2OUR VISIONTo be a globally-acknowledged centre
of excellence for clinical care,
education training, and research
in diabetology and endocrinology.
3Diabetes and pregnancy
- One of the most challenging aspects of diabetes
practice - Seemingly easy Practically difficult
- Needs a lot of commitment on part of doctor,
patient and family - Success can be achieved if we try together
Lets begin by staying awake for the next 30
4Women and diabetes
- Diabetes no longer means
- Abstinence
- Amenorrhea
- Inability to conceive
- Inability to deliver healthy children
- Death during pregnancy
5Diabetes and fertility
- Delayed menarche in T1
- Menstrual abnormalities
- Premature Ovarian Failure
- Only 1 diabetic pregnancy out of 35 000
deliveries in London in 1920s
- Type 1
- Type 2
- GDM any degree of glucose intolerance, with
onset or first recognition during pregnancy - 2-12 in various studies
- 17 in Indian studies
- 22/170 13 in Karnal
7Total Deliveries - 170
8HIGHEST G 10 Highest A 4,4,4
History of Diabetic Cases
9Metabolism in normal pregnancy
- Decreased FBG nadir at 12 wks, partly due to
increased renal clearance - Increased PPBG facilitated anabolism for
foetus - Increased insulin levels, both F and PP peak at
18-20 wks - beta-cell hypertrophy and hyperplasia
- Decreased insulin sensitivity by 50, in late
2nd and 3rd trimesters - Enhanced lipolysis spares glucose for
utilization by foetus accelerated starvation
due to placental hormones - Due to progesterone, hPL, leptin, TNF-?, other
inflammatory and stress-related markers
Radaelli, 2004
10Diabetes and pregnancy
- Placental structure and function is affected
- Early IUGR as high BG inhibits trophoblast
proliferation - Hypertension, renal disease more frequent
- High glycogen content in placenta
11Diabetes and embryogenesis
- Early fetal loss due to apoptosis of blastocyst,
modulated by regulatory gene Bax, which is
stimulated by high BG - Malformation rate 3X higher 4-10
- High BG reduces total cell mass and number of
blastocysts, esp in inner cell layer
- Cardiac 4x
- Anencephaly 5x
- Spina bifida 3x
- Caudal regression syn 212x
- Arthrogryposis 28x
- Cleft lip/palate 1.5x
- Ureteric duplication 23x
- Renal agenesis 5x
- Pseudohermaphroditism 11x
- Anorectal atresia 4x
12Diabetes and fetal growth
- Maternal diabetes
- Incr nutrient transfer to foetus
- Foetal hyper-insulinemia wk 9 onwards
- Incr IGF-1 because of changes in IGFBP-1 affinity
- Incr adipose tissue
- Accel skeletal maturation
- Incr hepatic glycogen content
- Organomegaly liver, spleen, heart
- Delayed pulmo maturation
- Delay in switch from HbF to HbA
- Polycythemia
13Stillbirths in diabetes
- Fetal hypoxia as O2 is diverted to non-visceral
tissues, acidosis - Hypokalemia
- Placental dysfunction
- Hypoglycemia
- Oxidative stress
- Impaired O2 delivery to foetus as GHb has higher
O2 affinity
14Diabetes in future life
- Maternal history
- T2 more common than T1
- Programming effect of intrauterine environment on
insulin sensitivity
15Screening for GDM
- WHO FBG and 2h PPBG or 2h post-75 g glucose BG
- 1 h post- 50 g glucose load BG GCT
- ADA FBG, 1 h, 2 h, 3 h post- 75 or 100 g glucose
BG - One-step or two-step protocol
- At first visit reassess at 24 28 weeks
16Screening for GDM
- 1 hr GCT
- 140 mg
- 130 mg
- 75 g GTT
- 2 h 155 mg
- 100 g GTT
- 1 h 180 mg
- 2 h 155 mg
- 3 h 140 mg
Any time of day No regards to meals
All venous samples. Normal meals x 3 days No
smoking Patient seated 8 14 hrs fasting
17Diagnosis of GDM
- Medical nutrition therapy
- Exercise
- Insulin
- Glibenclamide
- Metformin
19Treatment of Diabetic Cases
- 6 meal pattern
- Substantial night snack light breakfast
- Encourage complex carbohydrates, fruits
- 30 cal/kg/day 1500 cal for a 50 kg lady
- Avoid starvation/ketosis
- Increase intake in 3rd trimester
- Weight reduction if BMI gt 27
- Upper limb exercises
- Avoid resistance exercises
- Walking swimming Breathing exercises
- Avoid jogging
- Pelvic floor exercises
- Be dynamic
- Choose regime acc to BG profile
- Usually FBG is easy to control, PPBG is difficult
- Prefer human insulin use analogs only if esential
- Basal-bolus regime
- Regular- regular- premixed
- Premixed 50 premixed 30
- Premixed b.d.
- Premixed o.d.
- NPH o.d.
23Treatment of Diabetic Cases
6 to 120 U/day dose variation
- GLIBENCLAMIDE does not cross placental barrier
- Recent reports suggest no increase in foetal
malformation rate - Risk of maternal hypoglycemia
- Stop as soon as patient comes to you
- METFORMIN used extensively in South Africa in
pregnancy - Being used extensively for PCOD, infertility
- Reports suggest beneficial results in ist
trimester continuation rate - Stop as soon as pregnancy is diagnosed/at 12
25First trimester
- Early USG for dating, to r/o CMF
- CRL may lag behind dates is associated with 7x
CMF - Tight glycemic control F 95, 1hPP 140, 2hPP 120
mg - Prefer basal-bolus regime may use analogues
- Preempt hypoglycemia if nausea, vomiting are
present check ketones - Supplement folic acid till 12 wks
26Blood glucose goals
- FBG lt 95 in whole blood, lt 105 in plasma
- 1 h PP lt 140, 155
- 2 h PP lt 120, 130 ADA
- Mean FBG 56 , MBG 74.7, 1 h PP lt 105 mg
Paretti, 2001 in healthy 3rd trimester
- MBG lt 86 IUGR
- MBG gt 105 LGA
- MBG gt 110 neonatal metabolic and respiratory
complications Langer,1998 - Desired BG 63 100 mg Tamas, 1981
27Second trimester
- Monitor glucose, HbA1c/fructosamine
- Insulin dose may double by end of
2nd trimester - highest glucose levels between BF and lunch
- Monitor B.P., renal and retinal problems
- Encourage upper limb exercise
- USG at 18-20 wks
- Fetal echo at 20-24 wks
- Doppler at 20 wks -ve predictive value for PIH
is 90 ve 30 - USG for foetal growth, liquor volume regularly
after 26 wks - Watch for candidiasis, UTI, carpal tunnel
28Screening for chr anomalies
- Amniocentesis
- Triple marker test gestational age, mothers
age, blood uE3, AFP,hCG from 16-22 wks
identifies 60-70 abn pregnancies - AFP, uE3 levels are lower in diabetic
pregnancies - USG increased fetal nuchal lucency at 10-14 wks
may point to Downs
29Third trimester
- Insulin req increases till 34-36 wks, then
plateaus or falls - USG for FAC, liquor volume. Estimated foetal
weight may be inaccurate - Watch for PIH, preterm labour, IUGR, IUD
- asymmetrical growth restriction is a feature of
nephropathy/retinopathy, PIH - is due to uteroplacental insufficiency which
spares brain growth at expense of reduced liver
glycogen and SC fat - is ass with IUD, intrapartum hypoxia, NEC
30Third trimester
- Delaying delivery beyond 38 wks increases risk of
perinatal death - May have to deliver at 36-37 wks
- Give betamethasone, ritodrine under insulin cover
- Biophysical profile
- Umbilical artery resistance index
- Aspirin reduces risk of PIH by 15 may be
offered to all diabetics
31Maternal Complication
32Labour and delivery
- Insulin requirements are low in labour
- Give GIK infusion may use 10 dextrose 100
ml/hr 40 cals/hr - Watch for ketosis
- Insulin req falls further after delivery
- Intermittent CTG
- Epidural
- Paediatrician must be present
- Breastfeeding
- 24 hr milk 50 g carbohydrates
33Time and Method of Delivery
34The neonate
- Hypoglycemia
- Polycythemia
- Hyperviscosity syndrome
- Transient HCMP
- Hypocalcemia
- Hypomagnesemia
- Hyperbilirubinemia
- Prematurity
- Congenital malformations
35Birth Weight
Max birth weight 4.25 kg at 41 wks gestation
36Neonatal Complication
37Gender ratio
- Distt Karnal 800 females for 1000 males
- Diabetic pregnancies 12 daughters, 11 sons
38Post partum management
- GTT at 6 wks
- Contraception
- Counselling for future pregnancies
- 5-10 may develop T1DM GAD ve
- T2DM in obese, pts with high insulin req, wt gain
postpartum, maternal h/o DM
39Post partum follow up at 6 weeks
- Specialized diabetes antenatal care
- Education
- Self-monitoring
- 10-30 need insulin esp at 30 wks
- Serial USG for FAC
- Induction of labour on obstetric grounds
- May need GIK infusion if labour is long
- Stop insulin after delivery