Title: Accountants Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
1Accountants Legal and Ethical Responsibilities
- Federal Securities Law
- Contract
- Negligence
- Racketeering Influenced an Corrupt Organizations
Act (RICO) - Private Securities Litigation Reform act of 1995
(Fraud Detection and Disclosure) - Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
3Securities Act of 1933
- Objective To provide prospective investors with
accurate, complete, and detailed information
about new offerings of securities.
4Securities Act of 1933
- Requires that all new issues of securities sold
in interstate commerce must be registered with
the SEC before sale, unless exempted.
Registration includes certified financial
statements and prospectus. Prospectus must also
be given to each new purchaser.
5Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violation
- Liability extends to Issuer, under writer,
directors/partners, all signers, and experts
(accountants and attorneys) who prepared or
certified part of registration statement. CPA
liable for false, misleading or omitted
information. - Plaintiff need not prove reliance by plaintiff
- Due diligence (reasonable grounds to believe
accuracy) is defense.
6Civil and Criminal Penalties for Violation
- a. Criminal fine and/or imprisonment.
Fines up to 10,000 and/or imprisonment up to
five years. - b. Civil Monetary damages to investors
if there is a failure to register, registration
statement or prospectus contained materially
false, misleading factual information, or omitted
material factual information.
- Duty determined by terms of engagement letter.
- Liability extends to intended beneficiaries known
to accountant. - Lending institutions
- A. Duty of professional care
- B. Failure to act in accordance with those duties
- C. Proximate cause
- D. Loss of damage
- Liable to client, known third parties, and
possibly foreseen parties (same class as known
third parties)
9- Fraud
- Requires knowledge, or grossly negligent or
reckless conduct. - Extends liability to reasonably foreseeable third
10Securities Exchange Act of 1934
- Regulates ongoing trading of securities after
issuance. - 1. Prohibits Fraud
- (Section 10b,Rule 10b-5
- Knowing issuance of financial reports containing
false, misleading information or omitting
material information in a report. - (Plaintiff must prove intent and reliance.)
11Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
Act (1970)
- Federal Crime to engage in racketeering activity
in the acquisition, maintenance or conduct of the
affairs of a business enterprise or to conspire
to do any racketeering activities. - Incorporates by reference 26 federal crimes and 9
state felonies, including securities fraud, mail
fraud and wire fraud. Requires two or more
- Commission of two or more predicate acts within
a 10 year period
13Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
Act (1970
- Penalties
- Criminal - 25,000 per violation
- Up to twenty years imprisonment
- Civil Government Divestiture or dissolution
of business - Private Treble damages, Attorneys fees
14Private Securities Litigation Reform act of 1995
- Requires audits of financial statement include
- standards designed to provide reasonable
assurance - of detecting illegal acts that have material
effect on - financial statements
- Requires notification to audit committee
- Notification to corporate board if audit
committee does not act. - Notification to SEC if board does not notify SEC
15Duty of Inquiry
- If CPA becomes aware of suspicious circumstances,
he/she has a duty to inquire - A CPA cannot rely on Management's
16Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
- Creates a five-member public company accounting
oversight board. The Board will have five
financially-literate members, appointed for
five-year terms. Two of the members must be or
have been certified public accountants, and the
remaining three must not be and cannot have been
CPAs. - Members of the Board are appointed by the
Securities and Exchange Commission, "after
consultation with" the Chairman of the Federal
Reserve Board and the Secretary of the Treasury.
17Section 103 Auditing, Quality Control, And
Independence Standards And Rules.
- The Board shall
- (1) register public accounting firms
- (2) establish, or adopt, by rule, "auditing,
quality control, ethics, independence, and other
standards relating to the preparation of audit
reports for issuers" - (3) conduct inspections of accounting firms
- (4) conduct investigations and disciplinary
proceedings, and impose appropriate sanctions
18Standard Setting
- The Board would be required to "cooperate on an
on-going basis" with designated professional
groups of accountants and any advisory groups
convened in connection with standard-setting,
19Section 104 Inspections of Registered Public
Accounting Firms
- Annual quality reviews (inspections) must be
conducted for firms that audit more than 100
issues, all others must be conducted every 3
years. The SEC and/or the Board may order - a special inspection of any firm at any time.
20Section 201 Services Outside The Scope Of
Practice Of Auditors Prohibited Activities.
- It shall be "unlawful" for a registered public
- accounting firm to provide any non-audit service
to - an issuer contemporaneously with the audit,
- including
- (1)bookkeeping or other services related to the
accounting records or financial statements of the
audit client - (2)financial information systems design and
implementation - (3) appraisal or valuation services, fairness
opinions, or contribution-in-kind reports
21Section 201 Services Outside The Scope Of
Practice Of Auditors Prohibited Activities.
- (4) actuarial services
- (5) internal audit outsourcing services
- (6) management functions or human resources
- (7) broker or dealer, investment adviser, or
investment banking services
22Section 201 Services Outside The Scope Of
Practice Of Auditors Prohibited Activities.
- 8) legal services and expert services unrelated
to the audit - (9) any other service that the Board determines,
by regulation, is impermissible. - The Board may, on a case-by-case basis, exempt
from - these prohibitions any person, issuer, public
- accounting firm, or transaction, subject to
review by - the Commission.
23Section 203 Audit Partner Rotation.
- The lead audit or coordinating partner and the
- reviewing partner must rotate off of the audit
- every 5 years.
24Section 302 Corporate Responsibility For
Financial Reports.
- The CEO and CFO of each issuer shall prepare
- statement to accompany the audit report to
certify the - appropriateness of the financial statements and
disclosures contained in the periodic report, and
- that those financial statements and disclosures
fairly - present, in all material respects, the
operations and financial condition of the
issuer." -
25Section 401(a) Disclosures In Periodic Reports
Disclosures Required.
- Each financial report that is required to be
prepared in accordance with GAAP shall - reflect all material correcting adjustments . . .
that have been identified by a registered
accounting firm . . . ." - "Each annual and quarterly financial report . . .
shall disclose all material off-balance sheet
transactions" and "other relationships" with
"unconsolidated entities" that may have a
material current or future effect on the
financial condition of the issuer. -
26Section 401(a) Disclosures In Periodic Reports
Disclosures Required.
- The SEC shall issue rules providing that pro
forma financial information must be presented so
as not to "contain an untrue statement" or omit
to state a material fact necessary in order to
make the pro forma financial information not
27Title VIII Corporate and Criminal Fraud
Accountability Act of 2002.
- Felony to "knowingly" destroy or create
- documents to "impede, obstruct or
- influence any existing or contemplated
- federal investigation.
- Auditors are required to maintain "all
- audit or review work papers" for five
- years.
28Title IX White Collar Crime Penalty Enhancements
- Maximum penalty for mail and wire fraud increased
from 5 to 10 years. - SEC may prohibit anyone convicted of securities
fraud from being an officer or director of any
publicly traded company. - Maximum penalties for willful and knowing
violations of this section are a fine of not more
than 5,000,000 and/or imprisonment of up to 20
29Professional Responsibilities
- AICPA Code of Professional Conduct
- Principles
- A. CPA should exercise sensitive professional
and moral judgment in all CPA activities. - B. Demonstrate commitment to professionalism
- C. Perform responsibilities with integrity to
maintain public confidence.
30Professional Responsibilities
- 4. Maintain objectivity and be free of conflicts
of interest. - 5. Be independent in fact and in appearance.
- 6. Strive to improve competence and quality of
services and discharge duties to best of his/her
- Rule 101 Independence
- CPA shall be independent in the performance of
professional services rendered. (Tax and
consulting do not require independence)
32Independence Rule 101
- Impaired by
- Direct or material indirect financial interest in
client - Trustee or executor of trust or estate which has
financial interest in client - Joint of closely-held business investment with
client or officer, director of principal
stockholder. - (Fee outstanding for service performed more than
one year prior to audit takes on characteristics
of a loan from accountant to client.)
33Competence (Rule 201)
- CPA should not undertake any engagement that the
CPA cannot reasonably expect to complete with
professional competence.
34Confidentiality (Rule 301)
- CPA should not disclose any confidential
information obtained in the course of an
engagement without consent of the client, unless
required to do so by law, AICPA regulations or
state CPA societies.
35Contingent Fees (Rule 302)
- Professional services should not be rendered
under a contingent fee basis. - Prohibited for the filing of an origial or
amended tax return. However, permitted for
representing a client in an examination of a
clients tax return.
36Discreditable Acts (Rule 501
- CPA should not commit an act in personal or
professional life that discredits the profession