Title: Seminar: introduction to private equity
1Seminar introduction to private equity
- Antoine Parmentier
- Antoine.parmentier_at_aig.com
- 44(0)7809.510.373
3Final presentations
- Corporate governance and public debate over
private equity - Private equity in emerging markets
- FIP, FCPI, defiscalisation
- Investments in infrastructure
- Private equity post credit crunch
- Private equity in retail and consumer goods.
- Introduction
- Why allocate assets to PE?
- LBO activity in Europe
- European fundraising activity
- The measure of perfromance
- FoF due diligence selection of PE managers
- The worlds biggest private equity firms
- The mega-buyout era
- Value creation in private equity
- The structure of a leverage buyout deal
- The pros and cons of being private
- The credit crisis impact and consequences on PE
- Case study Baneasa
5Introduction to Private Equity
- Asset class representing the companies not
publicly traded (vs. public equity traded on
stock exchange) - Medium to long term investment
- Venture capital, growth capital, buyout
- PE funds are raised from pension funds, insurance
companies, large corporate, HNWI, etc - Investors in PE funds are called Limited
Partners - PE funds are managed by the General Partners
7- Structure of private equity participations
8The fuel of private equity
- The debt
- Acquisitions are made through leveraged buyout
deals (LBOs) - The investors
- PE funds managers must be disciplined and
patient - The managers
- The success of an investment relies on the
implementation of the business plan - The macro environment
- Acquisition multiple arbitrage can be positive in
period of growth
9A diversified asset class
- Private equity includes a large number of
strategies venture, buyout, distressed,
secondary - Like-minded strategies mezzanine,
clean-tech/energy, infrastructure, real assets
10Venture capital (1/2)
- Earlier stage venture investors provide funds
for start-up and early expansion - Based on innovative business, development of a
new product, new patent - Two sectors technology or life science
- Highly skilled professionals and scientists
- Scalable investments with a lot of failures and
few great successes
11Venture capital (2/2)
- Investment from up to 10m and often pre-revenues
balance-sheet - Financing in several rounds (round 1, round 2,
round 3) with typically clinical test results as
threshold for next round - Most of the exits are IPO (NASDAQ, Zurich)
- Examples Skype, Google, Apple, Atari, Cisco,
Yahoo, YouTube, LinkedIn, Paypal.
12Buyout (1/3)
- The most important strategy of PE
- Buyout comes after venture and growth capital
- Taking control of a company through leveraged
buyout (LBO) - Management team of the company is investing
alongside the PE fund (alignment of interest)
13Buyout (2/3)
- Development of a business plan over 4 to 6 years
in order to add value - Revenue growth Margins improvement
deleveraging added value - Mature companies with leading market position,
active management team, strong cash-flow - PE funds provide capital for international
expansion, corporate divestures, succession
14Buyout (3/3)
- Buyout starts at 5 million enterprise value
(EV) - At the bottom end growth/expansion capital.
15Distressed / Special situation (1/2)
- Investment in debt-securities or equity of a
company under financial stress - Distressed companies are in default, under
Chapter 11 (reorganization) or under Chapter 7
(liquidationbankruptcy) - Loans are rated BB and below by SP based on
usual ratio (debt/EBITDA, EBITDA interest
coverage, etc)
16Distressed / Special situation (2/2)
- Distressed debt investors try first to influence
the process - Debt holders have access to confidential
information - Then, as debt holders, they can take the control
of the company
17Secondary (1/2)
- Purchase of existing (hence secondary)
commitments in PE funds or portfolios of direct
investments - LP selling their portfolio secondary deal
- Needs in depth valuation and bidding/auction
process - Specialized investors Alpinvest, Coller Capital,
Lexington Partners - Booming specialization as most of institutional
investors are seek cash.
18Secondary (2/2)
19Mezzanine (1/3)
- Debt instrument immediately subordinated to the
equity - The most risky debt instrument highest yield
- Returns generated by
- cash interest payment fixed rate or fluctuate
along an index (e.g. EURIBOR, LIBOR) - PIK interest payment is made by increasing the
principal borrowed - Ownership mezzanine financing most of the time
include equity ownership.
20Mezzanine (2/3)
- Mezzanine suffered before credit crunch as senior
debt was easy to access - Since July 2007 and lack of funding, mezzanine is
back - As of 30 September 2008, 70 of PE deals used
mezzanine vs. 48 in 2007 - Q3 2008 average spread E1,042, versus E979 in
Q2 2008
21Mezzanine (3/3)
22Infrastructure (1/2)
- Among the newest PE-like asset
- Global needs for infrastructure assets
- Roads, ports, airports, energy plant, hospitals.
Prisons, schools, etc - Mix of private investors and governments through
PPP (Public-Private Partnerships) - Traditional PE funds raised infrastructure funds
KKR, CVC, 3i, Macquarie - Longer term investment, lower return, steady
cash-flow with regular yield - French highways or Viaduc de Millau are
contracted to Eiffage/Macquarie
23Infrastructure (2/2)
- A multi trillion market opportunity
- 1 trillion to 3 trillion annually through 2030
- US power industry needs 1.5 trillion between
2010 and 2030 - Mexico a 5-year and 250 billion plan will be
funded 50 by private capital - EU 164 billion to be invested in natural gas
infrastructure by 2030 to facilitate import of
gas to meet long-term shortfall - China close to 100 airports will be needed.
Source Global Infrastructure Demand through
2030, CG/LA Infrastructure, March 2008.
Infrastructure to 2030, volume 2, OECD
publication, 2007.
24Real assets (1/2)
- Cash-flow producing asset or pool of assets
privately originated - Equipment leasing (shipping, aircraft) the
asset is purchased and simultaneously leased back
to the seller - Agricultural finance (forests, timber lands,
etc) growing demand from the renewable energy
sector - Mines, intellectual property rights, financial
assets on the secondary market, etc - It is usually not asset-backed securities but a
direct investment in the assets
25Real assets (2/2)
- Steady and regular cash flow 10-15 annual cash
return - Downside protection due to high recovery value of
the assets loss of value of the asset is
unlikely - Uncorrelated assets
26Why allocate assets to PE ?
27Portfolio management
- Asset allocation is define by returns, risk
(measured by standard deviations of returns) and
correlations - Diversification improve returns while reducing
risk - Allocation is determined using public information
of traditional asset classes (equity, bonds,
REIT, etc...)
28The issue with private equity
- Private market
- PE funds invest in private companies no public
market to help set the valuation - PE funds are themselves private companies no
market to value them and no public disclosure
required. - Quarterly valuation
- Risk of inconsistency quarterly marked-to-market
valuation significant degree of subjectivity - Risk of stale valuation quarterly valuation can
understate the standard deviation and correlation
to other asset classes.
29The issue with private equity
- Illiquid investments
- PE funds are closed-end funds (except secondary
market) - Time line too long
- PE funds has a 5-year investment period and a
10-year life - Restricted information disclosure
- Only LPs have access to the funds performance.
Private equity is an inefficient market
30- However, Allocation to PE increased significantly
over the last years - Low correlation to pricing trends of traditional
assets - Diversification thus risk reduction
- Good returns over the years Average annual IRR
1986-2005 is 18.3
31Reason to invest in PE
- Adding a risky asset with a low correlation of
pricing trends compared to traditional asset
classes can reduce the risk of an overall
portfolio - Relatively good returns of PE over the last years.
32 33Geography
35European buyout value
European buyout value 72 billion in Q1-Q3 2008
36European buyout by region
37PE as a percentage of GDP
- Nordic countries have the most important PE
activity - Benelux figures are impacted by few mega deals.
38European fundraising activity
39Funds on the market
40Seeking capital is becoming difficult
- Number of vehicles seeking capital keep on
increasing - But the number of final closing and the path
investors deploy capital has slowed down
dramatically - Investors (LPs) are hesitant and sometimes face
liquidity issues
41 - Distributions are expected to decrease as well
this wont ease the fundraising processes - Average fundraising
- 2008 14.2 months
- 2007 12 months
- 2006 11.1 months
42Average fundraising
43State of the market
- Aggregate PE commitments globally are close to
2,000 billion (vs. 1,000 billion in 2003 and an
expected 5,000 billion within 5 to 7 years) - Globally app. 1,200 funds are currently seeking
713 billion including - Buyout 290 funds seeking 320 billion
- Venture 470 funds seeking 85 billion
- Mezzanine 25 funds seeking 10 billion
- FoF 205 funds seeking 220 billion.
44Funds of the market
- Permira 13.5 billion
- CVC 13.7 billion
- Apax Partners 11.4 billion
- Cinven 8.2 billion
- Charterhouse 7.4 billion
- PAI Partners 5.5 billion.
- PE is set to enter its most challenging time
- Increasing pressure and difficulties for managers
seeking capital - Fundraising take more time
- Less deals are being signed so theres no rush to
raise - Historical performances and focus strategies will
become key factors in the future some GPs wont
survive - Some LPs will need to free up some capital and
clean up their portfolio increase in secondary
- PE AUM has grown steadily since 1996
- 60 of LPs are expected to increase their
allocation to PE - Sovereign wealth funds are a huge source of
capital - Represent today 3,000 of assets and are expected
to reach 7,900 billion by 2011 - Europe accounts for 19 (580 billion) of SW
funds capital
47Fundraising sources
48 LPs usually invest in home-based funds
49- Globally, US is the single largest investor
- In Europe, UK is ahead of anybody
50Profile of the LPs
51The measure of performance
52Track record
53Measures of performance
- Multiple of cost
- Also called Total Value over Paid-In capital
(TVPI) - (Cash distributions Unrealized value)/capital
invested - Cash returned regardless of timing (total
return). - Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
- Discount rate that makes NPV of all cash flows
equal zero - Linked to timing Quick flip high IRR.
54The J-curve
- In the early years, low or negative valuation due
to - Management fees drawn from committed capital
- Initial investments to identify and improve
55The J-curve
- Fees are charged based on the funds entire
committed capital - Example
- Fund size 100 million
- Management fee annual 2 committed capital
- Organizational expenses 300,000
- ? 2,300,000 expenses/fees called regardless of
any investment made.
56The J-curve
- If 5 investments are made the first year for 3
million each - 5 x 3 million 15 million
- If 20 of committed capital is called the first
year 20 million - Interim value is thus 17.7 million or 0.89x
contributed capital
57The J-curve
- Underperforming investments tend to be written
down more quickly than successful companies
develop - Example 2nd year
- Another 20 of committed capital 20 million
- Five new deals at 3 million each 15 million
- Two first-year investments are written down/off
- Annual management fee 2 million.
58The J-curve
- Companies performing well, held at cost or
conservative valuation, understate the value of
the portfolio - Interim is thus often misleading
- NAV cumulative distributions track over time
relative to contributed capital
59Fund of Funds due diligence the selection of PE
60Due diligence focus
- Quantitative analysis
- Past investments and track record
- Leverage and debt
- Sources of proceeds.
- Qualitative analysis
- Team
- Strategy
- Market opportunity
61Critical items of due diligence
- Track record whats behind a bad investment?
- Unrealized portfolio lack of recent track record
and ability of current team look at current
valuation carefully. - Organization fund size, multi or single office,
Pan-European, domestic or transatlantic, risk of
spin-off, autocratic management, etc - Team number of Partners, Principles and
Associates, carry split, staff retention and
turnover, motivation in case of large
distribution under previous funds, key man
clause, succession issues.
62Reasons to invest
- Attractive track record
- Experienced investment team
- Differentiated investment strategy
- Proprietary deal flow
- Sector/geographic focus.
- Must be combined with FoF portfolio management
and exposure gt seek diversification.
63Track record
- Entry and exit date
- Realized and unrealized value (part sell off or
recapitalization) - Multiples of cost and IRR.
64Benchmark analysis
- DPI Distributed Paid In gt Proceeds distributed,
only realized deals - RVPI Residual Value Paid In gt Unrealized value
- TVPI Total Value Paid In Realized and
Unrealized value.
65Vintage year performance
- Private equity investors and their managers
Vivre avec un fond dinvestissement, Les Echos,
October 2006
67The worlds biggest private equity firms
- Founded in 1987 by David Rubenstein, Daniel
DAniello and William Conway - Since inception, Carlyle has invested 49.4
billion of equity in 836 deals for a total
purchase price of 220 billion - Over 89 billion AUM throughout 64 funds in
buyouts (69), growth capital (4), real estate
(12) and leveraged finance (15) - Over 525 investment professionals operating in 21
countries - Assets deployed in Americas (59), Europe (28)
and Asia (13) - Currently 140 companies, 68 billion in revenues
and 200,000 workers.
Source www.carlyle.com
69Carlyle deals
- Hertz
- Zodiac
- Terreal
- Le Figaro
- Founded in 1985 by Steven Schwarzman and Peter
Peterson - Global AUM 119.4 billion in private equity, real
estate, Funds of Hedge Funds, CLOs, Mutual funds - 89 senior MDs and total staff of over 750
investments and advisory professionals in US,
Europe and Asia - Blackstone is the first major PE firm to become
public IPO was in June 2007 at 36 under water
since first day ! - Currently 47 companies, 85 billion in annual
revenues and more than 350,000 employees.
71Blackstone deals
- The weather channel 3.6bn in September 2008
- Hilton 26.9bn in October 2007
- Center Parcs 2.1bn in May 2006
- Deutsche Telekom 3.3bn in April 2006
(minority) - Orangina 2.6bn in February 2006
- Founded in 1976 by James Kohlberg, Henry Kravis
and George Roberts - Total AUM 68.3bn from 25.4bn invested capital
- Total of 165 deals since inception with an
aggregate enterprise value of 420bn - KKR is currently from a one-trick pony to a
multi asset manager with infrastructure and
mezzanine funds being raised - The 31bn buyout of RJR Nabisco inspired the book
Barbarians at the gate - Currently 35 companies, 95 billion in annual
revenues and more than 500,000 employees.
73KKR deals
- Legrand
- Pages Jaunes
- Tarkett
- Alliance Boots
- ProSieben
- Toys R Us.
74PAI Partners
- The biggest French PE firms formerly known as
Paribas Affaires Industrielles - Since 1998, PAI invested 3.92bn in 36 deals
across Europe - Last fund raised reach 5.2bn
- Investments include Kaufman Broad, Vivarte,
Neuf Cegetel, Panzani Lustucru, Atos Origin
75Private equity deals
- Private equity funds own companies of everyday
life - Pages jaunes
- Comptoir des cotonniers
- Pizza Pino
- Picard
- Alain Afflelou
- Jimmy Choo
- Odlo
- Orangina
76Impact of PE on French economy is overall positive
- 2006-2007 employees growth rate
- 2.1 (vs. 0.5 for CAC 40)
- 2006-2007 sales growth
- 5.3 (vs. 4.1 for CAC 40)
Source AFIC/ErnstYoung
77- As of 30 June 2006
- 55 of PE-backed companies have less than 100
empoyees and 83 have less than 500 employees - 79 have less than 50m revenues
- 4852 PE-backed companies in France
- Work force of 1.5 million people (9 of total
private employees) - 199bn in revenues including 128bn generated
Source AFIC/ErnstYoung
79The mega buyout era
80Fund growth
- PE AUM 1980-2006 24CAGR
- 2003-2006 PE commitments increased 260
- Cost of debt historically low
- ? Global volume of LBOs increased to 700
billion in 2006 (4x 2003 level) - ? Global volume of LBOs in H1 2007 reached
560 billion (25 of global MA).
81- Bigger are the funds, bigger are the target
companies - Fund size and deal size are correlated
- Club-deals were required to complete the
biggest acquisitions - More cash you have,more cash you need
- Co-investors such as other funds, LPs or
shareholders of target companies were sought
after - Some funds created quoted vehicles to access
permanent capital or listed the management
companies on the public market
82Large funds are getting (much) larger
- US 12 largest funds raised in the US as of June
2007 totaled close to 155 billion - This represents a 142 increase compared with
their predecessor funds - In Europe, the fund-to-fund increase of the 12
largest funds was only 75 - In addition, GPs were starting to raise at
shorter intervals.
83Rational for larger pools of capital
- Economies of scale in the management of the fund
- Higher management fee enable to build top
investment teams - Expanded buyout opportunities at the larger end
of the market - Higher quality assets
- Less competition at the upper-end of the market
- Huge potential returns.
84Rational for larger pools of capital
- Ability to pursue a pro-active acquisition
strategy - Implement a levered capital structure
- Flexible (covenant-lite) and low-cost financing
- Various exit options (IPO, Corporate transaction,
secondary buyouts...)
85Target companies
- Very large companies are attractive targets
- Mature companies need restructuring effort to get
rid of the fat - The value-addition is thus often obvious an
obvious path - Usually less competition among the buyers.
- Public market offer a lot of opportunities
- PE investors add value to the company they invest
in as opposed to passive public shareholders.
86Rise of Club-deals
- Club-deals are iconic of the concentration trends
of private equity - 91 of US buyouts of over 5 billion were
club-deals... - ... but also 38 of P-to-P valued between 250
million and 1 billion were club deals - Many firms shared the risks and pooled resources.
87Disappearance of club-deals
- Collusion charges
- Difficulties to share informations
- Tendency to monopolize the control the control
- Ego-issues.
88Examples of mega club deals
- Caveat Investor / the uneasy crown, The
Economist, Feb 2007 - Whos next, The Deal, July 2008
90Value creation in private equity
91Value creation drivers
- EBITDA generation
- Multiple expansion
- Debt reduction
92EBITDA generation
- EBITDA is generated by
- Sales expansion
- Margin improvement
- Add-on acquisitions
- Organic growth (GDP growth)
93Multiple expansion
- Multiple EV/EBITDA
- Based on comparable transactions
- Multiple expansion Difference between entry and
exit multiple - Multiple uplift x Exit EBITDA
- Multiple uplift
94Debt reduction
- Entry net debt exit net debt
96What to understand from EV creation
- If most of the value comes from
- EBITDA increase growing industry and/or company,
possibly in a young market or efforts mainly on
sales force - Multiple expansion margin increased over the
holding period the investors rationalized and
optimized the production, cut costs, disposed of
non core assets, arbitrage strategy, etc - Deleveraging usually the last factor to be
implemented Debt reduced by cash not reinvested.
97(No Transcript)
98(No Transcript)
99Factors of value creation
- Changing business and driving growth
- Taking advantage of market cycles (buying cheap,
selling at better price) and financial
engineering are no longer enough - Objectives must be well defined
- Management is incentivized alignment of interest
between Board members and shareholders - Must create value for the next acquirer PE is
not necessarily short term focused.
100Other factor Industry characteristics
- Stability, low cyclicality
- High margins (or potential for improvement)
- Strong operating cash-flows
- PE businesses are cash-flow driven rather than
earning driven need to pay down the debt - Industry-wide revenue growth
- Potential for overall efficiency improvements.
101Other factor The GP makes the difference
- Managers contribute to value creation
- Select the right target companies
- Undertake appropriate changes
- Experience of the GPs/prior buyout experience
- Focus on few sectors generates better returns
- Industry-focus strategy generate better returns
- but moderately diversified approach generates
better returns - Focus strategy exposes to industry cycles but
good industry expertise - Example of bad deal in the wrong industry Foxton
deal The deal of the century, FT
102- Recruitment/management
- Buy-and-build
- New investments to develop to new markets
- Optimization/cost cutting
- Divesture of non core business(es)
103Primary source of value creation ()
- Almost 2/3 of the value generated comes from
company outperformance Companies fundamentals
are key drivers of growth. - Sample 60 deals from 11 leading PE firms
104- Five features of a leading-edge practice
- Expertise and knowledge insights from the
management, trusted external source - Substantial and focused performance incentives
top management usually owns 15-20 of the equity - Performance management process initial business
plans are subject to continual review and
revision - Focused 100-day plan deal partners must devote
most of their time to a new deals to build
relationship, detail responsibilities and
challenge the management - Management should be changed sooner rather than
- Foxtons The sale of the century, FT magazine,
June 2008
106Structure of a Leverage Buyout transaction
107Structure of a leverage buyout
- Deal structure
- Equity
- Debt
- Debt is either
- Unsecured
- Secured
108LBO structure
- Common equity, preferred equity, shareholder
loan - Equity is unsecured and the most risky and
rewarding tranche - Equity is held by the shareholders private
equity fund, management, various investors, often
debt mezzanine providers, sometimes
110Mezzanine debt
- Secured debt but subordinated to senior debt
- Mezzanine is provided by mezzanine funds and
sometimes hedge funds - Reimbursement after the senior debt but has
priority over the equity holders - Reimbursement is cash or PIK
- PIK note payment made in additional bonds or
preferred stocks which increase the performance
of the investment - Mezzanine is usually reimbursed at exit if not
refinanced before. - H1 2008 cash spread E414.7bps
- H1 2008 PIK spread E535.3bps
111Second lien
- Developed pre-July 2007 and does not really exist
anymore as of Q3 2008, 12 of LBOs used 2nd lien
versus 52 in 2007 - Reimbursement in cash, priority level between
senior debt and mezzanine - Second lien was seen as a cheap mezzanine.
112Senior debt
- Negotiated for a period of time between 7 and 9
years usually based on expected cash flow - Tranche A is first reimbursed. Other tranches (B
and C) are usually reimbursed in fine - Tranche D is a revolving credit to refinance
previous debt of the target company - H1 2008 spread E337.48bps
113Capital structure
114The loan marketin 2008
- Average leverage of European LBOs 4.5x in Q3
2008 vs. 7.0x in Q3 2007 - Average equity contributions 43 in Q3 2008 vs.
34 in Q3 2007 - European Senior loan in Q3 2008 450-550bps
(compared to 225bps-275bps in early 2007)
partly offset by lower base rates - Mezzanine margins have increased to 1100 1300bps
plus warrants or equity co-invest (compared to
750-900bps with little call protection and no
equity participation in 2007)
115Average LBO equity contribution
Less debt available more equity required to
close a deal
116Loan volume dropped significantly
Banks lending capacities are dry ! Q1-Q3 2008
loan volume 46.6 billion Q1 2007 loan volume
45.75 billion
117Evolution of capital structure
Back to the classic structure Senior Debt
118Cost of debt
Cost of debt increased significantly in 2008
119LBO spread
120The loan market
- Loans started to fall below par value (100) in
June 2007 - Secondary market became depressed (less
liquidity, decline in value, etc) but presents
some good buying opportunities - Default rate at its lowest level although was
expected to increase in 2008 - A lot of new investors (incl. traditional PE
funds) entered the loan market in H1 2008 with
levered vehicles - They did not anticipate that the loan market will
decline even more sharply in 2008 BAD - Sponsor-backed credit is usually poorly valued
regardless of the companys performance
- The market is stuck
- sellers have not yet adjusted their price
- Buyers dont want/cannot pay high price.
- Deals are negotiated at cheaper
- EBITDA multiples are lower
- More equity and less debt more conservative
122EBITDA multiples
123Purchase prices
- Secondary buyouts are the most impacted as
- They were traditionally the most expensive
transactions price adjustment - Sellers are very likely forced to sell so accept
lower prices.
124The pros and cons of being private
125Results of a 2008 McKinsey survey
- Private equity Boards are overall more efficient
than public equity Boards - Better financial engineering
- Stronger operatonal performance.
- Pros and cons of public equity Boards offer
some - Superior access to capital and liquidity
- More extensive and transparent approach to
governance and more explicit balancing of
stakeholder interests.
126Public versus Private differences in ownership
structures and governance
- Public companies have arms length shareholders
- Need for accurate and equal information among
shareholders and capital market (audit,
remuneration, compliance, risk) - Management development across the board.
- Private equity companies have more efficient
processes - Stronger strategic leadership
- More effective performance oversight
- Manage only key stakeholders interests.
127Rating of public and private Boards of Directors
128Strategic leadership in PE companies
- Joined efforts of all Directors
- Usually, defined and shaped dring the due
diligence (prior acquisition) - Boards approve management strategic decision (in
MA for example) - PE funds stimulate managements ambition and
creativity - Executive management reports on the progress of
the latest strategic decision implemented.
129Strategic leadership in public companies
- Boards only oversee, challenge and shape the
strategic plans, accompanying the management in
the implementation - The executive management takes the lead in
proposing and developing it it is mainly a
formal reporting.
130Performance management in private equity
- Private equity have one focus realisation of
their investment - Consequently, PE Boards have a relentless focus
on value creation drivers - Performance indicators are clearly defined and
focus on cash metrics and speed of delivery.
131Performance management in public companies
- High level performance managment, no real
detailed analysis - Focus on quarterly profit targets and market
expectations - Need to communicate an accurate picture of
short-term performance - Budgetary control, short-term accounting profits
- Public companies Boards focus on information that
will impact the share price.
132Management development and succession in private
- PE companies mainly focus on top management (CEO,
CFO) and replace underperformers very quickly - Very little efforts deployed on long-term
challenges such as development of management,
succession, etc
133Management development and succession in public
- Efficient thorough management-review top
management and their successors - Focus on challenges and key capabilities for
long-term success management development and
remuneration policies - However, public Boards have weaknesses
- Slow to react and their voice is more (perceived
as) advisory than directive - Remuneration decisions sometimes more driven by
public/stakeholders expected reaction than
134Stakeholder management in private companies
- Executive management can clearly identify a
majority shareholder - PE funds are locked-in for the duration of the
fund - PE fund represent a single block and are much
more involved and informed than public
shareholders - Less onerous and constructive dialogue
- No or little experience dealing with media and
unions (see Walker report and debate over PE in
135Stakeholder management in public companies
- Shareholding struture is more complex and
diversified than private companies - Institutionals, minority individuals, growth
investors, long-term strategic, short-term hedge
funds. - Different priorities and demands CEOs need to
learn to cope with this very diverse range of
investors - In case of P2P, HF can block the privatization
(95 threshold to delist) Alain Afflelou
purchase by Bridgepoint.
136Governance and risk management in public
- Where public companies score the best
consequences of Sarbanes-Oxley legislation and
Higgs Report - Several subcommittees to scrutinize remuneration,
audit, nomination, etc - Overall Board supervise and can rely and decide
on the sub-committees recommendations - Important factor of investor confidence
- Downside expensive, time-consuming, inefficient
sometimes (The focus is on box-ticking and
covering the right inputs, not delivering the
right outputs)
137Governance and risk management in private
- Lower level of governance than in public
companies only audit committees are needed in
PEs approach - More focus on risk management than risk
avoidance - Not perceived as a pure operational factor.
138Top priorities
139Surveys conclusion
- Public companies Directors are more focus on risk
avoidance than value creation - They are not as well financially rewarded as PE
Directors by a companys success but they can
still lose their hard-earned reputations if
investors are disappointed. - Greater level of engagement by nonexecutive
Directors at PE-backed companies - In addition to formal meetings, PE nonexecutive
Directors spend an additional 35 to 40 days a
year to informal communication with the
140Credit crisis impact and consequences on private
141Before July 2007 (1/3)
- Growth of the institutional loan market, CDOs and
second lien loans - Intermediaries/brokers underwrote debt to sell to
other investors for syndication fee became less
demanding in terms of potential risk/reward - Multiplication of highly rated structured credit
products (CDOs/CLOs) although their inherent
value was increasingly complex to calculate - Increasing interest from investors for LBO funds
led to higher leverage - New loans were issued as covenant lite
142Before July 2007 (2/3)
- Increasing leverage loan activity but decline of
credit quality of the new debt due to - Covenant lite
- Rising ratio of debt to earnings for US and EU
LBOs - Mid and large LBO debt/EBITDA ratios were at all
time high in 2007 (and were even higher for large
than mid LBOs).
143Before July 2007 (3/3)
- Three indicators of a bubble
- Debt/EBITDA ratio at all time high in 2007 a
decline of operating performance will expose the
company to the risk of default - Companies under LBOs have less liquidity to serve
their debt - Interest coverage ratio decreased since 2003
reaching a ten-year low of 1.7x in 2007. - More equity more debt bigger deals and bigger
144After July 2007 (1/5)
- Sudden increase in credit spreads makes the debt
more expensive and more in line with the real
risk held by the debt holder - Banks and debt underwritters could not distribute
their debt to other investors had to keep it on
their balance sheet while their value was
declining - A number of transactions collapsed and could not
be closed - Banks that did not distribute their debt had to
report significant losses on their books.
145After July 2007 (2/5)
- Slowing buyout activity in US and Europe (almost
no activity in 2008) - Debt was repriced and more difficult to access
- Default rate was historicaly low as of July 2007
- Meant to rise sharply since then, starting with
construction, airline and retail industries as
global recession is impacting our economy
146After July 2007 (3/5)
- Increase in the issuance of junk bonds in the
past four years, almost half of the newly issued
bonds have been rated as junk at their outset - Default risk (according to Moodys and Edward
Altman (NYU Salomon Center)) - CCC 4-year default risk 53.6
- CCC 10-year default risk 91.4 in 10 years
- B default risk 25.2 after four years.
- In reality, the default rate over the last years
is much lower that those predictions
147After July 2007 (4/5)
- Reasons for the low deafult rate
- Given the lareg amount of liquidity, bonds that
would have defaulted have been refinanced - The rise of covenant lite means that any event
short of a failure to pay interest would not
result in a default - Private equity deals should be seriously impacted
very soon - Deals signed in 2005, 2006 and H1 2007 are the
most risky deals
148After July 2007 (5/5)
- The crisis opens doors to new investment
opportunities - Distressed debt and special situation funds
- Need for leverage should benefit mezzanine funds
- Credit dislocation funds purchase loans at a
discount from lenders - Small to mid-market buyout funds will benefit
from desaffection for mega buyout firms - Secondary funds some large institutions need
150Crisis opportunities
- Recession years have produced the best vintages
for private equity - Although some LPs are facing liquidity crisis,
more money should be deployed now and in 2009 ! - Recession years considered to be 1991 2 years
and 2001 2 years.
151Recession years are usually good vintage years
152Recession vs Non-recession
153Case study Baneasa
154Investment rationale
- Market leader in French retail (1 in Footwear
and 2 in clothing) - Experienced management team Bogdan Novac has a
long standing experience of the sector and the
group - Strong financial performance and strong growth in
sales expected over the next 3 years - Resilient business model lower end of the market
and diversified range of products - Diversified offering geography (city centre or
out of town, France and overseas, apparel and
footwear) - Potential growth prospect organic growth (new
stores openings) and consolidation (fragmented
155- Banesa is 1 footwear retailer with 14.4 of the
French market and 2 clothing retailer in France
with only 3.7 of the French apparel market
- Fragmented industry, gives MA opportunity/growth
by acquisition
156- 45 of OOT footwear market and 24 of OOT
clothing market
- Indication about competition Zara, HM, Mango,
etc are city centres Baneasa has a dominant
position where those competitors are not present.
Zara, HM, Mango, etc are thus the main city
centre competitors
157- Historically, Baneasa has always been active in
OOT created suburban discount shoe stores in
1981 with Osier Chaussures and in 1984 with
Osier Vetements
158- Clothing business 44 sales and 43 of EBITDA
and - Footwear business 56 sales and 57 EBITDA
- Well balanced, similar EBITDA margins in both
159- France 93 sales and 95 EBITDA
- Out Of Town 68 sales and 72 EBITDA
- Baneasa is diversified (but maybe not as much as
the investor thinks) - Sales and EBITDA indicates that city centres and
overseas stores are more expensive (lower
margins, Baneasa has lower performances abroad
and in city centres where is the tough
160- Bogdan Novac was CEO of Baneasa from 2000 to 2003
and 2004 to today. - EBITDA has grown from 231m to 365m (a CAGR of
- Good management team // experienced CEO
- Strong performance over the last years (since
161- Nataf estimates sales and EBITDA in the financial
year to 28 February 2007 of 237 million and 23
million respectively (9.7 margin). - Berrilio had sales in the 12 months to 30
September 2006 of 64.5 million and EBITDA of
4.6 million (7.3 margin).
- Nataf and Berrilio offer potential margin
improvements as the margin is 9.7 and 7.3
respectively versus 16.1 margin for Baneasa.
162- French clothing market has been stable since 2000
with 0.2 CAGR
- The actors must gain market share to grow no
organic growth resulting from industry growth
163- Average prices have decreased by 1.5 CAGR.
Price-volume elasticity is high with declines in
average prices driven by the pass-through of
purchasing gains from lower-cost sourcing (Asia)
to end-customers and from the increasing
development of value retail.
- Pressure on cost, margins are difficult to
increase and can only be increased through cost
reduction (rather than price increase) price
pressure on Baneasa tough competition need to
keep production cost low (cost cutting and tough
negotiation with suppliers)
164- Womenswear represents the majority of the French
market with 51 of sales. It was the strongest
growing segment as well as the most competitive
and innovative until 2002.
- Womenswear is the core business
165- Menswear has experienced fast growth rates in
recent years due to the introduction of
semi-annual collections and has increased its
share of the total French clothing market (from
31 in 2002 up to 35 in 2004).
- Menswear is a new business with high growth so
absolute need to be active
166- Baby and childrenswear are expected to remain
broadly stable, with upside coming from increased
spend per child and the emerging trend of
higher-priced designer baby and childrenswear.
- Children wear is a good market with higher
consumer spending
167- Between 2001 and 2003, out-of-town banners saw
their market share decline from 11.9 in 2000 to
10.9 in 2003. This reflected the impact of hard
discount retailing and the growth of city-centre
banners. Since 2003, however, OOT specialised
chains have regained share and have returned to
11.7 market share, growing by 3.9 in 2004 and
4.7 in 2005, to 3.1 billion. This dynamism has
been driven by new store openings and volume
increases supported by increased
- Potential decline of OOT/inconsistent growth
rate risk.
168- Specialist out-of-town (OOT) distribution has
seen the strongest growth in share (2.3 growth
per annum over 2003-05 and 3.2 over 1998-2003)
and continues to gain market share on the food
retailers and the lower-end city-centre players
due to a broad product range and low prices.
- Footwear OOT has a strong growth in share OOT
is where Baneasa is the best with 45 market
share (with Osier Chaussures, Velo and Blue
Shoes) while the closest competitor has only 10.
169- The Spanish footwear market is more dynamic than
the French one (3.9 p.a growth since 2000) but
experiences the same volume and price trends with
volumes up 6.5 p.a while prices decreased by
2.6 p.a largely driven by growing Asian imports.
The market is still dominated by independent city
centre stores (40 market share vs 15 in France)
and OOT footwear is gaining share (8.4 p.a
between 1998 and 2003).
- Spanish market active market at the time of the
investment (quid now?) but city centres have more
market shares than OOT (risk Baneasa is better
in OOT).
170- Suburban stores are typically large format value
stores and account for the great majority of
sales and profits, whilst city centre stores are
more fashionable premium stores.
- OOT stores need high volume sales to be
profitable // city centres are more fashionable
products so potentially higher margins although
probably higher costs (including marketing costs)
171- Over 2003-06, gross margin has grown at a 9.5
CAGR and EBITDA at 16.4 CAGR while sales CAGR
was 5.8, of which like-for-like sales growth of
- Indicates that Baneasa has grown organically and
by acquisitions but acquisitions are the main
growth factor.