Title: Six Sigma
1 Robert Fruit SSBB CQE
2Page I 2 Guaranteed Success
3Page I 2 Define the Problem
4Commercial Airline Take Off
- Pilot walks around the plane
- Alaska Air plane crashes because of failed
cable to vertical stabilizer - Pilot checks controls from cockpit
- United Air Lines plane runs out of fuel when
captain asked for gallons of gas and was given
litters of gas - Pilot goes through lengthy check list
- All procedures have historical reasons
- Have some procedures outlived their usefulness
- This procedure has 6 s level of success, it is
not Six Sigma
5Six Sigma is a Process for Improvement
- Six Sigma is different than the procedures that
preceded it - Emphasizes that you must have top management
involvement from the start - Always has a limited time frame
- Has a written goal
- Has determined a means to measure success
- Define
- Measure
- Analyze
- Improve
- Control
7Six Sigma is about Measuring
- Six Sigma is all about measuring to prove results
and improved profit. It is also about shaking
things up. An organization not willing to change
is not prepared to start a Six Sigma project
8Make no Arbitrary Decisions
- Six Sigma is based on measured values
- Many of those measurements are statistical
- there are many degrees of probability, some
nearer the truth than others - Christian Huygen 17 century from
- Absolute Zero, Shachtman, 1979
9Not every problem is a Six Sigma issue
- Daily issues are no Six Sigma issues
- Opened ended problems are not Six Sigma issues
10Six Sigma issues have defined periods
- Part of defining a Six Sigma issues is setting a
time limit for the Six Sigma effort. - Typical time period is 3 months
- Some have less time
- Rarely does a Six Sigma effort have more than 9
11Where to Start
- Look for KIPV (Key Input Variables)
- That effect KOPV (Key Output Variables)
- Things that influence KOPV
- Things that are important to your customers
12Voice of the Customer
- KOPV is the voice of the customer
- If it is important to the customer it is a KOPV
- Appearance
- On time delivery
- Meet its requirements
- support
13Who is the customer
- The person outside your company who buys your
product - The person inside your company who uses your
product next - Both
14The Purpose of Business
- Take a product
- Perform your procedures on it
- Increase the value of the product
- Have a customer (internal or external) who is
willing to buy that increase value
15Where did Six Sigma Begin
- Motorola made Quasar TVs in Chicago
- Lost money on every set that left the plant
- Problems with quality of sets
- Problems with worker motivation
- Sold Manufacturing plant to a Japanese firm
- Got workers involved in manufacturing process
- Reduce defect to 1/20 of former level
- Same plant, same workers
- Made big profits
- Motorola was embarrassed
- CEO swore never to let this happen again
- Started people on the path that became Six Sigma
16GE gets into Six Sigma
- Under Jake Walsh GE starts to use Six Sigma
methods - One of the biggest money savers was in reports.
- People went around and talked to managers about
the mountain of reports they got every month - Found that only a few of the reports were
actually used - Eliminated unused reports
- Estimated savings about 1 billion per year
- Who remembers TQM
- It tended to be a top down system
- Upper management demanded better quality from the
people who worked for them - Who remembers Quality is our business
- TQM tended to be short term attention
- As soon as quality problem solved move onto next
project - Lack of follow up
18Six Sigma is Long Term
- Get top management involved from the beginning
- Clearly define the problem
- Measure performance
- Measure results of improvements
- Report on saved by improvements
- Set up system to monitor results after project is
19The Cost of Poor Quality
- Many companies operate at 3-4 s levels
- 25-40 of revenue used for fixing defects
- Rework parts
- Sorting out defective parts
- Scrape
- Extra employees
- Most of these companies dont realize what poor
quality is costing them - Companies working at 6 s level typically spend 5
20Probability and Central Tendancy
- Typical show single probability curve
- The central tendency can shift from the ideal
position - This increases the area in the tail regions which
is a measure of defects
21Six Sigma Defects per Million
- Allow the central tendency move by 1.5 standard
deviations either side of theoretical perfection - Page II-3
22Defects per Million Opportunities
- DPP Defects per part
- DPP defects / parts
- O Number of opportunities for a defect per part
- DPMO DPP / O 1,000,000
23Six Sigma 3.4 DPMO
- Achieving Six Sigma level is having 3.4 DPMO
- Measure defects at start of process
- Convert to s level
- Measure defects after improvement
- Convert to s level
24Six Sigma is more than DPMO
- DPMO in manufacturing
- DFSS Design for Six Sigma
- New process designed to meet Six Sigma from the
beginning - Lean Manufacturing
- In general almost anything that significantly
improves profits
25Punch Press Problem
- Bid on project based on 100 parts per minute
- Best they can achieve is 80 parts per minute
- They were going to loose a lot of money on the 3
year contract
26Hand placed
- The pieces over lap each other
- Must be precisely placed for machine pickup at
customer - NO DEFECTS allowed in trays
2780 Pieces Per Minute
- Punch press no defective parts
- Operators must untangle parts on round table
- Operators barely keep up with flow of parts
- Unstack tray for parts
28Process Flowchart
29Things Under Consideration
- Process Issues
- Improving manual packing methods
- Un-stacking of delivered trays
- Running machine at 180 SPM
- maintain current quality
- Using 2 inch or 3 inch stroke press
- Staging and storage of trays
- Analyzing cost of materials
30Change Packing
- Receive 1,000 trays to a box
- Hard to unpack from shipping box
- Trays cling together
- Must be separated without distorting box
- Come from Phoenix
- Send 16 trays out in special boxes
- Arrange for local manufacture of trays
- Receive in the same boxes used to ship product
31Change Personnel Layout
- Tests showed that packers on linear conveyor
packed faster - Parts did not stack on each other
Improved personnel layout
Original personnel layout
32Original Costs
33Improved Costs
34Improved Profits
35Some Keywords
- Voice of the Customer
36High Definition Television
37HD TV on a computer
- ATI makes a HD tuner for PCI slot HDTV Wonder
- Works only with broadcast HD signal
- Minimum standards do not come close to describing
computer requirements - Do not get without having AGP 8x or PCI express
slot - Designed to be part of multi-media computer
- Has remote control, USB plug in receiver
38Extreme Tech Comment
The card itself features a Philips HDTV tuner box
but ATIs NXT2004 receiver chip does much of the
heavy lifting. The NXT2004 VSB (vestigial
sideband modulation)/QAM (quadrature amplitude
modulation) Receiver is designed for off-air and
cable digital television receivers, set-top
boxes, PCDTV, and datacast applications where
cost, low power and industry-leading performance
are a must. The NXT2004 Multimode VSB/QAM
demodulator can work in either the ATSC
compliant 8 VSB mode for terrestrial
broadcasting, or DICSIS-compliant 64 QAM or 256
QAM modes for Digital TV-Cable Connect and
Digital TV Cable Interactive reception. However,
in the HDTV Wonder product, the NXT2004 is set up
only as a 70-channel off-the-air HDTV receiver
40HDTV is not CPU hog
- 2.8 G-Hz celeron
- 768 Meg Ram
- 7200 RPM HD
- No AGP
- No PCI express
- 720P black image
- 1080i black image
- Demand Direct X 9
- Plus more
42Things I have Learned
- If you go for HDTV Wonder you are still in the
pioneer era (arrows in the back) - The card assumes you are creating a media
computer (rich set of software features) - Remote control plus USB RF receiver
- Needs tweaking to start HD TV
- S video and component Video, left, right input
- Not every feature works as well as you would like
- TV directory
- Create DVD disk
- Keep it all ATI (HDTV and video card)
- Complaints about GE-Force video cards
43And now to Robts
- There are children ready robot projects
- No not the False Maria
- Based on BASIC Stamp module
442 Robots
45BASIC Stamp
Serial SignalConditioningConditions
voltagesignals between PC serialconnection (/-
12V) and BASIC Stamp (5V) for Programming.
5V RegulatorRegulates voltageto 5V with a
supply of 5.5VDC to 15VDC
EEPROMStores the tokenized PBASIC program.
ResonatorSets the speed at whichinstructions
are processed.
Interpreter ChipReads the BASIC program from the
EEPROM and executes the instructions.
46BASIC Stamp
Pin 1 SOUT Transmits serial data during
programming and using theDEBUG instruction
Pin 24 VIN Un-regulated input
voltage (5.5-15V)
Pin 23 VSS Ground (0V)
Pin 2 SIN Receives serial data during
Pin 3 ATN Uses the serial DTR line togain the
Stamps attention for programming.
Pin 21 VDD Regulated 5V.
Pin 4 VSS CommunicationsGround (0V).
48Board of Education Robot BOE Bot
49BOE BOT Circuit Board
50BOT motherboard
- The Board of Education makes it easy to connect
devices, power up and program.
5V regulator
Servo Connections
Wall DCSupply
Power Header
Power OnLight
I/O Header
Serial ProgrammingPort
Reset Switch
Off/Module Power/Servo Power
Off/Module Power/Servo Power
- A program is writtenin the BASIC Stamp Editor.
- The FREQOUT command sends high/low signals to the
specified pin at the frequency and for the
duration defined.FREQOUT Pin, Duration, Freq1,
Freq2 - To play a note at 2000Hz which lasts 1.5 seconds
Inner Loop
Outer Loop
The inner loop is performed fully
everyrepetition of the outer loop.
When index 0
When index 1
Each CASEwill be checked
58Shows how resources are used
- View memory
- View registers
59BOE BOT Program
- 'Robotics with the Boe-Bot - BoeBotForwardTenSecon
ds.BS2 - 'Make the Boe Bot roll forward for 10 seconds
- 'PBASIC 2.5
- counter VAR Word
- FREQOUT 4, 2000, 3000 'create sound
- FOR counter 1 TO 407 'forward 10
seconds - PULSOUT 13,850 'left wheel
forward - PULSOUT 12,650 'right wheel
forward - PAUSE 20
62Sumo Bot
63SUMO BOT Circuit Board
64SUMO Bot 2 CPU
- Motion uses PIC16C505 processor for wheels
- Simplifies motion commands
65SUMO BOT Programming
- Simpler commands because of built in functions
- Must include predefined constants
PAUSE 100 RobotData RobotForward GOSUB RobotSend
66SUMO BOT Remote Control
67Remote Control Details
68Pretend it is like Sojourner
69Where to go from here
70Which Bot do you want
- More hardware assembly
- Must adjust software to hardware performance
- Comes with lots of extra parts
- More learning opportunities
- Quick assembly
- Starts running immediately
- 4 built in behaviors
- Remote control
- Kids like simpler requirements better