Title: Severe Physical Handicaps
1Severe Physical Handicaps
- By Andrea Opel, Sondra Deurloo,
- Caitlin Robles, and Danielle Harrington
2Definition and Eligibility
3IDEA Definition/Eligibility
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) a person
is considered physically handicapped if he or she
has an impairment that substantially limits one
or more of lifes daily activities. - IDEA 2004
- A person with an orthopedic impairment, brain
injury, or other health impairment who, by reason
of that impairment, needs special education and
related services is considered to have a physical
disability. - The condition must interfere with or
substantially limit the childs ability to take
part in routine school activities. - A physical disability or health condition need
not limit activity instead, it may involve other
restrictions, such as a special diet (i.e.
celiac-disease) or the students need to use
medical equipment.
4Special Education Eligibility (cont.)
- When physical disabilities adversely affect
academic performance, the following special
education eligibility categories may be
considered - Orthopedic Impairment
- Other Health Impairment
- Multiple Disabilities
- Traumatic Brain Injury
5Anatomy of Severe Physical Handicaps
6The Nervous System
- A network of specialized cells (neurons) that
coordinate the actions of an animal and transmit
signals between different parts of the body - Facts to know
- Peripheral nervous system,the
- sympathetic nervous system fight or flight
- parasympathetic nervous system rest and
digest - Ventricles open spaces in the brain which are
filled with Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) - The left half of the body is controlled by the
right side of the brain and vice versa. - Sodium and Potassium are vital to neural
7Parts of the Brain
Occipital Lobe
Occipital Lobe
Frontal Lobe The ability to concentrate and
attend, elaboration of thought, abstract
reasoning, problem solving, judgment, muscle
memory. Also includes Brocas area. Parietal
Lobe Touch perception and goal directed voluntary
movements Temporal Lobe Hearing ability, memory
acquisition and long-term storage (hippocampus),
sense of identity, behavior and emotions
(amygdala). Also includes Wernickes area.
Occipital Lobe Primary visual reception
area Brain Stem Involuntary responses and
actions (breathing, heart rate, swallowing,
startle response). Damage here can affect level
of alertness and ability to sleep. Cerebellum Reg
ulation and coordination of movement and
8Neurological Disorder Terms
- Aphasia Language impairment usually due to left
hemisphere damage to Brocas (impairing
expression) or Wernickes (impairing
understanding). - Agnosia Cant recognize every day objects
- Ataxia lack of gross motor coordination
- Apraxia inability to carry out directed motor
functions even though directions are understood
9Musculoskeletal System
- Composed of bones, muscles, cartilage, tendons,
ligaments, joints and other connective tissue - Provides form, support, stability and movement
to the body
10Musculoskeletal System (cont.)
- Elements of the musculoskeletal system
- Bones provide support for the body, protect
body organs, produce blood cells, store minerals - Cartilage a firm substance that prevents bone
to bone contact - Tendons attach the muscle to the bone
- Ligaments attach bone to bone
- Skeletal Muscles attached to the bone by
tendons move bones through contracting - Type 1 slow/endurance
- Type 2 fast/sprint
11Useful Root Words for reading Medical Records Useful Root Words for reading Medical Records
A- Away or not eg. Ataxia (not ordered)
Distal Away from the center eg. Fingers are distal to the body
Dorsal Towards the back eg. Ears are dorsal to the nose
Hemi- Half eg. Hemiplegic (paralyzed from the waist down)
Hyper- Over or above eg. Psuedo-hypertrophy (fake muscle mass increase)
Hypo- Under or below eg. Hypoxia (not enough oxygen)
Myo Muscles - eg. Fibromyalgia (muscle pain)
Para- To one side eg. Paraplegic (paralyzed on one side of the body
Proximal Towards the center eg. Shoulders are proximal to the body
Quad- Four eg. Quadriplegic (paralyzed in all four limbs)
Ventral- Towards the front eg. Chest is ventral to the back.
12Causes of Severe Physical Handicaps
- Physical disabilities and health conditions are
classified as either congenital or acquired. - Congenital either are born with physical
difficulties or develop them soon after birth - Acquired developed through injury or disease
while the child is developing normally. The age
at which a condition develops often determines
its impact on the child.
13Causes (cont.)
Cause Meaning
Trauma Trauma means injury. Many people become injured through accidents. In these cases the skeletal, muscular or nervous systems may become damaged. Trauma usually happens after birth.
Illness There are many illnesses that can cause damage to body systems that control movement and may lead to physically disabilities. Many illnesses are caused by a variety of bacteria and viruses. Some illnesses may be inherited and there are some illnesses for which scientists still don't know the cause.
Congenital Something that is "congenital" means present when a person is born. In these cases, a person is born with a physical disability doesnt have to be genetic.
Genetic Genetic means that something is inherited from a persons parents. This means that one or both parents passed a gene that carried that disease or disability. Genetic disorders can sometimes be caused by a mutation of a gene. Scientist usually don't know why these mutations happen and when they can happen.
14Convulsive Disorders
15Convulsive DisordersDefinition
- Characterized by having seizures
- Seizures occur when a burst of electrical
impulses in the brain escape their normal limits.
They spread to other areas and create an
uncontrolled storm of electrical activity. The
electrical impulses can be transmitted to the
muscles, causing jerking or convulsions. - Though seizures can be concomitant with other
disorders, but when it occurs alone, it is
considered epilepsy
16Convulsive DisordersCauses
- In 70 of cases, the cause of epilepsy is
unknown. - When the cause is known it is usually due to a
brain injury of some kind. - Other possible causes hypoxia, stroke, abnormal
levels of substances (e.g., sodium, blood sugar)
that temporarily deprive the brain of required
nutrients - About 30 of those with epilepsy are children
17Convulsive Disorders Types
- There are two main categories of seizures
Generalized Seizures and Partial Seizures - Two most common types of seizures
- Grand Mal seizures (loss of consciousness,
collapse, violent jerking) Video Clip - Absence seizures (mostly in children, brief loss
of consciousness, no jerking, may occur several
times a day) Video Clip - There are other types of seizures however,
these two are the most common
18Convulsive DisordersAcademic Implications
Academic Implications Common medication side effects
Inattention/Concentration problems Hyperactivity Memory problems Excessive fatigue Depression Physical aggression/rage/tantrums/irritability Cognitive impairment related to injuries and scarring in the brain Tiredness Speech slurring Balance issues, clumsiness Dizziness and nausea Mood changes Memory loss Irritability Vision disturbances Hyperactivity
19Convulsive DisordersRecommendations
- Social Skills Groups
- Structure and consistent schedule
- Frequent breaks
- Clear and consistent rules at home and at school
with consequences for behavior - Check for understanding frequently
- Be aware absence seizures may be occurring
throughout the day, which may affect memory
20Cerebral Palsy
21Cerebral PalsyDefinition and Causes
- Cerebral palsy is a condition, sometimes thought
of as a group of disorders, that can involve
brain and nervous system functions such as
movement, learning, hearing, seeing, and
thinking. - Caused by injuries or abnormalities of the brain
- Usually occurs during pregnancy
- Risk Factors premature birth, infections, severe
jaundice, hypoxia, traumatic brain hemorrhage,
22Cerebral PalsySymptoms
- Most common symptoms
- Muscles that are very tight and do not stretch.
- Abnormal walk (gait)
- Joints are tight and do not open up all the way
- Paralysis
- May affect one arm or leg, one side of the body,
both legs, or both arms and legs
23Cerebral PalsySymptoms
- Other Symptoms
- Speech problems
- Seizures
- Cognitive Impairment (around 50 have ID)
- Hearing/vision problems
- Difficulty swallowing
24Cerebral PalsyAcademic Implications/
- Due to physical limitations and speech problems,
the following accommodations/modifications are
usually necessary - Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Speech therapy
- Communication devices/computer technology
- Special Day Classes, depending on the cognitive
and communication level of the student - Video clip
25Fredreichs Ataxia
26Fredreichs AtaxiaDefinition and Causes
- Genetic disorder caused by a defect in the gene
Frataxin (FXN), which causes the body to produce
too much of part of the DNA called trinucleotide
repeat (GAA). - Symptoms are caused by the wearing away of areas
of the brain and spinal cord that control
coordination, muscle movement, some sensory
functions, and may also affect the heart.
27Fredreichs AtaxiaSymptoms
- Common symptoms include
- Abnormal speech
- Changes in vision, particularly color vision
- Hearing loss - occurs in about 10 of patients
- Jerky eye movements
- Loss of coordination and balance, which leads to
frequent falls - Muscle weakness
- Unsteady gait and uncoordinated movements
(ataxia) - Muscle problems (can lead to scoliosis)
- Heart disease
- Diabetes (later stages)
28Fredreichs AtaxiaAcademic Implications/
- Speech therapy
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Walking aids or wheelchairs
- Access to keyboard or computer
- May need to alter PE requirements
- Longer time for tests and in class assignments
- Use of a scribe
- Letting the student leave a few minutes early for
lunch or between classes to miss crowds
29Neural Tube Defects
30Neural Tube DefectsDefinition and Causes
- Neural tube defects are birth defects of the
brain, spinal cord, or vertebrae. - Causes environmental (e.g., diabetes, obesity,
drugs), nutritional components (e.g., folic acid
31Neural Tube DefectsTypes
- Anencephaly Most of the brain does not develop.
Most fetuses spontaneously abort and those that
are born rarely survive. - Encephalocele The bones of the skull do not
completely close and a sac like formation with
brain tissue and spinal fluid protrudes outside
the head skull. - Spina bifida the fetal spinal column doesnt
close completely during the first month of
pregnancy. There is usually nerve damage that
causes at least some paralysis of the legs.
32Neural Tube DefectsTypes of Spina Bifida
- Spina bifida occulta The bones of the spine do
not close but the spinal cord and meninges remain
in place and skin usually covers the defect.
Mildest form. - Meningoceles The tissue covering the spinal cord
sticks out of the spinal defect but the spinal
cord remains in place. Rarest form. - Myelomeningocele is a birth defect in which the
backbone and spinal canal do not close before
birth. Most severe form.
33Neural Tube DefectsSymptoms/Academic Implications
- Symtpoms
- Varying degrees of paralysis of the lower limbs
- Most children will have some form of a learning
disability - Possible bowel and bladder complications
- May have hydrocephalus
- Academic Implications
- May need a bladder management program
- Difficulties with attention
- Trouble expressing or understanding language
- Problems with reading or math
- Depending on cognitive level, may benefit from
more intense services such as placement in an SDC
34Muscular Dystrophy
35Muscular DystrophyDefinition and causes
- Also called Inherited Myopathy or MD
- Muscular dystrophy is a group of inherited
disorders that involve muscle weakness and loss
of muscle tissue, which get worse over time. - Incidence about 1 in 651,450 persons in the
United States. - May occur in childhood or adulthood
- The more severe forms tend to occur in early
36Muscular DystrophyTypes
- There are many different types of muscular
dystrophy. They include - Becker muscular dystrophy
- Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
- Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
- Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
- Myotonia congenita
- Myotonic dystrophy
- Duchennes and Beckers muscular dystrophies
affect males almost exclusively. - Severity depends on type. Duchenne MD is deadly,
while others can cause little disability.
37Muscular DystrophySymptoms
- Different types of MD present different symptoms
and affect specific muscle groups. - All of the muscles may be affected (including the
heart). Or, only specific groups of muscles may
be affected, such as those around the pelvis,
shoulder, or face. - Reading disabilities are common
- Mental retardation is present in some types of
the condition
Symptoms Symptoms
Muscle weakness that slowly gets worse Delayed development of muscle motor skills Difficulty using one or more muscle groups Eyelid drooping (ptosis) Frequent falls Loss of strength in a muscle or group of muscles as an adult Loss in muscle size Problems walking (delayed walking) Drooling
38Muscular DystrophyAcademic Implications/Recommend
- There are no known cures for the various muscular
dystrophies. The goal of treatment is to control
symptoms. - In some cases, surgery on the spine or legs can
improve functioning - Treatment may include
- Physical therapy
- Orthopedic appliances such as braces and
wheelchairs - Corticosteroids (especially for children)
- Maintaining an active lifestyle
39Traumatic Paraplegia and Quadriplegia
40Traumatic Paraplegia and QuadriplegiaDefinition
and Prevalence
- Traumatic injury Characterized by damage to
the bones of the spine that surround the spinal
cord, often resulting in damage to the nerves
inside the spinal column. - Traumatic quadriplegia Spinal cord or nerve root
deficit not involving the cranial nerves above
and including C8, T1 roots. - Traumatic paraplegia Spinal cord or nerve root
deficit below and including T2. - Complete Complete motor and sensory deficit
below the level of the injury. - Incomplete Any sensory or motor sparing below
the level of injury including perianal sensation.
41Traumatic Paraplegia and QuadriplegiaCommon
- Broken neck or back neck caused by
- Vehicular accidents 37
- Violence 28
- Falls 21
- Sports-related 6
- Other 8 (e.g., complications following surgery)
- SCI can also be caused by so-called
non-traumatic cord injury, such as - Infection of the spinal nerve cells
- Cysts or tumours pressing on the spinal cord
- Interruption of the blood supply to the spinal
cord - Congenital medical conditions (e.g., spina
42Traumatic Paraplegia and QuadriplegiaSymptoms
- Common symptoms include
- Loss of sensation and motor function
- Dysfunction of the bowel and bladder
- Impaired or lost sexual functioning
- Men may have their fertility affected, while a
women's fertility is generally not affected. - Low blood pressure
- Reduced control of body temperature
- Inability to sweat below the level of injury
- Chronic pain.
43Level Abilities Functional Goals
C1-C3 Limited movement of head and neck Breathing Ventilator or implant Communication Talking can be difficult, very limited or impossible. Daily tasks Needs assistive technology for independence Mobility Can operate an electric wheelchair with head mouth, or chin
C4 Usually has head and neck control. May shrug their shoulders. Breathing May initially require a ventilator for breathing Communication Normal, may have weaker voice projection Daily tasks May have limited independence with specialized equipment
C5 Typically has head and neck control, can shrug shoulder and has shoulder control. Can bend his/her elbows and turn palms face up. Daily tasks Need some specialized equipment but will have independence with some daily activities (e.g., eating, drinking, grooming) Mobility Power wheelchair with hand controls. Driving may be possible.
C6 Has movement in head, neck, shoulders, arms and wrists. Can shrug shoulders, bend elbows, turn palms up and down and extend wrists. Daily tasks Can perform some daily tasks using specialized equipment (e.g., feeding, bathing, grooming, personal hygiene, dressing, and light housekeeping) Mobility Can use a manual or power wheelchair. Some independent transfer.
C7 Has similar movement as an individual with C6, with added ability to straighten his/her elbows. Daily tasks Able to perform household duties. Need fewer adaptive aids. Health care Able to do wheelchair push ups for pressure relief. Mobility Daily use of manual wheelchair. Can transfer with greater ease.
C8-T1 Has added strength and precision of fingers that result in limited or natural hand function. Daily tasks Can live independently without assistive devices in daily living. Mobility Uses manual wheelchair. Can transfer independently.
T2-T6 Has normal motor function in head, neck, shoulders, arms, hands and fingers. Has increased trunk control. Daily tasks Should be totally independent with all activities. Mobility Possible limited walking with extensive bracing. Requires high energy, offers no functional advantage, and can lead to damage of upper joints.
T7-T12 Has added motor function from increased abdominal control. Daily tasks Able to perform unsupported seated activities Mobility Same as T2-T6. Health care Has improved cough effectiveness.
L1-L5 Has additional return of motor movement in the hips and knees. Mobility Walking can be a viable function, with the help of specialized leg and ankle braces. Lower levels walk with greater ease with the help of assistive devices.
S1-S5 Depending on level of injury, there are various degrees of return of voluntary bladder, bowel and sexual functions. Mobility Increased ability to walk with fewer or no supportive devices
44Traumatic Paraplegia and QuadriplegiaAcademic
Implications Recommendations
- Functioning will vary based on location of damage
and severity of symptoms - Many require assistance for personal care
- Physical therapy
- Occupational therapy
- Counseling
- Adapted power wheelchairs
- Tape recorders
- Computers
- Page turners
- Mouth control (sip and puff) units
- Voice activation, chin control, head control,
eyebrow control, or eye blink - Balanced forearm orthosis (brace) for forearm and
wrist stability
45Connective Tissue Disease
46Connective Tissue DiseaseDefinition Causes
- Mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) uncommon
autoimmune disorder that features the connective
tissues as a primary target for pathology. - Connective tissues The structural portions of
our body that essentially hold the cells of the
body together. - Characterized as a group by the presence of
spontaneous overactivity of the immune system
which results in the production of extra
antibodies into the circulation. Leads to
inflammation in tissues. - Classified under autoimmune disorders
- Most commonly diagnosed in women in their 20s
and 30s - Some are inherited (e.g., Marfan Syndrome,
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) others have no known
cause or are believed to be triggered by
47Connective Tissue DiseaseTypes
- Causes overlapping features of primarily three
connective tissue diseases - lupus
- scleroderma
- polymyositis
- May also have features of rheumatoid arthritis
- Each can be identified by a blood test and
distinctive, classic symptoms - Can be undifferentiated at first, as symptom
onset can be gradual - Pediatric MCTD occurs in children under the age
of 16. MCTD is three times more frequent in girls
than boys. - 93 of children with pediatric MCTD have
48Connective Tissue DiseaseSymptoms
- Symptoms
- Raynaud's disease blood vessel spasms that
interrupt blood flow to the fingers, toes, ears
and nose - Fatigue
- General feeling of being unwell (malaise)
- Muscle pains (myalgias)
- Joint pains (athralgias)
- Mild fever
- Joint swelling
- Swollen hands and puffy fingers
- Shortness of breath and chest pain (uncommon but
dangerous could be pulmonary hypertension) - Often begins with fever, decreased energy, and
weakness - Can range from mild to life-threatening
49Connective Tissue DiseaseAcademic Implications
- Can be treated with medication may require only
for flare-ups, or all the time - Prognosis can vary some go into remission, and
others have more serious, long-lasting symptoms
but can still lead an active, productive life - Pay attention to medication side effects (e.g.,
nausea, weight gain, hair loss) - Recommendations will vary by symptoms
- Epilepsy.com www.epilepsy.com
- Epilepsy Foundation www.epilepsyfoundation.org
- Spina Bifida Asspciation www.spinabifidaassociati
on.org - The Nemours Foundation. Provides information for
kids, teens, and parents Kidshealth.org - United Cerebral Palsy www.ucp.org
- 4MyChild www.cerebralpalsy.org
- The Friedreichs Ataxia Research Alliance
www.curefa.org - Muscular Dystrophy Association www.mdausa.org
- American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association,
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