Statistical Inference in Wildlife Science - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Statistical Inference in Wildlife Science


Statistical Inference in Wildlife Science Goals Concerns with Nulls Better Approaches? Information-theoretic Metareplication Data dredging Important References – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Statistical Inference in Wildlife Science

Statistical Inference in Wildlife Science
  • Goals
  • Concerns with Nulls
  • Better Approaches?
  • Information-theoretic
  • Metareplication
  • Data dredging
  • Important References

Goal of Wildlife Research
  • Gain reliable knowledge (Romesburg 1981)
  • Hypothetico-deductive approach is preferred

Research Hypothesis

Observed Facts
Reliable Knowledge
Test of Statistical (Ho) Hypothesis
Fail to Reject
Modify Research Hypothesis
Dogmatic Laws
Research vs. Statistical Hypotheses
  • H-D method includes research and statistical
  • Research Hypothesis
  • Conjecture about a process (how nature works)
    based on theory (retroduction)
  • Statistical Hypothesis
  • Conjecture about a class of facts associated with
    the process (induction) local questions about a
    single population or system

Statisticians Have Long Debated Hypothesis Testing
  • Relative use of research vs. statistical
    hypotheses brought a long-standing debate in the
    world of statistics to wildlife science
  • We are overly concerned with testing statistical
    hypotheses and not concerned enough with rigorous
    development of, and sorting among, research
    hypotheses (Anderson et al. 2000)

Why are Statisticians Concerned with Our
Over-reliance on Statistical Hypothesis Testing?
  • Null hypotheses are viewed incorrectly
  • Trivial to say there is no difference
  • Focus is on rejecting Ho rather than
    investigating the size and precision of a
    treatment effect
  • Alpha is arbitrary
  • Often only the P-value is reported (naked
  • P-value is not based on data collected, but on
    that not collected (probability of an observation
    at least as extreme as observed, given Ho)
  • P-value depends on N, hence rejection is certain
    given enough data
  • P-value does NOT indicate strength of Ha, but
    rather degree of consistency (or inconsistency)
    with Ho

(Cherry 1998 Johnson 1999, 2002 Anderson et al.
2000 Guthery et al. 2001)
A Better Approach?
  • Focus on estimating effect size and providing a
    measure of its precision
  • Confidence Intervals do this
  • Rely on SE not SD, which measures variation
    observed in sample, not precision of estimate

Focus on Getting a Good Set of Biologically
Reasonable Hypotheses
  • Embrace the concept of multiple working research
    hypotheses (Chamberlin 1890) rather than the
    single Ha vs. single Ho
  • Can protect research from personal bias as
    researchers no longer have a single favorite
    hypothesis they work to confirm (Guthery et al.
  • Formulate each hypothesis as a mathematical model
  • Requires close collaboration with statistician to
    make sure full complexity of biological
    hypotheses can be represented (non-linearity,
  • Sort among multiple hypotheses using
    information-theoretic approach (Akaike 1973,
    1974 Anderson et al. 2000 Burnham and Anderson
    1998 Anderson and Burnham 2002 Anderson et al.

Sorting Among Research Hypotheses
  • Akaikes Information Criterion (AIC)

Best Model
Unexplained Variance
Number of Parameters (k)
(number of parameters)
(goodness of fit)
Rank Models
  • Calculate AIC and rank hypotheses (models) from
    best (min AIC) to worse
  • Single AIC not a useful value, it is relative
    value that is important
  • Akaike weights (wi) quantify the weight of
    evidence in favor of a model (evidence that model
    is best in defined set sum of wi 1)
  • Rules of Thumb
  • Wi gt0.9 indicates a single, superior model
  • Relative importance of model can be indicated by
    change in AIC (AICi AICmin). If Change in AIC
    for a model is lt10, it should be considered
    supported by the data.
  • Model averaging is a powerful way to estimate
    parameters and their precision
  • Average parameter value is weighted average
    (using wi) of parameters (Øaverage sum wiØi )

Some Issues with I-T Approach (Guthery et al.
2001 Robinson and Wainer 2002)
  • Method is parametric
  • Requires assumptions about distributions to be
  • Definition of research hypotheses defines
  • One of those in the group of alternative models
    will have the minimum AIC
  • Need to make sure no trivial hypotheses are in
  • Hypotheses should reflect plausible, but
    different, ways that nature works (i.e., be true
    research hypotheses, not statistical hypotheses)
  • Null effects are not necessarily trivial, must be
    modeled if there is good reason
  • Frequentist statistics are appropriate for
    analysis of well designed experiments

Better Use of P-value(Fisher 1925 Robinson and
Wainer 2002)
  • IF you use frequentist approach, then
  • Follow Fishers lead and use p-values to screen
    for potentially real or useful associations that
    have merit for future investigation, rather than
    using them to identify end points (significant
    findings to draw conclusions from) of an

Better Use of P-value(Fisher 1925 Robinson and
Wainer 2002)
  • IF you use frequentist approach, then
  • Report actual p-value and effect size plus
    measure of precision
  • Do not make reject / fail-to-reject decisions
  • If Plt0.05, report evidence of effect and look to
    confirm with other studies
  • If 0.2gtPgt0.05, report evidence exists for further
    testing of hypothesis with improved design
    (replication). State result leans in a certain
  • If Pgt0.2, report that if there is an effect, it
    is too small to detect with the current
    experimental design
  • If you are doing a 1-time experiment, then a
    should be reduced well below 0.05
  • Do not interpret P as the probability of Ho given
    the data, it is the probability of the data,
    given a true Ho
  • If you want to discuss likelihood of a
    hypothesis, then I-T or Bayesian approaches are
    more appropriate

Metareplication (Johnson 2002)
  • This approach gets away from individual P-values
    by focusing on making inference in the context of
    prior related findings
  • A Bayesian approach following Fishers lead
  • Search for multiple studies to point in a common
    direction rather than a single definitive study
    with low p-value to show the direction
  • Replication of studies (metareplication) is the
  • Exploit value of small studies, each of which may
    not be able to make a definitive conclusion
  • Truth lies at the intersection of independent
    lies (Levins 1966)
  • Although independent studies each may suffer from
    various shortcomings (small n, etc.), if they
    paint substantially similar pictures, we have
    confidence in what we see

Making Management Recommendations
  • Place less emphasis on the significant finding of
    an individual study
  • Use estimates of effect size and precision from
    individual studies in meta-analysis to determine
    consistent effects before making management
  • Look for truly replicated studies with consistent
  • Different methods, different locations, different

Dredging Data Along the Way
  • Dredging data is not bad, it is the creative
    process, but analyzing dredged data with
    traditional statistical methods is a violation of
  • Surprising findings should be heralded and used
    to stimulate new hypotheses and experiments
  • Put dredged findings in Discussion not Results
  • Admit it when you dredge
  • Use dredging to screen for possible effects to be
    considered in future studies

  • Any single study can yield a p-value, but only
    consistency among replicated studies will advance
    our science (Johnson 2002)

If YOU Are Doing Research, YOU MUST Read
  • Anderson, DR, Link, WA, Johnson, DH, and KP
    Burnham. 2001. Suggestions for presenting the
    results of data analysis. J. Wildlife Manage.
  • Anderson, DR, Burnham, KP, and WL Thompson. 2000.
    Null hypothesis testing problems, prevalence,
    and an alternative. J. Wildlife Manage.
  • Burnham, KP and DR Anderson. 1998. Model
    selection and inference a practical
    information-theoretic approach. Springer-Verlag,
    New York.
  • Chamberlin, TC. 1890. The method of multiple
    working hypotheses. Science 148754-759
    (reprinted there)
  • Cherry, S. 1998. Statistical tests in
    publications of The Wildlife Society. Wildlife
    Society Bulletin 26947-953.
  • Johnson, DH. 1999. The insignificance of
    statistical significance testing. J. Wildlife
    Management 63763-772.
  • Robinson, DH and H. Wainer. 2002. On the past and
    future of null hypothesis significance testing.
    J. Wildlife Management 66263-271.
  • Fisher, R.A. 1925. Theory of statistical
    estimation. Proceedings of the Cambridge
    Philosophical Society 22700-725.
  • Fisher, RA. 1928. Statistical methods for
    research workers. 2nd edition. Oliver and Boyd.
  • Anderson, DR and KP Burnham. 2002. Avoiding
    pitfalls when using information-theoretic
    methods. J. Wildlife Management 66912-918.
  • Akaike, H. 1973. Information theory as an
    extension of the maximum likelihood principle. Pp
    267-281. in. BN Petrov and F Csaki, eds. Second
    international symposium on information theory.
    Akademiai Kiado, Budapest.
  • Akaike, H. 1974. A new look at the statistical
    model identification. IEEE Transactions on
    automatic control AC 19716-723.
  • Johnson, DG. 2002. The importance of replication
    in wildlife research. J. Wildlife Management
  • Johnson, DG. 2002. The role of hypothesis testing
    in wildlife science. J. Wildlife Management
  • Guthery, FS, JJ Lusk, and MJ Peterson. 2001. The
    fall of the null hypothesis liabilities and
    opportunities. J. Wildlife Management 65379-384.
  • Hurlbert, SH. 1984. Pseudoreplication and the
    design of ecological field experiments.
    Ecological Monographs 54187-211.
  • Romesburg, HC. 1981. Wildlife science gaining
    reliable knowledge. J. Wildlife Management.
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