Title: Office of Risk Management Loss Prevention Unit Manual
1Office of Risk ManagementLoss Prevention
UnitManual Audit Update
- July 2004
- Directive from State Risk Director to revise
current subjective, rating-based audit to an
objective, score-based process - First major overhaul since 1992
- Brainstorming sessions begin
- Multiple 2-day staff meetings held to review
every audit question and section of the manual - Improvements
- Additions
- Deletions
- August-December 2004
- Completion of 1st and 2nd drafts
- First time audit and manual are ever
cross-referenced - January-March 2005
- Submitted to Commissioners Office for review
- March 2005
- Point person in Commissioners Office resigns
- March-August 2005
- Responsibility of review process shifted
- Committee formed and review process starts anew
- Certain components sent within ORM and DOA for
input - August-December 2005
- Katrina and Rita
- Re-write process slows as Loss Prevention Units
focus shifts to recovery/re-alignment efforts
- January-May 2006
- Review committee completes efforts and submits to
new point person in Commissioners Office for
final sign-off - Several rounds of questions and clarification
- June 2006-Present
- Final, approved versions sent to 3rd party
developer for integration into software
- Loss Prevention staff
- State Risk Assistant Director and Director
- Claims
- Medical
- Transportation
- Underwriting
- Workers Compensation
- Commissioners Office
- Fleet Management
- Flight Maintenance
- Legal
- Audit vs. Compliance Review (CR)
- Full audit once every 3 years
- 1/3 of agencies/year
FY 05-06 FY 06-07 FY 07-08 FY
08-09 FY 09-10
FY 10-11 CRs CRs
7/1/07 1/3 Audits (Group 2) 1/3 Audits
(Group 3) 1/3 Audits (Group 1)
2/3 CRs (Groups 2, 3) 2/3 CRs (Groups 1, 3)
2/3 CRs (Groups 1, 2) 2/3 CRs (Groups 2,
12 Months
3/08 (Group 1) Roll Out
1/3 Audits (Group 1)
- Compliance Review (CR) during other two years
- Self-audit required every year, due at the time
of the audit or CR - Lack thereof will result in failure of the
audit/CR - Prior to audit/CR, letter from agency head must
be sent confirming readiness - Due by 1st of the month prior to date of audit/CR
- Automated audit process
- Self-audit will be available on STARS server
- Roll out to agencies as soon as STARS Compliance
revisions are complete - LPO will use tablet PC to conduct in-person
- Point values for questions, not for comments
- Additional Support
- Review trending reports from STARS
- Consult with agencies on particular concerns
- Target areas of high loss to lower claims
12Office of Risk ManagementLoss Prevention
UnitManual Audit Update
13General Safety Audit
- Components
- Program
- Safety Meeting Training
- Inspections
- Incident/Accident Investigation
- Recordkeeping
- Bloodborne Pathogens/First Aid
- Emergency Preparedness Plan
- Hazardous Materials
14General Safety Audit
- Program Requirements
- The written general safety plan should include
safety responsibilities for all employees. The
written safety responsibilities should - Be presented to all employees during orientation
and/or upon assignment to a new position with
different/additional safety responsibilities - Contain a documented method of accountability
- General and site/task specific safety rules
- Must be distributed to employees during
orientation and such action documented
15General Safety Audit
- Safety Meetings Training Requirements
- Percentage of employee attendance at safety
meetings must be calculated and documented - Minimal acceptable attendance is 75
- Department/Agency head must attend ALL safety
16General Safety Audit
- Safety Meetings Training Requirements cont.
- Mandatory training topics
- Drug and substance abuse
- Sexual harassment
- Required within one year of hire and at least
every 5 years thereafter
17General Safety Audit
- Safety Meetings Training Requirements cont.
- Safety Committee
- Is a committee established
- Frequency of meetings should be based on agency
class (Class A/Class B) - Attendance and topic of meeting should be
18General Safety Audit
- Safety Meetings Training Requirements cont.
- If applicable, field safety coordinators should
receive training on the following - Accident investigation
- Inspections
- Safety meetings
- Supervisor responsibilities
- Job safety analysis
19General Safety Audit
- Safety Meetings Training Requirements cont.
- The agency loss prevention representative must
attend the ORM Loss Prevention Program at least
once every three years - Documented, specific training should be provided
to all employees who must perform new tasks or
operate new equipment OR whose safety performance
is unsatisfactory
20General Safety Audit
- Inspection Requirements
- Indicate number of potential/actual inspections
conducted - Percentage of inspections conducted must be
calculated and documented - Type inspection form used
- Departmental
- Agency/site specific
21General Safety Audit
- Inspection Requirements cont.
- Building inspection form should include the
following topics - Building safety
- Electrical safety
- Emergency equipment
- Fire safety
- Office safety
- Storage methods
22General Safety Audit
- Inspection Requirements cont.
- Is there a method in place for employees to
notify management of workplace hazards? - Hazard Control Log (HCL) or other acceptable means
23General Safety Audit
- Incident/Accident Investigation Requirements
- Investigation procedures should address the
following - Employee, visitor, and/or client situations (via
the DA2000) - Bodily injury and/or property concerns
- Use of the Incident/Accident Investigation form
(DA2000) - Must have designated employee review forms for
completeness and accuracy
24General Safety Audit
- Incident/Accident Investigation Requirements
cont. - Job Safety Analyses (JSA)
- Annual documented training required
- Review of applicable JSAs in post-incident/acciden
t situations
25General Safety Audit
- Recordkeeping Requirements
- Records that require, at a minimum, 5 years
retention - Bloodborne pathogens
- Drug testing and substance abuse
- Sexual harassment
26General Safety Audit
- Bloodborne Pathogens/First Aid Requirements
- Is the written program departmental or
agency/site specific - Training guideline for high-risk employees
- Within 3 months of hire
- At least once per year thereafter
- Training guideline for low-risk employees
- Within 12 months of hire
- At least once every 5 years thereafter
- Are spill procedures in place
- Spill kits maintained
27General Safety Audit
- Bloodborne Pathogens/First Aid Requirements
cont. - Does the agency location meet any of the
following criteria - Working with minimal/partial crew shifts
- Employees working in remote/isolated locations
- The on-site medical facility is closed
- If so, does the agency have someone available in
these situations who is trained/able to render
first aid
28General Safety Audit
- Emergency Preparedness Plan Requirements
- The written plan must address, at a minimum
- Fire
- Natural disaster
- Proximity threats
- Terrorism
29General Safety Audit
- Hazardous Materials Requirements
- Is the written program departmental or
agency/site specific - Plan should ensure that laboratory hoods are
maintained/air flow calibrated - If applicable, documented employee training is
required on - Hazard communication
- Lab safety
- Material Safety Date Sheets (MSDS)
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
30General Safety Manual
- Revised - Sample Management Safety (Policy)
Statement - Revised Safety Meeting Report Form
- Revised - Sample Procedure for Incident/Accident
Investigation - DA2000 Must be filled out completely
31General Safety Manual
- Sample Blood Borne Pathogens Policy/First Aid
Requirements - Sample Bomb Threat Checklist
- Sample Hazard Communication Chemical Safety
32(No Transcript)
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34(No Transcript)
35Driver Safety Audit
- Components
- Program
- Inspection Repair
- Training
- Records Forms
36Driver Safety Audit
- Program Requirements
- Requires written policies and procedures on all
of the following topics - Enrolling employees to drive
- High risk drivers
- Driver training
- Disciplinary action
- Claims reporting
- Accident investigation
- Identification of state vehicles
37Driver Safety Audit
- Inspection Repair Requirements
- Number of vehicles in fleet
- Documentation of preventive maintenance required
38Driver Safety Audit
- Training Requirements
- Refresher training required within 90 days
for all employees receiving a conviction -
39Driver Safety Audit
- Records Forms Requirements
- Authorized OR unauthorized driver list must be
signed and dated - Driver Accident Report Form (DA2041) must be
faxed/emailed within 48 hours to ORM Claims
Transportation Unit Supervisor
40Driver Safety Manual
- Sample procedure for authorizing drivers
- Instructions on how to review an Official Driving
Record (ODR) - Revised DA 2054 Authorization Driving History
Form - Sample Vehicle Checklist
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44Bonds Crime Audit
- Components
- Program
- Employee Responsibility
- Security
- Key Control
- Internal Audits
45Bonds Crime Audit
- Program Requirements
- Written program must contain the following
components - Separation of duties
- Inventory control (including disposal)
- Purchasing
- Reporting losses/damages
- Investigation of losses/damages
- Timely reporting of losses to the correct ORM
claims unit - Handling negotiable items
- Securing vaults/safes
- Employee responsibilities
46Bonds Crime Audit
- Program Requirements cont.
- Comprehensive written security plan/policy must
include, but is not limited to, procedures that
address the following components - Monitoring/controlling visitor access
- Securing all entrances and exits, both day and
night - Security system in place for all entry points
- Securing equipment located within agency
buildings - Limiting access to data on personal computers
47Bonds Crime Audit
- Key Control Requirements
- Written site-specific program must include the
following - Key/card log
- Procedures to change locks/codes
- Assigning responsibility for the program
- Methods for issuing, returning, and accounting
for lost/stolen keys/cards - Specific employee responsibilities/procedures for
handling keys/cards
48Bonds Crime Audit
- Internal Audit Requirements
- No revisions made
49Bonds Crime Manual
- Sample Key Control Policy/Procedure
- Sample form Authorization for Building Access
Card and/or Building Office Key
50(No Transcript)
51Equipment Management Audit
- Components
- Program
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Work Order System
- Lockout/Tagout (LO/TO)
- Boilers
- Elevators Fire Service Key/Equipment Room
- Confined Space
52Equipment Management Audit
- Program Requirements
- A written preventive maintenance schedule is
required for mechanical and electrical equipment - Schedule must include testing procedures on all
53Equipment Management Audit
- PPE Requirements
- Written procedures must address procurement, use,
maintenance, and disposal of PPE for the
following - Head, face, eyes, and ears
- Torso
- Extremities
- Hands and feet
- Respiratory System
54Equipment Management Audit
- Work Order System Requirements
- Written work order procedures must cover the
following - Scheduled preventive maintenance
- Reported problems
- Emergency problems
- Repairs must be made in a timely manner and
documented - Employee training required on work order
55Equipment Management Audit
- Lockout/Tagout Requirements
- No revisions made
56Equipment Management Audit
- Boiler Requirements
- All items cited in the boiler inspection report
must be corrected and documented
57Equipment Management Audit
- Elevators Fire Service Key Requirements
- Elevators
- Certificates must be readily available
- Fire Service Key
- Written procedures outlining the availability
- Must be provided to the designated personnel
- Provided to the local fire department or readily
accessible upon their arrival
58Equipment Management Audit
- Confined Space Requirements
- Has a documented assessment been performed to
determine if confined spaces exist? - Written program must cover the following
- Training
- Rescue
- Environmental testing
- Permits
- Training required on all components
59Equipment Management Manual
- Sample Lockout/Tagout Policy
- Sample Lockout/Tagout Inspection Form
- Sample Lockout/Tagout Procedure
60(No Transcript)
61Water Vessel Audit
- Components
- Program
- Inspections Repairs
- Training
- Records Forms
62Water Vessel Audit
- Program Requirements
- Written program needs to include the following
components - Procedure for authorizing employees
- Definition of high-risk operators
- Procedure for determining high-risk operators
- Operator training
- Disciplinary action
- Claims reporting
- Accident investigation procedures
- Definition of State water vessels
63Water Vessel Audit
- Inspections Repairs Requirements
- Monthly inspections, using a written checklist,
are required on BOTH powered and non-powered
64Water Vessel Audit
- Inspections Repairs Requirements cont.
- Inspection checklist (for powered and non-powered
vessels) must include the following items - Fire extinguisher
- Personal Flotation Device (PFD)
- Sound signaling device (e.g. air horn)
- Flares
- Damage to vessel
- Communication device (e.g. radio)
- Lighting
- Towing trailer
65Water Vessel Audit
- Inspections Repairs Requirements cont.
- For all vessels 26 feet or longer, the
appropriate Coast Guard inspections shall be
conducted as required and all corrective actions
performed/documented - Preventive maintenance should be performed and
documented for vessels of any size
66Water Vessel Audit
- Training Requirements
- All authorized employees who receive a conviction
for a violation are required to attend (Boat
Louisiana) refresher training within 90 days of
67Water Vessel Audit
- Records Forms Requirements
- The list of approved operators must be signed and
dated - List must indicate annual verification of the
operator record - If accidents occur in a commercial vessel on
navigable waters, a Report of Marine Accident,
Injury or Death form (CG-2692) must be completed
and submitted to the U.S. Coast Guard
68Water Vessel Audit
- Records Forms Requirements cont.
- For all accidents the applicable form must be
completed and faxed/e-mailed within 48 hours to
the appropriate ORM Claims Unit Supervisor - Passenger Injury Report form (DOTD-03-18-3024)
- Private Vehicle Report form (DOTD-03-18-3023)
- Vessels less than 26 feet report to
- Claims - Property Unit
- Vessels greater than 26 feet report to
- Claims - Transportation Unit
69Water Vessel Manual
- Passenger Injury Report (Ferry)
- DOTD 03-18-3024
- Private Vehicle Report (Ferry)
- DOTD 03-18-3023
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72Flight Operations Audit
- Program Requirements
- Written plan must follow Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) regulations - All accidents require the Aircraft
Incident/Accident Statement to be completed and
faxed/e-mailed to the ORM Transportation Unit
73Flight Operations Manual
- Aircraft Incident/Accident Statement
74(No Transcript)
75Safety Training
- The section on Safety Training has been deleted
from the manual. All requirements for training
have been incorporated into each individual
76Thank you for attending!