- Leyi Gu
- Renal Division, Renji Hospital
- An otherwise healthy 48-year-old woman
is found to have microscopic hematuria (5 red
cells per high-power field) on a urinalysis
performed by a life insurance company. No other
laboratory abnormalities are identified the
serum creatinine concentration is 0.8 mg per
deciliter (70.7 µmol per liter). The woman
reports no symptoms and is a nonsmoker. Her blood
pressure is 118/74 mm Hg, and the findings on
physical examination are normal. How should she
be evaluated?
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4According to the amount of RBC in the urine,
hematuria can be classified as
- microscopic hematuria
- normal colour with eyes
- gross hematuria
- tea-colored, cola-colored, pink or
- even red
- More than three red blood cells are found in
- centrifuged urine per high-power field microscopy
( gt 3 RBC/HP).
- Diseases of the urinary systemthe most common
cause - Vascular
- arteriovenous malformation
- arterial emboli or thrombosis
- arteriovenous fistular
- nutcracker syndrome
- renal vein thrombosis
- loin-pain hematuria syndrom
- coagulation abnormality
- excessive anticoagulation
7- Glomerular
- IgA nehropathy
- thin basement membrane disease (Alport
syndrome) - other causes of primary and secondary
glomerulonephritis - Interstitial
- allergic interstitial nephritis
- analgesic nephropathy
- renal cystic diseases
- acute pyelonephritis (??????)
- tuberculosis (???)
- renal allograft rejection (?????)
8- Uroepithelium
- malignancy
- vigorous excise
- trauma
- papillary necrosis (?????)
- cystitis/urethritis/prostatitis (usually
caused by infection) - parasitic diseases (e.g. schistosomiasis,????)
- nephrolithiasis or bladder calculi (???,????)
- Multiple sites or source unknown
- hypercalciuria
9- System disorders
- a. Hematological disorders
- aplastic anemia
leukemia(???) - allergic purpura(?????) hemophilia(???)
- ITP (idiopathy thrombocytopenic purpura)
- b. Infection
- infective endocarditis
- septicemia (???)
- epidemic hemorrhagic fever (??????,Hantaan
virus) - scarlet fever (???,?-hemolytic
streptococcus) - leptospirosis (????,leptospire)
- filariasis (???,Wuchereria bancrofti,
Brugia malayi)
10- c. Connective tissue diseases
- systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE,???????)
- polyarteritis nodosa (???????)
- d. Cariovascular diseases
- hypertensive nephropathy
- chronic heart failure
- renal artery sclerosis
- e. Endocrine and metabolism diseases
- gout (??)
- diabetes mellitus
11- Diseases of adjacent organs to urinary tract
- appendicitis (???) salpingitis (????)
- carcinoma of the rectum (????)
- carcinoma of the colon (????)
- uterocervical cancer
- Drug and chemical agents
- sulfanilamides (??) anticoagulation
- cyclophosphamide (CTX) mannitol(???)
- miscellaneous
- exercise idopathic hematuria
12- Important questions to ask in patients History
- Has there been any signs of a UTI such as dysuria
and frequency? Any suprapubic pain? - Has there been any recent URI symptoms or sore
throat? - Has there been any type of skin rashes or sores?
- Any abdominal pain or colicky pain?
- Are the stools loose or bloody?
- Has there been any recent trauma?
- Has there been any joint pains or swellings?
- Is there any history of sickle cell disease or
trait? - Is there any family history of renal disease,
transplants, or dialysis? Is there a family
history of hearing deficits? - What medications does the child take?
13- Important areas to check on the physical
examination - Blood Pressure
- Check for edema, especially around the eyes
- Careful inspection of the external genitalia
- Look for any rashes, evidence of trauma and
bruising, petechiae - Exam all joints for signs of arthritis-red, warm,
or swollen - Feel the abdomen carefully for any masses or
tenderness. Check for CVA tenderness. Try to feel
for enlarged kidneys. - Check for evidence of paleness or jaundice
- Accurately measure length and weight and plot on
growth chart.
- Color
- depends on the amount of red blood cell in the
urine and the pH - normal light yellow, pH 6.5
- pH
- acidic more darker (brown or black)
- alkaline red
15Red casts and red cells in urine
- Polluted urine menstruation
- Drug and food uric acid, vegetable
- Porphyrism(???) porphyrin in urine ()
- Hemoglobinuria
- hemolysis
- soy-like, very few RBC under the microscopy
- occult blood test ()
- RBC abnormality
- Defects of RBC membrane structure and function
(hereditary spherocytosis) - Deficiency of enzymes (favism)
- Hemoglobinopathy (thalassemia)
- Mechanical factor (artificial heart valve),
infection - or mismatched blood transfusion
- Three-glass test
- Method collecting the three stages of urine of
- a patient during micturition
- Result
- the initial specimen containing RBCthe urethra
- the last specimen containing RBCthe bladder
- neck and trianglar area, posturethra
- all the specimens containing RBCupper urinary
- tract, bladder
19- Phase-contrast microscopy
- to distinguish glomerular from post
glomerular bleeding - post glomerular bleeding normal size and shape
of RBC - glomerular bleeding dysmorphic RBC (acanthocyte)
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- Hematuria with renal colic
- renal stone, ureter stone
- if with dysuria, pause or staining to void
bladder or urethra stone - Hematuria with urinary frequency, urgency and
dysuria - bladder or lower urinary tract (tuberculosis
or tumor) - if accompanied by high spiking fever, chill
and loin pain pyelonephritis
27- Hematuria with edema and hypertension
- glomerulonephritis
- hypertensive nephropathy
- Hematuria with mass in the kidney
- neoplasm
- hereditary polycystic kidney
- Hematuria with hemorrhage in skin and mucosa
- hematological disorders
- infectious diseases
- Hematuria with chyluria
- filariasis(???)
28Evaluation of microscopic hematuria
NEJM, 2003
29--Approaching to the patient (Harrisons
Principle of Internal Medicine,14th Ed)
proteinuria (gt500mg/24h) Dysmorphic RBC or RBC
Pyuria,WBC casts
urine culture eosinophils
serologic and hematologic evaluation blood
culture, anti-GBM Ab, ANCA, complement,
cryoglobulin HBV,HCV,VDRL,HIV, ASLO
Hb electrophoresis, urine cytology, UA of family
member, 24h urinary calcium/uric acid
As indicated retrograde pyelography or
arteriogram of cyst aspiration
IVP/-renal ultrasound
renal biopsy
ANCAantineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody,
VDRLvenereal dis. research laboratory, ASLO
antisteptolysin O, IVP intravenous pyelography
CT scan
open renal biopsy
30Thanks for your attention
- Online resource
- National library of Medcine
- www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus
- National Kidney Foundation
- www.kidney.org
- Kidney Urology Foundation of America
- www.kidneyurology.org