Title: Revelation Seminars : Lesson 1: A Bible Prophecy Adventure
1Revelation Seminars Lesson 1 A Bible
Prophecy Adventure
- Revelation Seminars are Exciting
- Revelation is a book of prophecy. It explains
the past and reveals the future. You will be
amazed as our worlds exciting future opens. You
will actually see the future before it happens!
2Revelation The Open Book
Revelation Seminars Offer Rewarding Blessing For
Revelation is an open book. It was written
especially for our times - the last days of
earths history (Rev. 2210). A very special
blessing is promised to those who study follow
Gods counsel found in the book (Rev. 13).
- 1. It will greatly benefit your personal life.
- 2. You will have a new understanding of world
- 3. You will discover shocking events about to
take place on the earth and be prepared for them.
3Blessings, contd.
- 5. You will discover the devils plan to ensnare
you. Forewarned you can avoid his traps. Both God
satan seek your loyalty. Many honor the devil
today without knowing it.
- 4. You will recognize the centuries -long warfare
between Christ and satan as it affects your
4Blessings, contd.
- 6. You will be astonished as the Great God of
Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ speaks to you
through the Holy Spirit and the Word.
7. The bible is Gods word, it is not like any
other book. You will receive its enormous rewards
only as you pray for Gods guidance when you
- 8. The study of revelation will lead you to the
most momentous decisions of your life. You will
be excited and overjoyed.
5Blessings, contd.
- 9. You will come face to face with Jesus Christ
in a most startling manner. You will see Him in a
new and wonderful light. Remember, this book is
the Revelation of Jesus Christ. - 10. Your mind will expand and your whole life
will take on new meaning as you study revelation.
You will treasure Gods vast storehouse of
valuable information and you will say NOW I
understand the Book of Revelation.
61. What are the five steps in Revelation?Revelati
on 11-5
72. God Will Bless Those Who?Revelation 13
- Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear
the words of this prophecy and keep those things
that are written therein for the time is at
3. Whom Did Jesus Say the Scriptures Reveal? John
Search the scriptures for in them ye think ye
have eternal life and they are they which
testify of me.
8A Prophecy Panorama
- 5. Why did God reveal His message?
- To shew unto His servants things which must
shortly come to pass. Rev. 11
- 4. What Teaching Method Did Jesus Use?
- Luke 2427
- And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He
expounded unto them in all the scriptures
concerning Himself.
- 6. How did God communicate His message?
- Rev. 11
- And signified it by His angel.
97. Why Did Jesus Speak in Parables?
- Luke 810
- That seeing they might not see and hearing they
might not understand.
108. Can We Understand The Symbols of Bible
- YES!
- BEAST Kingdom.
- (Dan. 723)
- WATER Peoples, multitudes, nations and
tongues. - (Rev. 1715)
- DAY Year
- (Eze. 46/Num 1434)
11Authority of Bible Prophecy
- 9. How reliable is Bible prophecy? 2 Peter 119
- We have a more sure word of prophecy.
- 10. Does God really warn against private
interpretations? - (a) No prophecy of the scripture is of any
private interpretation. 2 Peter 120 - (b) We are not to add unto or take away from the
words of this prophecy. Rev. 2218,19
1211. Why do some say Revelation cant be
- Read Isaiah 2910 - 14
- Note
- Satans strategy is to claim Revelation cannot be
understood because it is a sealed book or because
we are not learned.
1312. How Much of the Bible is Inspired?
- 2 Tim. 316
- All scripture is given by the inspiration of God
(and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof ,
for correction, for instruction in righteousness
1413. What Can Happen if We Twist Scripture?
- 2 Peter 316
- As also in all his epistles in which are some
things hard to be understood, which they that are
unlearned wrest, as they do also the other
scriptures, unto their own destruction.
1514. Six Important Keys
16- Note
- To clearly understand, I must have spiritual
insight which is given to those who love and
serve God. And I must be willing to do Gods will
as it becomes clear to me. To disobey Gods truth
after it is revealed is dangerous.
1715. What Promise is Given to Those Who Obey?
- Rev. 310
- Because thou hast kept the word of my patience,
I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation
which shall come upon the world, to try them that
dwell upon the earth. - Rev. 2214
- Blessed are they that do His commandments that
they may have right to the tree of life, and may
enter in through the gates into the city.
18Are you willing to obey as God reveals His truth?