Title: Information Sources on the Internet
1Information Sources on the Internet
K. Thulasi National Centre for Science
Information (NCSI)Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore - 560 012 (E-Mail thulasi_at_ncsi.iisc.er
2Information Sources on the Internet
- Introduction
- Resource types in subject-based resource gateways
- Categorised list of resource types
- Information sources
- Abstracting and indexing databases
- Books/ online bookstores
- Citation databases
- Conferences, exhibitions, fairs
- Courseware, tutorials, guides
- Digital collections
3Information Sources on the Internet
- Information sources
- Directories
- Discussion forums
- Electronic journals
- Employment/ career
- FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) sources
- Funding/ grants sources
- Libraries/ information centres
- Maps
- Museums and archives
4Information Sources on the Internet
- Information sources
- Organisations, societies, companies
- Patents
- People, experts
- Preprints
- Product catalogues
- Reference sources
- Research projects
- Science news
- Scientific data sets
5Information Sources on the Internet
- Information sources
- Specialised search engines
- Software
- Standards
- Technical reports
- Virtual libraries/ subject gateways
- Meta sources
- Keeping up-to-date with the latest Internet
6- Introduction
- We have witnessed a tremendous growth in the
quantity of printed - publications - books, journals, conference
proceedings. - Today Internet and its related technologies
like WWW has resulted - in the rapid proliferation of electronic
information. - From its origin in 1991 as an
organization-wide collaborative - environment at CERN - European laboratory for
particle physics, for - sharing research documents in nuclear
physics, Web has grown to - encompass a variety of information sources -
electronic journals, - pre-prints, technical reports, databases,
library catalogues, educational - materials, career sources, information on
organizations, associations - and so forth.
- The growth of the Web has proliferated so
rapidly and in so many - areas of society, we now recognize that
'taming the Web' has become - an urgent necessity, if it is to mature into
a reliable and effective - communications medium.
7- Because of this rapid growth, librarians and
information professionals - are developing a variety of solutions in
bringing the explosion of Web - resources under control.
- It is our(librarian's) responsibility to
provide systematic access to - information available on Internet, by
classifying the same depending - on its inherent characteristics.
- With the rich experience gained at NCSI in
building resource - catalogues in Science, Engineering and other
allied fields, we have - identified a set of Internet Resource Types in
which most of the - Internet resources can be beautifully
accommodated and very well - structured.
- We attempt to provide a brief overview of the
various types of - Information Resources available on Internet in
Science Technology, - Business and Social Sciences.
8- Resource Types in Subject-based
- Information Gateways
- ADAM - adam.ac.uk/adam/index.html Art, design,
architecture - and media information gateway is a searchable
catalogue of 2390 Internet resources that have
been carefully selected and catalogued - by professional librarians for the benefit of
the UK Higher Education - community.
- ARGUS Clearinghouse - www.clearinghouse.net/
Provides a - central access point for value-added topical
guides which identify, - describe, and evaluate Internet-based
information resources. - Chemdex - www.chemdex.org/ An international
directory of - chemistry on Internet from Dept of Chemistry,
University of Sheffield.
9- Resource Types in Subject-based
- Information Gateways
- EEVL - Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library
- www.eevl.ac.uk UK gateway to quality
engineering information - on the Internet
- Galaxy - galaxy.einet.net Galaxy originally a
prototype - associated with the DARPA-funded
Manufacturing Automation and - Design ngineering (MADE) program, is the
oldest - browsable/searchable web directory.
- SOSIG - sosig.ac.uk/ Social Science
Information Gateway - helps to locate high quality sites on the
Internet, relevant to social - science education and research.
- Vlib - The Virtual Library, www.vlib.org/
oldest catalog of the - web, started by Tim Berners-Lee, the creator
of html and the - web itself.
10Categorised List of Resource Types
Primary Sources Databases, data sets
Books reference Organisations
people collections
- Employment/
- career sources
- Funding/ grants
- sources
- Libraries/
- information centres
- Organisations/
- research institutes/
- companies/ societies
- People/experts/
- scientist directories
- Conferences
- Courseware/
- tutorials/guides/
- manuals
- Discussion groups
- Electronic
- journals (Full text)
- Electronic journals
- (TOC)
- Patents
- Preprints
- Projects (current)
- Science/research
- news
- Software
- Standards
- Technical reports
- Theses and
- dissertations
- Books
- Reference sources
- (dictionaries,encyclopedias,
- biographies, handbooks,
- abbreviations, thesauri)
- Maps
- Abstracting and
- indexing databases
- (bibliographic databases)
- Citation databases
- Digital collections
- (images, audio, video)
- Equipment/ product
- catalogues
- Scientific data sets (numeric,
- property, structural databases)
- Library catalogues
- (including union catalogues)
- Museum and archives
- Virtual libraries
11- Abstracting and Indexing Databases
- (Bibliographic Databases)
- Databases are a collection of records pertaining
to a specific field of - study.
- Increasing number of bibliographic databases
with abstracts of books, - journal articles and conference proceedings
are now web accessible - Some of them are accessible free of cost - eg
Medline, Cancernet - Online hosts like Dialogweb, STNeasy are making
their databases web - accessible on subscription
- BibEc - netec.mcc.ac.uk/BibEc.html
- Medline - www.nlm.nih.gov/databases/freemedl.html
- Medline - www.nlm.nih.gov/databases/freemedl.html
- World Database of Happiness -
- www.eur.nl/fsw/research/happiness/
12- Books/Online Bookstores
- Books/online texts can be viewed online
- Can be searchable by author, title, subject
- One can leaf through the books and download
electronic texts - Most of the books are free and sent to your
browser via html or - downloaded
- Intimation regarding arrival of new books is
faster - Orders can placed for books through online
bookstores - Booksearcher - www.melt.co.uk/surfsearcher/boo
ks.html - NIST - webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/physics.nist.
gov/ - PhysRefData/contents.html
- Psychology of Cyberspace (The) -
- www.rider.edu/users/suler/psycyber/psycyber.h
tml - Science Books Online - www.nap.edu
13- Citation Databases
- Databases which include citation information
of the authors - Example
- ISI's 10858 Most Cited Chemists -
- fluo.univ-lemans.fr8001/chimie/chimistes.ht
14- Conferences, Meetings, Exhibitions,
- Trade Shows, Fairs - Published/ Forthcoming
- Provide advance information on various
International conferences, - trade shows taking place
- Some offer virtual visit to these exhibitions
- A search by subject, date or location help to
identify details regarding - forthcoming conferences
- Examples
- EXPOguide US Countrywide Trade Shows,
Conferences and - Expositions - www.expoguide.com/
- Selectscience.net - Information from the
worldwide laboratory industry - www.selectscience.net/
- The IMEX Exchange Trade Show Pavilion -
- www.tsnn.com/imex/imex/
15- Courseware/ Tutorials/ Guides/ Manuals
- Aim to provide distance learning/education
irrespective of geographical - boundaries
- Electronic classroom where students use the
Internet to explore - research topics and develop proficiency in
technology - Offer many courses in various subjects online
- Class materials are delivered through Web
- Examples
- Global Instructional Chemistry -
www.ch.ic.ac.uk/GIC/ - The World Lecture Hall - www.utexas.edu/world/l
16- Digital collections (images, audio, video)
- A Multimedia web site include information in the
form of text, - images, some may have sounds and movies.
- Most of them require plug-ins to access the
site. - Examples
- NASA's Multimedia Gallery -
- www.nasa.gov/hqpao/library.html/
- The Nine Planets - A Multimedia Tour of the Solar
System - - seds.lpl.arizona.edu/nineplanets/nineplanets/nin
17- Directories
- Include a comprehensive list of addresses of
suppliers/buyers in case - of business directories, list of Institutions
with their addresses - Arranged alphabetically or follow a classified
listing - Allow to browse through them as well as
searchable - Most of them are available free on Internet
and of help in establishing - contacts either for business or for research
purposes - Example
- 123Trade Indian Trade Directory -
- www.123india.com/123trade/
- BRAINTRACK - www.braintrack.com/
- DARE - www.unesco.org/general/eng/infoserv/db
18- Discussion Forums/ Listservs
- Also called as mailing lists, discussion lists
and listservs aim to - provide current awareness in a specific field
of interest E-mail is used - to set up informal discussion forum among
members of specific - interest over a network
- Forum software (Listserv) maintains a list of
e-mail addresses of all - subscribers
- Most of the forums archive the messages and
allow searching and - extraction of earlier messages
- Messages posted on the forum are automatically
distributed among members - Examples A List of many listservs worldwide -
- Chemical mailing lists - bionmr1.rug.ac.be/chemis
try/overview.html - Listserv guides listserv indexfile -
tile.net/lists/ - Diane kovac's list of scholoarly electronic
Conferences - n2h2.com/KOVACS/ - Liszt Directory of e-mail discussion groups -
www.liszt.com/ - The SOSIG mailing list - www.mailbase.ac.uk/lists/
19- Electronic journals - Table of contents, Full
text - Table of Contents (TOC) as well as fulltext of
Journals are now web accessible - Publishers of many science journals provide
content pages of their journals, free of - cost.
- Some are electronic versions of print journals
- Some are electronic versions only - published
and accessed on networks - Some are accessible free on Internet
- Some are accessible free on Internet due to
print subscription by the organization - Publication is faster, economical too,
offering quicker access to desired articles - Licensing and authorization restrictions need
to be taken into consideration - Examples
- Ejournal SiteGuide A MetaSource -
www.library.ubc.ca/ejour/ - Electronic Journals Information Service (EJIS)
- - www.ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/ncsi/internet/type/ejrn
l/ejrnl.html - ESTOC, the Elsevier Science Tables of Contents
service - - ww1.elsevier.nl/homepage/browse.htt
- LINK Alert--Springer-Verlag Free TOC
Abstracts - link.springer.de/ol/index.htm - Science Direct - www.sciencedirect.com
20- Employment/ Career Sources
- A service designed for both job seekers and
recruiters - Connects you to jobs and companies that wants
you - Maintain a database of resumes and job
listing which can be posted - as well as searched
- Facilitate in accepting resumes from any part
of the world to be - posted on the Web, freely
- Current trend is for the job seekers to
represent themselves on the - Web to remain competitive in the emerging
employment marketplace. - Examples
- Ajob4scientists.com - www.ajob4scientists.com
/ - IT Careers Web Magazine for Indian
Professionals - www.winjobs.com/ - scijobs.org - www.scijobs.org/
21- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
- A unique and interesting way of organizing
information on a given - topic
- The site as the name suggests is structured in
the form of questions - as well as answers on a specific topic.
- Fundamental concepts on an specific field of
study get represented - better through FAQ
- Saves the time of the user in getting the right
information since the - purpose and scope of the site is quite
explicit -
- Examples
- FAQ of fuzzy logic and fuzzy expert systems -
- www.cs.cmu.edu/Groups/AI/html/faqs/ai/fuzzy/pa
rt1/faq.html -
- Math FAQ - daisy.uwaterloo.ca/alopez-o/math-f
22- Funding/ Grants Sources
- Provide information about funding options
available for scientists to - pursue their research and training, from
non-profit institutions and - Government agencies
- Is of immense help to students pursuing higher
studies to obtain - scholarships or to apply for financial aid in
the institutions of - their study Include a directory of funding
programs with contact - information
- Examples
- Funding opportunities for training in
biological and medical sciences - - www.grantsnet.org/
- Grant Resources on the Web -
www.ala.org/acrl/resjuly99.html - 101 Top College, University and Scholarship
Pages (American - Educational Guidance Center) -
- www.college-scholarships.com/100college.htm
23- Libraries/ Information Centres
- Libraries having realised the importance of
Internet to provide better - services to users, have made their presence on
the Web - Information sources on Internet are becoming an
essential ingredient in - the collection development of the library
- Library websites facilitate quick and complete
access to the collection - as well as services of the library
- Act as Internet gateway by providing links to
important sites of - relevance to users
- Examples
- Academic Libraries worldwide -
- dir.yahoo.com/Reference/Libraries/Academic_Libra
ries/ - Libweb's Libraries Servers via WWW -
24- Library Catalogues (including union catalogues)
- Most of the library catalogues are now web
accessible - Useful for identifying books available in other
libraries, selecting - books for local acquisition, bibliographic
verification as well as - searching the holdings of periodicals of
other libraries. - Holdings can be searchable by Author,Title,
Subject or Keywords - Helps in building up resource sharing among
the libraries - Access is free, may require 'guest' login,
and mode of access are - through telnet, Gopher, catalogue of very
large libraries are - web accessible
- Examples
- Hytelnet - sundog.usask.ca/
- Library of Congress (LOCIS) - lcweb.loc.gov
- webCATS Web accessible Library Catalogues -
- www.lights.com/webcats/
25- Maps
- A virtual atlas includes maps of the world as
well as images of - planetary objects
- Allows for search, display or downloading
images - Useful to scientists working in remote sensing,
geological as well as - space applications
- Examples
- Microsoft's Terraserver Presenting the earth
in a mosaic of - photographic imagery - terraserver.microsoft.c
om - Planetary Image Atlas -
- www- pdsimage.jpl.nasa.gov/PDS/public/Atlas/At
26- Museum and Archives
- Users can virtually visit to see the online
collection of exhibits from - their desktop
- Saves a lot of time, making it possible for
everyone to visit the - museum, thus bridging the distance
- Open to all irrespective of geographic location
- Examples
- Life Sciences Data Archive (LSDA) - Space
Flight experiments - - lsda.jsc.nasa.gov/
- The Virtual Museum of Computing (VMoC) -
- www.comlab.ox.ac.uk/archive/other/museums/
- computing.htmlmuseums
27- Organisations/ Research Institutes/
- Companies/ Societies
- Provide information about the scope and function
of the organization - Also include details of products and services
offered to the users and - developmental activity related to the purpose
of the institution - Publish newletters and magazines which are made
web accessible to - promote their services and products
- Examples
- American Chemical Society - www.acs.org
- Corporate Sites - www.p-c-net.net/hawki/business
.htm - FAO www.fao.org
- Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) -
www.isro.org/ - Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers - www.ieee.org/ - International Organizations - www.uia.org/website
.htm - National Informatics Centre - www.nic.in
28- Patents
- Patents are the most authentic source of
information on scientific and - technological developments
- A patent for an invention is the grant of a
property right to the inventor, - issued by the Patent and Trademark Office -
the right to exclude others - from making, using, offering for sale, or
selling their invention - Include useful information on patent laws and
filing procedures of - various Patent Offices located worldwide
- The database can be searched through patent
numbers, keywords, - author...and contain abstracts or full-text
of the patents - Examples
- Direct patent Ltd - E-mail and Fax delivery of
International patents - - www.direct-patent.nl/
- Guide to Patents and Patent information -
www.european- - patent-office.org/epo/online/index.htm
- US Patents Fulltext - www.uspto.gov/patft/
29- People/Experts/ Scientist Directories
- Include profiles of leading personalities/subject
experts in specific - fields
- Provide details regarding their areas of
expertise, affiliation, contact - information, other research interests etc
- Very useful to identify people working in the
related areas to exchange - information and know-how
- Examples
- AgNIC Agricultural Network Information Center
- www.agnic.org - Profiles in Science - Biomedical Stars profiled
- - www.profiles.nlm.nih.gov
30- Preprints
- Preprints were the earliest among the
information resources to be made - accessible over the Internet
- Provide a means for rapid and efficient
preprint distribution among - scientists
- It allows investigators to submit and retrieve
electronic copies of - preprints via Internet.
- Access for retrieval and listing of papers in
the database is possible - through www servers, anonymous ftp, or
E-mail. - Examples
- AMS Preprint Server for Mathematics (AMPPS) -
- www.ams.org/preprints/
- Chemical Physics Preprint Database -
- www.chem.brown.edu/chem-ph.html
- The European Singularities Network Preprints
Archive - - www.mi.aau.dk/esn/
31- Product Catalogues
- A catalogue listing products alongwith the
complete specifications of - the same and is searchable
- Helpful for corporates in identifying the
recent products available in - the market in order to purchase them
- Reviews of the product from users are also
included - Examples
- DesignInfo.com - www.DesignInfo.com/
- System Optimization Information -
32- Reference Sources (dictionaries,encyclopedias,
- biographies, abbreviations, thesauri, handbooks)
- Many of the printed reference tools are now web
accessible, free of cost - Very handy in getting quick information on any
topic covered in the - reference sources
- Collection of references can be easily
searchable and browsable - Examples
- Address Directory For The Politicians Of The
World - www.trytel.com/aberdeen/ - Britannica Online - www.britannica.com
- Encyberpedia - Encyclopedia on the Net
-www.encyberpedia.com/eindex.htm - NCSI Reference Desk Dictionaries,
Encyclopedia..- - www.ncsi.iisc.ernet.in/ncsi/internet/type/refre
nce.html - OneLook Dictionaries The Fastest Finder -
www.onelook.com - The Basics of Design Engineering -
www.penton.com/md/bde/index.html - Universal Currency Converter -
33- Research Projects (current)
- Include a list of research projects currently
underway in specified field - with a brief description of the projects
including details of the - investigators and place of investigation
- Examples
- Knowledge Discovery in Databases Projects -
orgwis.gmd.de/explora/pages.html - Science experiments in Physics, Mathematics,
Nonlinear Sciences, and - Computer Science - xxx.lanl.gov/
- Signal Processing Information Base (SPIB) -
- spib.rice.edu80/spib.html
- Social Science Research Resources -
- socsci.colorado.edu/POLSCI/RES/research.html
34 Science News/ Research Communications
- Top stories in Science and other fields are now
on Internet - Users can set up profiles on the topic of
interest in which they will be - alerted by e-mail
- Archived news can also be searchable
- Printed dailies are also on the net
- Examples
- Scoop! Personalised News Service -
www.scoopdirect.com - The Ultimate News Links Page -
35- Scientific Data Sets (numeric,
- property, structural databases)
- These databases contain factual data like
numeric, property and - structural information on the topic indexed
- The data collections are critically assessed
by individual experts or - group of experts, hence are an authentic
source of information for - researchers
- Examples
- Aladdin Database Server - www-amdis.iaea.org/
- Data Analysis in the Social Sciences -
uts.cc.utexas.edu/fackler/data.html - LIGAND Chemical Database for Enzyme Reactions -
- www.genome.ad.jp/dbget/ligand.html
- The Nuclear Explosions Database -
- www.agso.gov.au/information/structure/isd/datab
36- Specialised Search Engines
- These pages have their own specialised search
engine to search their - unique collection, as well as related resources
on the Web - Saves user's time considerably since the
searching is faster, unlike the - major search engine
- Examples
- Electronics Research and Development
-www.dur.ac.uk/des0sj/elec_res.html - Engineering E-Journal Search Engine (EESE) -
www.eevl.ac.uk/eese/ - Netpart - Company Site locator -
www.netpart.com/resource/search.html - Social Work Search - www.socialworksearch.com
- World Trade Locator - www.intl-tradenet.com/locat
or.htm - WWWomen Search Directory - www.wwwomen.com/
37- Software
- A software library directory listing software
related to browsers, - commercial demos, development tools, graphics
and multimedia, - various utilities and tools etc.
- Most of the softwares are free, few can be
downloadable and used - during free trial period
- A very useful site for programmers, system
managers and engineers - Examples
- Flight simulator - wings.ark.com/
- zdnet - www.zdnet.com/zdi/software
- shareware.com - www.shareware.com
- Chemistry Software Exchange -
- nhse.npac.syr.edu8015/rib/repositories/csir/c
38- Standards
- Standards from various international
organizations like ANSI, - ISO,IEEE, NIST are on Internet
- A brief description of the standard with
abstracts are listed - Some of them are accessible free, some require
subscription or pay-per- - transaction basis
- Also provide information on national, regional
and international - standardization activities and services
- Very useful site for manufacturers, research
organizations and - government bodies
- Examples
- British Standards Institution (BSI) -
www.bsi.org.uk/ - EI Web Standards - www.ei.org/
- International Standards -scilib.ucsd.edu/subjectd
ir/standards.html - World Standards Services Network -
39- Technical Reports
- Technical reports include serious research work
which are made - available only from the departments/laboratorie
s of research - institutions are now being accessible over the
Web - Important source of reporting information
relating to scientific and - technical advancement, generally do not get
published in journals or - conference proceedings
- Examples
- NCSTRL--Networked Computer Science Technical
Reports Library - - www.ncstrl.org/
40- Virtual libraries/Subject gateways
- Very comprehensive source providing pointers to
Internet resources in - all subjects - indeed a subject gateway
- Internet resources classified under different
resource types are listed - under different subject categories and are
browsable - A best place to start for identifying resources
- Examples
- Argus Clearing House - www.clearinghouse.net/
- BUBL LINK - bubl.ac.uk/link/index.html
- Business Technology - www.brint.com/Business.ht
m - EINet Galaxy - galaxy.einet.net/
- Business Information and Resources -
www.acm.uiuc.edu/sigbiz/business.html - International Business Resources on the WWW
-ciber.bus.msu.edu/busres.htm - Social Science Information Gateway -
www.sosig.ac.uk/ - World Business Network - www.wbn.org/
- WWW Virtual Library - www.vlib.org/
- Yahoo - www.yahoo.com/
41Meta Sources in specific areas
- AGRICOLA Web Gateway--NAL - www.nal.usda.gov/ag9
8/ - Artificial Intelligence Subject Index -
ai.iit.nrc.ca/subjects/ai_subjects.html - Chemdex - www.shef.ac.uk/chem/chemdex/
- Chemistry Resources - www.inform.umd.edu/UMSStat
e/UMD- - Projects/MCTP/Technology/Chemistry.html
- Edinburgh Engineering Virtual Library -
www.eevl.ac.uk - FAO Library's - www.fao.org/library/bookmk2.h
tm - Information Retrieval in Chemistry-WWW Server -
- macedonia.nrcps.ariadne-t.gr
- Multimedia Heaven - www.webmarket.ch/mmheaven/too
ls/ - Ndb Biomolecular Research -
- www.links2go.com/link/http/www.embl-ebi.ac.uk/
- NOVAGate Nordic Gateway to Information in
Forestry, Veterinary, - and Agricultural Sciences - novagate.nova-univer
sity.org/ - Telecom - china.si.umich.edu/telecom/telecom-info
42Keeping up-to-date with the latest Internet
resources BUBL LINK Updates -
bubl.ac.uk/link/updates/current.html Ebig -
www.ebig.com/ EEVL - www.eevl.ac.uk/ Freepint
- www.freepint.co.uk/ Infomine -
Internet magazine - www.emap.com/internet/
Internet resources newsletter -
www.hw.ac.uk/libWWW/irn/irn.html Produced
monthly by Heriot-Watt University in Scotland.
Japan's Nikkei Net - satellite.nikkei.co.jp/enew
s/BB/hitlist/index.html Keeping Current with the
Internet - sunsite.berkeley.edu/InternetIndex/news
ites.html Netsurfer Digest -
43- Keeping up-to-date with the latest
- Internet resources
- Refdesk - www.refdesk.com
- Scicentral - www.scicentral.com
- Scout report - Business and Economics, Science
Engg and Social Sciences - scout.cs.wisc.edu/scout/report/
- Subject-wise Internet Resource GuidesClearing
House - - www.clearinghouse.net/
- The Science Net Links - www.sciencenetlinks.com/s
cience/rev_search.shtml - TIPTOP Physics - physicsweb.org/TIPTOP/
- Webmagazine online - www.webmagazine.com/
- What's new on Yahoo - www.yahoo.com/new/