Title: Generation and Neutralization of Acid in Mining Environments
1Generation and Neutralization of Acid in Mining
- A) Definition of hydrolysis
- B) Acid generation
- 1 Sulfide oxidation
- 1.1 By oxygen
- 1.2 By Fe3
- 1.3. Kinetics of sulfide oxidation depends on
- a) mineral reactivity
- b) oxidant
- c) pH conditions
- d) bacteria activity
- 2. Precipitation of hydroxides /hydrosulfates
- C) Acid consuming minerals
- 1. Carbonates
- 2. Hydroxides
- 3. Aluminosilicates
- 4. Dissolution kinetics of these gangue minerals
- D) Determination of neutralization potential
- 1. Mineralogical calculations
2A) Definition of hydrolysis
- All geochemical reactions which change pH are
hydrolytical reactions - Hydrolysis can be defined as a reaction with
water constituents (H or OH-) resulting in the
formation of solids or stable complexes in
solution. - Example of complex formation
- CaCO3(calcite) H2O Ca2 HCO3- OH-
- Example of mineral precipitation
- 2Fe3 3H2O 2Fe(OH)3 (s) 6H
- Note all equations must balance in terms of
elements and charge
3B) Acid generation
- The amount of acid generated is a complex
function of - (i) the type of sulfide minerals present
- (ii) their resistance to weathering,
- (iii) whether the sulfides contain iron,
- (iv) whether oxidized or reduced metal species
are produced by the oxidation, - (v) whether elements such as arsenic are major
constituents of the sulfides, - (vi) whether oxygen or aqueous ferric iron is
the oxidant, and - (vii) whether hydrous metal oxides or other
minerals precipitate as a result of the oxidation
process. - In the mining environment, there are two
important classes of acid producing reactions,
oxidation of sulfides and precipitation secondary
4Sulfide oxidation 1.1 Reactions with oxygen.
- Sulfide minerals that are exposed by erosion or
mining are unstable in the presence of
atmospheric oxygen or oxygenated ground waters. - Sulfides with metal/sulfur ratios ltI,
- Iron sulfide (pyrite, FeS 2 marcasite, FeS2
pyrrhotite, Fel-xS), - Arsenopyrite (FeAsS) and sulfosalts such as
enargite (Cu3AsS4) - generate acid when they react with oxygen and
water. - FeS2 (pyrite) 3.5O2 H2O Fe2 SO42- 2H
- Fe0.9S (pyrrhotite) 1.95O2 0.1H2O 0.9Fe2
SO42- 0.2H - FeAsS (arsenopyrite) 3.25O2 1.5H2O Fe2
HAsO42- SO42- 2H - Sulfides with metal/sulfur ratios I,
- sphalerite (ZnS), galena (PbS), and chalcopyrite
(CuFeS2) - do not produce acid when oxygen is the oxidant
- MeS 2O2 Me 2 SO42- MeZn ,Pb, Cu2
- For example
- FeCuS2 (chalcopyrite) 4O2 Fe2 Cu2
51.2 Oxidation by Fe 3
- Ferric ion forms by Fe2 0.5O2 H Fe3
0.5H2O - Aqueous ferric iron is a very aggressive oxidant
- When it reacts with sulfides, it generates
significantly greater quantities of acid than
oxygen driven oxidation. - Pyrite
- FeS2 14Fe3 8H2O 15Fe2 2SO42- 16H
- Chalcopyrite
- CuFeS2 16Fe3 8H2O Cu2 17Fe2 2SO42-
16H - Sphalerite, galena, covellite Me Zn, Pb, Cu2
- MeS 8Fe3 4H2O Me2 8Fe2 SO42- 8H
- In general, sulfide-rich mineral assemblages with
high percentages of iron sulfide or sulfides with
iron as a constituent (such as chalcopyrite or
iron-rich sphalerite) will generate significantly
more acidic water than sphalerite- and
galena-rich assemblages without iron sulfide.
61.3 Kinetics of sulfide oxidation a) mineral
- The relative reactivities of sulfides in tailings
differ depending on the type of experiment or
environment. However, a general sequence from
readily attacked to increasingly resistant is - Pyrrhotite(po ) gt galena-sphalerite(sph) gt
pyrite(py)-arsenopyrite(asp) gt
Ruttan, Leaf Rapids Corroded sphalerite in
oxidized tailings. The rim around the sphalerite
grain does not contain Zn. Pyrite is much less
Chalcopyrite (cp) disseminated within a quartz
grain and armoured against alteration.
Snow Lake Residue Pile
7b) oxidant
- Sulfide oxidation by ferric iron occurs more
rapidly than by oxygen alone. - Ferric iron plays a crucial role in determining
whether acid will be generated during weathering. - c) pH conditions
- If reaction occurs under acidic conditions
(pHlt3.5), then a significant quantity of the Fe3
can remain in solution to react with sulphides. - Fe2 0.5O2 H Fe3 0.5H2O
- When the pH is greater than 3.5, Fe3 is removed
from solution by the precipitation of
ferrihydrite or ferric hydroxide - 2Fe3 3H2O 2Fe(OH)3(s) 6H
- d) bacteria activity
- Bacteria play catalytic role in ferric ion
formation increasing ferrous ion oxidation rate
by 105 over abiotic rate. - Laboratory microbial oxidation rates and field
sulfide oxidation rates are the same, therefore
acid generation, is controlled by
mineral-microbial interaction.
8e) Macro and Microstructural Features.
- Macrostructure.
- Ore with a fine grained structure reacts faster
than coarse grained ore. - Single sulfide crystals can only be attacked on
the surface. - For aggregate grains, oxidants can diffuse along
crystal boundaries and may oxidize inside the
grain. These sulfides have larger reactive
surfaces. - A single crystal grain may many fractures cracks
after active mining and milling allowing passage
of oxidants. - Natural acid drainage (minimum of pH 2) is
not as acidic as mine drainage (minimum pH -3
at Iron Mountain CA), because explosions inside
mine open pathways for oxygen diffusion. - Microstructure
- Crystal defects and isomorphic mixtures may
affect the rate of sulfide dissolution. - Structural defects (point or linear) reduce
atomic binding energy and atoms could be pulled
out from crystal structure. The more defects the
faster the rate of oxidation. - Isomorphic mixtures can also reduce energy of the
crystal lattice, because binding energy of
impurity atoms may be lower than that of matrix.
92. Precipitation of hydroxides /hydrosulfates
and carbonates
- Precipitation of hydrous oxides during the
sulfide oxidation process lead to the formation
of acid. - 2Fe3 3H2O 2Fe(OH)3(s) 6H
- Some non-sulfide minerals such as siderite
(FeCO3) and alunite (KAI3(SO4)2(OH)6) can
generate acid during weathering if hydrous iron
or aluminum oxide precipitates. - K 3Al 3 SO42- 6H2O KAl3(SO4)2(OH)6
(alunite) 6H - Fe2 HCO3- FeCO3 (siderite) H
- Twice as much acid generates from same quantity
of pyrite when iron hydroxide precipitates.
- FeS2 (pyrite) 3.5O2 H2O Fe2 SO42-
2H - FeS2 (pyrite) 3.75O2 3.5H2O SO42- 4H
10C) Acid consuming minerals
- Acid neutralization is the most significant
process controlling pollutants being immobilized
into a solid phase -
- In most mineral deposits, acid-generating sulfide
minerals are either intergrown with or occur in
close proximity to a variety of carbonate and
aluminosilicate minerals that can react with and
consume the acid generated during sulfide
oxidation. - However, like the sulfides, the ease and rapidity
with which these minerals can react with acid
varies substantially. - 1. Carbonates
- Alkaline earth carbonates such as calcite
(CaCO3), dolomite (Ca, Mg)(CO3)2 and magnesite
(MgCO3) react with acid according to - MCO3 (S) H M 2 HCO3-
- This reaction goes as rapidly as acid generates
from oxidized sulfides, therefore carbonates are
most significant group of acid consuming
minerals. - Carbonates buffer the pH of solution from 5 to 8
depending on the ratio of Ca Fe Mg. -
- A variety of metal carbonates, such as those of
zinc (smithsonite), and copper (malachite and
azurite) occur in the oxidized zones of sulfide
mineral deposits in dry climates. These minerals
are also effective acid consumers.
11Development of pH buffering zones during early,
intermediate and late stages of sulphide oxidation
122. Hydroxides, hydrosulfates and oxides
- Hydrous iron or manganese oxides form as a result
of the dissolution of their respective carbonates
(siderite and rhodochrosite). - If the pH decreases during waste-rock weathering
hydroxides and hydro sulfates are dissolved
consuming protons. - Iron and aluminum hydroxides buffer solutions at
pH of 4 - 4.5 pH - 2Me(OH)3(s) 6H 2Me3 3H2O MeAl3, Fe3
- Jarosite and alunite may control pH at about 3.
- KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6 (jarosite) 6H K 3Fe3
SO42- 6H2O - Iron-, manganese-, and aluminum- oxides, such as
hematite, magnetite and pyrolusite can
theoretically react with acid in an arid climate. - e.g.
- Fe2O3 (hematite) 6H 2 Fe3 3 H2O
133. Alumosilicates
- Aluminosilicate, calc-silicate, and some
metal-silicate minerals are common components of
many mineral deposits or their host rocks. - Acid reacts with aluminosilicate minerals dirong
weatherting processes. These acid-consuming
reactions can release constituents into solution - Mg2(SiO4)3 (forsterite) 4H 2Mg2
H4SiO4(aq) - Other constituents can be transformed into more
stable minerals. - e.g. potassium feldspar forms aqueous potassium
and silica, and solid hydrous aluminum oxide, - KAlSi3O8 H K 3H4SiO4(aq) Al(OH)3(S)
- Anorthite forms kaolinite,
- CaAl2Si3O8 2H H2O Ca2 Al2Si2O5(OH)4
(kaolinite) - Silicates could buffer solutions at pH 7, but
there are not naturally observed equilibria for
the dissolution of sulfides and silicates,
because silicates dissolve very slowly compared
with carbonates.
144. Dissolution kinetics of gangue minerals
- Carbonates are dissolved as fast as acid
generates from oxidized sulfides. - The weathering of silicates is orders of
magnitude slower than for carbonates and has been
shown in laboratory experiments to follow the
trend of Bowens reaction series - olivine gt augite gt hornblende gt biotite
- gt K-feldspar gt muscovite gt quartz,
- A comparable series applies to the plagioclase
feldspars, with calcic varieties being the most
susceptible to destruction - CaAl2Si2O8 (anorthite) gt NaAlSi3O8 (albite)
15D) Determination of neutralization potential
- Determination of neutralizing potential (NP) is a
technique to forecast the quantity of acid that
could be neutralized by the rock-forming minerals
present. - NP is measured as kg CaCO3 -equivalent/tonne
- 1. Mineralogical calculations
- Mineralogical calculations are based on
whole-rock analysis of tailings, study of
petrography and empirical data on the resistance
of minerals, assuming stoichiometry and kinetics
of the reaction - If you know whole rock composition and rock
forming minerals present, you may calculate
mineralogical (normative) composition of the rock
- Then you can calculate NP contribution of each
acid consuming mineral - e.g. anorthite
- NP contribution Mol wt. calcite x 17.1 x
0.40 27.2 kg CaCO3 equivalent/tonne - Mol wt. anorthite 100
- NP of tailings is the sum of NP contributions
from all minerals. - Advantages not expensive (lt 50)
- Disadvantages takes time (weeks), and is based
on many assumptions.
162. Chemical tests
- This approach is based on chemical experiments,
assuming that the sample is a black box. - No assumptions of stoichiometry or rates of
reaction before experiment. - a) Static tests
- Sample is boiled in HCl acid or H2O2
- Proton concentration (pH) changes before and
after experiment are measured. - Under such strong chemical conditions, all
reactions taking many years in natural conditions
go fast, - Sulfides oxidize and carbonates dissolve
completely. - Advantages Cheap 35-135, fast (from hours
to days) , - Disadvantages overestimates NP
17Comparison of NP from static (Sobek) test and
18b) Kinetic tests
- Leaching test are long term tests. Their
objectives are - to confirm, or reduce the uncertainty in, static
tests, - identify dominant reactions, acid generation
rates and temporal variety in water quality. - Conditions of experiment are more close to
natural conditions. - Advantages Best NP prediction results
- Disadvantages Expensive (lt5200), takes months
or sometimes years to complete