Title: Infertility
2- Chairman of the Indian College of Obstetricians
Gynecologists (ICOG) - Past President of the Federation of Obstetric
Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI) 2006 - Honorary Fellow of the Royal College of
Obstetricians Gynecologists - Prof. and Cons. Obs. Gyn,Breach Candy
Hospital, Jaslok Hospital, - Sir H.N. Hospital Mumbai, India.
3Causes of Infertility
- Couples (Speroff Fritz, 2005)
4Causes of Infertility (Continued)
- Women (Speroff Fritz, 2005)
- Primary infertility The inability to conceive
after 1 year of unprotected intercourse for a
woman younger than 35, or after 6 months of
unprotected intercourse for a woman 35 or older
(Speroff Fritz, 2005). - Secondary infertility The inability of a woman to
conceive who previously was able to do so
(Speroff Fritz, 2005).
6Unexplained Infertility
Clinical Definition Absence of a definable
cause fora couples failure to achieve pregnancy
after 12 months of attempting conception despite
a thorough evaluation Sub-fertility Any form
of reduced fertility withprolonged time of
7First visit
- Have both come to all visits
- Get a complete history
- Sexual history
- Educate
8Visit 1 Male History
- Past medical history
- Fathered previous pregnancies within 3 years
- Genital trauma or surgery
- Genital infections GC, Chlamydia, mumps
- Environmental heat spa, pants, sitting time
- Coital factors
- Coital frequency
- Coital technique, esp ejaculation factors
9Visit 1 Male History
- Current exposures
- Drugs b-blockers, Ca channel
- blockers,cimetidine, HMG-CoA reductase
- inhibitors
- Toxic chemicals, esp. metals and dyes
- Street drug and alcohol use
- Cigarette smoking
10Visit 1 Male Examination
- Utility is controversial
- Preferable to do exam, but little contribution
If semen analysis is normal - Male examination
- Masculine traits
- Varicocoele
- Hypospadias
- Urethral discharge
- Prostatitis
11Visit 1 Female History
- Prior infertility evaluation, treatments
- Hx of PID postpartum/ postTB infection
- Pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea endometriosis
- Medical diabetes, thyroid pelvic surgery
- Medications, alcohol, street drugs
12Visit 1 Female History
- Cigarette smoking
- Galactorrhea
- Menstrual patterns
- Cycle length range (best 25-35 days apart)
- Moliminal symptoms (if present, ovulating)
13Visit 1 Female Examination
- Weight, BMI, waist circumference (PCOS)
- Skin axial hirsuitism, acne, male-pattern
balding (PCOS) - Breasts galactorrhea ( ?prolactin)
- Cervix mucus, friability (infection)
- Uterine corpus
- Size, shape (fibroids, uterine anomalies)
- Corpus tenderness (PID)
- Fixed retroflexion (EM)
- Adnexa tenderness (PID, EM), mass (EM, tumor)
14Visit 1 Pelvic Ultrasound
- Diagnostic pelvic ultrasound
- gt10 to 12 follicles per ovary (PCOS)
- Persistent hemorrhagic cysts with low-level
echoes (endometriosis) - Anatomical conditions fibroids, polyps, and
- Müllerian anomalies (uterine septum)
- Decreased ovarian volume and reduced antral
follicle count associated with reduced fertility - Serial TV ultrasound used to document ovulation
15Visit 1 Laboratory
- Women
- TSH, prolactin
- Ovarian reserve testing (if indicated)
- Screen for gonorrhea, chlamydia (if indicated)
- Microscopy of cervical mucus
16Visit 1 Laboratory
- Men
- Semen analysis if has not fathered children
- Fresh sample (to lab within 30 mins.) most sperm
in initial ejaculate - Male should be abstinent for 48 to 72 hours
17Visit 1 Counseling
- Time intercourse just before ovulation
- Use menstrual calendar to predict ovulation
- Shortest cycle length minus 14 days
- Ovulation prediction kit to confirm ovulation
18Coital frequency and Technique
- Every other day intercourse starting 4-5 days
- before expected ovulation
- Lay supine with knees up x 20 minutes after
intercourse - No sperm-toxic lubricants
19Visit 1 Counseling
- Stop smoking (both partners)
- If BMI gt 30, recommend/assist with weight loss
- Preconceptional care
- Folic acid 400 mcg PO per day
- Rubella serology immunize if seronegative
20Visit 1 Counseling
- Change medications to safer FDA pregnancy
- category
- Antihypertensives
- Anti-epileptic drugs
- Blood glucose control in diabetics
21Sperm Count
- Fresh sample (to lab within 30 mins.) most sperm
in initial ejaculate - Male should be abstinent for 48 to 72 hours
22Sperm Analysis
- Volume - 2.0ml or more
- pH 7.2- 8.0
- sperm concentration 20 x 10 spermatozoa/ml
- or
more - total sperm count 40 x 10 spermatozoa
per ejaculate or more - motility 50 or more with
forward -
progression (categories a and b) - or
25 or more with ra (category a ) -
within 60 minutes of ejaculation
23Sperm Analysis
- Morphology 30 or more with normal
forms - Vitality 75 or more live, ie. Excluding
dye - White blood cells fewer that 1 x 106/ ml
- Immunobead test fewer than 20 spermatozoa
with - adherent
particles - MAR test fewer than 10
spermatozoa with - adherent
24Sperm Terms
- Normozoospermia
- Normal ejaculate
- Asthenozoospermia
- Teratozoospermia
- Azoospermia
- Aspermia
- Normal ejaculate
- Sperm concentration lt20 106 /ml
- lt50 spermatozoa with forward progression
- lt30 spermatozoa with normal morphology
- No spermatozoa in the ejaculate
- No ejaculate
25Tests for the lady
- Thyroid
- Midcycle progesterone level /or luteal phase
progesterone level - FSH/ LH
- Cortisol
- Hystersalpingogram
- Laporoscopy/hysteroscopy
- Postcoital Test
26Markers Of Ovarian Reserve
- Baseline hormones - FSH -
Estradiol - Inhibin B -
Antimullerian hormone - Ultrasound parameters- Antral follicle count-
Ovarian volume- Ovarian Stromal Blood Flow
27Markers Of Ovarian Reserve
- Dynamic tests.- Clomiphene citrate challenge
test (CCCT)- Exogenous FSH ovarian reserve
test (EFFORT)- GnRH agonist stimulation test
28Clomiphene Citrate Challenge Test
- Clomiphene citrate ( 100mg OD ) from D 5 to D
9 of the cycle - FSH measured on Day 3 and Day 10
- An abnormally high value
( cut off point 10 26 mIU / ml ) indicates
diminished ovarian reserve
29Exogenous FSH Ovarian Reserve Test
- Day 3 Inhibin B to be done ( Pre )
- Administer 300 IU FSH
- After 24 hrs Inhibin B to be repeated ( Post )
EFORT Values Post Inhibin B Pre Inhibin B
lt 78.6 patient is poor responder
78.6 110.4 patient is borderline gt 110.4
patient is good responder
30GnRH Agonist Stimulation Test ( GAST )
- GnRH agonist down regulation
- Administration of 100 mcg baserelin every 4 hrs
for a total daily dose of 1200mcg - OR
- Every 6 hrs for a total dose of 800mcg
- S FSH and S estradiol to be measured before
and after 24 hrs of treatment - Change in estradiol less than 180 pg/ml and / or
FSH 9.5 IU/L predicts poor oocyte response
31Documentation of Ovulation
- Regular menstrual cycles with molimia
- Mid-luteal phase progesterone gt 9 ng/ml
- LH surge positive ovulation prediction kit
- Pelvic ultrasound evidence of ovulation
- Secretory endometrium on endometrial biopsy
32Tests of Tubal Patency
- Hysterosalpingography
- Hydrohysterosonography
- Sonosalpingography
- Hydrogynecography or sion procedure
- Redionucleide HSG
- Selective salpingography
- Hysterosalpingographic fallopian tube
33(No Transcript)
34Role of Laparoscopy
- Controversial as to whether to include it in
the basic evaluation or not - Studies indicate that it may demonstrate
previously undetected stage I or II
endometriosis, periovarian or peritubal
35Role of Laparoscopy
- This may alter treatment plans such as
surgery for endometriosis or directly IVF for
peritubal adhesion - Can be avoided in women with a normal HSG
in patients who may need IVF
36Laproscopy findings
- Uterus ---- fibroids
- uterine anamoly
- Tubes --- patency
- hydrosalpinx
- Ovaries --- PCOS
- chocolate cyst
- POD --- endometriosis
- adhesions
37Hysteroscopy findings
- Cervical canal --- polyps
- Uterine cavity --- adhesions
- polyps
- fibroids
- uterine anamoly
- Endometrium --- proliferative/ hyperplastic
- Tubal ostium --- visualised or not
38Post coital test
- Technique
- No longer routine, since subjective
interpretation - and poor correlation with pregnancy rates
- Evaluates sperm-cervical mucus interaction
- Schedule 1-3 days before expected ovulation
- Abstain x 48o, then intercourse 2-8 hrs before
PCT - Retrieve mucus with cytobrush or cannula
39Post coital test
- Normal findings
- Quant (4), clarity (clear) , SBK (gt8 cm), fern
(4) - Mucus WBC count (lt5 wbc/ HPF)
- Sperm quantity ( gt 20/ HPF correlates gt20
million/ cc) - Sperm motility (gt 1-3 progressively motile/ HPF)
40Fertility Treatment Goals
- To ensure patient safety
- To help a couple experience a healthy pregnancy
and birth or an alternative way to build a family - To use as little of a couples resources as
41Fertility Treatment Options
- Correct ovulatory dysfunction
- Correct tubal or uterine abnormalities
- Overcome subfertile sperm parameters
42Ovulation Induction
43Clomiphene Citrate
44(No Transcript)
Inj. HCG 10,000 IU
47CC Gonadotropins
48Gonadotropins (Step up Regimen)
Day of cycle
49Gonadotropins (Step down Regimen)
HMG / FSH Ampoules / day
225 IU
150 IU
75 IU
Day of cycle
50GnRH Agonist Short Protocol
Inj. HCG 10,000 IU
51GnRH Agonist Long Protocol
52Luteal Support
53Baseline USG
54Follicle Study
55Management of infertility in women gt30 years
- Ovarian stimulation with IUI
- Ovarian stimulation with IVF
(own eggs) - Ovarian stimulation with IVF
(donor eggs) - Surrogacy
- Adoption
For couples who do not desire medical intervention