Title: Essential Question
1- Essential Question
- What caused the Great Depression how did the
federal government respond?
2The Great Depression
3The Great Depression
- The Depression of the 1930s came as a shock to
Americans - The consumer revolution led to confidence that
1920s economic prosperity would continue - When the stock market crashed in 1929, businesses
closed millions were unemployed - Americans began to look to the govt for
unprecedented support
4The Great Crash
- Prelude to the stock market crash
- In 1927, the economy had a recession but govt
business leaders ignored warning signs - The Federal Reserve lowering interest rates for
loans would stimulate the economy, but this easy
credit led speculators to buy stock on-the-margin
5The Great Crash
- An initial stock market crash on Oct 24, 1929
(Black Thursday) led to a catastrophic drop in
stocks on Oct 29 (Black Tuesday) - Panicked investors sold stocks, causing stock
prices to plummet - Banks lent less money, factories produced less,
workers were fired or paid less ? consumers had
less money to spend ? factories businesses
6(No Transcript)
7Unemployment, 1929-1942
This downward spiral continued for 4 years By
1932 unemployment was at 25
8The Great Crash
- Reasons for the depression
- U.S. factories overproduced consumer durable
goods - The post-war conditions in Europe decreased
foreign trade - Unequal distribution of wealth, high consumer
debt, stock market over speculation led to an
overall decrease in consumer purchase power
Consumers already owned durable goods were not
buying more
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10In 1929, the total market debt of the USA was
210 of the value of GDP
By 1934, U.S. debt rose to 265 of GDP
In 2005, the value of U.S. debt was 303 of GDP
11Effects of the Great Depression
- The Depression hit all classes
- Many families lost their homes or farms were
forced to live in Hoovervilles - The U.S. saw unprecedented poverty suicide
rates fathers abandoned their families
lawlessness ensued - The U.S. govt offered relief checks to the
12Effects of the Great Depression
- African-Americans who had migrated to North were
laid off - Mexican immigrants faced competition
deportation from angry Americans - The middle class was hit hard
- Refused relief checks charity
- Many lost their homes
- Health care declined doctor dentist visits
were luxuries
13Employment Agencies Relief-Check Lines
14Soup Kitchens Breadlines
15Mortgage Foreclosures
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17These 4 potatoes are Christmas Dinner
18Wheres daddy?
19Hoovervilles Hoover Flags
20Hoover Struggles to Fight the Depression
21Hoover and Voluntarism
- Hoovers initial response was to reassure
Americans that prosperity would return - Hoover rejected bold govt action called for
volunteerism among charities, local govt,
business - As the depression worsened, Hoover called for
govt projects like the Reconstruction Finance
Corps (RFC) which loaned money to failing
Rugged individualism
22The Hoover administration initiated job-creation
programs, like building the Hoover Dam
23Hoover and Voluntarism
- In 1932, President Hoover suffered two final
blows - When 22,000 war veterans marched to the capital
to demand their WW1 bonus checks early, Hoover
ordered this Bonus Army to be forcibly removed - The steady rise of bank failures led to a
complete collapse of the U.S. banking system
24Bonus Army
Douglas MacArthur
Dwight Eisenhower
25Bank Failures, 1929-1933
26Fighting the Depression
- The inability of Republicans to resolve the
economic depression opened the door for a
Democratic takeover in politics - Once in power, Democrats succeeded in relieving
some suffering, restored hope, created an
unprecedented level of govt intervention in the