Title: How Not to Build an Oracle Application
1 - How Not to Build an Oracle Application
- (Intuitive Problem Solving)
- Kerry Osborne
- Senior Oracle Guy
2Who am I?
- I added this slide because everyone else had one!
- Started working with Oracle in 1983
- Developer and DBA and Trainer
- Became a consultant around 1987
- Started a little company, grew it, shrunk it,
sold it - Started another little company
- Never worked directly for Oracle
- Not certified in anything
- Dont even know what the Oak Table is?
3Basis for this talk?
- My Totally Unscientific Survey
- Hundreds of Oracle projects
- Hundreds of Oracle professionals
- Selective memory (I dont remember all of them)
- You can observe a lot just by watching. Yogi
4How This Paper Came About
- So you know how delivering these papers things
work, right? - 4 months before the symposium you come up with a
title - 3 months before the symposium you write a
paragraph (abstract) - 1 month before the symposium the organizers
remind you time is short - 1 week before the symposium you decide its time
to get serious - 5 days before the symposium you discover that
the paper has a taken on a life of its own - 3 days before the symposium you discover that
the paper doesnt really bear much of a
resemblance to the original title
5Tale of Two Topics
- Bad Things To Do
- Intuitive Problem Solving
6 7Top 10 List - Things Not To Do
- 1. Hire Developers that Dont Know SQL
- Get good XYZ programmers let the DBAs tune the
8Top 10 List - Things Not To Do
- 2. Write a db access layer to isolate the
developers - Now your in the tool business!
9Top 10 List - Things Not To Do
- 3. Generate a new session for every sql statement
- 10,000 traces in a single batch window
10Top 10 List - Things Not To Do
- 4. Issue a commit after every statement
- (even better do it more often than that)
- JDBC, ODBC have a built in option to commit
after each statement autocommit - Log File Sync turned out to be the number one
event at one client
11Top 10 List - Things Not To Do
- 5. Dont allow Cost Based Optimizer to do its
job - Use Rule Based
- Hint everything
- Use bad statistics
12Top 10 List - Things Not To Do
- 6. Use an unpopular tool/language
- Get one that no one has experience with
- Or better yet, write your own
13Top 10 List - Things Not To Do
- 7. Dont use tools you already own
- Spend a lot of money on a sexy tool
- Spend a lot of time learning how to use it
- Use it for everything
14Top 10 List - Things Not To Do
- 8. If it isnt fast enough, throw hardware at it
- I suggest starting with disk
- Then CPUs
- Then memory
15Top 10 List - Things Not To Do
- 9. Dont Worry About Concurrency
- Oracle is really good at it
- So why should you worry
16Top 10 List - Things Not To Do
- 10. Do everything one row at a time
- Why do something once
- When you can do it 100 times
17 18Intuitive Problem Solving
- What makes a good problem solver?
- High IQ
- Hard Work
- Technical Background
- - All important, but none guarantee success
19Problem Characteristics
- Complex
- Multiple Solutions
- Solutions vary
- Cost
- Time to Implement
- Risk
20Basic Problem Solving Steps
- Defining the Problem
- Gathering Data
- Postulating a Reason for the Problem
- Listing Possible Solutions
- Ordering the Possible Solutions
- Attempting the Possible Solutions
21Two Approaches
- Intuitive Methodical
- Both use the same basic steps
- Vary in time spent on steps
- Vary in order of steps
- Vary in practitioners view of steps
22Hallmarks - Intuitive Approach
- Mental Discipline to postpone Step 3
- Willingness to quickly abandon an option
- Flexibility to re-order options
23Hallmarks Methodical Approach
- Starts Step 3 too early
- Less creative in Step 4
- Doggedly pursues options in defined order
- Rarely changes order of options
24Results (my opinion)
- Intuitive Approach Delivers Better Results
- More creative solutions
- Less Time
25Improving Your Odds
- Draw a Picture
- Use Analogies
- Change the Problem
- Say it Out Loud
- Question the Necessity
- Look for the commonalities in Proposed Solutions
eliminate them - Take a Break
26Simple Test
Mind Over Matter
27Improving Your Odds
- Longer Term Suggestions
- Collaborate
- Question the Conventional Wisdom
- Embrace the Ambiguity
- Relax
28Negative Personality Traits
- Keep Us from Being Effective
- Ingrained Patterns of Thinking
- Common
- Easy to Spot
29The Ive got a hammer andeverything looks like
a nail Syndrome
- Characteristic
- Using the wrong tool for the job
- Example
- SQLNet Wait Event
30Spy vs. Spy
- Characteristic
- Sneaky / Secretive
- Example
31Non-Gorilla Spotters
- Characteristic
- Too focused on details
- Example
- 1999 Harvard Study
- Characteristic
- Blinded by assumptions
- Example
- Escape from Cell
33Stressed Out Sam
- Characteristic
- One big twitch
- Example
- 1 minute test
34Never say oops!
- Characteristic
- Always say Ah, interesting!
- Example
- 3M Sticky Notes
35The Ostrich
- Characteristic
- Head in the sand
- Example
36The Ghost and Mr. Chicken
- Characteristic
- Afraid of own shadow
- Example
- Green Bag
37The Teenage Brain
- Characteristic
- Thinks hes immortal
- Example
- Working without a net
38The Urban Legend Crusader
- Characteristic
- Believes unsubstantiated rumors
- Example
- Lipstick -
- w/ cancer-causing lead
39The Monk
- Characteristic
- Extreme Compulsiveness
- Example
- Shaving 10ms off 3hr batch job
40Mr. Magoo
- Characteristic
- Extreme Nearsightedness
- Example
- Keys in the flowerpot
41Fiddler on the Roof
- Characteristic
- Loves Tradition
- Example
- 5 monkeys
42Wrap up
- Problem solving is part science, part art
- I think we can improve on our natural abilities
- By being aware of the process
- By being aware of our negative tendencies
- By developing the right attitudes
- By watching others
- By practicing
- By being curious
Did You Spot the Gorilla? - Random House New
Zealand ,2004, Richard Wiseman Blink - Time
Warner Book Group, 2005, Malcom
Gladwell Optimizing Oracle Performance -
O'Reilly Associates, 2003, Cary Millsap, Jeff
Holt Creative Problem Solving A Step-by-Step
Approach - Pyrczak Publishing, 2002, Robert A.