Title: Short-term Performance Incentives for Executives
1Short-term Performance Incentives for Executives
- Performance Incentives for Executives Managers
- Incentive Timing
Reward - Bonus lt 12 months
Cash - Long-term Incentive 2-5 years Stock
or Cash - Short-term Performance Bonus
- Basis individual or team of managers
- Contingency Meeting or exceeding Performance
metrics (choice before or after the fact).
2Short-term Performance Incentives for Executives
(Halloran, M., ACA Journal, 1998)
- Designing Short-term Performance Incentives
Things to Consider - 1. What is strategically important during the
measurement period? - 2. How important is the bonus vis a vis salary
and LTIs? - 3. What factors can the CEO or SBU managers
influence? - 4. What can be measured?
3Short-term Performance Measures
- Financial Measures - tied to accounting and/or
market performance goals. - 1. Earnings measures
- EPS - very popular measure of financial
performance does not reflect cash flow. - Operating Income, Net Income - measure of total
profits in a time period. Can be manipulated by
making optimal accounting choices. - Cash flow - total cash generated from business,
takes appreciation, amortization into account.
4Short-term Performance Measures (Halloran, ACA
Journal 1998)
- 2. Returns to Financial Investments
- ROE - return on equity. Reflects efficient use
of stockholders investments. Uses book value of
equity. - ROCE - return on capital employed. Means return
on total capital regardless of source of
financing - can be equity or debt. Used in
capital intensive industries. - ROS - return on sales. Captures efficiency of the
selling/producing process. Does not consider
investment in business.
5Short-term Performance Measures (Halloran, ACA
Journal 1998)
- 3. Value-based Financial Measures - accesses the
income of a business relative to capital
invested. Takes into consideration business risk.
More closely aligned to market values than other
financial metrics. Avoids book values that
financial returns measures use reflecting initial
purchase of assets. - EVA - economic value added.
- Formula Net Operating Income After Taxes -
investment in assets X weighted average cost of
6Short-term Performance Measures
- Non-Financial Performance Measures - related to
value chain, non-financial strategic objectives - 1. Value Chain Activities - customer service,
product development, productivity, etc. - Customer service - customer satisfaction, cycle
time - Product development - new products, patents,
revenues from new products - Productivity - quality (six sigma), cycle time,
unit output costs (labor productivity,
utilization of raw materials, overhead, etc.)
7Applying the Performance Measures with the
Balanced Scorecard Approach (Kaplan Norton,
HBR, 1992)
- Balanced Scorecard - approach to evaluate
performance of executives using a blend of
financial and non-financial measures. It tries
to align the performance objectives and rewards
of executives with both strategic goals and
shareholder goals. - 1. Balanced scorecards are more likely to be
used for short-term goals. - 2. Different weights are given to different
8Applying the Performance Measures with the
Balanced Scorecard Approach (Kaplan Norton,
HBR, 1992)
- Balanced Scorecard Performance Measures are
Derived from Specific Strategic Goals - 1. Financial Measures
- 2. Customer Measures
- 3. Internal Business Operational Measures
- 4. Innovation and Learning Measures
- Refer to example of Balanced Scorecard at ECI
taken from Kaplan Nortons 1992 HBR article.