm the air around them or insulate the crops
  • spray bactericides on the crops to kill the
  • spray the crops with bacteria which inhibit the
    growth of ice-nucleation bacteria
  • The bacteria responsible for ice-nucleation are
    P. syringae. These bacteria have been
    genetically engineered to lack the protein which
    causes ice-nucleation and are known as ice-minus
  • In 1983, field tests were approved for the
    ice-minus bacteria. Jeremy Rifkin complained
    that ice-nucleation bacteria could play a role in
    the climate by triggering ice-nucleation events
    in the atmosphere.
  • Trials of ice-minus bacteria were blocked for
    many years, the first test took place in 1987.

Insertion of Modified DNA into Cells
  • Vectorless
  • Biolistic delivery uses a particle gun to shoot
    DNA into an organism. DNA of interest is mixed
    with particles of metal such as tungsten. Widely
    used in plants.
  • Microinjection into the nucleus involves the use
    of a microscope and a very small needle. This
    method is used on animal cells (Xenopus oocytes),
    and ensures that a large proportion of cells take
    up the DNA.
  • Electroporation uses a strong electric field
    which forces the DNA into the cells. Used on
    plant and fungal cells
  • Silicon carbide transformation simply mixes DNA
    with particles which punch small holes in plant

  • Have been used in attempts to insert a copy of a
    gene into
  • bone marrow cells, the desired gene is first made
    into RNA
  • and then inserted into the retrovirus
  • Limitations of this technique are
  • Retroviruses can only infect dividing cells,
    certain body cells (ie. nerves) do not divide
  • Retroviruses insert themselves at random into
    human chromosomes- it is not possible to control
    where they will be inserted
  • gene may not be effective as normal if inserted
    into the wrong area
  • gene may be inserted into tumor-suppressor genes
    and cause cancer

  • Do not insert their DNA into host chromosomes
  • Have been used to attempt gene therapy for CF
  • Descendents of GM cells do not carry the CF gene
  • The treatment must be repeated every few months,
    but there is no risk of cancer

  • Causes crown gall in plants, a disease consisting
    of tumors on the stalk of a plant
  • The bacterium enters wounds on plants and inserts
    part of a plasmid (Ti) into the host DNA
  • Scientists can insert a desired gene into the Ti
    plasmid and infect plants with this recombinant

History of Biotech the early years
  • 10,000-9,000 B.C. (Mesopotamia Canaan) D. of
    dogs 9,000-8,000 B.C. (Iran Afghanistan) D. of
    goats and sheep (Canaan) D. of emmer wheat and
  • 8,000-7,000 B.C. (Peru) D. of potatoes and beans,
    (Indonesia) rice and (North America) pumpkins
  • 7,000-6,000 B.C. (East Asia China) D. of pig
    and water buffalo, (South Asia) chicken, (Turkey)
    cows, (Syria) einkorn wheat, (Turkey) macaroni,
    (New Guinea) sugarcane, (Indonesia) yams, bananas
    and coconuts, (Asia) flax, and (Mexico) maize and
    peppers (Egypt) beer first made from yeast
  • 3,000 B.C. (Iran) Breeding records of
    domesticated donkeys recorded on stone tablets
  • 2,000 B.C. (Sumaria) 19 brands of beer available
  • 300 B.C. Aristotle concept of speciation

History of Biotech the modern era
  • 1970s- Restriction enzymes discovered, methods
    to determine the sequence of DNA
  • 1975- Conference in Asilomar, CA to set
    guidelines for genetic engineering
  • 1983- PCR developed
  • 1995- H. influenzae 1st organism to have its
    entire genome sequenced
  • 1996- Dolly the sheep becomes first mammal to
    be cloned by nuclear transfer
  • 1998- Mice and cows cloned
  • 1999- Monkeys cloned, Jesse Gelsinger becomes 1st
    death attributed to gene therapy
  • 2003- The human genome sequenced Dolly dies at
    an early age

Traditional Biotech vs. GMOs
  • species which are crossed in traditional
    biotechnology are always closely related, this is
    not so in genetic engineering
  • the pace of change in traditional biotechnology
    is much slower than that of genetic engineering,
    working on a scale of years rather than weeks
  • traditional biotechnology has been applied on a
    relatively small number of species, such as crop
    plants, farm animals and yeast. Genetic
    engineering is more ambitious in scope and seeks
    to change these, as well as other, organisms such
    as those involved in sewage disposal, pollution
    control and drug production.

Is Genetic Testing Good?
  • Life Insurance
  • Universal Screening
  • Genomic Diversity Banks
  • Who Will Benefit the Most?
  • At the inception of the HGP in 1990, ELSI was
    formed to study Ethical Legal and Social Issues
    of genomics

  1. Privacy and Fairness in the Use and
    Interpretation of Genetic Information
  2. Clinical Integration of New Genetic Technologies
    (examines impact of
    genetic testing on individuals, families, and
  3. Issues Surrounding Genetics Research (the design,
    conduct, participation in, and reporting of
    genetics research)
  4. Public and Professional Education

Ethics of Genetic Testing
  • When a new disease-associated gene is discovered,
    a genetic test may soon follow
  • Many people in positions of authority believe in
    genetic determinism, that all human traits are
    encoded in DNA, this is an oversimplification of
    the truth
  • Is genetic testing a new form of eugenics?
  • Who has the right to know the results of your
  • Who has the right to obtain your DNA for genetic

Screening for G6PD Deficiency
  • In addition to sensitivity to fava beans,
    deficiency in G6PD puts employees exposed to
    certain oxidizing agents at higher risk
  • A simple and inexpensive test can detect G6PD
  • A number of companies have screened workers for
    this deficiency as part of their hiring process
    when the work entails exposure to oxidizing
  • It could be argued that this practice provides a
    type of discrimination, but companies argue that
    they are simply fulfilling their legal and moral
    obligation to prevent injuries and damage to
    worker health

Life Insurance and Genetic Testing
  • British life insurance companies can use data
    from 8 genetic tests, including breast cancer,
    colon cancer, Alzheimers, and (as of 2000)
    Huntingtons disease
  • In the latter case, people who test positive can
    be denied insurance (with the exception of the
    basic life insurance needed to buy a house in the
  • Shouldnt those who are free of a disease pay
    lower rates than those who test positive?

U.S. Insurance Providers
  • Some have recommended legislation be passed that
    would prevent insurance companies from
    discriminating on the basis of genetic
    information. Some of the main stipulations of
    this proposal are
  • IPs should be prohibited from using genetic
    information to deny or limit any coverage
  • IPs should be prohibited from establishing
    differential rates or premium payments based on
    genetic information
  • IPs should be prohibited from requesting or
    requiring collection or disclosure of genetic
  • IPs and other holders of genetic information
    should be prohibited from releasing genetic
    information without prior consent of the

Utility of Genetic Tests
A number of factors must be considered to decide
whether an individual test is beneficial to the
Universal Screening for a Disease
  • Every pregnant woman in America is informed of
    the availability of a test for Cystic Fibrosis
  • This is the 1st of nearly 400 genetic tests to be
    implemented nationally
  • CF is the most common genetic disease for
    Caucasians but not other populations
  • CF occurs in 1 out of 2,500 Caucasian births but
    only 1 out of 17,000 African American ones
  • Moreover, the efficiency of detection is 85 in
    Caucasians but ranges between 30-69 for
    non-Caucasian populations

Screening for Cystic Fibrosis
  • Most experts agree that a universal test for CF
    does not make sense
  • Nevertheless, the HMO Kaiser Permanente conducted
    a pilot test
  • They offered the test to all Caucasian patients
  • 1st, both parents were tested- if they were
    heterozygous- the fetus could be tested
  • About 18,000 women have been screened to date-
    90 of these have terminated their pregnancy if
    the fetus was homozygous for CF

Genomic Diversity Banks
  • In 1996, Kari Stefansson started a company called
  • Their goal is to create genomic fingerprints for
    the entire population of Iceland- 275,000 people!
  • Iceland is ideal for such a venture since the
    majority of the population is descended from a
    few European explorers and the people have kept
    detailed family trees
  • Differences which lead to medical conditions
    should be easier to find in such a population

Icelanders Right to Privacy?
  • Iceland has a single medical provider, all
    records are kept in the same database
  • deCODE purchased the medical records and has
    correlated family relationships with medical
  • Every citizen will give blood to determine a
    genetic fingerprint unless they opt out
  • Some physicians worry that patient-physician
    trust has been broken and that patients may be
    less forth-coming with medical information
  • Estonia has expressed interest in forming similar

How Should the Public Be Informed of New
  • News media outlets tend to over-simplify
    findings, but most Americans do not understand
    the scientific literature
  • The media has recently reported on the discovery
    of a gay gene, smart gene, fat gene,
    worry gene, Alzheimers gene, cancer gene,
    and fountain-of-youth gene
  • Most of the time, the fact that these are just
    one of many genes affecting a given condition or
    that environmental factors exist is buried in the
    story of left out completely

Should We Clone Humans?
  • In 2001, a number of groups announced that they
    would clone a human by 2003
  • However, these groups have little credibility
    within the scientific community and include the
    Raelian cult (who believe life was produced by
  • In Jan. of 2003 it was claimed that a clone had
    been born but this is now thought to have been a
  • Despite this, it is likely that some group will
    attempt to clone a human in the future

Arguments Against Human Cloning
  • In 2001, Rudolf Jaenisch (an epigeneticist) and
    Ian Wilmut (Dollys cloner) published a paper
    called Dont Clone Humans!
  • In it they described a number of failed attempted
    to clone animals and health problems associated
    with clones
  • In 2003, Dolly died at half the expected age
  • Epigenetic factors which may be altered in clones
    include CpG methylation, chromatin structure, and
    telomere length
  • Most have denounced human cloning at this time
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