Title: Welcome to Varsity Coach Leader Specific Training
1Welcome to Varsity Coach Leader Specific
2Training Continuum for Varsity Coaches
- Youth Protection Training
- Varsity Fast Start Training
- This Is Scouting
- Varsity Coach Leader Specific Training
- Setting Out
- Mountaintop Challenges
- Pathways to Success
- Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills
3Session One Setting Out
4The Aims of Scouting
- Character development
- Citizenship training
- Mental and physical fitness
5What a Varsity Coach Must Be
- A role model
- A friend to young men
- An example, wearing the uniform
6What a Varsity Coach Must Know
- Young men are the leaders
- Team method
- The skills to deliver the Scouting promise
- The resources training, literature
7What a Varsity Coach Must Do
- Give direction
- Provide coaching
- Support
- Empower
- Have fun
8Varsity Scout Team Organization
9The Team Committee
10The Team Meeting
- Warm-up (preopening)
- Opening
- Team business
- Skills instruction
- Closing
- Wrap-up
11Team Meetings and the Varsity Coach
- Support and guide the team captains
- The Varsity Coachs Corner
- Review plans for the next meeting
12Role-Play One Before the Meeting
13Role-Play Two After the Meeting
14Role-Play Three Teaching the Team Captain
15We Did It Ourselves.
16When it comes to working with members of your
team, what are your greatest concerns?
17Keys to Team Leadership
- Be a good listener
- Provide positive reinforcement
- Match leadership styles to the needs
- of Varsity Scouts
18Four Styles of Varsity Scout Leadership
- Directing
- Instructions to be followed here and now
- Coaching
- Dialogue learning by doing
- Supporting
- Referring to resources giving positive
reinforcement - Delegating
- Letting Varsity Scouts do it with
- minimal supervision
19Role-Play Four Leadership Styles for Working
With Young Men
20What Scouting Can Provide a Young Man
- Sense of belonging
- Achievement and recognition
- Self-esteem
- Self-confidence
- Self-discipline
- Self-reliance
- Healthy interaction with others
21Team Leaders Meetings
- Plan teams program
- Assess teams progress
- Address new ideas and concerns
22Role-Play Five The Team Leaders Meeting
23Role-Play Six The Team Leaders Activity Review
24Session One Summary
- Role of a Varsity Coach
- Team organization
- Team meetings
- Listening and styles of leadership
- Team leaders meeting
25- You can deliver the promise of Scouting!
- What will your action plan be?