Title: ??????? Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching
1???????Approaches and Methods in Language
- ?????? ???
- yuanchanghuan_at_126.com
2????????? What is methodology?
- Curriculum development syllabus design,
- methodology, and evaluation.
3????????? What is methodology?
- Syllabus designContent
- Methodology Classroom techniques and procedures
- EvaluationLearning outcomes
4?????????What is methodology?
- Definition Definition of method.doc
5??????????Developments in English Language
Teaching Methodology
- (?)????? The Grammar-Translation Method
- Warm-up.doc
- 1????? Definition
- Grammar translation method.doc
- 2????? Background
- 3????? Theory
- 4?????The principal characteristics
- Principle characteristic-grammar.doc
- 5?????? Advantages and disadvantages
- Advantages-grammar.doc
6??????????Developments in English Language
Teaching Methodology
- (?)??? The Direct Method
- warm-up-direct.doc
- 1.???? Definition
- 2. ???? Background
- 3. ???? Theory
- 4.?????????The principal characteristics and
Teaching procedure
7??????????Developments in English Language
Teaching Methodology
- (?)??? The Direct Method
- 5. ???? The principles and guidelines
- 6. ????? Advantages and disadvantages
- Advantages-direct.doc
8??????????Developments in English Language
Teaching Methodology
- (?)??? The Audio-Lingual Method
- warm-up-audio.doc
- 1.???? Definition
- 2. ???? Background
- 3. ???? Theory behaviorism.doc
- 4.????The principal characteristics
- 5. ???? Teaching procedure
- 6. ????? Advantages and disadvantages
- Advantages-audio.doc
9??????????Developments in English Language
Teaching Methodology
- (?)????? The Communicative Language Teaching
- 1. ???? Definition cloud.ppt
- 2. ???? Background
- 3. ???? Theory
- 4. ????The principal characteristics
- 5. ???? Teaching procedure
- 6. ???????Role of teachers and students
- role of theacher.doc
- 7. ????? Advantages and disadvantages
- Advantages-CLT.doc
10??????????Developments in English Language
Teaching Methodology
- (?)?????? Cooperative Language Learning (CLL)
- 1.???? Definition
- 2. ???? Background
- 3. ???? Theory
- 4. ???? Teaching procedure
- 5.???????Roles of teachers and students
- 6.???????The principal characteristics and
advantages Advantages-CLL.doc
11??????????Developments in English Language
Teaching Methodology
- (?)????? Task-Based Language Teaching (TBLT)
- 1.???? Definition
- 2.???? Background
- 3. ???? Theory
- 4. ???? Teaching procedure
- 5. ????Teacher roles in the framework
- 6.????The principal characteristics
12??????????Developments in English Language
Teaching Methodology
- (?)???????? The Humanist Approach
- A. ???????Total Physical Response (TPR)
- B.??????Community Language Learning,?????Counselin
g Approach - C. ????? The Silent Way
- D. ????? Suggestopedia
13??????????Developments in English Language
Teaching Methodology
- (?)?????(?????????)The Whole Language Approach
- 1.???? Definition
- 2. ???? Background
- 3. ???? Theory
- 4. ????The teaching principles
- 5.???? Teaching procedure
- 6. ???????Teacher s and students role
- 7. ???? Main characteristics
- Characteristic of Whole.doc
14??????????Principles for Language Teaching
- 1???????Focus on the learnerlearner.doc
- 2??????????????Develop your own personal
methodology - 3????Pre-task, Task, Follow-up????????? Build
instructional sequences based on a Pre-task, Task
and Follow-up cycle - Pre-task.docTask.docFollow-up.doc
- 4?????????? Classroom techniques and tasks