Disorders of Fibrinogen - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Disorders of Fibrinogen


Disorders of Fibrinogen Ali Akalin Resident in Pathology UCHSC Terms Dysfibrinogenemia: fibrinogen with abnormal function. Hypofibrinogenemia: Reduced amount of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Disorders of Fibrinogen

Disorders of Fibrinogen
  • Ali Akalin
  • Resident in Pathology

  • Dysfibrinogenemia fibrinogen with abnormal
  • Hypofibrinogenemia Reduced amount of fibrinogen
    in the plasma.
  • Hypodysfibrinogenemia inherited fibrinogens
    which are both functionally abnormal and reduced
    amounts in the plasma (lt150 mg/dL) as measured by
    immunologic methods.
  • Afibrinogenemia absence of circulating
    fibrinogen in the plasma.
  • Cryofibrinogenemia Fibrinogen in the plasma
    (but not serum) that precipitates on exposure to
    low temperatures (4 C).

  • 340 kD glycoprotein that circulates in plasma at
    a concentration of 200-400 mg/dL, with a half
    life of 4 days and a catobolic rate of 25 .
  • Hexamer, consisting of three paired polypeptide
    chains (Aa, Bß, ?).
  • Synthesized in hepatocytes under the control of
    three different genes located on chromosome 4q.
  • Assembly takes place in the liver, carbohydrate
    side chains are added to the beta and gamma
    chains before it is secreted into plasma.
  • It has a trinodular structure central E-domain
    (aminoterminal portions of the three
    polypeptides) and two D-domain (carboxyterminal

Aa Red Bß Blue ? Green
  • Two major forms exist, separated from each other
    by ion exchange chromatography Fibrinogen 1 and
  • Fibrinogen 1 contains 2 ? chain (411 aa)
  • Fibrinogen 2 contains one ? chain and one ?
    chain (427 aa), has a more anionic
    carboxyterminal sequence.
  • Factor XIII (protransglutaminase, fibrinoligase)
    binds specifically to ? chain of fibrinogen 2
    (factor XIII is carried by fibrinogen 2 in the
    plasma). Thrombin has been shown to bind to the
    anionic ? extension of fibrin 2.

  • Substrate for fibrin clot formation.
  • Fibrin clot is a template for both thrombin
    binding and fibrinolytic system.
  • Binds to platelets to support platelet
  • Has a role in wound healing.
  • The balance between fibrin clot formation and
    fibrinolysis determines whether the clinical
    manifestations include bleeding, thrombosis,
    both, or neither.

  • Sites of important function Fibrinopeptide
    cleavage site (thrombin binding site), Factor
    XIIIa binding site, t-PA binding site, alpha-2
    antiplasmin binding site and platelet binding
  • Fibrinopeptide cleavage Thrombin binds to
    fibrinogen and cleaves fibrinopeptides A (FPA)
    and B (FPB) from the aminoterminal portion of A-a
    and B-ß polypeptides, forming fibrin monomer.
    Significant portion of abnormal fibrinogens have
    mutations at this site.
  • Fibrin polymerization Initiated by complementary
    non-covalent binding of the D-domain (? chain) of
    one molecule to the central E-domain (A-a and
    B-ß) of an adjacent fibrin monomer (two molecule
    thick strand or protofibril).

Structure and Function
  • Fibrin polymerization Followed by longitudinal
    growth (D-D contact between adjacent fibrin
    monomers) and branching to form the final fibrin
    network. Mutations affecting this binding sites
    may delay fibrin polymerization and produce
    heterogenous clinical manifestations.
  • Fibrin cross-linking Formation of covalent bonds
    between D domains of fibrin fibers by factor
    XIIIa, activated by thrombin. Involves
    interaction between ? - ?, a-a, a- ? chains.
  • Cross-linking stabilizes the clot and makes it
    resistant to disruption. Defective cross-linking
    may be responsible for delayed wound healing,
    wound dehiscence. Increased cross-linking might
    presdispose to thromboemblic phenomena.

Structure and Function
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  • Fibrinolysis Fibrin has binding sites for
    plasminogen, t-PA, and alpha-2- plasmin
    inhibitor. Mutations at these sites may result in
    defective plasmin generation and reduced
    fibrinolysis. In addition, resistance to the
    action of plasmin can result from mutations in
    the C-terminus of the A-a chain associated with
    abnormal albumin binding.
  • Defective fibrinolysis is a predisposition to

  • Quantitative Abnormalities
  • Congenital
  • Afibrinogenemia (uncommon, autosomal recessive)
  • Hypofibrinogenemia
  • Acquired
  • Hypofibrinogenemia (consumptive coagulapathies,
  • Hyperfibrinogenemia (inflammation, neoplasia)
  • Qualitative abnormalities
  • Congenital
  • Dysfibrinogenemia
  • Hypodysfibrinogenemia
  • Acquired
  • Liver disease
  • Malignancies,
  • Antifibrinogen antibodies

Inherited dysfibrinogenemia
  • Named after the city where the first patient was
    identified and evaluated. Roman numerals are
    added after the city name when there are several
    dysfibrinogens from the same city (eg, Carcas
  • Result from the mutations in the coding region of
    the fibrinogen Aa, Bß, or ? genes.
  • Over 350 examples are reported (http//www.geht.or
  • Overall, 55 are silent, 25 manifests as
    bleeding and 20 experience thrombosis with
    or without bleeding.

Inherited dysfibrinogenemia
  • Thrombotic variants
  • Estimated to represent 0.8 of patients with a
    history of venous thrombosis.
  • Estimated that thrombosis is seen in 10-20 of
    patients with dysfibrinogenemia.
  • Usually presents with venous thrombosis of lower
    extremities although arterial and/or venous
    thrombosis have also been reported.
  • A highly convincing association between
    thrombophilia and and dysfibrinogenemia could be
    established for five families (Caracus V, Melun,
    Naples, Paris V, Vlissinger/Franckfurt IV). High
    rate of pregnancy-related complications
    (postpartum thrombosis, spontaneuos abortions)
    were seeen. Fibrinogen concentrations were
    normal or low.

Inherited dysfibrinogenemia
  • Suggested mechanisms for thrombosis
  • Increased clot formation
  • Defective thrombin binding by the abnormal
    fibrinogen, resulting in excess circulating
    thrombin that may stimulate platelet activiation.
  • Impaired clot dissolution
  • Resistance to lysis by plasmin
  • Abnormal binding of tissue type plasminogen

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Inherited dysfibrinogenemia
  • Bleeding variants
  • clinical presentation is heterogenous, and may
    include epistaxis, menorrhagia, easy
    bruisability, soft tissue hemorrhage,
    postoperative bleeding, antepartum and postpartum
    bleeding, as well as hematomas and hemarthrosis.
  • fibrinogen levels less than 50 to 100 mg/dL have
    a higher frequency of bleeding complications.
  • Results from mutations impairing fibrinopeptide
    release or fibrin monomer polymerization.

Inherited dysfibrinogenemia
  • Other disease manifestations
  • Hereditary renal amyloidosis
  • Deposition of a mutant fibrinogen alpha chain in
    the kidney
  • Autosomal dominant inheritance
  • Presents with renal failure
  • Hepatic storage disease
  • Abnormal fibrinogen remain in the endoplamic
    reticulum in the hepatocytes
  • Delayed wound healing and/or wound dehiscence

Inherited afibrinogenemia
  • A rare condition,
  • Autosomal recessive inheritance
  • The vast majority results from truncating
    mutations in the fibrinogen alpha chain
  • (virtually) complete lack of circulating
  • Bleeding manifestation range from mild to
  • Excessive bleeding and early miscarriages in
    pregnant women
  • Fatal umbilical cord bleeding in the neonate

Acquired dysfibrinogenemia
  • Production of abnormal fibrinogen secondary to
  • Liver disease such as cirrhosis, metastatic
    hepatocellualr carcinoma, acute and chronic
  • Characterized by an inceased content of sialic
    acid residues (an increase in negative charge)
    and delayed fibrin polymerization.
  • Removal of sialic acid from the abnormal
    fibrinogen normalizes the thrombin time and
    corrects the polymerization defect.
  • Cleavage of A and B fibrinopeptides and
    cross-linking of fibrin by factor XIII are normal

Acquired dysfibrinogenemia
  • Whether the abnormal fibrinogen seen in liver
    disease is associated with an increased bleeding
    risk is unclear because most of these individuals
    also have associated other conditions such as
    decreased synthesis of coagulation factors,
    varices, thrombocytopenia, dysfunctional
  • Other conditions and proposed mechanisms
  • Autoantibodies inhibiting specific functions of
    fibrinogens, such as fibrinopeptide release,
    fibrin monomer polymerization, fibrin
    cross-linking SLE, ulcerative colitis, multiple
    myeloma, therapy with isoniazid, use of fibrin
    glue (sealant).
  • Unknown mechanisms renal carcinoma,
    mithramycine, isotretinoin therapy, biliary
    obstruction, digital gangrene.
  • Usually presents with bleeding, vary rarely

Acquired hypofibrinogenemia
  • Result from decreased hepatic synthesis and/or
    increased turnover of fibrinogen
  • Causes include DIC, hepatic failure,
    decompensated cirrhosis, drugs that impair
    hepatic synthesis of fibrinogen (L-asparaginase,
    valproic acid), etc.
  • Fibrinogen is an acute phase reactant, with
    levels increasing as part of the inflammatory
    response. Plasma fibrinogen level 200 mg/dl may
    represent a significant decrease in a patient
    whose baseline should be 800 mg/dl. (Sepsis,
    underlying malignancy, inflammation).

  • Fibrinogen disorders are rare and diagnosis
    should be considered after other causes of
    bleeding and/or thrombosis have been ruled out.

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  • Fibrinogen disorders are rare and diagnosis
    should be considered after other causes of
    bleeding and/or thrombosis have been ruled out.
  • Initial screening tests thrombin time (TT) and
    reptilase time (RT) fibrinogen activity and
  • Afibrinogenemia Prolonged TT, RT, virtually
    absent fibrinogen antigen and activity (clottable
  • Dysfibrinogenemia Prolonged TT, RT, normal or
    increased fibrinogen antigen, normal or decreased
    clottable fibrinogen (activity).
  • Fibrinogen Oslo I and Valhalla show normal or
    shortened TT.

Prolonged TT and RT
  • Prolonged TT
  • Heparin
  • Heparin-like inhibitors
  • FDP
  • Hypofibrinogenemia
  • Excess fibrinogen
  • Hypoalbuminemia (lt2 g/dl)
  • Paraproteins
  • Excess protamine
  • Primary systemic amyloidosis
  • Acquired antibodies to bovien thrombin
  • Acquired dysfibrinogenemia
  • Prolonged RT
  • Cleaves only fibrinopeptide A from fibrinogen
  • The same conditions except
  • for heparin
  • Not as sensitive as TT for
  • detection of dysfibrinogenemia

Causes of Prolonged or Shortened Thrombine Time
  • Confirmatory tests
  • Fibrinogen ActivityAntigen Ratio
  • The Clauss method (Fibrinogen activity) measures
    the rate of clot formation after adding a high
    concentration of thrombin to citrated plasma.
  • Prothrombine time-based method for fibrinogen
    activity (not validated)
  • Fibrinogen antigen concenration can be determined
    by immunologic (ELISA, radial immunodiffusion),
    precipitation (heat, sulphite), thrombin clotting
  • FDP can cause falsely elevated fibrinogen antigen
    values when using sulphite precipitation,
    thrombin clotting, and some immunologic methods.
  • Falsely decreased fibrinogen antigen values can
    occur with the heat precipitation method in the
    presence of fibrin degradation products,
    cryoglobulins, and high plasma viscosity.

Preanalytic and analytic issues on fibrinogen
activity-antigen ratio
  • Activity and antigen assays should be performed
    on the same sample because fibrinogen levels can
    fluctuate from day to day.
  • Activity-antigen ratio should be interpreted
    against a method-specific reference range because
    fibrinogen antigen and activity levels are method
  • These variables can be controlled if a single
    laboratory performs the activity and antigen
    assays on the same sample and then reports the
    ratio result along with a method-specific
    reference range.

  • Thrombine time 11 mixing study
  • Indicated when the fibrinogen activityantigen
    ratio is within the reference range, yet,
    thrombin time is prolonged.
  • Thrombine time is repeated on
  • 11 mix of patient plasma and normal pooled
    plasma (Part 1)
  • 11 mix of defibrinated patient plasma and normal
    pooled plasma (part 2)
  • The patient plasma is defibrinated by heating at
    56C for 10 minutes.
  • The control for part 2 of the assay is a 11 mix
    of buffered saline and pooled normal plasma.
  • In acquired dysfibrinogenemia, the thrombin time
    11 mix is prolonged in part 1(dysfibrinogen
    inhibits fibrin clot assembly of normal
    fibrinogen), and normal (corrected) in part 2
    (inhibitory dysfibrinogen has been removed by
    heat precipitation).
  • The sensitivity, specificity, and predictive
    values of this test are unknown.

  • Fibrinogen electrophoresis
  • Based on the changes in molecular weight or
    isoelectric point of the Aa, Bß, or ? chain as a
    result of mutations
  • One-dimensional electrophoresis separates
    polypeptides based on apparent molecular weight.
    Two-dimensional electrophoresis separates
    polypeptides based on apparent molecular weight
    in the first dimension and isoelectric point in
    the second dimension.
  • These analyses can be performed either on
    purified fibrinogen or on plasma if the
    electrophoresis is followed by immunoblotting
    with fibrinogen-specific antibodies.
  • An example in which electrophoresis has been used
    is fibrinogen Osaka V (? 375 Gly Arg), which
    causes a defect in high-affinity calcium binding.
    In the presence of calcium, fibrinogen Osaka V
    has a slower migrating ? chain compared to the
    normal ? chain on 1-dimensional electrophoresis.
    This difference in protein migration rate allows
    detection of both the heterozygous and homozygous

Distinguishing Acquired and Inherited Forms
  • Acquired dysfibrinogenemia is typically diagnosed
    by demonstrating
  • abnormal laboratory tests of hepatocellular or
    cholestatic function (ie, aspartate
    aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase,
    alkaline phosphatase, ?-glutamyltransferase,
    direct bilirubin) and
  • normal thrombin time and/or reptilase time in
    family members.
  • The diagnosis can be further substantiated by
    repeat testing after the condition resolves to
    show that fibrinogen function returns to normal.
  • The possibility of an inherited defect should be
    considered if fibrinogen dysfunction persists
    after resolution of the hepatobiliary disease.

Distinguishing Acquired and Inherited Forms
  • Dysfibrinogenemia is most likely inherited, if
    liver function tests are normal.
  • The inherited nature of the disease can be
    confirmed by demonstrating a similar abnormality
    in a family member, presentation during neonatal
    period or infancy, and detecting a protein
  • by fibrinogen electrophoresis, or
  • by identifying a mutation within 1 of the 3
    fibrinogen genes by molecular genetic analysis
  • fibrinopeptide release (Fibrinopeptide A is
    tested by radioimmunoassay on human plasma after
    the contact in vitro with the biomaterial or
    artificial device or on the plasma from patients
    implanted with devices in contact with
    circulating blood).

  • Most patients with dysfibrinogenemia is
    asymptomatic and do not require treatment.
  • Patients with known history of previous bleeding
    should receive fibrinogen replacement therapy
    prior to surgery and during pregnancy (as early
    as 4-5 weeks) with the goal to increase the
    fibrinogen concentration to 50-100 mg/dl. (during
    labor, the target is 150-200 mg/dl)
  • Cryoprecipitate
  • Fresh frozen plasma
  • Virally inactivated human fibrinogen
    concentrations (In Europe)
  • Local treatment with antifibrinolytic agents
    (aminocaproic acid, tranexamic acid for oral or
    dental surgery)

  • Patients with thrombotic complications should
    receive anticoagulation.
  • The optimal duration of anticoagulation is
    unknown (the benefit of anticoagulation should be
    weighed against a potentially higher risk of
  • Patient education concerning thrombotic risk
    factors (surgery, pregnancy, oral contraceptives,

College of American Pathologists Consensus
Conference XXXVI Diagnostic Issues in
Thrombophilia, Atlanta, Ga, November 911, 2001
Specific Recommendations
  • Presence of abnormal cold-insoluble protein,
    composed of fibrinogen, fibrin, fibronectin, in
    plasma (but not serum).
  • Symptoms include cold sensitivity, Raynauds
    phenomenon, purpura, urticaria, skin ulcerations,
    gangrene, arterial or venous thrombosis.
  • Seen most frequently in autoimmune disorders,
    malignancy, infections, thrombotic disorders.
  • May be accompanied by DIC.

Pathogenesis of Cryofibrinogenemia
  • Largely unknown.
  • Major components of cryofibrinogen are
    fibrinogen, fibrin and fibronectin
    (cold-insoluble globulin)
  • Fibronectin binds to fibrinogen and fibrin and
    acts as a nucleus for the cold-induced
    precipitation of fibrinogen-fibrin complexes.
  • Other components of cryofibrinogen include a1-
    antitrypsin and a2- macroglobulin (both can
    inhibit plasmin activity and thereby contribute
    to thrombus formation.
  • Fibronectin may also interact with circulating
    immunoglobulins or immune complexes.
  • Molecular changes in rare familial forms of CF
    remain unknown

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Diagnostic Criteria for Cryofibrinogenemia
  • Essential Criteria
  • Compatible clinical presentation
  • Presence of cryofibrinogen in plasma
  • Absence of cryoglobulins
  • Absence secondary causes of cryofibrinogenemia
    (infection, neoplasm)
  • Supportive Criteria
  • Elevation of serum a1-antitrypsin and a2-
  • Angiogram with abrupt occlusion of small to
    medium sized arteries.
  • Typical skin biopsy findings (cryofibrinogen
    plugging vessels, leukocytoclastic vasculitis, or
    dermal necrosis.

Measurement of Cryofibrinogen
  • Plasma should be collected at 37 C in a EDTA,
    citrate, or oxalate tube.
  • Simultaneously, a serum sample should be prepared
    by collecting blood in a tube free of
    anticoagulant to rule out cryoglobulins.
  • False negative collection below 37 C
    (autoabsorption of cryofibrinogens by the red
    blood cells)
  • False positive Heparin tube, therapeutic heparin
    (complex with fibrinogen, fibrin and fibronectin)
    (heparin precipitable fraction)
  • Plasma is placed in Winthrobe tube and
    refrigerated for 72 hours. Then, centrifuged and
    cryocrit is read as fraction.
  • May be quantified by chromatography,
    immunodiffusion and/or electrophoresis.

Initial plasma with cryofibrinogen (left)
initial serum without cryoglobulins (middle)
plasma after streptokinase showing decreased
cryofibrinogens (right).
Treatment of Cryofibrinogenemia
  • Avoidance of cold-exposure and other
    environmental triggers of symptoms
  • Cessation of smoking and avoidance of
    sympathomimetic agents (diet pills,
    decongestants, caffeine)
  • Anabolic steroid Stanozolol
  • Fibrinolytic therapy, streptokinase,
    streptodornase, urokinase
  • Immunosuppressive and cytotoxic agents
    prednisone, chlorambucil, azatioprine
  • Plasmapheresis
  • For secondary cryofibrinogenemia treatment of
    underlying disease.

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  • Hayes, T. Dysfibrinogenemia and thrombosis. Arch
    Pathol Lab Med. 2002 Nov126(11)1387-90.
  • Cunningham MT, Brandt JT, Laposata M, Olson JD.
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  • Amdo TD, Welker JA. An approach to the diagnosis
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