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CHIROPRACTIC AND NUTRITION ESSENTIALS WAYNE GARD CHIROPRACTOR ACUPUNCTURIST NATUROPATH 1 Secant St Liverpool (Near Westfields) 96009593 gardchiropractic_at_ ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • 1 Secant St Liverpool (Near Westfields)
  • 96009593

Who Am I and Why Should You Listen To Me?
  • Wayne Gard is a qualified Chiropractor,
    Naturopath, and Acupuncturist
  • He has been serving Liverpool residents for 22
  • Served as a Sports Chiropractor at the 2009 World
    Masters Games.
  • Examiner and Tutor at Macquarie University
  • He is a keen amateur athlete, enjoys swimming,
    running and bike riding.

What is required to live a healthy life?
  • 3 THINGS
  • 1. A healthy nervous system your nervous system
    controls every part of how your body works.
  • If you are out of alignment your nervous
    system does not work properly and so your health
    gradually worsens
  • 2. Oxygen it is crucial to breath correctly.
  • This ensures enough oxygen is absorbed.
  • To breath properly we need 2 things
  • Correct body alignment so that your rib cage is
    able to expand far enough
  • Regular exercise to train our lungs to
    breath deeply
  • 3. Correct Nutrition Food and Supplements
  • Food Diet Carbohydrates 60 (fruit and
    veges), Protein 30 (meat, beans, nuts and
    seeds), Fat 10 (healthy fats), and Water (2
    litres a day)
  • Supplements Nutrients that are too low in our

Your Spine Controls Your Body
  • Did you know that your Brain and Spine control
    every other part of the body?
  • Your Spine is easily misaligned from birth
    trauma, falls, injuries, bumps, poor posture,
    incorrect sporting technique, car accidents etc.
  • Most spinal problems do not cause pain - waiting
    for pain is waiting too long. We only feel 10 of
    our misalignments.
  • It is a great idea to have your spine checked by
    a chiropractor.
  • Chiropractors use X-rays, computer scanning, and
    physical examination to find nerve pressure
  • Modern Chiropractic Care is safe, gentle and

Posture Check
Computer Spinal Scan
Spinal X-Ray Analysis
  • Nutrition is 3 primary things
  • Choosing the right food or supplement
  • Eat fresh, eat quality, variety, cook minimally
  • Digesting the food or supplement
  • Small mouthfuls, chew slowly, eat smaller meals
    more regularly
  • Eliminating waste products of foods or
  • Bowel and bladder function must be regular
  • If your bowel is too lose or too tight?
  • Get your spine checked
  • Increase fibre
  • Increase exercise

Why you should use Professional Naturopathic
  • chemists/health food shops sell herbal and
    nutritional products
  • Often cheap BUT commonly poor quality,
    contaminated with toxins (heavy metals, organic
    chemicals), low dose, poor absorption
  • Professional products much better quality and
    therefore better health results.
  • Herbal and Nutritional Definition
  • Herbal Medicine medicinal quality plants,
    manufactured to obtain maximum healing benefits
  • Build the digestive system to absorb nutrients
    and eliminate toxins
  • Nutritional Medicine specific nutrients eg
    vitamins, minerals, essential oils, healthy fats,
    fibre, enzymes
  • Provide deficiencies in diet

How Does Your Body Store Fat?
  • After puberty the number of fat cells remains the
    same - Each fat cell simply gets bigger!
  • Fat is stored in 3 places
  • 1. Subcutaneous under your skin
  • 2. Organs around your internal organs
    liver, kidneys
  • 3. Muscles large muscles (eg football
    players) can simply be too much fat in their opposed to a lean runner little
    muscle fat
  • These 3 fat areas are related to each other
  • BUT it is the Organ Fat that is the major health
    risk factor
  • Organ Fat can occur in skinny people !!! Eg
    high Cholesterol
  • - we have all heard of the skinny person who
    suddenly dies of a heart attack, and the fat
    person who never seems to have heart problems
  • Where fat is concentrated in your body depends
    upon whether you are a man or woman
  • An adult man tends to carry body fat in his
    chest, abdomen and buttocks, producing an "apple"
  • An adult woman tends to carry fat in her breasts,
    hips, waist and buttocks, creating a "pear"

  • Losing Weight and Losing
  • Your weight is determined by the rate at which
    you store energy from the food that you eat, and
    the rate at which you use that energy.
  • So if Energy in Energy out no weight change
  • Energy in gt Energy out weight gain
  • Energy in lt energy out weight loss
  • Remember that as your body breaks down fat, the
    number of fat cells remains the same each fat
    cell simply gets smaller.
  • Most experts agree that the way to maintain a
    healthy weight is
  • Eat a balanced diet - appropriate amounts of
    Complex Carbohydrates 60, Lean Protein 30
    Healthy Fats 10
  • Do not eat excessively - for most people, a diet
    of 1,500 to 2,000 calories a day is sufficient to
    maintain a healthy weight
  • Exercise regularly

Metabolic Syndrome?Sydrome x, Insulin Resistance
  • Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed when a number of
    metabolic abnormalities occur at the same time in
    an individual
  • Greatly increased chance of developing Heart
    Disease, Stroke, and Diabetes lower quality of
    life disability, and death
  • Causes Fatty Liver Syndrome
  • Causes Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
  • Linked to Dementia and Memory loss in elderly
  • Linked to Sleep Apnoea
  • It is considered to be an epidemic in the western
    world 33 of Australian population over 25
    currently have metabolic syndrome and growing
  • Diagnosis
  • - Central (abdominal) obesity excess fat
    in and around the stomach (abdomen) and / or
    High Body Mass Index
  • plus any two of the following factors
  • - Raised blood pressure (hypertension)
  • - High blood triglycerides
  • - Low levels of high density lipoproteins
    (HDL) the good cholesterol
  • - Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) blood
    glucose levels are higher than normal but not
    high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes
    often a sign of
  • Insulin Resistance

  • Central obesityCentral obesity is when the main
    deposits of body fat are around the abdomen and
    the upper body. The greater your waist
    circumference, the higher your risk. A persons
    risk for central obesity varies depending on
    their gender and ethnic background. As a general
    rule, if your waist measures 94cm or more (men)
    or 80cm or more (women), you probably need to
    lose some weight. Men from Middle Eastern, South
    Asian, Chinese, Asian-Indian, South and Central
    American ethnic backgrounds are considered at
    risk if their waist measures 90cm or more.
  • How to Measure Waist measurements
  • Waist measurements should be taken as you
    breathe out. You should relax and not contract
    any abdominal muscles. The tape measure should be
    aligned at the level of the belly button, and
    circle the whole way around the body and back to
    the starting point.

Body Mass Index
  • How do you know if you are overweight?
  • BMI uses height and weight to calculate a
  • BMI weight in kilograms
  • height in meters²
  • Normal under 25 25-30 overweight 30
  • Related to High Blood Pressure, Heart Disease,
    Diabetes, Sleep Apnoea, Respiratory Problems

  • Insulin resistance
  • Insulin resistance means that your body does not
    use the hormone insulin as effectively as it
    should, especially in the muscles and liver.
  • Normally your digestive system breaks down
    carbohydrates into glucose, which then passes
    from your intestine into your bloodstream. As
    your blood glucose level rises, your pancreas
    secretes insulin into your bloodstream. Insulin
    allows glucose to move into your muscle cells
    from your blood. Once inside a cell, the glucose
    is burned along with oxygen to produce
  • When a person has insulin resistance, the
    pancreas needs to release more insulin than usual
    to maintain normal blood glucose levels. It is
    thought that more than a quarter of the
    population has some degree of resistance to
  • SO it is possible to have NORMAL Blood Sugar
    results, but still have Insulin Resistance!
  • The link to diabetesInsulin resistance increases
    your risk of developing type 2 diabetes and is
    found in most people with this type of diabetes.
    If the pancreas cant produce extra insulin to
    overcome your bodys resistance, your blood
    glucose levels will rise and you will develop
    impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or diabetes.
    People with type 2 diabetes frequently also have
    other features of metabolic syndrome and a
    significantly increased risk of cardiovascular
    (heart and blood vessel) disease.

  • Risk Factors for Metabolic Syndrome
  • Individuals who have a higher risk of developing
    metabolic syndrome include
  • Obese individuals, particularly those with
    obesity around their abdomen
  • Individuals consuming large amount of saturated
  • Post-menopausal women
  • High simple carbohydrate diet
  • Individuals who consume more than one (in women)
    or two (in men) standard drinks of alcohol per
    day, or more than four (in women) or six (in men)
    standard drinks in a single session (commonly
    known as binge drinking) at least once a week
  • Individuals with schizophrenia are 24 times more
    likely to develop metabolic syndrome than
    non-schizophrenic individuals
  • Insulin resistant individuals
  • Individuals with a family history of insulin
    resistance and/or type 2 diabetes.
  • STRESS increases Cortisol levels herb
  • Psoriasis is linked to metabolic syndrome

  • Progression of Metabolic Syndrome
  • Unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical
    activity are the key lifestyle factors leading to
    metabolic syndrome.
  • Extended periods of unhealthy eating and limited
    physical activity result in obesity and insulin
    resistance, which in turn affect the body's
    metabolism and increase the risk of metabolic
  • Once metabolic syndrome is diagnosed, the
    syndrome is likely to worsen.
  • If left untreated, individuals may go on to
    develop additional metabolic abnormalities.
  • In addition, once metabolic syndrome is
    diagnosed, other metabolic abnormalities (e.g.
    abnormal blood pressure response to changes in
    dietary salt) also tend to worsen.

  • Metabolic Syndrome Starting Earlier !!!!!

  • How is Metabolic Syndrome Treated?
  • The treatment of metabolic syndrome generally
    focuses on diet and exercise therapy. To reverse
    the metabolic abnormalities of metabolic
    syndrome, regular Exercise and Diet. video on
    diet and the metabolic syndrome.
  • A comprehensive approach to the management of
    metabolic syndrome, including Diet, exercise and
    Natural Medicines for metabolic abnormalities, is
    known as the ABCDE approach. This stands for
  • A Assessment of cardiovascular risk blood
  • B Blood pressure control
  • C Cholesterol management
  • D Diabetes prevention
  • E Exercise therapy
  • F Faster metabolism

  • Assessment of cardiovascular risk and aspirin
  • Can assess the risk of cardiovascular disease, by
    using the Framingham risk score. Measures
    Lifestyle Factors and Clinical Indicators
  • high blood cholesterol
  • high blood pressure
  • smoking
  • physical inactivity
  • being overweight
  • excessive alcohol consumption
  • high blood sugar levels (or diabetes).
  • When the Framingham risk score indicates a risk
    of cardiovascular disease greater than 5, your
    GP will probably recommend daily doses of aspirin
    to correct the problem. However daily
    consumption of aspirin can result in dangerous
    bleeding in some individuals.
  • Natural Option Gingko Herb
  • .Gingko is used around the world to gently thin
    the blood ie anti-platelet, therefore reducing
    likelihood of clotting.
  • No known side effects
  • Anyone with any of the above risk factors should
    be taking Gingko
  • Liquid Gingko Extract is the best which is what
    I use.

  • Blood pressure control
  • Medications for blood pressure control may
    be prescribed for patients with metabolic
    syndrome and a blood pressure higher than 140/90
    mmHg. However growing concern over long term
    blood pressure medication side effects
  • Natural Options
  • Blood Pressure herbs
  • Hawthorn, Astragalus
  • Blood pressure nutrients
  • Magnesium, CoQ10
  • Anyone with borderline or high BP should be on
    these supplements

  • Cholesterol management
  • There are two types of cholesterol in the body
    low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C or bad
    cholesterol) and high density lipoprotein
    cholesterol(HDL-C or good cholesterol).  The goal
    of cholesterol management is to reduce levels of
    LDL-C and increase levels of HDL-C.
  • Growing concern over long term cholesterol
  • Natural Options
  • Exercise increases LDL
  • Portfolio Diet reduces cholesterol by up
    to 30, equivalent to drug treatment (statins)
  • 4 Components Phytosterols from plants 5gms
  • - Oats 1 cup
  • - Almonds - handful
  • - Soy 1 cup
  • Product Cholestahealth
  • Recommended for anyone with borderline and high
  • Can be used with medication to reduce dose

  • Diabetes prevention and diet therapy
  • Losing weight by eating less high fat foods is
    very important for individuals who have metabolic
    syndrome. It can reduce the risk of developing
    type 2 diabetes and may also reduce the risk of
    coronary heart disease.
  • For individuals with metabolic syndrome, reducing
    total calorie intake is important.
  • Eating Rules
  • - Eat 5 meals a day breakfast, morning
    tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner
  • - Include Protein in at least 3 of these
  • - Only eat until 80 full
  • - avoid Binging whole pack of biscuits,
    alchohol getting drunk, loaf of bread. This
    stuffs up you Metabolism for a long time
  • Concerns over long term diabetic medications
  • Natural Options
  • Herbs Gymnema, St Marys Thistle
  • Nutrients Chromium, Zinc

  • Exercise therapy
  • Increased physical activity increases weight loss
    and decreases the risk of diabetes and coronary
    heart disease. Exercise is therefore a very
    important component of any treatment for
    metabolic syndrome treatment.
  • What Type of Exercise?
  • Strength resistance weights, body
  • Endurance cardiovascular
  • Balance improves nervous system
  • Flexibility - stretching
  • How Much Exercise?
  • 1. To avoid weight gain - Need 30min/day of some
    sort of physical activity
  • 2. To reduce body weight 60min/day mod intense
  • 3. To maintain fitness - emphasise
    cardiorespiratory, strength flexibility
  • One day of rest per week


  • Faster Metabolism
  • There is a growing number of Natural Medicines
    that can actually increase your metabolism -
  • - Hydroxycitric acid reduces appetite
  • - Leptin and Carnitine reduce stomach
    fat, improve exercise energy
  • - Adiponecton reduces fat and sugar
  • - Green Coffee reduces fat
  • - Green tea reduces fat
  • - HMB reduces muscle fat
  • - B2 and B3 reduce fat
  • - Iodine and Coleus increase thyroid
    function faster metabolism
  • - Calcium increases energy levels
  • - Bitter Orange improves fat metabolism
  • - HCA reduces fat, reduces appetite
  • - Chromium reduces sugar levels
  • Product Thermolight contains all above plus
    protein source (energy, muscle repair)

Special Offer!!!
  • There will be a special offer handout from
    myself at your table.
  • Please take the time to fill this in and we will
    contact you to organise an appointment.
  • My contact details are on this form and I am
    happy to talk with you via phone or email about
    your health care needs or to answer any questions.

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