Title: Bluetooth wireless technology, issues, concerns
1Bluetooth wireless technology, issues, concerns
- MOHCA Second National Summit on Electromagnetic
Compatibility - Bill Saltzstein
- Code Blue Communications, Inc.
- March 26, 2003
2Bluetooth 802.11b
- Bluetooth Cable replacement
- Designed for highly mobile, low power,
(relatively) short range, low cost - Primary target cell phones, PDAs, personal
devices - Profiles for intended uses Serial, Dial-up,
Printer, LAN, Car - Ad-hoc networks low to no administration
- 802.11b LAN replacement
- Designed for relatively stationary, relatively
high-speed devices - Primary target PCs, office and factory devices
- TCP/IP structured networks with roaming cellular
support - Seeing HUGE uptake including hotspots
3Wireless technology use models
4Bluetooth characteristics - 1
- 10 meter, 1 Mbps raw 720kbps payload
- 2.4 GHz, 79 channels, 1MHz bandwidth, frequency
hopping spread spectrum, GKFS modulation - 1600 hops per second
- 3 power classes all quite low
- Class 1 100mW (20 dBm) power control mandatory,
100m - Class 2 2.5mW (4 dBm) optional power control,
20m - Class 3 1mW (0dBm) most devices, 10m
5Bluetooth characteristics - 2
- Multiple error correction schemes
- Forward Error Correction
- Packet retransmission (ACL data link only)
- 8 active devices, 1 master per piconet
- SAFER 128 bit cipher used for encryption and
authentication (security is optional) - ACL link for data, SCO for voice
6Coexistence802.11b and Bluetooth
- High FUD factor (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) by
certain writers, probably due to Bluetooth hype - Neither technology will let bad data through to
the application or user (except Bluetooth SCO
audio) - Errors detected and corrected (by whatever means)
result in - Degradation of throughput
- Increased latency
- Graceful degradation in all cases
7Coexistence on the ISM band
Note US representation 802.11b is different OUS
8Real test results (summary)
- No errors
- Degradation never gt 15 with FH systems
- 2.4GHz direct sequence is perhaps the biggest
interference source - Effect of 802.11b greater with Class 3 powered
Bluetooth - Effect of Bluetooth greater with Class 1
Bluetooth - 802.11b (DS) is significantly worse than 802.11
(FH) near field effects with DS are an issue - Microwave ovens arent a big issue for Bluetooth
- Real world performance shows little issue with gt2
meter separation
9The future of coexistence
- IEEE 802.15.2 and SIG have agreed on two methods
for coexistence to be included in Bluetooth 1.2
to be released this year - Non-collaborative Adaptive Frequency Hopping
(AFH) enabled by FCC change allowing fewer FH
channels (down to 15) - Collaborative time and/or frequency sharing
- Changes allow for coexistent Access Points and
other high powered simultaneous devices
10Bluetooth medical demonstrations ad-hoc testing
- SpO2 demonstration
- Siemens arrhythmia monitor testing
- Bluetooth and the Bovie
11Bluetooth SpO2 demo
No observedeffects
Palm Tungsten T, Nonin iPod, connectBlue Serial
Port Adapter (Class 3) For demonstration only
not for patient use
12Bluetooth w/ Siemens monitor
Siemens SC 6802XL, Belkin Class 1 USB Bluetooth
13Bluetooth w/ Siemens monitor
- Class 1 (20 dBm) Bluetooth
- Nominal Bluetooth data rate 600 kbps
- Bluetooth nodes separated by 220 ft for full
power - No observed effects
- Arrhythmia detection
- Heart rate
- Waveform
- User interface
- Bluetooth data rate reduced in some
configurations due to antenna interactions with
cabling - Thank you to Siemens Medical for the use of their
SC 6802XL monitor!
14Bluetooth and the Bovie
No dropouts in 4 ch.continuous waveformduring
120W Bovieusage in coag. Mode No observed
GSI/Lumonics recorder prototype, Anycom CF card
(Class 3), JJ Ethicon ESU
15Contact and information
Bill Saltzstein Code Blue Communications,
Inc.23436 NE 140th StWoodinville, WA
98072 (425) 844-1779 phone(425) 844-1749
FAX(425) 442-5854 cell billsalt_at_codebluecomm
16IEEE 802.xx
- 802.3 Local Area Networking - Ethernet
- 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networking
- Blank or FH frequency hopping like Bluetooth
- b Direct Sequence, uses 3 bands out of 11 in US
(WiFi) - a new 5.2 GHz. OFDM, 54 Mb/s
- g 54 Mb/s in ISM band
- x security, authentication (128 bit WEP, TKIP,
etc.) - 802.15 Personal Area Networking
- .1 low power, low cost Personal Area Network
(Bluetooth) - .2 coexistence
- .3 WPAN-HR (Wireless PAN High Rate)
- .4 ZigBee (industrial sensors low data rate,
low duty cycle, very low power)
- Bluetooth wireless Technology (IEEE 802.15.1) is
becoming the wireless standard for highly-mobile,
small, battery powered devices such as PDAs and
cellular phones. It has seen a high level of
interest from Medical Device manufacturers for
use in devices with these attributes, or devices
that would communicate with them. - This presentation briefly describes the
electromagnetic characteristics of Bluetooth
technology, its coexistence and interference with
other RF communication standards, and its
interference potential for medical devices.