Title: School/Preschool Supportive Health Services
1Preschool/School Supportive Health Services
Program (SSHSP) Medicaid-in-Education
Training on Compliance and Program UpdatePhase
2Training Agenda
- Section 1
- Background Information
- NYS Compliance Agreement
- SSHSP Compliance Training
- SSHSP Audit Findings
- Section 2
- NY State Plan Amendment - 09-61
- Billing And Claiming Resumption
- National Provider Identifier (NPI)
- International Classification of Diseases 9th
revision (ICD-9) Codes - Available Resources
3Section 1 Compliance and Audit
4What is SSHSP?
- Preschool/School Supportive Health Services
Program (Collectively SSHSP) - A New York State program that enables
- school districts, counties and 4201 schools
- to access federal monies for medically
- necessary related services provided to
- Medicaid-eligible students with disabilities
5Roles in SSHSP
- State Education Department (SED)
- Implementation
- Special Education Policy
- Department of Health Office of Health Insurance
Programs (OHIP) - Medicaid Policy
- Payment Methodology
- Office of Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG)
- Audit
- School districts, 4201 schools, and counties
- Implement SSHSP
- Monitor Contractors
- Federal Audits
- Settlement
- NYS Compliance Agreement
- New York State Plan Amendment (SPA 09-61)
- First year of compliance training completed
- NYS Compliance Agreement/Implementation Plan
- OMIG Compliance Program
8NYS Compliance Agreement
- Goals
- To ensure that policies and practices are
modified to achieve compliance with all laws and
regulations related to the receipt of federal
Medicaid participation in the SSHSP - To reinforce and maintain continued compliance
through trainings, technical assistance, and
9NYS Compliance Agreement
- NYS SSHSP Compliance Policy
- Confidential Disclosure Policy
- NYS Compliance Officer/Compliance Committee
- Audit Requirements
- Independent Audit
- Annual Written Reports
- Annual Compliance/Program Update Training
- State Plan Amendment (SPA 09-61)
10NYS Compliance Agreement
- NYS adopted two compliance policies
- NYS SSHSP Compliance Policy
- New York States Commitment to Compliance
- Confidential Disclosure Policy
- Inappropriate billing
- Available at http//www.oms.nysed.gov/medicaid/
11NYS Compliance Agreement
- Confidential Disclosure Contact
- When you believe policies or billing procedures
are inappropriate - Rose FiresteinNYS SSHSP Compliance OfficerNew
York State Department of HealthOffice of General
Counsel90 Church Street, 4th FloorNew York, New
York 10007Telephone 212-417-4393Facsimile
212-417-4392E-mail ref01_at_health.state.ny.us
12NYS Compliance Agreement Audit Requirements
- OMIG audit staff shall conduct . . . audits of
the SSHSPs compliance with all applicable
federal laws and regulations regarding claims for
federal Medicaid participation. - If the providers billing to Medicaid is
- Over 1,000,000 all providers will be audited
(NYC on an annual basis) - 250,000 - 1,000,000 randomly audit 25
providers (districts or counties) annually - Up to 250,000 randomly audit 10 providers
(districts or counties) annually
13NYS Compliance Agreement Audit Requirements
- Audit Period 2009 Date of Payment
- Audits for all Medicaid providers paid over
1,000,000 (43, includes NYC) - Audits for 25 Medicaid providers paid 250,000 -
1,000,000 randomly selected - Audits for 10 Medicaid providers paid less than
250,000 randomly selected
14NYS Compliance Agreement Audit Requirements
- Audit Findings for 2009 Date of Payment
- Lacking or inappropriate documentation
- Written orders/referrals
- No written order/referral
- Billing for services prior to date on written
order/referral - No date on written order/referral
- Signature stamp
- Service not included
- No parental notification of CSE meetings
- Missing or unsigned progress notes
- Under the Direction of/Under the Supervision of
15NYS Compliance Agreement
- Mandatory Training of Relevant Employees
- June 2, 2010 Memo
- Relevant employee any person working for or
contracted by a school district, county or 4201
school who, in some way, is involved in the SSHSP - Annual compliance training
- Database of relevant employees
16NYS Compliance Agreement
- Two ways to fulfill the mandatory training
requirement - Face-to-face training most are sponsored by
your local regional information center (RIC)
all are welcome and encouraged to attend - Who MUST attend a face-to-face training session?
- School district/county/4201school business
officials - School district/county/4201school special
education director - School district/county/4201school Medicaid
billing clerks - School district/county/4201school compliance
officers - Confirmation of attendance
- Contact Diana Kaplan at dkaplan_at_mail.nysed.gov
- Online training
- http//www.oms.nysed.gov/medicaid/
17NYS Compliance Agreement
- Statistics
- Phase I training 40,000 relevant employees
trained - 18,000 trained in-person
- 22,000 trained online
- Training timeline
- Phase I June 2010 - February 2011
- Phase II May 2011 - December 2011
- Phase III January 2012 September 2012
(Anticipated dates)
18OMIG Compliance Program
- Social Services Law 363-d
- 18 NYCRR Part 521
- To ensure Medicaid providers establish systemic
checks and balances to detect and prevent
inaccurate billing and inappropriate practices in
the Medicaid program - All persons, providers or affiliates claiming,
ordering or receiving payments in excess of
500,000 (gross) from the Medical Assistance
Program - Annual recertification
19OMIG Compliance Program
- Prevents, detects and remedies inappropriate
billing - Protects whistleblowers
- Written policies and procedures compliance
expectations - Designated compliance officer
- Training and education of employees and persons
associated with the provider - administrators and
governing body members - Communication line to compliance officer
(including anonymous/confidential reporting) - continued
20OMIG Compliance Program
- Prevents, detects and remedies inappropriate
billing - Protects whistleblowers
- Disciplinary policies for failing to report,
permitting suspected non-compliance - System of routine identification of compliance
risk areas internal/external audit - Procedures to respond to, correct, and report
compliance issues - Policy of non-intimidation and non-retaliation
for making a report of suspected non-compliance
21Exclusion Lists
- Lists of individuals or entities excluded,
restricted, - terminated or censured from participating in the
Medicaid - Program
- Will help providers avoid submitting claims for
- services provided by excluded
individuals/agencies - Lists should be checked on a monthly basis
22NYS/Federal Exclusion Lists
- No payment will be made by Medicare,
Medicaid or any of the other federal health care
programs for any item or service furnished by an
excluded individual or entity, or at the medical
direction or on the prescription of a physician
or other authorized individual who is excluded
when the person furnishing such item or service
knew or had reason to know of the exclusion.
23NYS/Federal Exclusion Lists
- NYS Exclusion List
- http//www.omig.ny.gov/data/content/view/72/52/
- Federal Exclusion List
- http//www.oig.hhs.gov/fraud/exclusions.asp
- Excluded Parties List System
- https//www.epls.gov/
24OMIG Contact Information
- OMIG website www.omig.ny.gov
- E-mail for compliance questions
compliance_at_omig.ny.gov - Compliance Exclusion Lists
- Carol Booth Sean Parker
- 518-402-1116 518-402-1816
25Section 2 SSHSP SPA 09-61 Billing and Claiming
26Medicaid State Plan Amendment (09-61)
- Approved by CMS on April 26, 2010,
- effective September 1, 2009
- Defines services, providers and their
- qualifications, and the reimbursement
- methodology for the SSHSP
- Medicaid coverage of IEP related services
- available until the students 21st birthday
27Medicaid State Plan Amendment (09-61)
- 10 Services Covered Under the SSHSP
- Speech Therapy 6. Psychological Evaluations
- Physical Therapy 7. Audiological Evaluations
- Occupational Therapy 8. Medical Evaluations
- Skilled Nursing 9. Medical Specialist
Evaluations -
- Psychological Counseling 10. Special
28Medicaid State Plan Amendment (09-61)
- Medicaid Qualified Service Providers
- Services must be provided by a Medicaid qualified
service provider acting within his/her scope of
practice under NYS Law - (See Provider Qualifications and Documentation
Requirements) - Documentation of practitioners qualifications
kept on file (license, registration, and/or
certification as applicable)
29SSHSP Documentation Requirements Summary
- IDEA Requirements
- Referral to CSE/CPSE
- Individualized Education Program (IEP)
- Parental Consent
- Quarterly Progress Notes
- Medicaid Requirements
- Provider Agreement and Statement of Reassignment
- Verification of Current Certification, Licensure,
or Registration, as Appropriate, of Servicing
Practitioner - Written Orders/Referrals
- Services Included in IEP
- Under the Direction of (UDO)/Under the
Supervision of (USO) Documentation - Documentation of each Encounter (Session Notes)
30Medicaid State Plan Amendment (09-61)
- Written Orders and Referrals must include
- The name of the child for whom the order is
written - The complete date the order was written and
signed - The service that is being ordered
- Ordering providers contact information (office
stamp or preprinted address and telephone
number) - Signature of a NYS licensed and registered
physician, physician assistant, or licensed nurse
practitioner acting within his or her scope of
practice (for psychological counseling services
this also includes an appropriate school official
and for speech therapy services, a
speech-language pathologist) - The time period for which services are being
ordered - The ordering practitioners National Provider
Identifier (NPI) or license number and, - Patient diagnosis and/or reason/need for ordered
31Medicaid State Plan Amendment (09-61)
- Session notes must include
- Students name
- Specific type of service provided
- Whether the service was provided individually or
in a group (specify the actual group size) - The setting in which the service was rendered
(school, clinic, other) - Date and time the service was rendered (length of
session record session start time and end
time) - Brief description of the students progress made
by receiving the service during the session - Name, title, signature and credentials of the
person furnishing the service and
signature/credentials of supervising/directing
clinician as appropriate
32Individualized Education Program (IEP) vs.
Medical Necessity
- Program services are designed to enable a child
with a disability to benefit from special
education - IEP
- Determines what services needed to receive Free
Appropriate Public education (FAPE) - Does not determine medical necessity
- Written order or referral
- Determines medical necessity (Medicaid
33Medicaid State Plan Amendment (09-61)
- Evaluations and Re-evaluations
- Required evaluation/re-evaluation documentation
- Written order/referral
- Evaluation report
- Evaluation must be reflected in the IEP
- Evaluations/re-evaluations are only Medicaid
reimbursable for students with IEPs -
34Medicaid Billing Targeted Case Management
- Medicaid Alert 11-01
- School districts with supporting documentation
may bill through 6/30/2010 (including
7/1/09-8/31/09) for - Initial Evaluation Review 5491
- Amended/Requested IEP Review 5494
- Annual IEP Review 5492
- Triennial/Re-evaluation IEP Review 5493
- Ongoing Service coordination 5495
35Medicaid Billing
- Medicaid Alert 11-02
- SSHSP billing began April 2011 for appropriately
documented services provided 9/1/09 and after - Encounter-based billing methodology
- Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) codes
36Medicaid Reimbursement
- Claims will be paid based upon the Claiming and
Billing calendar, posted on www.oms.nysed.gov/Medi
caid - School Districts/Counties/4201 Schools will be
reimbursed 100 of the federal share - Billing providers will receive one payment (state
and federal share) from the Department of Health - Federal Medicaid share is 50 of a gross approved
claim as of July 1, 2011
37National Provider Identifier (NPI)
- Federal requirement per the Health Insurance
Portability and Accountability
Act (HIPAA) - NPI is used by HIPAA-covered entities
- Identifies health care providers in HIPAA
standard transactions - 10-digit intelligence-free numeric
identifier(does not carry information about
health care providers) - To apply for an NPI or if you have questions
- https//nppes.cms.hhs.gov/NPPES/StaticForward.do?f
38NPI Requirements for SSHSP
- Billing provider (currently required on SSHSP
Medicaid claim) - Effective January 1, 2012 Servicing provider NPI
must be on SSHSP Medicaid claims - Special transportation claims will not use a
servicing provider NPI - If services are provided under the direction of
or under the supervision of, the supervising
practitioners NPI must be reported on the claim - Ordering provider (not required on SSHSP Medicaid
39International Classification of Diseases,
9th edition, Clinical Modifications (ICD-9-CM)
- ICD-9-CM is a set of codes used by physicians,
hospitals, and allied health workers to indicate
diagnosis for all patient encounters. The
ICD-9-CM is the HIPAA transaction code set for
diagnosis coding. - Effective 2012 claims must include an
appropriate ICD-9 code - Benefits
- Expanded details on claims,
- Improved data,
- Improved accuracy of claims,
- HIPAA compliant, and
- Establishes reason/need for procedure provided
(records a symptom, diagnosis or complaint on the
claim) - ICD codes are used in combination with CPT codes
to show correlation between the health condition
and the services provided.
40International Classification of Diseases,
9th edition, Clinical Modifications (ICD-9-CM)
- SSHSP Implementation of ICD-9 Coding
- Diagnosis (reason/need)
- Usually supplied by ordering/referring
practitioner on written order/referral - May or may not be in the form of ICD-9 code
- Claim must have the actual numeric ICD-9 code
- Resources for professionals
- American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
- American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
(ASHA) - American Psychological Association (APA)
- American Medical Association (AMA)
41Medicaid Listserv
- Developed to provide relevant employees of school
districts, counties and 4201 schools immediate
access to Medicaid updates/changes - To subscribe, please send an e-mail message to
LISTSERV_at_LISTSERV.NYSED.GOV - The body of the message must read
- SUBSCRIBE MEDINED firstname lastname
- Complete instructions for subscribing/unsubscribin
g on http//www.oms.nysed.gov/Medicaid
42Frequently Asked Questions
43Additional Resources
- SED Medicaid-in-Education
- http//www.oms.nysed.gov/medicaid/
- Medicaid-in-Education Handbook (coming soon)
- Medicaid-in-Education Questions Answers
- Medicaid Alerts
- Claiming and Billing Calendar
- Training Calendar
- NYS Office of Professions
- http//www.op.nysed.gov
- NYS Department of Health http//www.health.state.n
y.us/health_care/medicaid - National Alliance for Medicaid in Education
(NAME) - http//www.medicaidforeducation.org/
44Local Regional Information CenterContacts
- ltRIC please enter your contact information as
45NYS SSHSP Contacts - SED
Mailbox medined_at_mail.nysed.gov
- Telephone E-mail
Region - Steven Wright 518-486-4887
swright2_at_mail.nysed.gov NYC - Kelly Gicobbi 518-486-7828
kgicobbi_at_mail.nysed.gov Broome/Mohawk -
- Jeff Foley 518-402-5121
Nassau/Suffolk/Northeast - Paula Cooper 518-402-5218
pcooper_at_mail.nysed.gov Mid-Hudson/Westchester
/ - Northeast
- Sheila Costa 518-474-4178
scosta_at_mail.nysed.gov Western/Southern
Tier - Kelly Mason 518-486-2287
kmason2_at_mail.nysed.gov Monroe/Central/Finger
46NYS SSHSP Contacts - SED
47NYS SSHSP Contacts - DOH
- Connie Donohue 518-473-2160
- cld03_at_health.state.ny.us
- Cristin Carter 518-473-2160
- cmc10_at_health.state.ny.us
- Melissa Kinnicutt 518-473-2160
- mak16_at_health.state.ny.us