Title: Cognitive Disorders ECT
1Cognitive Disorders ECT
- Phyllis M. Connolly, PhD, RN, CS
- NURS 127A
2Questions for consideration
- What are the similarities and differences between
delirium, dementia, and depression? - What is a catastropic reaction and what
interventions are helpful? - What is a positive client outcome for altered
thought processes? - What the indications for ECT?
3Cognitive Impairments
- 2.4 million Americans suffer from dementing
illnesses - 7.3 million by 2040
- Alzheimers Disease
- Dementias
- Vascular--interruption of blood flow to brain
- Parkinsons--involves extrapyramidal
- Diffuse Lewy Body Disease
- Huntingtons Disease
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease
- Alcoholic Dementia
4Medications Causing or Contributing to Dementia
or Delirium
- Analgesics
- Codeine
- Meperidine
- Morphine
- Pentzcocine
- Indomethacin
- Antihistamines
- Dephenhydramine
- Hydroxyzine
- Antihypertensives
- Clonidine
- Hydralazine
- Methyldopa
- Propranolol
- Reserpine
- Antimicrobials
- Gentamicin
- Isoniazid
5Medications Causing or Contributing to Dementia
or Delirium Cont.
- Antiparkinsonism
- Amantadine
- Bromocriptine
- Carbidopa
- L-Dopa
- Cardiovascular
- Atorpine
- Digitalis
- Diuretics
- Lidocaine
- Hypoglycemics
- Insulin
- Sulfonyureas
- Psychotropics
- Benzodiazepines
- Lithium
- Tricyclics
- Haloperidol
- Thiothixene
- Chlorpromazine
- Barbituates
- Chloral hydrate
- Others
- Cimetidine
- Steroids
- Trihexyphenidyl other anticholinergics
- Constellation of symptoms resulting in impairment
of short and long term memory - Onset slow or insidious
- Progressive ends in death
- Deterioration in judgment abstract reasoning
- Social occupational functioning significantly
affected - Most common cause Alzheimers
7Four As of Alzheimers Disease
- Amnesia--inability to learn new information or to
recall previously learned information - Agnosia--failure to recognize or identify objects
despite intact sensory function - Aphasia--language disturbance that manifest in
both understanding expressing the spoken word - Apraxia--inability to carry out motor activities
despite intact motor function
8 Alzheimers Etiology
- Senile plaques neurofibrillary tangles
- Dystrophic neurites(thickened, swollen neuronal
processes) - Abnormal amyloid deposits
- Genetic--10-15 of cases
- Toxin model--aluminum salts
- Infectious agent model--virus
- Cholinergic deficit model
9Alzheimers Disease Behavioral Symptoms
- Hallucinations
- Delusions
- Dysphoria depression
- Fearfulness
- Repetitive purposeless acts
- Avoidance behavior
- Motor restlessness
- Apathy
- Verbal and physical aggression
- Resistance to interventions
- Hygiene
- Nutrition
- Safety
10Stressors for Persons with Cognitive Impairments
- Fatigue
- Change of environment, routine or caregiver
- Overwhelming or competing stimuli
- Demands that exceed capacity to function
- Physical stressors
11Catastropic Reaction
- Excessive distress exhibited by patients in
situations that are confusing or frightening ex.
Showering - Interventions
- Remain calm
- Remove patient from whatever is upsetting
- Use distraction rather than confrontation
12Impaired Cognitive Functioning
- Key Elements of Care
- Communication
- Orientation
- Structure
- Stimulation
- Safety
13Altered Thought Processes
- Client Outcomes
- Demonstrates improved reality orientation
- Responds coherently to simple requests
- Follows simple directions
- Interventions
- Baseline mental status functioning
- Avoid making demands
- Ask only one question make only one request at
a time - Provide a structured routine
- Provide familiar objects
- Avoid agreeing with confused thinking but DO NOT
ARGUE--try to distract - Incorporate orientation cues from the environment
- Keep environment simple uncluttered
- Alterations in consciousness
- Changes in cognition
- Usually caused by medical condition or substance
induced - Develop over short period of time
- Treatable
- 30 CCU environments, CCU psychosis
- Disoriented
- Disorganized thinking and speech
- Altered perceptions illusions, delusions
hallucinations - EEG changes
- Neurological abnormalities
15Delirium Treatment
- Identify correct cause
- anemia
- dehydration
- nutritional deficiencies
- electrolyte imbalance
- Monitor closely
- Safety high priority
- Control behavioral symptoms
- Well lighted room, visible clock calendar
16Comparison Dementia, Delirium Depression
17Psychotherapeutic Management
- Nurse-Patient Relationship
- Psychopharmacology
- Antipsychotics
- Antidepressants
- Antianxiety
- Treatment of cognitive impairment
- cholinergic enhancers
- metabolic enhancers/vasodilators
- Nootropic agents
- Milieu management
- Safety
18Validation Therapy
- Enter clients world rather than force to relate
to an external world which is no longer
comprehensible - Increase the clients sense of being understood
by others - Reduces agitation and catastrophic reaction
- ?quality of life
Schober, Glod, Jones, 1998, p .252
19Tips for Working with Persons with Dementia
Promote Safety
- Look directly at person when speaking
- Identify yourself prior to interaction
- Use simple short phrases
- Ask specific rather than general questions
- Distract if asking same question repeatedly
- Assist in word finding
- Reassure that you intend to help
- Avoid arguing
- Convey patience and understanding
- Person wears identification bracelet
- Install special locks, safety devices on doors,
stove other potentially dangerous objects - Check frequently for burns, bruises, or abrasions
- Assess for signs of abuse
- Only use restraints after other methods are
ineffective--need MD order
20Tips for Dementia Care Cont.
Decrease Confusion
- Establish regular predictable routine
- Breakdown complex tasks into small simple steps
- Consistent care by regular staff
- Use large clock calendar
- ? distraction stimulation, avoid clutter
unnecessary objects - Post lists of daily activities
- Person wear glasses hearing aid
- Avoid medications if possible
- Check person frequently
21Tips for Dementia Care Cont.
Physical Emotional Wellbeing
Family Education
- Encourage regular exercise
- Ensure nutrition hydration
- Assist with ADLs
- Assess frequently for physical pain,
constipation, discomfort - Evaluate agitation and worsening behavior
carefully - Suggest day treatment for clients living at home
- Teach ways to manage uncooperative behavior
- Teach about causes and course of dementia
- Monitor assess level of stress on the family
- Encourage use of social support to decrease
caregiver stress - Help families mourn the loss of their loved one
Schober, Glod, Jones, 1998, p. 251
22Modern ECT
- Causes changes in monoamine neurotransmitter
system - Electric current (70 - 150 volts) passes through
the brain from .5 to 2 seconds - Seizure must last approximately 30 - 60 seconds
for therapeutic value - ECT has cumulative effect, needing 220 - 250
seconds - Oximeter-monitor anesthetic to assure oxygenation
- 2 - 3 times/week up to 6 - 12 treatments
- May require periodic or maintenance ECT treatments
23Disorders, Depressive Symptoms, Conditions
Responding to ECT
24Preparation for ECT
- Physical exam, blood ct., chemistry, urinalysis,
baseline memory abilities - Consent form informed
- Eliminate benzodiazepines prior
- Trained electrotherapist anesthesiologist
- Nursing responsibilities
- NPO 8 hours prior to ECT
- Atropine 1 hr. prior to treatment
- Have patient urinate before treatment
- Remove hairpins dentures
- Take vital signs
- Reduce anxiety--be positive
25Procedures During ECT
- IV inserted
- Electrodes placed on head
- Bite-block inserted
- Brevital IV
- Anective IV, neuromuscular blocking agent
- Ventilate 100 O2
- Electrical impulse 150 volts, 0.5 - 2 sec.
- Monitor, heart rate, rhythm,BP, EEG
26Nursing Care After ECT
- Ventilate with 100 O2 until breathing unassisted
- Monitor for respiratory problems
- Reorient patient, time, place, person
- If agitation may need benzodiazepine
- Constant observation
- Document all aspects of treatment
- Monitor seizure activity, EEG
27Contraindications for ECT
- High Risk
- Angina pectoris
- Congestive heart failure
- Extremely loose teeth
- Severe pulmonary disease
- Severe osteoporosis
- Major bone fractures
- Glaucoma
- Retinal detachment
- Thrombophlebitis
- Pregnancy
- Use of MAOIs
- Use of clozapine
- Very High Risk
- Recent myocardial infarction
- Recent CVA
- Intracranial mass lesion
- No absolutes
28Disadvantages ECT
- Temporary relief
- Memory impairment, before and after ECT
- Physiological effects
- hypertension
- arrhythmias
- alterations in cardiac output
- hemodynamic changes
- increases in myocardial o2 consumption-ischemia
- seizures
29Other Somatic Therapies
- Psychosurgery
- Insulin-Coma
- Metrazol-induced convulsions
- Types
- Cingulotomy
- Subcaudate tractotomy
- Capsulotomy
- Outcomes, psychosurgeries
- Suicide rate of 1300 persons dropped 15 to 1
post op - Contraindications
- lt20 yrs or gt65 yrs
- brain pathology, atrophy or tumor
- personality disorders borderline, paranoid,
antisocial, histrionic - substance abuse
- Adverse Reactions
- Altered personality
- infection, hemorrhage, hemiplegia,seizures,
suicide, wt. gain
31Phototherapy Seasonal Affective Disorder
- Light box
- Phototherapy visor
- Head-mounted light unit
- Dawn stimulator