Title: City of Yakima Budget Basics
1City of YakimaBudget Basics
2Dollars and Sense Quiz
3Dollars and Sense Quiz
- By the end of the year, the City
- will have_____?
4Dollars and Sense Quiz
- By the end of the year, the City
- will have_____?
- Overspent its budget by 2-million dollars
5Dollars and Sense Quiz
- By the end of the year, the City
- will have_____?
- Overspent its budget by 2-million dollars
- Balanced its budget
6Dollars and Sense Quiz
- By the end of the year, the City
- will have_____?
- Overspent its budget by 2-million dollars
- Balanced its budget
- Eliminated its deficit from last year
7Dollars and Sense Quiz
- By the end of the year, the City
- will have_____?
- Overspent its budget by 2-million dollars
- Balanced its budget
- Eliminated its deficit from last year
- State law does not allow cities to
- deficit spend. Therefore, the
- Citys budget, must, and will, be
- balanced at the end of the year.
10City Expenditures
11What You Get For Your Money
- Outside Agency Support
- (Chamber, Allied Arts, Clean Air Authority,
COG, etc.)
12(No Transcript)
13Dollars and Sense Quiz
14Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Over the last 3 budget years, the amount
- of money that the City has had available to
- spend per person (per-capita) has_____?
15Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Over the last 3 budget years, the amount
- of money that the City has had available to
- spend per person (per-capita) has_____?
a. Increased by about 6
16Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Over the last 3 budget years, the amount
- of money that the City has had available to
- spend per person (per-capita) has_____?
a. Increased by about 6
b. Decreased by almost 4
17Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Over the last 3 budget years, the amount
- of money that the City has had available to
- spend per person (per-capita) has_____?
a. Increased by about 6
b. Decreased by almost 4
c. Remained about the same
18Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Over the last 3 budget years, the amount
- of money that the City has had available to
- spend per person (per-capita) has_____?
a. Increased by about 6
b. Decreased by almost 4
c. Remained about the same
- Over the last 3 budget years,
- the amount of money that the
- City has had available to spend
- per person (per-capita) has
- decreased by almost 4 (3.9).
21General Government Resources
22Where the Money Comes From
23Dollars and Sense Quiz
24Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Over the last 3 budget years, the
- cost-of-living in our region, as
- measured by the Consumer Price
- Index (CPI) has_____?
25Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Over the last 3 budget years, the
- cost-of-living in our region, as
- measured by the Consumer Price
- Index (CPI) has_____?
- Increased by about 3-and-a-half percent
26Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Over the last 3 budget years, the
- cost-of-living in our region, as
- measured by the Consumer Price
- Index (CPI) has_____?
- Increased by about 3-and-a-half percent
b. Increased by about 8 percent
27Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Over the last 3 budget years, the
- cost-of-living in our region, as
- measured by the Consumer Price
- Index (CPI) has_____?
- Increased by about 3-and-a-half percent
b. Increased by about 8 percent
c. Remained about the same
28Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Over the last 3 budget years, the
- cost-of-living in our region, as
- measured by the Consumer Price
- Index (CPI) has_____?
- Increased by about 3-and-a-half percent
b. Increased by about 8 percent
c. Remained about the same
- Over the past 3 budget years,
- the cost-of-living in our region
- has increased by about
- 3-and-a-half percent.
31Cost-of-Living Index
32Cost-of-Living Index
33Cost-of-Living Index
- Water, Sewer, Garbage
- Gas
34Cost-of-Living Index
- Water, Sewer, Garbage
- Gas
- Health Care
35Cost-of-Living Index
- Water, Sewer, Garbage
- Gas
- Health Care
- Pensions
36Cost-of-Living Index
- Water, Sewer, Garbage
- Gas
- Health Care
- Pensions
- Electricity
37Dollars and Sense Quiz
38Dollars and Sense Quiz
- In order to keep pace with the rising
- cost-of-living the City has .
39Dollars and Sense Quiz
- In order to keep pace with the rising
- cost-of-living the City has .
a. Reduced General Government spending (per
40Dollars and Sense Quiz
- In order to keep pace with the rising
- cost-of-living the City has .
a. Reduced General Government spending (per
b. Raised taxes at a rate greater than the CPI
41Dollars and Sense Quiz
- In order to keep pace with the rising
- cost-of-living the City has .
a. Reduced General Government spending (per
b. Raised taxes at a rate greater than the CPI
c. Borrowed money to pay for day-to-day operations
42Dollars and Sense Quiz
- In order to keep pace with the rising
- cost-of-living the City has .
a. Reduced General Government spending (per
b. Raised taxes at a rate greater than the CPI
c. Borrowed money to pay for day-to-day operations
- Over the past 3 budget years,
- the City has reduced General
- Government spending (per
- capita) in order to balance
- its budget.
45General Government Spending
46Dollars and Sense Quiz
47Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Over the last 3 budget years, the City
- has reduced or eliminated some General
- Government spending by ?
48Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Over the last 3 budget years, the City
- has reduced or eliminated some General
- Government spending by ?
a. Leaving vacant staff positions unfilled
49Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Over the last 3 budget years, the City
- has reduced or eliminated some General
- Government spending by ?
a. Leaving vacant staff positions unfilled
b. Not funding certain youth programs
50Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Over the last 3 budget years, the City
- has reduced or eliminated some General
- Government spending by ?
a. Leaving vacant staff positions unfilled
b. Not funding certain youth programs
c. Combining management positions
51Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Over the last 3 budget years, the City
- has reduced or eliminated some General
- Government spending by ?
a. Leaving vacant staff positions unfilled
b. Not funding certain youth programs
c. Combining management positions
- All of the above
- and more!!
54Spending Reductions
55Spending Reductions
- Combined Code Planning Division Manager
56Spending Reductions
- Combined Code Planning Division Manager
- Reduced Total FTEs in All Departments
57Spending Reductions
- Combined Code Planning Division Manager
- Reduced Total FTEs in All Departments
- Eliminated Funding for the D.A.R.E Program
58Spending Reductions
- Combined Code Planning Division Manager
- Reduced Total FTEs in All Departments
- Eliminated Funding for the D.A.R.E Program
- Reduced Travel Budgets by 5 and Froze
59Spending Reductions
- Combined Code Planning Division Manager
- Reduced Total FTEs in All Departments
- Eliminated Funding for the D.A.R.E Program
- Reduced Travel Budgets by 5 and Froze
- Left Vacant Positions Unfilled
60Spending Reductions
- Combined Code Planning Division Manager
- Reduced Total FTEs in All Departments
- Eliminated Funding for the D.A.R.E Program
- Reduced Travel Budgets by 5 and Froze
- Left Vacant Positions Unfilled
- Replaced Vehicles Less Often
61Dollars and Sense Quiz
62Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Even with spending reductions, the
- Citys General Government income
- is not keeping pace with General
- Government costs because of ?
63Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Even with spending reductions, the
- Citys General Government income
- is not keeping pace with General
- Government costs because of ?
a. Additional Federal and State mandates
64Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Even with spending reductions, the
- Citys General Government income
- is not keeping pace with General
- Government costs because of ?
a. Additional Federal and State mandates
b. A slow economy and passage of initiatives
65Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Even with spending reductions, the
- Citys General Government income
- is not keeping pace with General
- Government costs because of ?
a. Additional Federal and State mandates
b. A slow economy and passage of initiatives
c. Both a and b
66Dollars and Sense Quiz
- Even with spending reductions, the
- Citys General Government income
- is not keeping pace with General
- Government costs because of ?
a. Additional Federal and State mandates
b. A slow economy and passage of initiatives
c. Both a and b
- A variety of factors have contributed,
- but additional Federal and State
- mandates combined with a slow
- economy and passage of initiatives
- are the major causes of the
- income/costs disparity.
69Contributing Factors
70Contributing Factors
- State Criminal Justice Mandates
71Contributing Factors
- State Criminal Justice Mandates
- Federal Endangered Species Act
72Contributing Factors
- State Criminal Justice Mandates
- Federal Endangered Species Act
- Initiative 695
73Contributing Factors
- State Criminal Justice Mandates
- Federal Endangered Species Act
- Initiative 695
- Initiative 747
74Contributing Factors
- State Criminal Justice Mandates
- Federal Endangered Species Act
- Initiative 695
- Initiative 747
- Decreased Consumer Spending
75Contributing Factors
- State Criminal Justice Mandates
- Federal Endangered Species Act
- Initiative 695
- Initiative 747
- Decreased Consumer Spending
- Federal Clean Water Act Mandate
76 Dollars and Sense Quiz
77Dollars and Sense Quiz
- In order to balance its budget in light of
- income not keeping pace with the
- cost-of living the City must ?
78Dollars and Sense Quiz
- In order to balance its budget in light of
- income not keeping pace with the
- cost-of living the City must ?
- Reduce General Government spending even more
- and/or increase General Government income
79Dollars and Sense Quiz
- In order to balance its budget in light of
- income not keeping pace with the
- cost-of living the City must ?
- Reduce General Government spending even more
- and/or increase General Government income
b. Sell naming rights for City Hall (Safeco Hall?)
80Dollars and Sense Quiz
- In order to balance its budget in light of
- income not keeping pace with the
- cost-of living the City must ?
- Reduce General Government spending even more
- and/or increase General Government income
b. Sell naming rights for City Hall (Safeco Hall?)
c. Charge admission for all public meetings
81Dollars and Sense Quiz
- In order to balance its budget in light of
- income not keeping pace with the
- cost-of living the City must ?
- Reduce General Government spending even more
- and/or increase General Government income
b. Sell naming rights for City Hall (Safeco Hall?)
c. Charge admission for all public meetings
- Serious spending reductions and/or
- increases in income will have to
- occur in order for the City to comply
- with the States balanced-budget law.
84City Expenditures
85City Expenditures
86Reduce Spending?
- Eliminate Parks Recreation Programs
- Eliminate Outside Agency Funding
- (Chamber, Allied Arts, etc.)
- Close Lions and Ike Pools
- Close Fire Station 4 (Airport)
- Eliminate Funding for Regional Library
87Increase Income?
- Increase City Fees and Charges
- Impose New Development Impact Fees
- Raise Existing Utility Taxes
88Budget Strategy Team
- Citizens and Council Members
- Share Info With Community
- Help Develop Long-Term Strategy
89Budget Strategy Team
Call 575-6040
Applications Available at City Hall
90City of YakimaBudget Basics