PRESIDENT JOHN F KENNEDY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Henry Box School Witney - Oxfordshire PRESIDENT JOHN F KENNEDY The New Frontier President F D Roosevelt President Harry S Truman President Dwight Eisenhower ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


Henry Box School Witney - Oxfordshire
  • The New Frontier

President F D Roosevelt
President Harry S Truman
President Dwight Eisenhower
President John F Kennedy
In January 1961 John F Kennedy became the USs
youngest president at the age of 43
  • He was a glamorous leader - attractive, wealthy,
    well-educated and witty.
  • He was also married to a beautiful and cultured
    woman, Jacqueline Lee Bouvier.
  • He had served in World War Two and been decorated
    as a hero.

JFKs Election
  • JFK was a Democrat. His Republican rival,
    Richard Nixon, was much more well-known than he.
  • Kennedy had charm and charisma, and he performed
    well in his televised debates with Nixon
  • He also spent a lot of time meeting ordinary
    people important for an upper class politician
    like Kennedy.
  • JFK won, but only just! A mere 120 000 votes
    separated the two candidates.

Problems facing JFK at home
  • Unemployment was rising. It had more than
    doubled in the years since the early 1950s
  • Youth rebellion was hitting the country
  • Women were increasingly resentful about their
    place in society
  • Black people resented the fact that the
    government seemed to be doing little to address
    the civil rights issue.

Problems facing JFK abroad
  • The Cold War was continuing, and the USA faced a
    Communist Soviet Union whose military might was,
    the Americans thought, equal to, if not greater
    than, its own.

Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet leader
Kennedys New Frontier
  • In his acceptance speech as Democratic candidate,
    JFK promised the American people a New
    Frontier. He said
  • We stand on the edge of a New Frontier the
    frontier of unknown opportunities and perils a
    frontier of unfulfilled hopes and dreams..The
    New Frontier would deal with unsolved problems of
    peace and war, unconquered pockets of ignorance,
    unanswered questions of poverty and surplus.

Attitudes towards J F Kennedy
  • Some Americans despised JFK because of his
    privileged, upper class background. They
    believed that his millionaire father had bought
    his political success.
  • Some believed that his willingness to seek
    agreement with the USSR, and to sell it wheat as
    a friendly gesture, meant that he was soft on
  • He was particularly hated in the south because he
    was a northerner who sympathised with the plight
    of black Americans.
  • He was the USAs first Roman Catholic president,
    and some disapproved of his religion.
  • On the other hand, he was an inspiring and
    charismatic leader. He had great charm and
    offered hope for the future during the
    uncertainties of the Cold War.

So, what did JFK actually achieve?
JFK and Civil Rights
  • Kennedy was keen to enhance civil rights, but he
    knew he would face opposition in Congress.
    Congress was dominated by Democrats, but the
    southern Democrats would not support civil rights
  • He did, however, make gestures of support towards
    black people. He appointed five black federal
    judges including Thurgood Marshall. He also
    sent troops to the University of Mississippi so
    that a black student, James Meredith, could take
    up his studies.

JFK and Civil Rights cont.
  • In February 1963, JFK decided the time was right
    to propose a new civil rights bill to Congress.
    There were many objections to it. In August,
    Martin Luther King led a march of 200 000 through
    Washington in support of the bill, but it was
    still rejected by Congress.
  • However, on 22 November 1963, JFK was
    assassinated. Congress rapidly changed its
    attitude to his civil rights proposals as a wave
    of sympathy for the dead president swept the
  • A tougher version of the bill was passed in 1964.
    It gave black people greater voting rights and
    equality in public housing and education.

Social Justice
  • Kennedy planned to help other underprivileged
    groups within the USA, as well as black Americans
  • He aimed to provide free medical care for the
    elderly, more federal money for housing and
    education, and a rise in unemployment and social
    security benefits. However, his Medicare Bill,
    which would have provided free medical care for
    the elderly, was thrown out by Congress. Neither
    was he able to spend more money on education.

Successes in Social Justice
  • Social Security benefits were extended to each
    child whose father was unemployed
  • The minimum wage was raised from 1 to 1.25 an
    hour, and three million more workers were
    entitled to by paid it
  • Federal loans were given to low income families
    to help them buy their own homes
  • The government provided grants to the states so
    that they could extend the period covered by
    unemployment benefit.

JFKs Speech on the day he became president in
January 1961
  • The torch has been passed to a new generation of
    Americans born in this century, tempered
    strengthened by war, disciplined by a hard and
    bitter peace..The speech asked Americans to
    pay any price, bear any burden, meet any
    hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to
    assure the survival and the success of liberty.

Why did Kennedy not achieve more?
  • Some Democrats, and most Republicans, in Congress
    thought his New Frontier programme was socialist
    and therefore un-American
  • Many in Congress still believed in rugged
    individualism that Americans should stand on
    their own two feet and not rely on the state for
  • Kennedy made little effort to encourage leading
    members of Congress to support his New Frontier

Why did Kennedy not achieve more?
  • Foreign affairs were his real passion
  • Southern Democrats, as well as Republicans,
    opposed his civil rights policies. They thought
    that if they did support civil rights, then they
    would lose the votes of whites in the south.
    Moreover, some of the Southern Democrats were
    racist themselves. Kennedy knew he needed the
    support of these Dixiecrats, as they were often
    known, to help his 1964 re-election campaign.

Why did Kennedy not achieve more?
  • His policies would have been expensive, and would
    have led to an increase in federal taxes.
    Congress was reluctant to sanction this
  • Kennedy died with a year of his term as president
    still remaining. Had he lived, he may have
    achieved more.
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