Title: Annuities and Sinking Funds 12.4.1 Annuity Ordinary
1Annuities and Sinking Funds
- Ordinary annuity a fixed (or escalating )
investment usually every month for a certain
fixed period often until the age of 65yrs, - FV Future Value
- FV ( Ordinary) the amount is invested at the
end of each month. - FV (Annuity due) the amount is invested at
the beginning of each month receive more
interest. - Tax Deferred Annuity deducted at source until
retirement. Tax is calculated after the
deduction, resulting in tax savings
3Sinking Funds
- This is an annuity that is invested for a
specific purpose and is continued for a
predefined period. - Examples
- Childs college fund
- To buy a new computer in 3 years time.
4 - It is estimated that you will need R 600 000
for your childs education in 10 years time, How
much must you put away each year if you receive
10 interest pa.
5FV (ordinary annuity )
FV 600 000 I 10/100 0.1 n 10 yrs
R 37 647.48
6- How much would you need to invest each month to
receive the same amount?
R 2 929.04
R2929.04 X 12 R35148.53 Pay
R2498.95 less pa or R 24 989.50
over 10 yrs
7FV ( annuity due) FV (ordinary annuity) x
Save using annuity due
If we worked out the same problem using annuity
due formula.
8FV ( annuity due)
600 000
R 34 224.76
9Bond Repayments
- To work out monthly bond repayments, the
following formula is used.
Im is the monthly instalments CP cost price of
the house etc i rate of interest r/100 n
number of repayments
10As this formula contains negative exponents , it
may be re-arranged to give ..
11Bond Repayments
- To work out monthly bond repayments, the
following formula is used.
Im is the monthly instalments CP cost price of
the house etc i rate of interest r/100 n
number of repayments
12Bond Repayments
Work out the monthly bond repayment (instalment)
on a R 500 000 house over 20 years at a mortgage
rate of 12 pa.
i (12/100) /12 0,01 n 20 x 12 240
R 5505.43