Biological Control of Insects - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Biological Control of Insects


Biological Control of Insects Peter B. McEvoy Ent 420/520 Insect Ecology Introduction Manipulating natural enemies for pest control by introducing, augmenting, or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Biological Control of Insects

Biological Control of Insects
  • Peter B. McEvoy
  • Ent 420/520 Insect Ecology

  • Manipulating natural enemies for pest control by
    introducing, augmenting, or conserving control
  • Essentially empirical with ample scope for
    improvement through research on the ecology of
    interactions between natural enemies and pests
  • Draw theory and practice together, indicating
    where improvements in understanding may
    contribute to improvements in management

Early Beginnings
  • Beginnings. Began in 1888 with introduction of
    vedaliea beetle (Rodolia cardinalis) into CA from
    AUS for control of cottony cushion scale (Icerya
    purchasi) on citrus (See R.C. Sawyer To Make a
    Spotless Orange)
  • Patterns of success. By 1986 (Greathead 1986),
    1162 successful introductions of predators and
  • 25 successfully regulated target pest
  • 69 intermittent or partial control (i.e. some
    seasons, generations, cultivars, or climate
  • 6 failed to provide any control at all

Three Approaches to Biological Control
  • Three ways to enhance effectiveness of natural
    enemies in pest control
  • Classical biological control
  • Augmentive biological control
  • Conservation of indigenous natural enemies
  • Separate subcultures all aimed at the same goal

Approaches to Biological ControlConserving and
  • Conserving natural enemies by modifying the
    cropping practices
  • Increasing vegetation diversity near or in the
    crop (Altieri Letourneau 1984 van Emden 1990)
  • Modifying pesticide use (Waage et al 1985 Waage
  • Augmenting field populations of indigenous
    natural enemies with mass-reared individuals
    released early in season to prevent pest reaching
    damaging levels, or applied in massive and
    repeated applications as biopesticides

Approaches to Biological Control Classical
Biological Control
  • Exotic pest invades region without their adapted
    natural enemy complex, and, in absence of
    effective natural enemies, reach very high
    population levels
  • Control by introducing and establishing effective
    natural enemies from pests area of origin
  • Called classical in view of first use in 1800s

Compare Biological Control Systems with Natural
  • Many natural arthropod populations are likewise
    regulated by predators, parasites, pathogens
  • Classical biological control is simply a special
    case of a general pattern in which populations
    are regulated by density-dependent processes, a
    major class of which involves predator-prey of
    parasitoid-host interactions (DeBach 1974,
    Huffaker and Messenger 1976, Hassell 1978)

Challenge for General Theory of Population
  • Explanation. Explain when and how natural
    enemies regulate their prey and host populations,
    especially in light of alternative hypotheses
    that deny DD processes are essential (Den Boer,
    1969, Dempster 1983)
  • Prediction. Develop methods for selecting and
    evaluating natural enemies that are safe and

Questions for ecology
  • Classical biocontrol permits us to compare the
    dynamics of insects with and without (i.e. before
    and after) natural enemies
  • Make and test predictions about the role of
    natural enemies in pest population dynamics and
  • Exotic nature of pest and enemy tends to isolate
    their interaction in new environment,
    facilitating application of simple predator-prey
    models as a way to understand processes and
    generate predictions

Traditional Paradigm
Traditional Paradigm
  • Natural enemy reduces pest density to new, low,
    stable, equilibrium well below that that
    prevailed before introduction (Fig 1)
  • Beddington et al. 1978 analyzed 6 projects and
    reached one conclusion (stable pest density lt 2
    of that which prevailed before)
  • Murdoch et al. 1985 analyzed same 6 projects plus
    3 others and reached an opposite conclusion (only
    1 of 9 evinced stable equilibrium)
  • So where does that leave us? Equilibrium,
    stability, and related concepts depend on scale,
    the perspective of the observer. Possible to
    have success without stability, at least on local
    spatial scale.

Steps in a Classical Biocontrol Program
  • Evaluate the pest problem in the target region
    for the biocontrol program. Establish taxonomic
    identity of pest and area of origin.
  • Foreign exploration for the pest in the area of
    origin. Surveys to assess the complex of natural
    enemies of the pest, their impact and degree of
  • Selection of enemies from this complex for
    importation and establishment in the target
  • Quarantine for removing hyperparasitoids, plant
    pathogens and insect pathogens from culture
  • Release natural enemies cleared from quarantine
    in the target region.
  • If agents establish, monitor change of the
    natural enemy and pest population

Patterns of Classical Biological Control Success
  • Can historical data can provide guidelines for
    future practice as well as ecological insight?
  • Database of introductions of insect natural
    enemies against arthropod pest developed at
    International Institute of Biological Control
    (IIBC), called BIOCAT
  • Catalogs gt4,000 separate introductions of insect
    biocontrol agents against insect pests (563
    species of enemies against 292 pest species in
    168 countries)

Measure of success
  • Homoptera have been both the most targeted and
    most successfully controlled group of exotic
    pests (Greathead 1989)
  • Their pest prevalence may reflect their feeding
    on the woody stems of perennial crops this
    enhances potential to be transported around the
    tropics and subtropics on propagative plant
  • Their control probably reflects the impact that a
    guild of mobile and effective enemies can have on
    relatively sedentary and exposed pest hosts

Decision Making in Classical Biological Control
  • Process of selection is not simply reconstruction
    of natural enemy complex of a pest in its exotic
  • We must be parsimonious
  • Avoid introducing natural enemies with unwanted
    side effects
  • Avoid running up costs of the program
  • Avoid antagonistic interactions detrimental to
    overall control, e.g. facultative
  • Avoid introducing inferior natural enemy that, if
    introduced first, may make subsequent
    introduction of better species more difficult

When Biological Control Gets Out of
Control Parasitic fly Compsilura concinnata
brought from Europe to NA for control of gypsy
moth harms native insects including giant silk
moths Boettner et al. 2000 Conservation Biology
D.L. Wagner/University of Connecticut
The population of the Hyalophora cecropia
(Saturniidae), a moth that can grow to half a
foot across, has been in decline.
The Hyalophora cecropia as a caterpillar.
Exploration for Potential Biological Control
  • Coevolution.
  • Hokkaen and Pimentel (1984) suggest seek exotic
    natural enemies from species related to target
    pest, so natural enemies are less coevolved and
    therefore more virulent.
  • Instances of such new associations have led to
    successful biological control
  • Empirical evaluation (Waage Greathead 1989,
    Waage 1990 Hokkanen et al.)
  • Theoretical evaluation
  • Practical conclusion New associations can be as
    effective as old ones once the natural enemy is
    established. However, establishment of an enemy
    on a species it has not previously encountered is
    difficult. Aside from effectiveness, there are
    safety concerns in using less specific natural

Maximizing coverage of the natural enemy complex
  • Survey Area. How much area should we survey to
    encompass geographic variation in natural enemy
    complex? Some sources of variation
  • Spatial variation. Geographic variation appears
    to be small (Askew Shaw 1985), and few
    well-separated locations should suffice.
  • Host plant factors may affect enemy complexes and
    success of exploration programs.
  • Enemy complex can be reduced on host plant where
    range recently expanded
  • Enemy complex can vary with crop
  • Host density. Composition of enemy complex can
    vary with host density (Price 1973 Mills 1990).
    Natural enemies collected from outbreaks may not
    be the best for maintaining the pest at low

Mossy Rose Gall In NA and Europe
Diplolepis rosae (Cynipidae)
Rosa eglanteria (Rosaceae)
Diagram of a Food Web
6 Top Predator
Black-capped chickadee Parus atricapillus
5 Secondary parasitoids
Gregarious Tetrastichus
Solitary Torymus bedeguaris
4 Primary parasitoids
Parasitoid Orthopelma mediator
Cynipid gall-wasp Diplolepis rosae
3 Herbivore
Sweetbriar rose Rosa eglanteria
2 Plant
1 Resources
Light, water, nutrients
Interpreting the abundance of natural enemies
  • Ranking predators. Abundance and perhaps size, a
    correlate of feeding potential, often used to
    rank relative importance of predators
  • Ranking parasitoids. Proportion of hosts killed
    is used to rank different species of parasitoids.
  • Total generation mortality caused by enemy often
    poorly estimated by single point estimates of
    parasitism (van Driesche 1983)
  • Collection and analysis of life table information
    in area of origin in two programs, one winter
    moth (Operophtera brumata), other larch
    casebearer (Coleophora laricella)

Selection of Agents for Introduction
  • Impact. Favor those that appear to have
    substantial impact on host population after
    antagonists removed
  • Specificity. Exclude generalists that pose risk
    to non-target species in the area of introduction
  • Easy to rear. Practical to rear natural enemy for
    quarantine and release
  • Other critical attributes. Opportunity to apply
    holistic and reductionist criteria of what is a
    good agent (Waage 1990)

Holistic Criteria
  • Related to how enemy fits into ecology of its
    pest and other mortality factors acting on it
  • Effective at low host density. Seeking enemy in
    low density rather than high density host
  • Synergistic, additive, antagonistic interactions.
    Investigating structure and dynamics of natural
    enemy complex to see how one enemy might be
    influenced by another
  • Single vs. Multiple agents. Introducing more
    than one agent (multiple species introductions)
    in preference to single best agent (single
    species introductions)

Single vs Multiple AgentsCan antagonistic
interactions among multiple agents lead to
reduced success?
  • Enemies spend more time eating each other than
    eating the target pest.
  • Enemy exploitation or interference competition.
    Several agents may compete in such a way that
    single best enemy yields stronger suppression
    than multiple agents
  • Godfray and Hassell 1987
  • May and Hassell 1981
  • Kakehashi et al 1984
  • Briggs 1993

Multiple introductionsusing natural enemies
occupying different feeding niches on host
  • Invulnerable stages. Maximize proportion of pest
    life cycle that is vulnerable to natural enemies
  • Antagonistic interactions. Keep in mind dynamic
    natural of enemy complexes and possible strong
    interactions among enemies acting at different
    stages in pest life cycle
  • Compensatory responses. Strong density-dependent
    mortalities will tend to have substantial
    negative effects on the impact of natural enemies
    that precede them (May et al. 1981)
  • As a practical matter, positive effects of
    multiple introductions outweigh the alternative
    of trying to introduce the best agent the first
    time. Stopping after the first introduction
    just in case it was the best species, and just in
    case the subsequent introduction would reduce the
    efficacy of control, is not justified on field
    experience. (Waage and Mills 1992)

Reductionist criteria for agent selection
  • Models. Draw on simple predator-prey models for
    clues to factors that affect pest suppression and
  • Criteria. Searching efficiency (or area of
    discovery), handling time, aggregation, mutual
    interference have all been suggested as criteria
  • Behavioral approach. For example, compare
    behavioral responses of candidates to see which
    has highest search efficiency

Refuge Theory Now the Outcome of Biocontrol
(Y) Can Be Predicted From a Single, Easily
Measured Parameter (X) (Hold the hype)
Hawkins et al 1994
Why are Reductionist Criteria Rarely Used?
  • Phenomenological not mechanistic. Some parameters
    hard to estimate or even imagine in field
  • Unrealistic estimates of parameters. Estimates
    measured in the lab unlikely to apply in the
    field (e.g. searching efficiency and aggregation)
  • Correlations among characters. Attributes are not
    independent but are positively or negatively
    correlated, e.g. fecundity and efficiency of
    parasitoids often traded off against competitive
    ability in a host (Mat et al. 1981)

Whole organism, not component parts, forms basis
for predicting success. So what to do
  • Establish patterns of correlation in nature
  • Incorporate realistic combinations in models
  • Emulate models of this kind applied to winter
    moth (Hassell 1980), red scale (Murdoch et al.
    1987), cassava mealybug (Gutierrez et al. 1988),
    and mango mealybug (Godfray Waage 1991)
  • Acknowledge mostly retrospective so far, but
    potentially predictive

Constraints on testing hypotheses using
biological control systems.Sociology of
Research Who benefits, Who Pays
  • Who wants to compare selected and rejected agents
    in different but comparable parts of pests
    exotic range?
  • We must consider sensibilities of an affected
    country, where rapid and effective solution to
    serious pest problem is required
  • One would be reluctant to risk further losses so
    that investigation could be guinea pig for
    refinement of scientific methods
  • Possibilities for adaptive management?

Local Case Study
  • Biocontrol of European larch casebearer in Oregon
    (Ryan 1990)
  • Two Parasitoids
  • Agathis pumila (Braconidae)
  • Chrysocharis laricinellae (Eulophidae)
  • Host Insect
  • Coleophora laricella (Lep Coleophoridae)
  • Host plant Larix

Time Series Regional Means
Life Cycle Large Casebearer
Eggs laid singly in Jn-Jl, egg stage last about 1
month L-1 and L-2 mine needle, attack by
Agathis L-3 forms case from hollow
needle Larvae attaches to twig to
overwinter L-4 feeds on new needles in
spring Pupa mid May- mid June Adult May early
Chrysocharis laricinellae
Agathis pumila
General Approach Key Factor Analysis
  • Study life history and develop methods of census
    for each stage
  • Construct a life table that is as complete as
    possible, expressing the "killing power" of
    mortality factors as k-values
  • Accumulate many life tables
  • Plot generation curves and mortalities
  • Assess the key-factors which make the biggest
    contribution to change in generation mortality
  • Determine the relationship of component
    mortalities to density
  • Follow up with intensive studies of key factors
  • Make predictions using the model

Life Tables with 10 k-values
  • k1 Infertility
  • k2 Egg predation
  • K3 Embryo Death
  • K4 Parasitism by Agathis pumila
  • K5 Mortality of needle-mining larvae
  • K6 Mortality of fall, case-bearing larvae
  • K7 Mortality of winter and small, spring
    case-bearing larvae
  • K8 Parasite-induced morality of large, spring
    case-bearing larvae and pupae by species other
    than A. pumila
  • K9 Sex Ratio
  • K10 Adult mortality, reduced fecundity, and

K4 Parasitism by Agathis is a Key Factor
Variation in k4 closely correlated with variation
in generation mortality
Test for Density Dependence
  • Strength
  • 2. Sign
  • 3. Time Delay

1. Strength2. Sign3. Time Delay
Graph each k-value against log density of stage
on which it acts
Pattern across three locations
Time-Delayed Parasitism by Agathis
Approaches differ in insect and weed biocontrol
  • Insect biocontrol.
  • Mathematical models as metaphors of the
    parasitoid-host interaction to identify processes
    that regulate host populations
  • Studies of lab and field populations using life
    table analysis to identify DD processes
    associated with regulating pest populations
  • Assumes that effective biocontrol,
    density-dependence and host population regulation
    are linked
  • Experimental manipulations (Luck et al 1988)
    championed as alternative to life analysis, but
    experiments and life tables can be combined in

Nicholson-Bailey Model Assumptions Hassell 1978
  • Host and parasitoid populations have
    non-overlapping generations
  • Parasitoid population randomly searches all areas
    containing hosts
  • Every host with the population has the same risk
    of attack
  • Only one egg matures per host
  • Every time a host is encountered, it is
    parasitized, even if it has been previously
  • Only the supernumerary eggs die

Reconciling behavior of natural and model systems
  • Confront the possible with the actual.
    Introduction of a parasitoid can regulate a host
    population, whereas modeled interaction cannot
  • Motivates search for stabilizing mechanisms.
    Modifications that might cause individual hosts
    to vary in risk of attack and stabilize model
  • Aggregation of parasitoid population at denser
    host patches or independent of host density
  • Refuges for a portion of the host population
  • Decrease in parasitism with increasing host
    density within each generation
  • Asynchrony between parasitoid and host
  • Sex ratio variation in the parasitoid population
    via local parental control or with increasing
    parasitoid density
  • General class of stabilizing mechanisms.
    Aggregation of risk promotes stability at price
    of higher equilibrium density of the host

Criteria for identifying successful biocontrol
(Strong et al. 1984, Huffaker et al 1976, Waage
and Hassell 1982)
  • Synchrony or slight asynchrony with the host
  • High enemy intrinsic rate of increase relative to
    that of the host
  • High enemy searching efficiency
  • Interference (interspecific competition) amongst
    the parasitoids
  • Aggregation of enemy on host patches
  • Significant enemy dispersal ability

The Case for Behavioral Studies(Luck 1990)
  • How are parasitoid preference and performance
    related to individual host quality?
  • Reproductive potential in relation to host size
  • Host selection, oviposition, sex ratio in
    relation to host size
  • Host quality in relation to host density, plant
    cultivar, location on plant, temperature
  • If parasitized hosts stop growing (idiobionts).
    Evaluating current resoureces (host density and
    size distribution) allows host population in the
    field to be evaluated from parasitoids
  • If parasitized hosts continue to grow
    (koinobionts). Requires evaluation of current and
    future resources. Host choice may be related to
    minimizing the risk of intraspecific and
    interspecific competition, e.g. by reducing time
    of offspring within host rather than maximizing
    their size and fecundity
  • Value to biocontrol. Helps us assess temporal and
    spatial availability of host resources in the
    field. Links individual behavior with population
    growth of the parasitoid remaining challenge to
    do the same for the host

Predictive Modeling in Biological ControlGodfray
and Waage 1991
  • Practical situation. Foreign exploration
    invariably yields a number of candidates
  • Apply practical criteria. After screening
    candidate by very practical criteria
  • easy to rear
  • sufficiently host specific
  • What then? What criteria can be applied to judge
    potential effectiveness of the remaining

Mango Mealy Bug
  • Natural History.
  • African pest. Mango mealybug Rastrococcous
    invadens (Hemiptera Pseudococcidae) is a pest of
    mango and citrus in West Africa
  • Generalist. Pest reported from gt 44 plant species
    in 22 separate plant families. Copious honeydew?
    sooty molds.
  • Candidate enemies. Two parasitoids (Encyrtidae)
    collected in India considered as candidates
  • Timing of attack. Gyranusoidea tebygi attacks
    young mealy bugs of both sexes while Anagyrus
    mangicola attack older, female insects
  • Specific application. Model predicts one
    parasitoid (Gyranusoidea tebygi) will lead to
    greater decrease in host density than other
    parasitoid (Anagyrus mangicola).
  • General application. Decision to release G.
    tebygi made before model developed and they take
    not credit for it. Nevertheless, they believe
    models of intermediate complexity offer promise
    for predicting biocontrol

Life Cycle Stages Host
Rastrococcous invadens
Gyranuscoidea. tebygi
Adults (A)
1st stage (F)
Immatures (J)
2nd stage (S)
Adults (A)
Adults (R)
Immatures (J)
Anagyrus mangicola
Prospective Modeling of Mango Mealybug
  • Easily measured parameters collected in a few
    months of field and lab study
  • Easy Parameters include stage of host attacked by
    different parasitoids, age-specific development
    rates for hosts and parasitoids, age-specific
    survivorship of hosts in the field, and adult
    longevities and daily oviposition rates
  • Difficult parameters such as search efficiency
    treated as variables
  • Predictive Power. Model predicted superiority of
    one of two potential control agents
  • Quick and Cheap. While the aim to be accurate,
    such models cannot be the product of many years
    of careful study and must be built quickly and
    cheaply if they are to be useful

Pest Suppression
Release and Assessment of Selected Agents
  • Allocation of effort. Investment in selection
    must be matched by effort in establishment and
  • Experimental methods for evaluation of
    effectiveness of natural enemies (Luck et al
  • Well-quantified assessment of larch casebearer in
    the PNW (Ryan 1990)

Why simple analytical models have little if any
real application in biological control
  • Non-Independent Characters. Models characterize
    enemy in terms of a number of independent and
    desirable life history traits have little
    practical value. Real organisms constrained by
    pattern of variance and covariance among
  • Hard to Measure. Key parameters identified by
    analytical models such as searching efficiency,
    handling time, and aggregation are very difficult
    to measure in the field, while their measurement
    in the lab is often unrealistic.
  • Strategic value. Simple models are more useful
    for strategic questions e.g. single vs multiple
    control organism species, than detailed
    predictions about the merits of particular
    natural enemies.

Arguments against introducing all eligible enemies
  • Bad Science. Does little to advance the science
  • Waste of Resources. Wastes time and money
  • Possibly Counterproductive. Some evidence that
    establishment of one agent makes more difficult
    the establishment of the next, which must occur
    on a reduced pest population (Ehler and Hall
    1982, but see Keller 1984)

Models for biological control
  • Strategic approach. Analytical models (May and
    Hassell 1988 Hassell 1978) make general
    predictions about equilibrium levels and
  • Tactical approach. Detailed simulation models of
    pest and natural enemy incorporating models of
    crop plant and details of physical conditions
    (Gutierrez et al. models of cassava mealybug)

Final Thought
  • We believe that a biological control worker
    should take note of model predictions such as
    ours, critically examine the assumptions
    underlyng the model and, if satisfied, combine
    our results with the intuition that has been the
    mainstay of biological control since its
  • Godfray and Waage 1991

  • What role for ecological theory in biocontrol?
  • Tradeoff in generality, precision, realism
  • Is every case in BC a special case?
  • Distinguish strategic from tactical applications
    of models
  • Can success be achieved without stability?
  • Combine Inductive vs Deductive approaches
  • Why have parasitoids received far more attention
    than predators? Hymenoptera more than Dipetera?
  • What hope is there for predicting biocontrol?
  • Trial and Error. Collection of poorly documented
    case histories
  • Prior experience. Nothing predicts success like
    success how variable are outcomes of biological
    control from time to time and place to place?
  • Old fashioned natural history identify
    requirements of enemy, then try to match as many
    requirements as you can
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