Title: Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Chapter 2 explained how to
1Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
- Chapter 2 explained how to configure an
asynchronous line for a dialup connection. In
this chapter, you will learn how to configure
that dialup connection to connect to the network
using point-to-point protocol (PPP) at the data
link layer. - It is based on open standards and includes a
variety of essential features, making it the de
facto standard for dialup and dedicated WAN
2Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
- In order for any layer 3 protocol to traverse the
WAN over a dialup or dedicated link, it must be
encapsulated by a data-link layer protocol. - PPP, the Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP),
and the AppleTalk Remote Access Protocol (ARAP)
work at the data-link layer (Layer 2) to
encapsulate routed protocols like TCP/IP, Novell
IPX and Appletalk.
3Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
- The rest of this chapter focuses only on
encapsulating TCP/IP. - Today, there are essentially two data-link layer
protocols used to encapsulate TCP/IP
4Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
- SLIP - SLIP is a standard protocol for
point-to-point serial connections, using TCP/IP.
SLIP was a predecessor of PPP. - PPP - PPP provides router-to-router and
host-to-network connections over synchronous and
asynchronous circuits, which can be either dialup
or leased lines.
- PPP is a more recent standard than SLIP, and is
almost always the preferred data-link layer
encapsulation on dialup asynchronous links. On a
Cisco router, SLIP is the default encapsulation
on an asynchronous dialup interface, so you must
manually configure the encapsulation in order to
use PPP.
- SLIP is essentially limited to use with IP,
whereas PPP can be used for other network-layer
protocols such as IPX and AppleTalk. Moreover,
PPP supports essential features such as dynamic
address allocation, PAP authentication, CHAP
authentication, and Multilink PPP. SLIP does not
support these features.
7PPP Overview
- High-Level Data Link Control (HDLC) is the
default encapsulation for ISDN and serial
interfaces on a Cisco router. - Cisco's HDLC is not necessarily compatible with
other vendors' HDLC implementations. PPP
implementations follow open standards and are
almost always compatible. Thus, PPP is the
protocol of choice when configuring serial links
in a multivendor environment.
8PPP Overview
- It is important to note that PPP actually uses
HDLC as a basis for encapsulating datagrams.
However, PPP is more expansible than HDLC because
it adds extensions (features) to the link layer.
9PPP Overview
- PPP can negotiate link options dynamically and
can support multiple Layer 3 protocols (IP, IPX,
AppleTalk, etc.). PPP accomplishes these two
tasks by encapsulating Layer 3 datagrams with a
specialized frame. PPP's frame format is based on
the HDLC frame format. - PPP defines the Link Control Protocol (LCP). The
job of LCP is to establish, configure, and test
the data-link connection.
10PPP Overview
- When hosts negotiate a PPP connection, they
exchange LCP packets. These packets allow link
partners to dynamically negotiate link options,
including authentication, compression, and MLP.
11PPP Overview
- Once the LCP establishes the Layer 2 connection,
the Network Control Protocol (NCP) takes over.
Link partners exchange NCP packets to establish
and configure different network-layer protocols
including IP, IPX, and AppleTalk. Each Layer 3
protocol has its own NCP. For example, IP's NCP
is IPCP IPX's NCP is IPXCP, and Appletalk's NCP
12PPP Overview
- The NCP can build up and tear down multiple Layer
3 protocol sessions over a single data link. This
capability is called protocol multiplexing. When
a host requests that the connection be
terminated, the NCP tears down the Layer 3
sessions and then the LCP tears down the data
link. - PPP's components operate at Layer 2 of the OSI
13Configuring PPP
- You enable PPP encapsulation on an interface by
using the following command - Router(config-if)encapsulation ppp
- Thus, if you want dial-in hosts on terminal line
2 to use PPP, you would enter the following
commands - RTA(config)interface async 2RTA(config-if)encap
sulation ppp
14Configuring PPP
- Note that the encapsulation command is issued in
interface configuration mode, not line
configuration mode.
15Configuring PPP
- When a remote host dials into an access server's
asynchronous interface, it can start an EXEC
session with the router. This feature allows
remote users to login to the router and issue
commands as if the user was connected to the
console port. No IP addressing or PPP
encapsulation is needed for this type of
connection. Data is sent as asynchronous
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17Configuring PPP
- Alternately, a remote host can dial in to an
access server and send a Layer 3 protocol packet
encapsulated by PPP, SLIP, or ARA. This type of
connection allows the remote user to access
network resources such as file servers and mail
servers. - You can also configure the router's asynchronous
interface to automatically select between PPP
data sessions and EXEC sessions.
18Configuring PPP
- Generally, you will want to restrict the ability
of remote users to start EXEC sessions with your
router. Typical end users do not require access
to the router's interface. Instead, they need a
Layer 3 protocol (IP, etc.) connection to the
corporate network or the Internet. In most cases,
you should force the asynchronous interface to
use PPP and not allow an EXEC connection.
19Configuring interactive PPP sessions
- With the PPP autoselect feature, you can
configure an access server's terminal line to
provide either a PPP session or an EXEC session
based on input from the remote host. - Essentially, this feature allows the remote host
to determine the session type. The access server
automatically detects which type of session is
being requested, and responds accordingly.
20Configuring interactive PPP sessions
- Enabling this feature requires two steps. First,
you must configure the asynchronous interface(s)
with the async mode interactive command in
interface configuration mode. - This command configures the router so that it
allows the remote host to choose either a PPP
session or an EXEC session.
21Configuring interactive PPP sessions
- The following example shows how to configure
interface async 1 - RTA(config)interface async 1RTA(config-if)encap
sulation pppRTA(config-if)async mode
interactive. - Second, you must configure the corresponding
terminal line(s) with the autoselect ppp command
in line configuration mode.
22Configuring interactive PPP sessions
- To complete the example configuration, you would
enter the following commands - RTA(config)line 1 RTA(config-line)autoselect
ppp during-login
23Configuring interactive PPP sessions
- The autoselect command permits the access server
to allow an appropriate process to start
automatically when a starting character is
received. If the start character is a return
character, then the access server starts an EXEC
session. So, users who want to begin an EXEC
session typically must press the Return key after
establishing a dialup connection.
24Configuring interactive PPP sessions
- On the other hand, if the access server
recognizes the start character as PPP, SLIP, or
ARAP, it will begin a session for whichever
protocol it detects. - So, if an end user is using a program that sends
a PPP frame, the access server will automatically
start a PPP session.
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26Configuring interactive PPP sessions
- The during-login option of the autoselect command
causes the username/password prompt to display in
the remote hosts' terminal window without the
user having to press the Return key. This command
is not required. - After a host has established an EXEC session, the
remote user can switch to a PPP session at any
time by issuing the ppp command at the router
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28Dedicated PPP Sessions
- In most cases, you will want to configure your
access server's asynchronous lines in dedicated
mode so that users are forced into using PPP. In
dedicated mode, an interface is automatically
configured for PPP connections. There is no user
prompt or EXEC level, and no end-user commands
are required to initiate remote-node connections.
29Dedicated PPP Sessions
- To ensure that the dial-in user must run PPP on
the specified line, use the async mode dedicated
command - Router(config-if)async mode dedicated.
- To summarize Interactive mode places the
interface in interactive mode allows an EXEC
session. Dedicated Mode places the interface
into dedicated PPP/SLIP mode.
30Configuring the interface addressing method
- Most dialup PPP sessions are established for the
purpose of sending and receiving TCP/IP packets.
Asynchronous PPP connections allow remote users
to dial up and access the corporate IP network or
the Internet. In order for remote nodes to be
able to participate in a TCP/IP network, they
must have an IP address. This means that the
remote node's link partner, the router's
asynchronous interface, must have an IP address
as well.
31Configuring the interface addressing method
- To assign an IP address to an access server's
asynchronous interface, use the ip address
command (which is the same command used to assign
addresses to Ethernet or Serial interfaces). - The following example configures the IP address
of interface async 1 - RTA(config)interface async 1RTA(config-if)ip
address 255.255.255.
32Configuring the interface addressing method
- Because access servers can have literally
hundreds of asynchronous interfaces, and because
all of them are not likely to be in use at the
same time, you may wish to conserve IP addresses
by using the IP unnumbered feature. - Multiple async interfaces on the same router can
share the same IP address, including an address
assigned by the IP unnumbered feature.
33Configuring the interface addressing method
- The IP unnumbered feature can only be used with
point-to-point configurations. The syntax for the
ip unnumbered command is - Router(config-if)ip unnumbered type number.
34Configuring the interface addressing method
- With this command, you must specify the type and
number of the interface to borrow the IP address
from (Ethernet 0, Loopback 0, etc.). A loopback
interface is a virtual interface that never goes
down and is therefore an ideal line to use as the
reference with the ip unnumbered command.
35Configuring the interface addressing method
- The following commands illustrate how to
configure an asynchronous interface for IP
unnumbered using a loopback interface - RTA(config)interface loopback 0RTA(config-if)ip
tRTA(config)interface async 1RTA(config-if)ip
unnumbered loopback 0.
36Configuring the interface addressing method
- Addressing the access server's asynchronous
interface is only half of the IP configuration
equation. You must also implement a mechanism for
assigning IP addresses to remote dial-in users.
37Configuring the interface addressing method
- PPP allows for the automatic assignment of IP
addresses using a specific address, an address
from a pool defined on the router, or Dynamic
Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Alternately,
you can configure the access server to allow the
remote host to choose its own address. - To assign a default (predefined) IP address to
the remote dial-in host, use the peer default ip
address command.
38Configuring the interface addressing method
- Additionally, the pool and dhcp arguments allow
address allocation from a local pool of addresses
or a DHCP server. - Router(config-if)peer default ip address
address pool pool name dhcp. - The following example shows how to configure a
group of asynchronous interfaces (rotary group)
to assign IP addresses from a locally defined
39Configuring the interface addressing method
- RTA(config)IP local pool DIAL-IN - RTA(config)Interface group-async 1.
- RTA(config-if) peer default ip address pool
40Configuring the interface addressing method
- Note that the pool option to the peer default ip
address command require a global command to
create the pool of addresses for example, ip
local pool pool-name starting-address end-address.
41Configuring the interface addressing method
- If you have configured an asynchronous interface
for interactive mode, you have the option to
allow the IP address to be assigned dynamically
by the caller. After the remote user enters the
ppp EXEC command, the access server will prompt
the user for an IP address or logical host name.
42Configuring the interface addressing method
- To enable this dynamic addressing feature, use
the async dynamic address command in interface
configuration mode, as shown - Router(config-if)async dynamic address.
43PPP LCP Options
- PPP offers a rich set of features that are
configured by LCP during link establishment. The
configuration features negotiated through the LCP
are - Authentication, with PAP or CHAP, is used as a
security measure with PPP. Authentication allows
the dial-up target to identify that any given
dialup client is a valid client with a
preassigned username and password.
44PPP LCP Options
- Callback is a PPP option used to provide call and
dialup billing consolidation. PPP callback was
first supported in Cisco IOS Release 11.0(3).
45PPP LCP Options
- Compression reduces the size of data frames to be
transmitted over a network link which reduces the
time required to transmit the frame across the
network. PPP compression was first supported in
Cisco IOS Release 10.3. Cisco routers support
Stacker, Predictor, and Microsoft Point to Point
Compression (MPPC). .
46PPP LCP Options
- Multilink PPP (MLP) feature provides load
balancing functionality over multiple WAN links,
while providing multivendor interoperability,
proper sequencing, and load calculation on both
inbound and outbound traffic. Datagrams are
split, sequenced, transmitted across multiple
links, and then recombined at the destination.
The multiple links together are called a bundle.
47PPP LCP Options
- Multilink is especially useful with ISDN BRI
configurations, in which both B channels can be
used to achieve 128-kbps throughput. MLP also
works with modems to provide additional
bandwidth. This protocol was first supported in
Cisco IOS Release 11.0(3).
48PAP and CHAP
- Generally, you should always configure
asynchronous lines to require authentication.
With PPP, you have the option to require that
callers authenticate using one of two
authentication protocols, PAP or CHAP. If you are
using PPP over a point-to-point leased line,
authentication is unnecessary, and should not be
49PAP and CHAP
- PAP is not as good as CHAPCHAP is considered a
superior authentication protocol and should be
used when possible. When is it appropriate to run
PAP? You may find that hosts running legacy
software may not support CHAP, in which case PAP
is your only authentication option.
50PAP and CHAP
- When using PAP, the remote host is in control of
the frequency and timing of login requests. This
is undesirable, as the access server must respond
to all login requests, even the repeated attempts
of a hacker to guess, or "brute force," a
username/password combination. PAP also sends
passwords as clear text over the media, which
means a strategically placed packet sniffer could
capture and easily decode the password.
51PAP and CHAP
- On the other hand, access servers that are
configured with CHAP are in control of login
attempts. - The server must send a challenge packet. The
challenge packet consists of an ID, a random
number, and the host name of the local router.
52PAP and CHAP
- The CHAP protocol also allows servers to request
that the remote host re-authenticate at any time,
which provides another dimension of security.
This feature is not typically used with Cisco
53Configuring PAP Example
- Enable PPP encapsulation and PAP authentication
with the following commands Router(config-if)enc
apsulation pppRouter(config-if)ppp
authentication pap
54Configuring PAP Example
- You must also configure the router with a local
username/password database, or point it to a
network host that has that information (such as a
TACACS server). Without access to a
username/password database, the router won't know
which combinations are authorized and will deny
all login attempts. You can configure a local
username/password database by using the following
command in global configuration mode
55Configuring PAP Example
- Router(config)username username password
password - Router(config)username Romeo password Juliet
56Configuring PAP Example
- In some cases, you must also configure a router's
asynchronous interface to place calls to other
access servers. If you want to configure an
interface to respond to a peer's request to
authenticate with PAP, you must use the ppp pap
sent-username command - Router(config-if)ppp pap sent-username username
password password
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58Configuring PAP Example
- Note that in router RTA's configuration, the ppp
pap sent-username command is used to specify what
username/password information to send in the
event that it dials RTB and is asked to
authenticate. Router RTB is also configured to
send a username and password for PAP, if
59Configuring PAP Example
- The name included with the username and dialer
map commands is case sensitive. If the remote
host's name is RTA, and you create a username
entry for rta instead, authentication will fail.
60Configuring PAP Example
- To ensure that both systems in the example can
communicate properly, their asynchronous
interfaces have been configured with the dialer
map command that includes the remote router's
name. By configuring each router with a dialer
map statement, each system knows what to do with
authentication issues because the systems have
prior knowledge of each other's names.