Title: Crimson Traffic Aware Active Queue Management
1Crimson - Traffic Aware Active Queue Management
- Mark Claypool
- CS Department
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Worcester, MA 01609
- http//www.cs.wpi.edu/claypool
- Robert Kinicki, Associate Professor
- Jae Chung, Ph.D. student
- Choong-Soo Lee, Ph.D. student
- Matt Hartling, M.S. student
- Vishal Phirke, M.S. student
3Congestion at an Internet Router
- Incoming packets placed in outgoing queue
- Arrival rate may be larger than service rate
- ? Queue fills up
- Packets that arrive to a full queue are dropped
- ? Drop-tail
- Upon loss, responsive flows (ex TCP) will reduce
rate - May have many flows simultaneously reduce rate
- ? Underutilization of outgoing link
- Or, can have persistently full queues
- ? High delays from waiting in queue
4Active Queue Management (AQM)
- Detect impending congestion at the router
- Before queue is filled
- Drop (mark) packets to signal congestion
- Avoid dropping too many packets overall
- Avoid dropping too many packets from one flow
- Potential AQM benefits
- Higher link utilization
- Lower queuing delay
- Great! So, whats the problem?
5AQM Challenge (1)
- Wide range of traffic conditions
- Static
- Ex WPI with 45 Mbps to Sprint 622 Mbps
- Dynamic
- Wide range of offered traffic loads
- Time of day variations
- Flash crowds
- Router configuration parameters must be easy to
set (static) and robust over load variations
6AQM Challenge (2)
- Not all drops have equal impact
- Transport protocols respond to drops differently
- Ex TCP variants, TCP Friendly Rate Control
- (Floyd et al 2000)
- Window sizes vary (with flow lengths)
- Ex Web browsing, File transfer
- Round-trip times vary
- 10 milliseconds up to 1000 milliseconds
- Must provide scalable solution
- No per-flow state at core routers
7AQM Challenge (3)
- Unresponsive flows
- AQM only effective if flows reduce data rate upon
congestion notification - TCP-Friendly rate
- At best, unresponsive flows reduce AQMs to
drop-tail - At worst, unresponsive flows can lead to
congestion collapse (Floyd and Fall 1999)
8AQM Challenge (4)
- Diverse application delay and throughput (QoS)
9Meeting the Challenges Crimson
- Wide range of traffic conditions
- Analysis of Active Queue Management, TR 2003
- Not all drops have equal impact
- Active Queue Management for Web Traffic, TR
2002 - Chablis - Achieving Fair Bandwidth Allocation
with Priority Dropping Based on Round Trip Time
, TR 2002 - Unresponsive flows
- Diverse application QoS requirements
- Traffic Sensitive Active Queue Management for
Improved Multimedia Streaming, QoS-IP 2003
- Introduction ?
- Related Work ?
- Crimson
- Evaluation
- Ongoing Work
- Conclusions
11Related Work - AQM Support for QoS
- Introduction ?
- Related Work ?
- Crimson ?
- Evaluation
- Ongoing Work
- Conclusions
13The Crimson Approach
Source provides content-aware hints
Edge monitors flow hints for cheating
Core makes per-packet decisions using rate-based
14Source Hints
- Labels that carry information about the flow
- Examples Data rate, Protocol state
- Embedded in IP header (to avoid layer violation)
- Allow routers to differentiate between the
contexts of flows - Currently, Crimson uses Round-trip time, Window
size, Delay sensitivity
15Edge Monitoring
- Router may give favorable treatment based on
source hint - ?So do per-flow monitoring at edge to prevent
cheating - Example
- Flow i source hints of Window Size (Wi) and RTT
(Ti) - Edge monitors arrival rate of each flow (Ri)
- if Ri gt ((Wi x mtu) / Ti) then
- modify source hint or impose rate limit or
- Note, that Crimsons delay hint doesnt need
16Crimson Active Queue Management
Congestion Controller
10 Mbps
QoS Controller
5 Mbps
Packet queue
10 Mbps
- Introduction ?
- Related Work ?
- Crimson ?
- Evaluation
- Delay Hints ?
- Ongoing Work
- Conclusions
18Using Delay Hints An Example
- T1 link
- H.261 Videoconference
19Using Delay Hints An Example
- T1 link
- H.261 Videoconference
20Using Delay Hints An Example
- T1 link
- H.261 Videoconference
21Crimsons Moving Target
(Delay Hints, in ms)
Typical AQM
Typical AQM
22Crimsons Weighted Insert
(Starting Delay Hints, in ms)
23Crimsons QoS AQM
- On receiving packet pkt
- target AdjustTarget(target, pkt.delay)
- if (qavg gt maxth) then
- dropPacket(pkt, 1)
- elseif (qavg gt minth) then
- p calcDropP(qavg , minth, maxth, maxp)
- p p ? (delayavg/pkt.delay)
- if (!dropPacket(pkt,p)) then
- weight arrival_time pkt.delay
- insertPacket(pkt, weight)
- Every interval seconds (from Floyd et al 2001)
- if (qavg gt target) then
- maxp ?
- elseif (qavg lt target) then
- maxp ? ?
24QoS Evaluation Setup
NS-2 Implementation
25QoS Evaluation Traffic
Throughput Sensitive ?1, ? 0
Delay Sensitive ?.5, ? .5
26QoS Evaluation Delay Sensitive Flows
Normalized QoS (QoS T 0.5/D 0.5)
27QoS Evaluation Throughput Sensitive Flows
Normalized QoS (QoS T 1/D 0)
28Ongoing Work
- Completion of rate-based core AQM
- Extension of core to handle unresponsive flows
- Combination of source hints
- Development of application that uses source hints
- Diversity of Internet traffic poses challenges to
AQM - Robustness - Context-aware drops
- QoS support - Protection
- Crimsons source-edge-core provides architecture
to meet challenges - Results thus far
- Improved QoS for all flows
- Improved response time for Web traffic
- Improved performance for heterogeneous flows
30Crimson - Traffic Aware Active Queue Management
- Mark Claypool
- CS Department
- Worcester Polytechnic Institute
- Worcester, MA 01609
- http//www.cs.wpi.edu/claypool
- Introduction ?
- Related Work ?
- Crimson ?
- Evaluation
- Traffic QoS ?
- Web Traffic ?
- Ongoing Work
- Conclusions
32Web Traffic
- Web pages composed of objects
- One object per TCP flow (HTTP 1.0)
- (Even with HTTP 1.1, objects across servers)
- Object sizes are small (median lt 10 Kbytes)
- ? Small TCP windows
- Small windows problematic
- Lower bandwidth
- Greater likelihood of timeout during drops
- ITO about 3 seconds, RTO about 1 second
- Greatly increases response time
- ? Send Window Size as hint
33Crimsons Window Size AQM
minth_mod minth (maxth minth) x (1
pkt.cwnd / cwndavg) maxp_mod maxp x (maxth
minth_mod ) / (maxth minth) p maxp_mod x
(qavg minth_mod) / (maxth - minth_mod)
34Window Size Evaluation Traffic
- Web traffic only
- Web traffic plus FTP traffic
- 10 FTP flows
- Variable number of Web flows
- Heavy-tailed object size
- pareto 1.2 shape, mean 10 kbytes
- Objects per page 1, 1-8, 1-16, 1-32
- FTP traffic only
Object Transmission Time Response Time Throughput
Performance Metrics
35Window Size Evaluation Setup
36Evaluation Object Transmission Time
37Window Size Evaluation Improvement