Title: Evidence-Based Practice for Public Health Project
1Evidence-Based Practice for Public Health Project
- Funded by a
- CDC/ATPM Cooperative Agreement
- Lamar Soutter Library
- Principal Investigator Elaine Martin, MSLS, MA
- Project Coordinator Hathy Simpson, MPH
- Project Consultant Roger Luckmann, MD, MPH
- Rationale background of the project
- Projects goals
- Process used to meet the goals
- Description of the project to date
- Future plans
3Many EBM products have been developed for busy
medical clinicians but few EBPH resources are
available for public health practitioners.
4A Definition of EBM
- The conscientious, explicit, judicious use of the
current best evidence in making decisions about
the care of individual patients. - (Ref Sackett et al, 1996)
5Definition of EBM (cont.)
- EBM practice requires integrating practitioner
clinical expertise with best evidence from
systematic research.
6A Definition of EBPH
- The conscientious, explicit, judicious use of the
current best evidence in making decisions in
routine PH practice, and in developing PH
policies and programs. - (Ref Sackett et al, 1996)
7Definition of EBPH (cont.)
- EBPH practice requires integrating
practitioner expertise, accumulated PH and basic
science knowledge, and regulatory requirements,
with best evidence from systematic research.
8Spectrum of Evidence
- Definitive clinical and epidemiologic studies of
human subjects and populations - Consensus of experts based on historical
observation and experience in human populations - Findings from basic science research extrapolated
to humans
9Spectrum of Evidence Clinicaland Epidemiologic
- Systematic reviews of multiple valid intervention
studies - One or more randomized controlled trials or other
intervention studies - Systematic reviews of multiple valid
observational studies or evaluations - One or more observational studies or evaluations
10Rationale for Evidence-Based Practice for Public
Health Project
- Increasing amount of high quality, relevant
research in PH and in disciplines related to PH
(medical, behavioral, social sciences). - Great need for high quality, evidence-based
information by PH practitioners. - Access to best evidence limited
11Evidence-Based Practice for PH Key Questions
- What are the knowledge domains of PH?
- What is / Where is the relevant evidence for
each domain? - What are the needs of PH practitioners for
current evidence in their fields? - How can access to required current evidence be
improved? - What model/s for information delivery can best
meet PH information needs?
12Evidence-Based Practice for PH Methods.
- Define the knowledge domains of public health
- Identify and assess existing sources of EBPH
content and existing means of delivering it - Examine, classify, evaluate existing models for
synthesizing and delivering EBM content to
medical practitioners
13Evidence-Based Practice for PH Methods
- Identify characteristics of EBM
synthesis/delivery methods potentially relevant
to models for delivery of EBPH content. - Propose model/s for synthesis/delivery of current
EBPH content for selected knowledge domains and
related practitioner groups.
14Identifying the Knowledge Domains of Public Health
- The field of public health is very broad and
diverse - Activities range from disease control to health
care financing
15Identifying the Knowledge Domains of Public Health
- There are multiple disciplines (knowledge
domains) within the field of public health
16Public Health is Multidisciplinary
- Epidemiologists
- Statisticians
- Environmental Engineers
- Animal Control Officers
- Sanitarians
- Food Scientists
- Industrial Hygienists
- Health Care Administrators
- Health Economists
- Politicians
- Social Workers
- Mental Health Workers
- Substance Abuse Counselors
- Doctors
- Nurses
- Teachers
- Disaster Relief Workers
- Nutritionists
- Lab Technicians
17What are the Knowledge Domains of Public Health?
18Process Used to Identify the Knowledge Domains
of Public Health
- Examined public health sources
- What knowledge domains or areas of public
health do these sources include?
19Public Health Sources Used to Identify the
Knowledge Domains of Public Health
- Public health accreditation criteria
- Chapters from an academic public health reference
book - Collection categories of the American Journal of
Public Health
- Public health occupational categories
- Massachusetts Department of Public Health
- American Public Health Association (APHA)
20Public Health Sources Used to Identify the
Knowledge Domains of Public Health
- Healthy People 2010 national health objectives
- Public health guidelines from The Guide to
Community Preventive Services
- Ten essential services of public health from the
Public Health Functions Working Group - Library indexes NLM journal subject headings
MeSH public health subject headings from the
Library of Congress
21Example of a Public Health Knowledge Domain
Environmental Health
22We Identified 17 (with their subdomains)Public
Health Knowledge Domains
- Public Health Nursing (3)
- Disaster Control Emergency Services (4)
- Communicable Diseases (16)
- HIV/AIDS (4)
- Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases Conditions
(18) - Public Health Laboratory Sciences (5)
- Public Health Informatics (5)
- Global, International Health
- Epidemiology (6)
- Biostatistics (6)
- Vital Statistics Surveillance (7)
- Environmental Health (13)
- Occupational Health (3)
- Health Services Administration (15)
- Social Behavioral Sciences (8)
- Health Promotion Education (4)
- Community Health (18) (includes Maternal Child
23The Next Step in the Process
- What is the literature associated with the
identified knowledge domains of public health? - Identify public health journals
24Process Used to Identify Public Health Journals
- Used ISIs Journal Citation Reports to identify
top public health journals by impact factor - Created a list of public health journals using
three sources - CDC Information Center list of the most
frequently requested journals - Healthy People 2010 Information Access Project
list of the most frequently cited journals from
formulated search strategies - Journals identified through the MLAs Core Public
Health Journal Project
25Public Health JournalsIdentified
- List of the top 25 journals by impact factor in
the subject category Public, Environmental, and
Occupational Health - List of 698 public health journals
- Available online?
- Free or by subscription only?
- If free Internet link (URL)?
26The Next Step
- What public health literature is associated for
the identified knowledge domains of public
health? - Match journal titles with knowledge domains
27Example of a Public Health Knowledge Domain
- Maternal and Child Health
28Public Health Knowledge Domain Maternal and
Child Health
- Some associated journals
- Maternal and Child Health Journal
- American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology
- Archives of Disease in Childhood
- Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Child Care, Health and Development
- The Future of Children
- Journal of Child and Family Studies
- Pediatrics International
29Accomplishments To Date
- Identified the knowledge domains of public health
- Identified public health journals
- Created project website
- In progress Match identified knowledge domains
with public health journals
30The Projects Website
- http//library.umassmed.edu/ebpph
31(No Transcript)
32Future Goals for the Next Year
- Determine the information needs of public health
workers vs. clinical workers. - Identify the characteristics of clinical EBM
products. - Can any of the characteristics be applied to a
model for evidence-based public health? - What is our definition of evidence-based public
33Future Goals for the Next YearContinued
- Would public health workers use the product?
- What features would public health workers want?
- Choose sample public health knowledge domains to
test evidence-based model(s) for public health
practice. -
34Evidence-Based Practice for Public Health Project
- Principal Investigator Elaine Martin, MSLS, MA
- Project Coordinator Hathy Simpson, MPH
- Project Consultant Roger Luckmann, MD, MPH
- Project Consultant Sharon Telleen, PhD
- Technical Advisor Jocelyn Rankin, PhD