Title: cired2007 Directory
- R A Kelly (Eskom SOUTH AFRICA)
- B Meyer (Previously Eskom SOUTH AFRICA)
- Purpose to share Eskoms philosophy behind the
recent developments in the re-testing of
metal-enclosed switchgear products to meet the
safety requirements of the South African
Occupational Health and Safety Act with
particular respect to internal arc compliance
utilizing the recently published IEC 62271-200
and IEC 62271-202 as reference. - Operator and public safety has been put under the
spotlight in Eskom following various catastrophic
failures of metal-enclosed switchgear.
- Users in South Africa have a duty, in terms of
safety legislation (most notably the Occupational
Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 1) to their
employees and the public to provide an acceptably
safe environment and to take reasonable measures
to mitigate against possible dangers. - With developments in both technology and
knowledge, it is now possible to specify and use
switchgear that is tested not only to withstand
the effects of, but to safely vent the
emissions generated by an internal (arc) fault.
4History of MV S/G in SA EDI
- For many years primary insulation/interrupting
medium was oil - Historically maintained on an interval and
event-based maintenance schedule - Alarming trend inadequately maintained
- Maintenance simply not being scheduled
- pressure on maintenance budgets
- increasingly difficult to schedule onerous
outages required for maintenance - In some cases run-to-failure philosophy
5History of MV S/G in SA EDI
- The result
- gradual deterioration in the insulating and
interrupting properties of oil - increased probability of mechanism failure
- increased risk and number of failures with
associated injuries / fatalities
6History of MV S/G in SA EDI
- As a direct result, numerous switchgear failures
have occurred which have been accompanied, in
many instances, by serious injuries, and in some
more severe cases, fatalities. - Issues pertaining to internal arc testing have
emerged in the process of addressing the safety
concerns around increasing switchgear failure
7History of MV S/G in SA EDI
- Prior to the advent of suitable alternatives to
oil-filled switchgear (e.g. air/gas-insulated
metal-enclosed switchgear), requirements such as
internal arc classification could not be
seriously considered. - IAC only possible with dry-arcs
- can be simulated in laboratory
- associated with air, SF6 filled switchgear
- Simply not practical for oil-filled switchgear
damage to surrounding property
8History of MV S/G in SA EDI
- In general, oil-filled switchgear has a proven
record of reliability and performance. Failures
are rare but, where they occur, the results may
be catastrophic. Tanks may rupture, resulting in
the ejection of burning oil and gas clouds,
causing death or serious injury to persons and
major damage to plant and buildings in the
vicinity of the failed equipment. Accident
experience has shown that failure usually occurs
at, or shortly after, operation of the equipment.
Thus, the way switchgear is operated, its
condition and the circumstances existing in the
system at the time of operation, to a large
extent, determines whether the equipment will
safely perform its duty. - Clause 5, HSE 483/27 Oil-filled electrical
distribution and other switchgear
9History of MV S/G in SA EDI
- The now well known concept of IAC involves
designing and testing equipment that, should an
internal short circuit fault (arc) should occur
in any of the switchgear enclosures, it will fail
in a safer and predictable manner.
10Safety Eskoms approach
- Safety is achieved by reducing risk to a
tolerable level. - freedom from an unacceptable risk (IEC 51)
- Tolerable risk is determined by the search for an
optimal balance between the ideal of absolute
safety and the demands to be met by a product,
process or service, and factors such as benefit
to the user, suitability for purpose, cost
effectiveness, and conventions of the society
concerned. - Risk is considered to be the combination of the
probability of occurrence of a harm and the
severity of the harm.
11Safety Eskoms approach
- It follows that there is a need to continually
review the tolerable level of risk in
particular when developments in both technology
and knowledge can lead to economically feasible
improvements in order to greatly reduce the
risk associated with the use of a product,
process or service.
12Internal arc
- Arc energy f (voltage, S/C current, time)
- Incident energy f (arc energy, distance)
- Energy absorbed by person f (incident energy,
13Internal arc
- Result of inadequate pressure release mechanisms
14Risk Reduction (IEC 51)
- It is emphasized that the additional protective
devices, personal protective equipment and
provision of information to users should not be
used as substitutes for design improvements
15Risk Reduction
- PPE only to be used last line of defence
- not as a replacement for appropriate equipment
design and testing (e.g. internal arc
compliance), safe work practices or engineering
controls that can help limit exposure to
arc-flash hazards - SA OHS Act has a general duty clause reasonable
precautions - Currently no local electrical safety regulations
relating to internal arc in South Africa - Eskom chosen to follow recommendations of NFPA
70E - standard for electrical safety in the workplace
- adopted by the US DoL
16Risk Reduction
- Arc flash hazard risk analysis, requiring
- arc flash protection boundary be established
based on the incident energy in order to manage
the risk of injury and ensure that personnel have
adequate PPE. - employees are trained and aware of potential
hazards when operating, changing the position of,
or working in the proximity of energized
electrical equipment.
17Risk Reduction
18Risk Reduction
- If an employee needs to enter a flash boundary to
perform work that could possibly cause an arc
flash, then appropriate PPE (personal protective
equipment) needs to be worn. - The type of PPE depends on the amount of energy
to which an employee could be exposed.
19Risk Reduction
20Risk Reduction
- For new equipment, through the specification and
design of internal arc classified switchgear,
where the energy and emissions resulting from and
internal arc are suitably vented away from the
operator and/or people in the vicinity, the
safe working distance (flash boundary) can be
effectively managed - without the need for excessive PPE (category 0)
- IEC IAC provides a tested level of protection
- under normal operating conditions
- not under maintenance conditions
- not concerned with service continuity
21Risk Reduction
- additional supplementary measures
- arc detection, arc eliminators / suppressors,
CLDs (e.g. ACRs, NERs), pressure relief devices,
remote control, motorised racking devices,
transfer of withdrawable parts with front doors
closed - requires a co-ordinated approach
- Measures are continually sought to mitigate
against internal arc faults caused by known
common problems.
22Specifications for new S/G
- 1998 internal arc testing of primary S/G
- 2002 specification of IAC secondary switchgear
(e.g. RMUs) - 2005 present - Eskom has recently been involved
in the development and re-testing of switchgear
products to meet the safety requirements of the
Occupational Health and Safety Act and
industry-aligned requirements utilising the
recently published IEC 62271-200 as well as IEC
62271-202 (prev IEC 61330) as reference - IAC philosophy revisited
23Specifications for new S/G
- IEC 62271-200 caters for two relevant categories
of IAC based on the type of accessibility
required by the user. - Type A accessibility is restricted to authorised
personnel only and - Type B accessibility caters for unrestricted
accessibility including that of the general
public. - IEC 62271-202 defines accessibility Type A and B
as follows - Type A accessibility protection of operators
(authorised personnel) performing normal
operations - Type B accessibility protection of public
unrestricted accessibility (doors closed)
24Specifications for new S/G
- Primary switchgear
- AR-BFL (IEC 62271-200)
- 25kA 0,2 s (12kV 24kV)
- transfer of withdrawable parts with front doors
closed - venting upwards, room dimensions specified
- pressure relief devices in switchroom
- supplementary measures
- arc detection system (2/2)
- remote switching (separate room for control
panels) - motorised racking devices with remote control
- Secondary switchgear
- AB IEC 62271-202 (AF-BFLR (IEC 61330))
- 20kA 0,5 s (12kV) 16kA 0,5 s (24kV)
- venting upwards 2 m duct
25Specifications for new S/G
- Recently tested secondary switchgear
- Ever increasing focus on human safety, service
delivery and cost reduction. - Eskom and other major utilities have responded to
the changing risk profile in the light of
developments in both technology and knowledge - The introduction of mandatory type testing for
internal arc classified (IAC) switchgear as
detailed in IEC 62271-200 and IEC 62271-202,
together with the implementation of safe working
practices (such as those detailed in NFPA 70E),
has greatly enhanced Eskoms ability to specify
acceptable equipment that significantly improves
both operator and public safety.