Title: World Geography - PowerPoint Jeopardy
1World Geography
2What is the capital of the United States?
3What is the capital of Mexico?
4What is the capital of Peru?
5What is the capital of Nicaragua?
6What is the capital of Costa Rica?
7What is the capital of Egypt?
8What is the capital of South Africa?
9What is the capital of Ghana?
10What is the capital of Mauritius?
11What is the capital of Rwanda?
12What is the capital of China?
13What is the capital of Japan?
14What is the capital of Afghanistan?
15What is the capital of Jordan?
16What is the capital of Uzbekistan?
17What is the capital of France?
18What is the capital of Russia?
19What is the capital of Poland?
20What is the capital of Serbia?
21What is the capital of Lithuania?
22What is the capital of Australia?
23What is the capital of New Zealand?
24What is the capital of Vanuatu?
25What is the capital of Fiji?
26What is the capital of Samoa?