- (561) 297-3073-Benefits
- (561) 297-2061-Retirement
- (561) 297-3077- Time Keeping
- Fax (561) 297-3915
- Annual Leave
- SP (Support Personnel)
- Up to 5 years 4 hours bi-weekly
- 5 to 10 years 5 hours bi-weekly
- Over 10 years 6 hours bi-weekly
- Can accrue to a maximum of 240 hours
- Must have supervisors approval to use annual
leave. (Approval obtained in advance) - All hours over maximum will roll over to sick
leave after December 31st.
- Annual Leave
- Faculty
- 12 month 6.7 hours bi-weekly
- Can accrue to a maximum of 352 hours
- 9 month - No Annual Leave
- AMP (Administrative, Managerial, Professional)
- 6.7 hours bi-weekly
- Can accrue to a maximum of 352 hours
- All hours over maximum will roll over to sick
leave after December 31st.
- Sick Leave
- Support Personnel, Faculty, and AMP
- 4 hours bi-weekly (13 days a year)
- Sick leave can be used for immediate family
- Annual leave can be used if sick leave Hrs. has
been depleted - Personal Leave
- Support Personnel and AMP
- Used during current fiscal year
- Effective date of hire
- Use in one increment (8 hrs.)
- Must be Used between July 1st
- through June 30th
- Use it or lose it
5Sick Leave Pool
- Full Time and Part Time employees are eligible
- Minimum one year of service
- Minimum balance of 64 hours
- Sick leave hours from the Pool shall be
granted only for the employees serious or
catastrophic personal illness or injury. - Employees donate 16 hours and can apply up
to a maximum of 480 sick leave pool hours once
personal leave has been exhausted.
6Health Insurance
- Blue cross Blue Shield of Florida
- HMOs
- AvMed
- Vista
- UnitedHealthCare
7Insurance Comparison
- 30 day supply for prescription
- Generic
- 10.00
- Preferred
- 25.00
- Non-Preferred
- 40.00
- Office visit
- 15.00
- 25.00 specialist
- Biweekly Premium
- Individual coverage
- 25.00
- Family Coverage
- 90.00
- Cost will be different for part-time employees
8- HMOs
- Covered in the area that you live in or work in
- Vista and AvMed have providers in Dade /
Broward / Palm Beach County - United Healthcare- has providers in Dade /
Broward/ Palm Beach County/ Martin County - No approval is needed by PCP to see a specialist
- No deductible
- No claims to file
- Rx through Mail Order
- Emergency Room
- 50,waived if admitted
9PPO- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- World wide coverage (network providers are also
located world wide) - No referral is needed to see a specialist
- Co-insurance (based on percentage)
- Calendar year deductible
- Rx through Mail Order
- Emergency Room
- 50,waived if admitted
10PPO network Non-network
- Deductible
- 750/person
- 1500/family
- Network allowed amount 60
- Hospital Stay 500
- Ambulance 100 with no deductible
- Deductible 250/person
- 500/family
- Network allowed amount 80
- Hospital Stay 250
- Ambulance 100 with no deductible
- Calendar Year out-of pocket maximum
- 2,500/person 5,000/family
- After your out-of pocket costs reach the
maximums, plan pays 100 for covered care in most
cases, up to allowable costs - PPO Lifetime maximum - 2,000,000
- Traditional HMOs- Unlimited
11 The FAU Pharmacy is currently contracted with
CAREMARK-Florida Blue Cross/Blue Shield. FAU
Pharmacy also carries a wide variety of over-the
counter products including cough and cold
medication, pain relievers, hygiene products,
bath and beauty aids, etc. (Boca Campus
Only) More plans are being added continuously as
contracts are approved.
12(No Transcript)
13- 1. pay for expenses while meeting deductible
- 2. Pay coinsurance (based on percentage)
- 3. pay for other healthcare like dental and
vision not covered by FSA or other plans.. - 4. save for future healthcare costs next year or
14Limited Purpose Medical Reimbursement Account (to
be used in conjunction with HSA)
- You can use the LPMRA to cover dental, vision and
over-the-counter medication costs considered tax
deductible by the IRS but not paid by any health
- You can set aside as much as 5,000 in an account
- Dental and vision expenses
- Orthodontia not covered by a dental plan
- Over-the-counter medications
15Flexible Spending Accounts program
- FSA allows you to set aside a portion of your
income to pay for - health and dependent care expenses not covered by
your insurance. - Deduction amounts are taken from your gross pay
before FICA and Social Security taxes are
calculated - Medical Reimbursement Account
- Minimum amount 60
- Maximum amount 5000
- Dependent Care Reimbursement Account
- Minimum amount 60
- If you are married filing separately
- Amount 2500
- If you are single and head of household or
married filing jointly - Maximum 5000
- If your spouse is a full-time student or
incapable of self-care, your maximum annual
deposit is 3000 a year for one dependent and
5000 a year for two or more dependents. - Reimbursements are processed within 7 days
- Total claims must be 25.00 or more
- Deadline for filing is April 15 of the following
16Eligible Health Care Expenses
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractors
- Contraceptives
- Co-payments
- Cancer screening
- Deductibles
- Dental fees
- Eye exam glasses
- Hearing aids
- Insulin
- Immunizations
- OTC medicine
- Prescription drugs
- Pediatrician
- Transplants
- Vaccines
- Wheel chair
- Drug addiction therapy
- X-RAY fees
17Eligible Dependent Care Expenses
- Day care services
- In-home care
- Nursery
- Pre school and after school care
- Summer day camps
- Baby-sitting fees
18Ineligible Health Care Expenses
- Toothpaste
- Cosmetics and toiletries
- Diaper service
- Anti-baldness drugs
- Health club dues
- Weight loss programs
- Dental whitening (bleaching)
- Insurance premiums
- Maternity clothes
19Ineligible Dependent Care Expenses
- Dues or membership fees
- Child support payments
- Fees for meals
- Transportation fees
- Books and supplies
- Extra fees charged for late payments
- Fees paid for children over the age of 13
20What Should I Know About My Options? A High-Level
Look at How the Plans Work
21Health Insurance
- Pre-existing conditions will be covered if you
have a certificate of creditable coverage for 12
months under the PPO plan. (Pre-existing
conditions are covered under traditional HMOs) - Employees and dependents are covered at 100 for
preventative care benefits under the PPO and HMO
plans. -physical exams including lab work - -routine eye test
- -hearing tests
- -PSA test for males 50 and over
- Other preventative benefits are listed in the
PPO and HMO benefits guide
22Health Insurance
- All dependents from age 19 through the end of the
calendar year in which the child turns 25 must
meet both of the following criteria to continue
coverage. - Must be dependent upon the employee for
support, and - Must either live with the employee or be a
full-time or part-time student - Copies of birth marriage certificates are
needed for all dependents should be sent directly
to PeopleFirst.
23Health Insurance
- Spouse Program When both spouses are full time
active State Employees, there is no cost for
health insurance coverage. - Employees may not change their benefits elections
during the course of a plan year unless they
experience a qualifying status change (QSC)
event. - Examples marriage or divorce / Death of a
spouse or dependent / Birth, adoption, or legal
guardianship / change from part time to full
time or vice-versa.
24Health Insurance
- TRICARE is a Federal health insurance program for
the military community at no cost.
- To verify your eligibility for TRICARE benefits,
contact the Defense Enrollment Eligibility
Reporting Systems (DEERS) at the following toll
free number - 1-800-638-2610 or visit their Web site at
25Benefits Enrollment
- View your benefits through an Online secure
website at https//peoplefirst.myflorida.com - People First Service call Center
- (1-866-663-4735)
- Fax number for People First Service Center is
- (904) 828-6092
26Benefits Enrollment
- Checks are payable to Florida Atlantic
University. - Please include your requested effective date
(month and year) on the check. - All enrollment forms should be sent to Personnel
Services Department Administration Building,
room 107. -
27Life Insurance
- Basic Life Insurance coverage is 1.5 times base
annual earnings (pre-tax) - Optional Life Insurance Employees may add
additional term life insurance by selecting 1 to
5 times their annual salary (post tax) - Basic and Optional life insurances will
terminate when you terminate employment
28Dental Insurance
- Cigna
- Denticare
- Oral Health Services
- American Dental Plan
- Premiums are listed on the enrollment form
- Cost will depend on the coverage selected
29Dental Insurance
- Prepaid
- Each member chooses a dentist from a list of
providers - Many no charge benefits available
- No claims to file
- No deductibles
- Expenses for preventative and restorative care
vary by company - American dental and Denticare also include vision
30Dental Insurance
- Indemnity / DPPO
- May may select any dentist
- More out of pocket expense
- Coinsurance, deductibles and maximum annual
benefits - Coverage and cost vary by company
- Employees will pay out of pocket for services and
then submit a claim form for reimbursement
- Bi-Weekly rate
- Employee only
- 3.48
- Employee Family 8.94
- 10 co-pay for Vision Exam (once a year)
- 15 co-pay for Lenses
- Frames- every 2 yrs 150 allowance
- Contact lenses - 100 allowance
- LASIK- 15 discount or pay no more than1,800 per
eye for the procedure
33Supplemental Insurance
- Plans pay you cash for out of pocket expenses
- AFLAC cancer, hospital and intensive care
insurance - Capital Insurance hospital insurance and vision
discount program - Gabor Agency Long Term disability coverage
- (30 or 90 day waiting period)
- long term care, hospital, group term life
insurance - Detail information about each plan is provided
through a brochure
34Wachovia Insurance Services
- Automobile Insurance
- Private passenger automobile insurance
- Antique or classic car insurance
- Recreational vehicles, Motorcycles
- Other Personal Insurance
- Valuable items special coverage for furs,
jewelry, antiques, collectibles, etc. - boats, yachts, watercraft
- Flood Insurance
- Homeowners insurance is only available in
certain parts of Palm Beach county - Enroll any time during the Year!
- Biweekly Cost 4.97
- Unlimited free legal advice via phone
- Free review of legal documents
- Free face-to-face initial consultations
- Free letters and phone calls made on your behalf
- Free credit report analysis and repair
- Free simple wills for member spouse
- Free notary services
- 40 - 70 reduced off legal fees and services
36Credit Unions
- Broward County
- accounts can be open at any time
- competitive rates on home, personal and auto
- US Saving Bonds - 5010k
- National Bond Trust
- EAP Employee Assistance Program
- Counseling Service Institute
- 3 free sessions with a private counselor
- Finances Legal
- Marital abuse Alcoholism
- Drug abuse Eating Disorders
Family counseling Addictions - Emergency Line 800 492-0253
- Employee Educational Scholarship Program (EESP)
- To Qualify
- Full time employee
- 6 months of employment
- undergraduate - C grade
- Graduate - B grade
- Employees are allowed to take up to 6 credit
hours per semester. -
- Print all forms needed for changes or enrollment
- Have direct link to all insurance websites and
vendor numbers - Receive discount information on Tri-Rail,
Universal Studios, Busch Gardens and other theme
parks in Florida - View Employee Handbook and commonly asked
questions - Print Employee Educational Scholarship Program
form - Use our Benefits Calculator
- Log on tohttp//personnel.fau.edu/benefits/
41Florida Retirement System
- State sponsored retirement plan
- All retirement contributions are paid by the
State of Florida - Pension Plan
- Investment Plan
- Eligible Employees
- All faculty
- AMP employees
- SP employees
- SP employees are automatically enrolled in the
FRS when employed by the University.
42Florida Retirement System
- FRS Pension Plan
- Must have 6 years of creditable services in order
to receive retirement benefit - Normal retirement is considered to be age 62 with
6 years of service or 30 years of service,
regardless of age. For Special Risk members,
normal retirement is considered to be age 55 with
6 years of service or 25 years of service,
regardless of age. - Retirement benefit is based on your earnings,
length of service, and membership class, and is
adjusted by a 3 cost-of-living each July. - Subsidy for Health insurance( 5 for every year
worked) - Eligible for DROP (deferred retirement option
program) DROP was implemented on July 1, 1998, It
is a program that allows employees to retire
without terminating employment for up to
5 years. Employees retirement benefits accumulate
and earn interest compounded monthly at an
effective guaranteed annual rate of 6.5.
43Florida Retirement System
- FRS Investment Plan
- You must be vested (with 1 year of FRS creditable
service) in order to receive retirement benefit.
(9 contribution) - There aren't any age or service requirements for
you to receive a benefit, once you've become
vested. You should consult a tax specialist to
get an explanation of the tax implications of
early retirement - Health Insurance Subsidy is available only after
you attain six years of FRS service credit and
you reach normal retirement eligibility - Not eligible for DROP participation
- If you're vested when you leave FRS-covered
employment and go to work for a non-FRS employer,
you can - Leave your account in the Investment Plan, where
it will remain invested until you withdraw it - Roll your account over to an Individual
Retirement Account (IRA) or to the plan of your
new employer, if that plan accepts rollovers or - Have your account paid to you. You'll have to pay
taxes on this amount in the year during which
it's paid to you.
44Florida Retirement System
- You have a one-time opportunity after your Choice
period ends, or you make your plan election, if
earlier, to switch from the Investment Plan to
the Pension Plan, or from the Pension Plan to the
Investment Plan. - You will have to "buy-back" cost to convert plans
- For more information log on to www.myfrs.com. or
call 866 446-9377
45ORP-Optional RetirementProgram
- Only AMP and Faculty are eligible for ORP.
- The ORP is a defined contribution plan that
provides full and immediate vesting of all
contributions. - FAU contributes 10.42 and employees can match
that amount. - Maximum amounts employees can contribute for the
year. - - 15,000
- - Over 50 years of age 20,000
- After the first 90 days if no choice is made,
employees are automatically enrolled in the FRS
pension plan.
46Tax Sheltered Accounts (TSA)
- TSA is a savings plan which allows you to
invest a chosen dollar amount as a pre- tax
deduction. - Contribution amounts can be changed or stopped
at any time.
47TSA Companies
- Fidelity Investments
- Jefferson National
- MetLife Resources
- MetLife/Valic
- SYMETRA/SunLife/TransAmerica Life
- T. Rowe Price Ins.
- Department of Personnel Services
Florida Atlantic University - 777 Glades Road
- Boca Raton, FL 33431
- Phone (561) 297-3073-Benefits
- (561) 297-2061-Retirement
- Fax (561) 297-3915