Implementing Georgia - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Implementing Georgia


Implementing Georgia s Pyramid of Intervention Goals for Consortia Systematically understand the framework of Pyramids of Intervention at Tier I, II, and III. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Implementing Georgia

Implementing Georgias Pyramid of Intervention
Goals for Consortia
  • Systematically understand the framework of
    Pyramids of Intervention at Tier I, II, and III.
  • Begin to apply results of research into the
    development of system level pyramids.
  • Use guiding questions to revise policies,
    practices, and procedures that prevent equitable
    education for all students.

Georgia Department of Education Offices of
Curriculum and Instruction and Teacher/Student
Why should we implement the Pyramid?Problem
solving practices and response to intervention
models work
  • By creating the time, structures, and
    opportunities for teachers to engage in inquiry,
    and collegial dialogue, and to learn and practice
    effective problem solving.
  • By passionately focusing on collecting and
    analyzing evidence of student learning and
    celebrating student success.
  • By creating opportunities for universal
    prevention and early intervention activities.
  • By having high, but achievable, developmentally
    appropriate expectations for all students.

One key question determines when, where, how
to intervene.
Is it the Fish or the Water?
Adapted from Beth Doll, University of Colorado
The Prevention/Intervention Triangle
80 able academic emotional learners
Intensive Intervention Evidence-based
interventions that are comprehensive,
coordinated, interagency supported, culturally
competent, family focused, of high quality, and
sustain help
Evaluate Effects
Early Intervention Provide proven structured
and targeted remedial academic mental/emotional
support to students placed at-risk
Primary Prevention(School-wide) Promote
academic mental/emotional wellness for all
students through family involvement, positive
school climate, social skills, teacher training,
individualized instruction, team consultation,
collaborative problem solving
Adapted from Dwyer, K. Osher, D. (2000)
Safeguarding Our Children An Action Guide.
Washington DC U.S. Departments of Education
and Justice, American Institutes for Research.
(page 3)
Assumptions and beliefs to successfully implement
the Pyramid
  • All students can learn. When they are not
    learning, we must find out why.
  • Learning is a unique interaction between the
    student and the instructional environment.
  • We must focus on understanding resolving the
    causes of problems why learning is not
  • Passionately seeking authentic information about
    each child's unique skills and needs will result
    in academic/behavioral improvement.
  • Assessment activities must be multidimensional
    linked directly to intervention.
  • All students must be served early and often.
  • Time during the school day is needed for teachers
    to meet, engage in inquiry, and positively
    reflect on and facilitate student learning.
  • Family involvement is critical, desired, and

System wide expectations that must be in place
to successfully implement the Pyramid
  • Strategic analyses will help identify the assets
    and needs specific to each unique learning
  • Schools will restructure so that teams of
    teachers can meet regularly to problem solve and
    share instructional strategies.
  • Teachers problem solving skills will be
  • Staff will learn what to look for when students
    are having difficulty and be able to collect
    authentic information to guide focused
  • Inappropriate special education referrals will
    occur less frequently, thus limiting the
    possibility of disproportionality.
  • Pyramid framework will support improvements in
    student achievement and reductions in behavioral

How can the framework of Pyramid of Interventions
improve a student's educational performance?
  • It is designed to specifically identify
    solutions - the instructional, behavioral and
    social adjustments that lead to student success.
  • It relies on evidence to support interventions.
  • Teachers are supported by staff skilled in
    counting behavior and measuring student
    achievement (e.g., DIBELS, AimsWeb, OAS, STEEP).
  • Benchmarks are established that indicate current
    performance. These signposts monitor student
    work and demonstrate progress toward skill

How do we operationalize Tier I and Tier II?
  • Key questions to answer are
  • - Do we have scientifically based curricula for
    all students in Reading, ELA, and math?
  • - Are school wide screenings used to group
    students for supplementary assistance?
  • - How are formative assessments analyzed to
    determine student needs?

Tier I Example (Fuchs, D. Fuchs, L. ,2005)
  • Step 1 Screening
  • In the first month of the school year, students
    are screened to identify those considered
    at-risk. System must define what is considered

Tier I Screening Practices
  • Acceptable Practices (1) The previous years
    state assessment scores are reviewed to identify
    any student scoring below the 25th percentile in
    reading or math OR (2) An achievement test is
    administered to all children in a given grade,
    with at-risk children designated as those scoring
    below the 25th percentile

Tier I Screening Practices
  • Best Practices (1) Every student is assessed
    using brief screening tools that demonstrate
    diagnostic utility for predicting performance on
    the reading and math state assessments or on the
    local graduation requirements OR (2) Only those
    students who perform below the 25th percentile on
    the previous years state assessment or who
    perform below the 25th percentile on a more
    current test are screened individually with tools
    that have diagnostic usefulness.

Tier I Instruction and Monitoring
  • Students receive instruction in general education
    with evidence-based curricula and instructional
    strategies. The fidelity of the implementation is
  • At-risk students are monitored for 8 weeks to
    identify the subset who respond inadequately to
    general education at Tier I.

How to determine the need for Tier II support?
  • Acceptable practice At the end of 8 weeks,
    at-risk students are administered the screening
    tool or a brief standardized achievement test in
    the area of risk. Adequate Tier 1 response is
    operationalized with a score above the 16th

How to determine the need for Tier II support?
  • Best Practice At-risk students are assessed
    every week for 8 weeks in the area of risk using
    brief monitoring tools. Adequate Tier 1 response
    is operationalized using (a) local or national
    normative estimates for weekly improvement OR (b)
    criterion-referenced figures for weekly

Implementing Tier II support
  • Tier 1 non-responders receive 10-week
    supplementary, diagnostic instruction. This
    additional instruction is clearly explained to
    parents documenting what strategies will be used,
    and the measurable short term goal.

Supplementary Tier II Practices
  • Acceptable Practice The school team
    collaboratively problem-solve to design
    supplementary, diagnostic instruction tailored to
    the needs of the student. This instruction may be
    implemented by the classroom teacher, but would
    more likely be conducted by a specialist or aide
    under the supervision of the specialist.

Supplementary Tier II Practices
  • Best Practice The Tier 1 non-responder
    participates in small group instruction with
    students who share similar instructional
    weaknesses. The group is taught at least 3 times
    per week, 30 minutes per session, by a certified
    teacher or aide who can accurately implement an
    evidence-based protocol.

When to determine Tier II success?
  • Acceptable Practice At the end of 10 weeks,
    at-risk students are administered the screening
    tool or brief standardized assessment in the area
    of risk. Adequate Tier 2 response is
    operationalized with a score above the 25th

When to determine Tier II success?
  • Best Practice At-risk students are assessed
    every week for 10 weeks in the area of risk using
    brief monitoring tools. Adequate Tier 2 response
    is operationalized using (a) local or national
    normative estimates for weekly improvement.

Montgomery County Public School Example of
Tier II implementation (Kovaleski, 2004)
  • Students at risk were referred for problem
    solving and progress monitoring at each grade
    level. At risk students were those that scored
    below 25th percentile on previous years state
  • Using the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early
    Literacy (DIBELS)
  • All K- 4th grade at-risk students were screened
  • (Nonsense word fluency, oral reading fluency)
  • Students grouped in three groups
  • AT RISK (10/2004)
  • Students in the some risk and at-risk groups were
    given 1 hour of focused reading in combination
    with their regular reading block. Progress
    monitoring during additional 1 hour instruction
    occurred every 2 weeks.

Georgia Reading First Model
  • All children are assessed using the DIBELS
    instrument in fall, winter, spring.
  • Those at risk or some risk are given
    additional instruction.
  • Progress monitoring occurs on a regular basis.

Reading First Using a staggered reading block
Team Rdg Write Math Sci/ SS Areas Lunch
K 845-1030 1030-1130 135-235 1215-1250 1250-135 1130-1215
1 845-1030 1200-100 100-200 200-230 1115-1200 1030-1115
2 1030-1215 945-1030 845-945 115-140 140-225 1230-115
3 1030-1215 930-1030 100-200 200-230 845-930 1215-100
4 1245-230 845-935 1020-1120 1120-1155 935-1020 1155-1240
5 1245-230 945-1025 845-945 1150-1235 1025-1110 1110-1150
Implementing a Staggered Reading Block
  • After the initial grade level instruction,
    students move during the reading block to
    homogenously grouped classrooms in order to
    better utilize all of their trained staff. A
    student would have a designated, highly qualified
    teacher in the area of reading who could be a
    general education teacher, a special education
    teacher, or an ESOL teacher depending on the
    students needs. The teachers with the high-risk
    children have smaller groups of children during
    the reading block.

Challenges faced with implementation
  • Progress monitoring
  • Implementation of specific targeted interventions
  • Time and competing responsibilities
  • School-wide implementation
  • Personnel changes
  • A litigious and rule driven environment
  • Systemic issues
  • Political will

How is your system implementing Tier I and Tier
  • Do you have a screening measure in place? If so,
    where is the data maintained?
  • What is the cut-point to determine those students
    that may be considered at-risk?
  • How are students targeted for preventative
  • How long are students provided preventative
    intervention? What determines success?
  • How has the role of general education teachers,
    specialists and support staff changed?

School Wide Screening Examples
  • Texas Primary Reading Inventory (Foorman)
  • DIBELS- Oral Reading Fluency measure (Good)
  • AIMSweb
  • EdCheckup
  • Monitoring Basic Skills Progress
  • STAR
  • STEEP (Witt)
  • OAS
  • Gray Oral Reading Test
  • Testgate/Thinkgate

Examples of schools providing Tier II support
  • Extended Learning Time
  • After school Programs
  • EIP program
  • Academic skills for Connection Class
  • High School Basic Reading or Math Class
  • Interventionist during uninterrupted 90 minute
    academic block (small group instruction)

Supplementary Instruction
  • It is not merely what is offered, but we must
    begin to evaluate how it is offered, who teaches
    it, and which students receive it.

Re-Cap on Tier 1 and Tier 2 How do we
operationalize Tier I and Tier II?
  • Key questions to answer are
  • - Do we have scientifically based curricula for
    all students in Reading, ELA, and math?
  • - Are school wide screenings used to group
    students for supplementary assistance?
  • - How are formative assessments analyzed to
    determine student needs?

What is Tier 3
  • This should be the schools line of defense for
    reducing the number of students who are low
    performing or perhaps later referred for special
    education determination. Providing timely and
    evidence-based instructional strategies to at
    risk students can be the difference between those
    at-risk students successfully meeting standards.

When is Tier 3 support necessary?
  • If a students school-wide screening or progress
    monitoring results indicate a deficit in a
    specific area, an appropriate instructional
    intervention is implemented and progress within
    that intervention is monitored. These students
    are characterized as not making sufficient
    progress with Tier 1 and 2 instruction, falling
    behind on benchmark skills, and who require
    intense, additional instruction to achieve
    grade-level expectations.

What are the components of Tier 3?
  • It consists of general education instruction PLUS
    specialized intervention that contains
  • Small group instruction
  • Mastery requirements of content (relative to cut
    points identified on criterion screening measures
    and continued growth)
  • Frequency of progress monitoring
  • Duration of the intervention ( Nine to 12 weeks
  • Frequency with which the intervention is
    delivered (Three to four intervention session per
    week with 45-60 minutes per session)
  • Instructor qualifications

What is this Tier 3 or SST?
  • Current process for SST
  • Every child that fails or is difficult to teach
    has collaboratively developed individual plan
  • Problems
  • Limited evidence based interventions
  • Lack of baseline data in deficit area(s)
  • Teams are created without expertise provided
  • Limited accountability for fidelity of
  • Pyramid of Intervention Tier 3 Process
  • More Prescriptive based on results of on-going
  • Fewer Choices- Materials ReadiedPre-training
  • Progress monitoring embedded

Why do we have SST
  • Having an SST at all public schools in the state
    of Georgia is mandated as a result of the 1984
    Ollie Marshall court case (Marshall, 1984). The
    case came about due to concerns over the
    disproportionate placement of African-American
    students in special education.

The original 6 step process for SST
  • Conduct a needs identification
  • Conduct a student assessment as needed
  • Write an intervention plan detailing how the
    student will be instructed with interventions
  • Implement the plan
  • Follow-up and support throughout implementation
  • Conduct continuous monitoring and evaluation to
    determine if desired outcomes are occurring
  • (SBOE rule 160-4-2-.32)

What does the 6 step process mean?
  • Define the specific problem (Sallie reads 65
    words correctly with 7 errors on a fifth grade
  • Review baseline data of student performance
  • Write measurable goals in the deficit area
  • Implement plan
  • Monitor effectiveness of plan with formative
  • Evaluate to determine if there is success

How must SST change?
  • The current teams must adopt a problem-solving
    approach that is based on data and a continuing
    system of evaluation.
  • Problems must be objectively defined, observed,
    and measured directly in the classroom.
  • The data collected must be analyzed, using
    information to develop hypotheses about the cause
    of the problem and the appropriate selection of
    evidence-based strategies to remedy them.

Progress Monitoring at all levels
  • Curriculum-Based Measurement Warehouse
  • A world of CBM resources under one roof
  • A service of www.interventioncentral.

Progress Monitoring
  • How to determine if it is evidence based or not?
  • Resource National Center on Student Progress

Standards for Judging High-Quality Progress
  • Scientific, research-based instruction includes
    the continuous progress monitoring of student
    performance across all tiers
  • Teachers follow a designated procedure and
    schedule for progress monitoring and for
    regrouping students as needed
  • Measures are administered frequently to inform
    instruction and curricular placement decisions
  • Progress monitoring occurs in all tiers
  • Progress monitoring measures are appropriate to
    the curriculum, grade level, and tier level
  • Data resulting from progress monitoring is
    documented and analyzed

Standards for Judging High-Quality Progress
  • Progress monitoring uses a standardized benchmark
    by which progress is measured and determined to
    be either sufficient or insufficient
  • Teachers use progress monitoring data to evaluate
    instructional effectiveness and to be informed
    about the potential necessity for changing the
  • An established data-management system allows
    ready access to students progress monitoring
  • After progress monitoring, a graph is completed
    to display data for analysis and decision making
    and to indicate percentages of students at risk,
    at some risk, and at low risk

Standards for Judging High-Quality Progress
  • Staff members receive training in the
    administration and interpretation of progress
    monitoring measures
  • School designates reasonable cut points and
    decision rules for the level, slope, or
    percentage of mastery to help determine
    responsiveness and distinguish adequate from
    inadequate responsiveness
  • Cut points are reviewed frequently and adjusted
    as necessary
  • A rationale is provided for the cut points and
    decision rules

How does progress monitoring align with Tier 3?
  • The Pyramid of Interventions proposes a certain
    role for SST in the overall plan for teaching and
    learning After all students have been provided
    quality standards based classroom instruction and
    learning in Tier 1, and targeted students have
    participated in needs-based strategic
    interventions in Tier 2, those students are
    supported by Tier 3- SST driven interventions
    based on the results of ongoing assessments

Reflection on your SST
  • Are Tier 3 intervention research-based?
  • Are Tier 3 interventions different from the
    curricular materials used in Tier 1 instruction?
  • In addition to Tier 1 and 2 instruction, are
    students receiving Tier 3 interventions for at
    least 45 minutes each day for nine to 12 weeks.

Key Question
  • What do we do when students dont learn?

  • Building a Professional Learning Community
  • 2000-2001
  • Advmnt. Trng.
  • Common Finals
  • 2002-2003
  • Infrm. Crs. Tms.
  • Advmt. Handbk.
  • 2004-2005
  • Bulldog Teams
  • 1999-2000
  • Progress Rprts.,
  • Elect. Grd. Bks
  • Vol. Tutoring
  • Parent Contacts
  • 2001-2002
  • Inst. Calendars
  • Bnchmrk.Asmts.
  • Acad. Study
  • Crs. Tm. Leads
  • 4th Per. Advmt.
  • 2003-2004
  • Frml. Crs. Tm.Acts.
  • Gud.St.
  • Rstr.Lunch
  • ITF
  • Math Tutoring

Professional Learning and SST
  • It is not known what types of training are
    provided for Student Support Team members, SST
    chairpersons, and principals in different school
  • (Walls, 2005)

Training and Documentation
  • SST should be included in professional learning
    opportunities to enhance the process and the
    required documentation.
  • The current SST Resource Manual states that the
    documentation should make the actions of SST so
    clear that new teachers each year will have no
    difficulty determining what has been tried.

(No Transcript)
Student Intervention Plan- Must review progress
in relation to baseline data
Final Reflection
  • Is your school using individual student data to
    determine instructional needs?
  • How does SST document a students ability to
    progress within the curriculum?
  • Are SST intervention plans created with specific
    goals, individualized interventions, and expected
    target and end date?
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