Title: How to Engage Students
1Distance Learning
- How to Engage Students
- And
- Reduce Attrition Rates
- Lorraine Angelino, MBA
- Deborah Natvig, RN, PhD
- Literature Review
- Statistics on distance education courses
- Attrition rates
- Characteristics of distance learners
- Student Engagement and Integration
- Learner Centered learning
- Community Centered learning
- Attrition
- Decrease in number of students participating in
course activities or a degree program. - Retention
- The number of students who persist from one level
to the next in their degree program. - Persistence
- Continuing toward an educational goal such as
earning a degree or certificate.
4Why is attrition important?
- Economics
- High attrition rates have a negative economic
impact on universities. - The costs for development, delivery, and
assessment, as well as lost tuition revenue,
result in wasted expenditures for the
institution (Moody, 2004, p. 205).
5Why is attrition important?
- Quality of education
- Attrition is a measure used to determine the
quality of education delivered by an institution. - High attrition rate
- Perception Institution has a quality problem
6Statistics on Distance EducationStudent
- National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
- 1997-98 (Lewis, Alexander Farris, 1997)
- 1,363,670 students enrolled in college-level,
credit-granting distance education courses - 1,082,380 at the undergraduate level
- 2000-01 (Waits Lewis, 2003)
- 2,876,000 students enrolled in college-level,
credit-granting distance education courses - 2,350,000 at the undergraduate level
- Based on these numbers, student enrollment
increased by 111 in 3 years.
7Statistics on Distance EducationNumber of
- National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
- 1997-98(Lewis, Alexander Farris, 1997)
- 49,690 different college-level, credit-granting
distance education courses were available to
students - 35,550 at the undergraduate level
- 2000-01 (Waits Lewis, 2003)
- 118,100 different college-level, credit-granting
distance education courses were available to
students - 89,600 at the undergraduate level
- Based on these numbers, the number of available
distance education courses increased by 138 in 3
8Attrition Rates
- Carr (2000) cited anecdotal evidence that
online courses had higher attrition rates than
traditional courses. - No national statistics (Carr, 2000)
- Attrition rates studied at several colleges and
universities and supported Carrs findings. - Terry (2001) studied business courses at West
Texas AM University. - Accounting, economics, computer information
systems, marketing, and management had online
attrition rates comparable to their face-to-face
counterparts. - Business statistics and finance courses had
online attrition rates between 33 and 48 while
face-to-face classes had attrition rates between
13 and 23.
9Reasons for attrition
- Time management (Nash, 2005)
- Assignments too difficult (Nash, 2005)
- Directions for assignments were unclear (Nash,
2005) - Personal reasons (Martinez, 2004)
- Technology background (Moody, 2004)
- Confusion, anxiety, and frustration due to lack
of prompt feedback from instructor (Hara Kling,
2001) - Feeling of Isolation (Hara Kling, 2001)
10Characteristics of Distance LearnersLearning
- Independent
- Self-directed
- Autonomous
- Internally motivated
- Collaborative (in some cases)
- (Diaz Bontenbal, 2001)
11Characteristics of Distance LearnersDemographics
- 22 50 years of age
- Lifelong learner
- Employed
- Childcare responsibilities (in some cases)
- Commute at least 10 miles to campus
- Computer experience
- (Dutton, Dutton, Perry, 2002)
12Strategies for Improving AttritionStudent
Engagement and Integration
- Students integrated into the university setting
both academically and socially are more likely to
persist (Tinto, 1975). - Methods
- Faculty-initiated contact via phone calls
(Towles, Ellis, Spencer, 1993) - Supplemental tutoring (Castles, 2004)
- Pre-course orientations (Wojciechowski Palmer,
2005) - Informal online chats (Carnevale, 2000)
- Online student services (Boehler, 1999)
13Strategies for Improving AttritionLearner
Centered Learning
- Get to know students early
- Give students the opportunity to get to know one
another - Students pre-existing knowledge
- Cultural perspectives
- Comfort level with technology
- Tools
- Assessments
- Introductions
- Open line of communication
- (Anderson, 2004)
14Strategies for Improving AttritionCommunity
Centered Learning
- Goal is for students to work together and create
new knowledge collaboratively (Vygotsky, 1978) - Develop Learning Communities
- Challenges (Rovai, 2002)
- Physical separation
- Feeling of isolation
- Lack of support
- Feeling disconnected
- Engaging students as early as possible and
keeping them engaged is the key. - In order to engage students, training of
educators on how to teach online classes becomes
important (Serwatka, 2005). - Educators should consider participating in
workshops that focus on - Course design
- Technology skills
- Strategies to successfully engage and integrate
distance learners.
16Future Research
- There are many opportunities to perform
additional studies relating to attrition and many
questions that continue to be unanswered. - Does class size matter?
- What characteristics should a professor have in
order to teach online courses? - What type of preparation are educators receiving
before moving from traditional courses to online
courses? - When should student engagement and integration
begin and end?
- Anderson, T. (2004). Toward a theory of online
learning. In T. Anderson F. Elloumi (Eds.),
Theory and Practice of Online Learning (pp.
33-60). Canada Athabasca University. - Carnevale, D. (2000). Boot camp helps new
online students at Boise State U. The Chronicle
of Higher Education, 46(24), p. A48. - Carr, S. (2000). As distance education comes of
age, the challenge is keeping the students. The
Chronicle of Higher Education, 46(23), A39-A41. - Cooper, H. M. (1982). Scientific guidelines for
conducting integrative research reviews. Review
of Educational Research, 52(2), 291-302. - Diaz, D. P. Bontenbal, K. F. (2001). Learner
preferences Developing a learner-centered
environment in the online or mediated classroom.
Ed at a Distance, 15(8). Retrieved April 11,
2006, from http//www.usdla.org/html/journal/AUG01
_Issue/article03.html - Dutton,J., Dutton, M., Perry, J. (2002). How do
online students differ from lecture students?
Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 6(1).
Retrieved April 26, 2006, from http//www.sloan-c.
org/publications/jaln/v6n1/v6n1_dutton.asp - Hara, N., Kling, R. (2001). Student distress in
web-based distance education. Educause Quarterly,
3, 68-69. - Hart, C. (1998). Doing a Literature Review.
Thousand Oaks, CA Sage. - Hughes, J. A. (2004). Supporting the online
learner. In T. Anderson F. Elloumi (Eds.),
Theory and Practice of Online Learning (pp.
367-384). Canada Athabasca University. - Jackson, G. B. (1980). Methods for integrative
reviews. Review of Educational Research, 50(3),
- Lewis, L., Snow, K., Farris, E., Levin, D.
(1997). Distance Education at Postsecondary
Education Institutions 1997-98 (NCES 2000-013).
U.S. Department of Education. Washington, DC
National Center for Education Statistics. - Martinez, M. (2003, July 14). High attrition rate
in e-learning Challenges, predictors, and
solutions. The eLearning Developers Journal, 1-7. - Minich, E. (1996). Using student feedback to
improve distance education. Florida Community
College, Jacksonville. (ERIC No. ED 397893) - Moody, J. (2004). Distance education Why are the
attrition rates so high? The Quarterly Review of
Distance Education, 5(3), 205-210. - Nash, R. (2005, Winter). Course completion rates
among distance learners Identifying possible
methods to improve retention. Online Journal of
Distance Learning Administration, 8(4). Retrieved
April 17, 2006, from http//www.westga.edu/7Edist
ance/ojdla/winter84/ nash84.htm - Parker, A. (2003). Identifying predictors of
academic persistence in distance education. USDLA
Journal 17(1), 55-61. - Rovai, A. (2002). Building sense of community at
a distance. International Review of Research in
Open and Distance Learning, 4(1), 1-9. - Serwatka, J. A. (2005). Improving retention in
distance learning classes. International Journal
of Instructional Technology and Distance
Learning, 2(1), 59-64. - Terry, N. (2001). Assessing enrollment and
attrition rates for the online MBA. T H E
Journal, 28(7), 64-68.
- Thompson, E. (1999). Can the distance education
student progress (DESP) inventory be used as a
tool to predict attrition in distance education?
Higher Education Research Development, 18,
77-84. - Tinto, V. (1975). Dropout from higher education
A theoretical synthesis of recent research.
Review of Educational Research, 45(1), 89-125. - Tinto, V. (1993). Leaving college Rethinking the
causes and cures of student attrition. (2nd ed.)
Chicago University of Chicago Press. - Towles, D. E., Ellis, J. R., Spencer, J. (1993,
May). Student persistence in a distance education
program The effect of faculty-initiated contact.
Paper at the Annual Forum of the Association for
Institutional Research, Chicago, IL. (ERIC No. ED
360931) - Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society, the
development of higher psychological processes.
Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press. - Waits, T. Lewis, L. (2003). Distance Education
at Degree-Granting Postsecondary Institutions
2000-2001(NCES 2003-017). U.S. Department of
Education. Washington, DC National Center for
Education Statistics. - Wehlage, G. G., Rutter, R. A., Smith, G. A.
(1989). Reducing the risk Schools as communities
of support. New York The Falmer Press. - Wilson, B. G. (2001, July). Sense of Community as
a Valued Outcome for Electronic Courses, Cohorts,
and Programs. Paper written for VisionQuest PT3
Conference, Denver, CO. Retrieved April 27, 2006,
from http//carbon.cudenver.edu/bwilson/
SenseOfCommunity.html - Wojciechowski, A., Palmer, L. B. (2005).
Individual student characteristics Can any be
predictors of success in online classes? Online
Journal of Distance Learning Administration,
8(2). Retrieved April 14, 2006, from
http//www.westga.edu/ distance/ojdla/summer82/wo
20Health Care Management Certificate Program
- Purpose
- To provide health care professionals
- In-depth knowledge of management principles
- the opportunity to learn leadership skills that
they will be able to apply in the health care
setting. - Target audience
- People working in the health care field who
currently are in management positions (or desire
to become managers) and have little or no formal
management education.
21Marketing the Program
- Identifying the target audience
- Statewide announcements through letters and
brochures - CEOs and Administrators of all hospitals and
nursing homes - Carolina Society for Healthcare Planning and
Marketing group - Regional efforts
- Health Alliance members from area hospitals
- Lander University HCMT Advisory Board members
- Educational Fairs held by health care agencies
- Lander University online nursing students
- Press releases to hometown newspapers
- Advertising
- Students recruiting students
22Engaging Students
- Working with potential students
- Help with Admission and Registration
- Help before classes begin
- Orientation to WebCT and class Website
- Semester activities
- First week of class
- Strategies throughout the semester
- Preparation for upcoming semester
- End of semester wrap-up
- Celebrating Student Achievement
- Follow-up with Alumni
23Strategies throughout the semester
- Keep students informed of progress
- Feedback on discussion and assignments
- Grade assignments in timely manner
- Solicit and incorporate student ideas for course
management - Encourage student
24Working with Potential Students
- Personal contact by phone or email
- Explain the program
- Provide information about individual courses
- Determine the fit for individual students
- Assess student readiness
- Adequate educational and work background for
coursework - Adequate computer knowledge and resources to
complete coursework - Email and phone follow-up
25Admission and Registration
- Coordinate with Admissions Office
- Mail instructions for submitting application to
Lander (Paper vs. online admission processes) - Email follow-up when applications received
- Assist with registration process
- Mail information on course offerings each
semester and instructions about registration - Phone or email follow-up with interested students
on registration status - Mail or email information on books and required
course materials
26Before the Semester Begins
- Contact registered students by phone or email
- Class start dates and preliminary schedule
- How to contact course instructor
- How to obtain course materials
- How to logon to to course site through WebCT
- How to navigate class website
- Assist with financial aid or tuition
reimbursement information as needed
27Course Website
- Posting Announcements
- Read This First!
- Provides basic instructions about how use
features of WebCT - Syllabus
- Topic/Date Outline
- Email
- Reading Quizzes
- Discussion
- Assignment Information
- My Grades
- Additional Course Information
28First Week of Class
- Welcome students as a group and individually
- Posting Introductions
- Purpose
- Provide background information about instructor
and individual students - Familiarize students with Discussion module
- Instructor posts personal information for
students to use a guide for personal
introductions - Each student posts Introduction
- Students and instructor respond to Introductions
29First Week of Class
- Easing anxiety
- Initiate emails to students with helpful hints
- Respond to students questions on daily basis
- Provide positive feedback and encouragement
- Encourage veteran students to assist new
students with hints and tips
30Strategies Throughout the Semester
- Provide detailed instructions for each assignment
- Provide students with evaluation criteria along
with instructions - Keep students informed of progress
- Grade assignments in timely manner
- Provide detailed feedback on assignments
31Strategies Throughout the Semester
- Incorporate student ideas for course management
and assignments - Assign role of Discussion Leader to students
- Develops leadership skills
- Increases interaction among students
- Requires behind the scenes coaching from
32Course Activities
- Student to Instructor Interaction
- Weekly reading quizzes
- Written assignments
- Student to Student Interaction
- Weekly discussion topics
- Current event reports
- Student to Community Interaction
- Field activities and interviews
- Application of course material in personal or
work environment
33Preparation for Upcoming Semester
- Notify students of upcoming course offerings
mid-way through semester - Provide information about course requirements and
materials needed - Identify those who are planning to enroll
- Assist with financial aid or tuition
reimbursement information as needed - Encourage students to pre-register
- Follow-up with those who did not pre-register
- Encourage students to recommend classes/ program
to others
34End of Semester Wrap-Up
- Online course evaluation tool IDEA
- Confidential students cannot be identified
- Administered at end of semester
- Faculty do not have receive summary until after
all grades are posted - Student feedback and reflection
- Course requirements
- Assignments
- Discussion topics
- Texts and other required resources
35End of Semester Wrap-Up
- Obtain student recommendations and ideas for
improvement - Acknowledge student success
- Inform class of those graduating from University
or receiving Health Care Certificate - Post Final Grades
36End of Semester Wrap-Up
- Begin engagement of students for next semester
- Information about books and other requirements
- Registration deadlines
- Starting date for classes
- Availability of course websites prior to official
class start date.
37Celebrating Student Achievement
- Completion of Health Care Management Certificate
program - Certificate completion noted on official
University transcript - Students receive Certificate suitable for framing
- Students recognized along with list of those
graduating each semester and posted on Lander
Website - Press releases sent to each students hometown
newspaper. - Alumni Association
38Follow-up with Alumni
- Receive correspondence from Office of Alumni
Affairs - Informal follow-up with faculty
- Alumni recommend and refer new students
- Alumni promote program within their work
39Strategies to Enhance Engagement
- Post cards
- Information about how to complete online
registration - Reminders about pre-registration deadlines and
registration procedures - Information about regular registration deadlines
and procedures - Basic information about how to logon to WebCT and
access course information - Updates about the HCMT Program
- Maintaining contact with Alumni
40Strategies to Enhance Engagement
- Incorporate Learning Styles Assessment into
program information for students - Help students determine if they are candidates
for online learning programs - Student contact information
- Standardized information sheet to be used in each
class (each semester) to ensure correct student
contact is available.
41Strategies to Enhance Engagement
- Incorporate multimedia presentations and audio
bridges - Develop group project assignments
- Develop interactive decision-making modules to
enhance critical thinking.
42Program Outcomes
- Program initiated fall semester 2003
- 58 students have enrolled in courses
- 23 - HCMT Certificate program only
- 19 - Online RN-BSN completion program
- 16 - Lander undergraduate students
- HCMT Certificates awarded
- 9 have completed the certificate program since
May 2005 - 6 anticipated in 2006-07
43Model for Engagement
Presented at SSCEL 2006 by Lorraine Angelino and
Deborah Natvig
Promote Program
Start of Class
Course Activities
Course Website
Alumini Association
Class Information
Course evaluation
Potential Students
Student Feedback
Celebrate Success
Initial Contact