Title: Prepared for
1 E-procurement challenges or the Challenge
of e-procurement?
GUSTAVO PIGA Chair, Master in Procurement
Management University of Rome Tor Vergata,
Department of Economics and Territory gustavo.piga
_at_uniroma2.it, www.gustavopiga.it
- Prepared for
- Connected Governance Vision or Reality?
- Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione
- October 21-22, 2009, Rome
- E-GP is the use of Information Communications
Technology (especially the Internet) by
governments in conducting their procurement
relationships with suppliers for the acquisition
of goods, works, and consultancy services
required by the public sector. - (World Bank)
3E-proc mushrooms with Central Purchasing Bodies!
- SKI Denmark
- Serving 8500 public bodies
- 250 suppliers
- 45 framework agreements
- Volume of contracts around 551 million
- OGC - UK
- 380 people serving 450 Public Administrations
- Around 300 framework contracts Value of Contracts
around 2.75 bn - Savings obtained in the three year period
2000-2003 1,6 bn.
- Orders near 1 bn.
- 16 commodities handled in 2003
HANSEL Finland Handled volumes, 4 mn.
- BESCHA Germany
- 26 public institutions
- 3000 contracts per year of goods and services
- MINEFI Ireland
- 500 people
- 22 frame contracts
- Volume of contracts 637 million
- BBG Austria
- 35 people
- Orders equal to 378 mln in 2003
- 10-120 frame contracts awarded per year
- ABA Belgium
- Value of purchases 2003 15 mln
- 80 frame contracts betwen 2000 and 2004
- Ministry of Development Greece
- 135 people
- Orders equal to 216 mln in 2003
- 438 frame contracts between 2000 and 2003
- UGAP France
- 500 suppliers involved in 2003, 80 SMEs
- Program being restructured
- CONSIP Italy
- 500 people
- In 2003, approximately 41.000 ordering units
- Orders equal to 1,9 bn.
- Approximately 60 contracts for goods and services
Source Official Websites, Data collected by
Consip and by Hansel in 2004 NB the list does
not intend to be complete
4Centralization and E-proc Developments the U.S.
Experience in Procurement
- Survey over 47 US states (1998 vs. 2001), in
Moon, Journal of Public Procurement
- Electronic Ordering from 44,7 to 68,1 of all
States - Purchasing Cards from 68,1 to 85,1
- Digital Signature Accepted for Tender Documents
from 0,1 to 15 - Reverse Auction 10,6 in 2001
- E-proc Adoption Grows with
- Managerial Innovation
- Centralized procurement with a high level of
authority - Size of the State.
5e-proc and centralization
- Why do e-proc and centralization arise together?
- Centralization makes e-proc less costly and more
profitable - IT and e-proc make centralization more natural
and less costly - So it is hard to judge if the final impact is due
to one or the other!
6E-proc is costly!
- How much? The more costly the
- smaller the Administration. However large
organizations driven by e-proc generate less
SMEs participation - lower the professionalism of procurement
personel - lower the degree of IT development of the
country/Administration (security is key) - lower the organizational skills available within.
7But is e-proc also beneficial?
- The new EU Directive on public procurement seems
to say YES -
- Certain new electronic purchasing techniques
are continually being developed. Such techniques
help to increase competition and streamline
public purchasing, particularly in terms of the
savings in time and money which their use will
allow. Contracting authorities may make use of
electronic purchasing techniques, providing such
use complies with the rules drawn up under this
Directive and the principles of equal treatment,
nondiscrimination and transparency - (whereas 12).
8Does e-proc generate competition or collusion?
The case of reverse auctions
ultimi 10 min. Migliore offerta a 147.500
Euro (-25,8)
Inizio autoestensione Migliore offerta a 137.000
Euro (-31)
x 1000
Asta aggiudicata a 116.000 Euro (-42)
7 fornitori
3 fornitori
6-5-4 fornitori
8 fornitori
2 fornitori
9Reverse auctions, opposite views
- THE PRACTITIONER Thanks to electronic tools
enterprises make various offers and at the same
time see the others bids. In this way already
at the psychological level competition is
increased. This in turn leads to better results
and savings for the Public Administration.
Bidders are masked with a code, which does not
allow them to know the identity of others during
the tender. In this way the Administration tries
to avoid collusions (cited in Magrini, p. 36). - THE THEORIST
- ascending auctions remove uncertainty about the
value of the good and make firms bid more
agressively. But online auctions can increase
collusion competitors get to see, in real time,
if a cartel agreement is being broken by a
defector and have the possibility to retaliate
with lower prices. Knowing this, there will be no
defection and collusion will be self-sustained,
causing harm to the Administration - the openness of the format may scare away small
firms that anticipate being easily topped by big
firms during the auction.
10Does e-proc Curb Corruption?Procurement and
corruption by Lengwiler e Wolfstetter, in
Handbook of Procurementedited by Dimitri, Piga
and Spagnolo, Cambridge University Press, 2006
- Yes! Possible formats of corruption removed by
e-proc tenders (including reverse auctions) - Modify bid of favored bidder to let him/her
win reverse auction keeps all players active
until price hits each players cost - Pre-Auction to determine favored bidder with
sealed bid tender the purchasing price for the
taxpayer is higher as winning firm has to pay the
bribe. With reverse on-line auction firm wins,
not paying bribe, by having taxpayer pay lower
price - After seeing bids, the most advantageous briber
is approached on-line auction eliminates this by
11Does e-proc help transparency? 82 Russian regions
12Does e-proc help SMEs?
- No! SMEs need affirmative action and not
affirmative rights to treat unequals as equals
is to perpetuate inequality. The US reserves a
23 share of Public Procurement only to SMEs. - Yes! Some tools like the procurement-card or the
market-place target small purchases, using
technology to lower costs for procurers without
crowding-out SMEs, unlike centralization.
13Where is the benefit in procurement? (1)
- How much waste in purchases could be eliminated
by bringing the worse at the level of the best?
If all public bodies were to pay the same prices
as the one at the 10th percentile, sample
expenditure would fall by 21 . . . Since public
purchases of goods and services are 8 of GDP, if
sample purchases were representative of all
public purchases of goods and services, savings
would be between 1.6 and 2.1 of GDP!
14Where is the benefit in procurement? (2)
- How much of this waste is passive (inefficiency
and capture from ignorance?) vs. active
(corruption)? On average, at least 82 of
estimated waste is passive and that passive waste
accounts for the majority of waste in at least
83 of our sample public bodies. - While competence drives e-proc, it is doubtfuI
that e-proc drives competence. - So why and when use it?
15E-proc Why and When?
- In reverse auctions with asymmetric information
across bidders, in proc card, in
market-place. Sustaining inter-operability across
e-platforms. - But what if
- One is to use e-proc to expand e-Bay-like
features of the public process of acquisition
where it generates greater transparency and
benchmarking across administrations? Wouldnt
corruption and incompetence be exposed better?
16Give power and voice to the Public Administration
stakeholders. The role of DATA and benchmarking.
17ICT for procurement
- Collect data, normalize them and publish them on
Internet -
- Interested citizens will be able to voice their
opinion, contributing to reinforce the reputation
of virtuous firms and public administrators. - Two results would be achieved
- - first, maximum visibility (also thanks to the
press) would be given to critical situations, so
addressing inspections of the Administration, and
ultimately the auditing process. - - second, administrators and firms would be
forced to build a positive reputation to avoid
social stigma, punishment of voters or of
superiors. Worse procurers would try to imitate
the best ones.
18The Mexican case CompraNet www.compranet.gob.mx
- Compranet is the first Internet-based government
procurement system implemented in Latin America. - Introduced in 1996 by the actual Ministry of
Public Administration - This system contains the legal framework, bidding
opportunities, statistics, notifications and all
other relevant information for government
procurement activities. - Certification by World Bank and IDB
19Scope of the Compranet Plus platform
- Public Works
- Public Works follow up
- Photographic report
- Material report and/or non-returned equipment
- Public Work pay-off
- Dashboards
- Purchasing information analysis
- Statistic reports and graphics
- Standard purchasing dashboards for every involved
unit - Regulatory dashboards by contract, showing KPIs
- Good procurement is what we need. Following the
rules is a necessary but not sufficient condition
to achieve it. - ICT is the tool that can help ex-ante monitoring
in procurement finally take-off in Europe - For that, central organizations and Authorities
are in a perfect position to lead the reform
process thanks to their IT capabilities - Within the framework of EU rules, new life must
be given to trust within benchmarking.
- E-GP is the use of Information Communications
Technology (especially the Internet) by
governments in conducting their procurement
relationships with suppliers for the acquisition
of goods, works, and consultancy services
required by the public sector that allows
citizens to better participate and monitor the
process of acquisition of goods, works and
consultancy services by the public sector . - (A new one!)