Title: Rehabilitation Research & Development Service
1Rehabilitation Research Development Service
- Patricia A. Dorn, Ph.D.
- Acting Deputy Director
- Website www.vard.org
3Rehab RD Funding
- Centers of Excellence
- Large group investigators research, training,
outreach to veterans community at large - Research Enhancing Award Program
- Support small group of researchers
- Multi-Year Projects
- Single investigator studies
- Multi-site trials for evaluation efficacy
- Pilot Studies
- Collect preliminary data to lead to full project
- Career Development Awards
4Rehab RD Centers of Excellence
- Functional Electrical Stimulation Cleveland
- Restoration of Function in SCI MS West Haven
- Functional Recovery in Chronic SCI Miami
- Medical Consequences of SCI Bronx
- Wheelchair Associated Rehab Technologies
Pittsburgh - Bone Joint Rehab Palo Alto
- Rehabilitative Auditory Research Portland
- Limb Loss Prevention Prosthetic Engineering
Seattle - Aging Veterans with Vision loss Atlanta
- Innovative Visual Rehab Boston
- Brain Rehab Gainesville
- Rehab Outcomes Research Gainesville
- http//www.vard.org/cent/centers.htm
5Continued Growth in all Career Development
- Mentored Awards
- Associate Investigator
- Research Career Development
- Advanced Research Career Development
- Disability Supplement
- Continue to seek applications from outstanding
rehabilitation researchers
Research Career Scientist Program
6Current Initiatives
- BION Technology
- Prosthetics/Orthotics/Orthopedics
- Vocational Rehabilitation
- Research Enhancing Award Program (REAP)
- Rehabilitation Enhancing Activity-Dependent
7 New Directions BION Technology
- CRADA with Alfred Mann Foundation to
- provide Veterans with promising technological
- advances for restoration of function,
prevention - of secondary disabilities and amelioration of
- pain due to neurologic dysfunction
- Reviewed BION proposals July 2003 Merit Review
- Several proposals received meritorious
scientific reviews - Mann Foundation is in contact with the
individual investigators to manufacture BIONs
that meet specific research applications
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9Radio Frequency BION System
10 Prosthetics/Orthotics/Orthopedics
- November 17-18, 2003 State-of-the-Art Prosthetics
Workshop - Approximately 90 attendees from VA, DOD, Academia
Private Industry - Secretary Anthony J. Principi gave speech of
support to group - This strategic planning meeting has set an agenda
for the direction of amputee healthcare research
over the next 10-years - Will launch major collaborative efforts with
other federal agencies, non-profits academic
institutions - Potential for wounded (amputee) military
personnel to return to active duty - Seamless transition in healthcare from active
military to veteran through the establishment of
joint databases between DOD and VA
11 Prosthetics/Orthotics/Orthopedics contd
- Major efforts are currently underway. Workshop
participants are designing studies in the
following areas - Databases
- Socket design
- Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided
Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) - Integration of computer technology robotics
into prosthetic design - Osseointegration
- Amputation QUERI (with HSRD)
12Vocational Rehabilitation
- Impact of Vocational Rehabilitation Programs
Among Veterans - Researchers in the field pleased we recognized
need to target this area - Enthusiastic response to the Request For
Proposals - Scientific Merit Review in January 2004
13Research Enhancing Award Program (REAP)
- Researchers are glad to have the opportunity to
develop formal collaborative partnerships - Resemble small-scale research centers with a
specific research focus - Scientific Merit Review in January 2004
14Rehabilitation Enhancing Activity-Dependent
- In response to the Secretarys request for
multidisciplinary proactive approaches to
functional recovery following SCI - Special program to form new collaborations
exploring neurobiological issues in SCI, MS
other conditions leading to loss of neurological
function - These research efforts will seek ways to restore
function fully understand mechanisms underlying
recovery - Some involve use of Lokomat
- Scientific Merit Review January 2004
16Platform Technology Centers
- Represents concerted effort to incorporate
cutting edge technology used in other venues
(DOD, entertainment) into rehabilitative care - Virtual Reality
- Telemedicine
- Nano-, micro, macrotechnology
- Robotics
- Review May 2004
17Future Directions in Rehab RD
- Long-term Care / Quality of Life
- In conjunction with Rosalynn Carter Institute
- Caregiver training program
- Dual Sensory Loss (hearing vision)
- Hearing loss vision loss a major problem among
aging veterans - ALS Initiative
18Future Directions in Rehab RD contd
- Pain control management
- Innovative interventions to address problem
- Obesity comorbidities
- In conjunction with several centers
- Balance / Vestibular Dysfunction Rehabilitation
- In conjunction with NASA Biomedical Institute
19Journal of Rehabilitation Research Development
- Primary information dissemination vehicle
- Highest impact factor of any Rehab Res. Journal
- Accepts manuscripts on Rehab Res. From VA,
non-VA, international - Scientifically peer-reviewed indexed
- Six issues a year supplements
- JRRD.org
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