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Fluid mechanics is the branch of physics which deals with the properties of fluids, namely liquids and gases, and their interaction with forces. ... (BC 285-212) .He developed some ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Introduction
  • Fundamental Concepts of Fluid Mechanics
  • Fluid Statics
  • Fluid Dynamics
  • Conclusion

  • The first study about fluids from Archimedes(BC
    285-212).He developed some calculating methods
    using buoyancy of water, but real development is
    in Renaissance.
  • In fluid mechanics,Leonardo daVinci(1452-1519)
    made important development.He found continuum
    equation,nozzle flows
  • In frictionless flow,the most important
    developers are Daniel Bernoulli(1700-1782),
    Leonar Euler(1707-1783),Joseph-Louis
    Lagrange(1736-1813), and Pier Simon
  • Obsorne Reynolds(1842-1912) improved of the
    experiment classical tube (1883) so he found
    pure numbers,its most important for fluid

  • Henri Navier(1785-1836) George
    Stokes(1819-1903) are add to frictionless terms
    to the Newtonian flows, so all flows analyze
    application to be succesfull and also they found
    momentum equations,today it is known Navier
    Stokes Equation.

Fundamental Concepts of Fluid Mechanics
  • Fluid mechanics is the study of how fluids move
    and the forces on them. (Fluids include liquids
    and gases.) Fluid mechanics can be divided into
    fluid statics, the study of fluids at rest, and
    fluid dynamics, the study of fluids in motion. It
    is a branch of continuum mechanics, a subject
    which models matter without using the information
    that it is made out of atoms. Fluid mechanics,
    especially fluid dynamics, is an active field of
    research with many unsolved or partly solved
    problems. Fluid mechanics can be mathematically
    complex. Sometimes it can best be solved by
    numerical methods, typically using computers.

  • A modern discipline, called Computational Fluid
    Dynamics (CFD), is devoted to this approach to
    solving fluid mechanics problems. Also taking
    advantage of the highly visual nature of fluid
    flow is Particle Image Velocimetry, an
    experimental method for visualizing and analyzing
    fluid flow. Fluid mechanics is the branch of
    physics which deals with the properties of
    fluids, namely liquids and gases, and their
    interaction with forces.

Fluid Statics
  • All fluid and gas conditions one of the
    fluids.Fluid statics is examine to stable fluids
    pressure and force.Stable fluids to be exposed
    just pressure and gravity force.
  • The pressure at any arbitrary point P a distance
    h below the upper surface of the liquid.
  • Pressure Which force is effect to perpendicular
    the unit surface,called Pressure.
  • Mathematically P F / A or P dF / dA

  • Density The density of a material is defined as
    its mass per unit volume. The symbol of density
    is ? (the Greek letter rho).
  • Mathematically ? m / v
  • Different materials usually have different
    densities, so density is an important concept
    regarding buoyancy, metal purity and packaging.

  • Compressible Flow It changes, depends on
    density (?),pressure and temperature.Such as
  • Incompressible Flow Density (?) is
    constant.Such as fluids
  • When all the time derivatives of a flow field
    vanish, the flow is considered to be a Steady
    flow. Otherwise, it is called Unsteady. Whether a
    particular flow is steady or unsteady, can depend
    on the chosen frame of reference.

Reynolds Transport Theorem
  • In order to convert a system analysis into a
    control-volume analysis we must convert our
    mathematics to apply to a specific region rather
    than to individual masses. The conversion, called
    the Reynolds transport theorem
  • The Fixed control volume encloses a stationary
    region of interest to a nozzle designer. The
    control surface is an abstract concept and does
    not hinder the flow in any way. It slices through
    the jet leaving the nozzle, circles around
    through the surrounding atmosphere,and slices
    through the flange bolts and the fluid within the

  • Deforming control volume varying relative motion
    at the boundaries becomes a factor, and the rate
    of change of shape of the control volume enters
    the analysis.
  • Moving control volume here the ship is of
    interest, not the ocean, so that the control
    surface chases the ship at ship speed V.

Conservation of Mass
  • Mass can neither be created nor destryod. The
    inflows, outflows and change in storage of mass
    in a system must be in balance.
  • This states that in steady flow the mass fluxes
    entering and leaving the control volume must
    balance exactly. If, further, the inlets and
    outlets are one-dimensional, we have for steady

  • In general, the steady-flow-mass-conservation
    relation can be written as
  • If the inlets and outlets are not
    one-dimensional, one has to compute by

Conservation of Linear Momentum
  • In Newtons law, the property being
    differentiated is the linear momentum mV.
    Therefore our variable is B mV and dB/dm
    V and application of the Reynolds transport
    theorem gives the linear-momentum relation for a
    deformable control volume
  • If we want only, say, the x-component, the
    equation reduces to

The Bernoulli Equation
  • A widely used relation between pressure,velocity
    and elevation. All properties p, V, p, and A
    gradually change in the streamwise direction s.
    The streamtube is slanted at some arbitrary angle
    ,so that the elevation change between sections
    is dz ds sin
  • This is Bernoullis equation for unsteady
    frictionless flow along a streamline.It is in
    differential form and can be integrated between
    any two points 1 and 2 on the streamline

(No Transcript)
Thermodynamic Laws
  • First Law If heat dQ is added to the system or
    work dW is done by the system,the system energy
    dE must change according to first law.
  • Second Law Relates entropy change dS to heat
    added dQ and absolute temperature T.

The Energy Equation
  • We will use Reynolds transport theorem to the
    first law thermodynamics.Variable B becomes
    energy(E),and the energy per unit mass is
  • Recall that positive Q denotes heat added to the
    system and positive W denotes work done by the
    system. The system energy per unit mass e may be
    of several types

Differential Equation of Mass Conservation
  • All the basic differential equations can be
    derived by considering either an elemental
    control volume or an elemental system.Here we
    choose an infinitesimal fixed control volume( dx
    , dy , dz) and use our basic control-volume
    relations .The flow through each side of the
    element is approximately one-dimensional, and so
    appropriate mass-conservation relation to use
    here is
  • The element volume cancels out of all terms,
    leaving a pure differential equation involving
    the partial derivatives of density and velocity

  • Elemental cartesian fixed control volume showing
    the inletoutlet mass fluxes on the x faces.

The Differential Equation of Linear Momentum
  • We use the same elemental control volume as for
    which the appropriate form or the linear-momentum
    relation is
  • The sum of hydrostatic pressure plus viscous
    stresses which arise from motion with
    velocity gradients

  • Notation for stresses

  • Elemental cartesian fixed control volume showing
    the surface forces in the x direction

  • Newtonian Fluid Navier Stokes Equation The
    viscous stresses are proportional to the element
    strain rates and the coefficient of viscosity.
    For incompressible flow, to three-dimensional
    viscous flow.
  • Where is the viscosity coefficent.The diff.
    Equation for a Newtonian fluid with a constant
    density and viscosity.

  • In this project, first looking just about Physic
    but when studied my subject, as we saw this
    presentation, mathematical terms are so
  • For this subject Mathematic information must be
    know cause some parts make a partial
    differentation and also integration knowledge is
    also useful.
  • It is also enjoyable because learned something to
    be curious about in my daily life. Such as
    watching F1 racing, but how to cars acceleration
    was improved, their aerodynamics structure how to
    be better or airplanes how to flight or why the
    ships doesnt sink
  • So in this project analyzed Mathematical
    structure and so many things is about
    engineering. One of the Mathematic foundation
    wants to solve some problems Physical terms,

  • If somebody solve this, they give 1.000.000.It
    wants big Mathematical calculations and need
    powerful computers to solve the problem.

  • Frank M.White, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill Inc.,
  • Robert Ressnick David Halliday, Physics , John
    Wiley and Sons Inc., 1996
  • Shames , Mechanics of Fluids , Mc Graw-Hill Inc.
    , 1962
  • http//
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