Title: Proposed Framework For Enum Administration
1Proposed FrameworkFor Enum Administration
Mark Harris International Internet Telephone
Organization 12020 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite
100 Reston, VA 20191 Direct 540.678.8557 Fax
540.678.4642 Email mark.harris_at_iito.org
2On the Table
- How should the Enum industry act?
- Should the U.S. Government endorse
USareacodes.1.E164.ARPA.? - If so, How?
3Problem 1
- Control Freaks or Anarchists?
- Who controls Tier 1?
- Is their a Balanced Approach?
4Problem 2
- Are we going too FAST or too SLOW?
- The Marketplace wants enhanced services
- Investors want a return
- Developers want to know when to start developing
- Consumer rights want to take it slow
- Government needs to take it slow
5Problem 3
- Should we approach a solution as
- or
- Or is there something better?
6Problem 4
- What do we need to cooperate on?
- What are we competing on?
7Problem 5
- Does anyone want the U.S. Government
- To be burdened by Industry issues?
- To endorse protocols?
- To appoint monopolies?
- To force Industry to play nice?
- Or should our Public Servants let anyone do
whatever they want? - Isnt there something better?
8Problem 6
- Do we have Technical Difficulties or,
- Do we have self-governance problems?
- If no one is worried about whos going to get
Tier 1, wouldnt most of the technical arguments
go away?
9Problem 7
- Should the Marketplace trust ENUM when those who
provide the various ENUM services cant trust
each other? - How can we build trust in ENUM?
10What are you willing to do?
- Invest time?
- Invest money?
- Invest knowledge?
- Share control?
- How about participating in an Industry-wide forum?
11Our Proposed Framework
An Industry-wide Initiative to Interconnect the
Enum Registries of the world.TM
12What EnumNIC is NOT
- It is NOT a Tier 1 registry provider
- It is NOT a Tier 2 registry provider
- It does NOT, in itself provide Enum services of
any kind - It is NOT a finished plan but a collective plan
in process
13What is EnumNIC?
- 1.) A coordinating entity for a jointly-owned and
controlled Tier 1 system.
14What is EnumNIC?
- 2.) An open, Industry-wide Initiative.
15What is EnumNIC?
- 3.) Objective To finalize a trusted and legal
process for the Enum industry to Cooperate on an
interconnected registry system.
16What is EnumNIC?
- 4.) The EnumNIC Project is then to become a legal
entity upon approval of a final charter.
17Based on a Proven Model
- Largest commercial enterprise on earth
- In most aspects, larger than the Internet
- Effective cooperation among competing entities
- Covers anti-trust issues
- Covers pro-trust issues
- Let us work together to create a VISA-like
organization to interconnect the Enum registries
of the world - Will you consider participating?
19Why Participate? Reason 1
- Some form of a Trusted-By-All interconnection
of Enum Registries is needed. - Real TRUST can be created
- Marketplace
- Developers
- Telecom Companies
- Internet Companies
- Investors
20Why Participate? Reason 2
- Those who are looking to Move Fast are able to do
so, with less risk.
21Why Participate? Reason 3
- EnumNIC does not stop you from being in the Tier
1 business.
22Why Participate? Reason 4
- EnumNIC does not mean that you must share your
profits with competitors.
23Why Participate? Reason 5
- Food Court analogy.
- Everybody goes there.
24Why Participate? Reason 6
- U.S. Government
- Unlikely that Bush administration approve a Tier
1 monopoly (our opinion) - If compelled to approve USareacodes.1.E164.ARPA
then will selection be - An Open Industry-wide Initiative as Tier 1 or
- A single company?
25For More Information About Participating
Mark Harris International Internet Telephone
Organization 12020 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite
100 Reston, VA 20191 Direct 540.678.8557 Fax
540.678.4642 Email mark.harris_at_iito.org www.EnumN
IC.net (site live on 2-19-2001)