Title: Neurosensory: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
1Neurosensory Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Marnie Quick, RN, MSN, CNRN
2Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- Risk factors- MVA elevated blood alcohol
contact sports acts of violence- gun, knife - Mechanism of craniocerebral trauma
- Acceleration (movement)-deceleration (stationary)
- Coup (impact)-contrecoup (opposite) phenomenon
- Blunt penetrating injury
- Closed head injury
- Skull fracture
- Linear comminuted depressed basilar
3Coup-contracoup injury
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5Gunshot to brain
6Knife in brain
7Battle sign- ecchymosis behind the ear Basilar
skull is fractured toward the posterior
8Raccoon eyes- periorbital ecchymosis
Basilar skull fracture is more anterior
9Raccoon eyes
10Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Patho Primary brain Injury- Focal
- Contusion
- Epidural hematoma
- Subdural hematoma
- Intracerebral hematoma
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14Epidural hematoma
15Subdural hematoma
16Intracerebral hematoma
17Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Patho
Primary Brain Injury- Diffuse
- Concussion
- Temporary injury- graded mild-severe
- Post Concussion Syndrome last wks-months
- Diffuse axonal injury
- Widespread disruption of axons
- Poor prognosis
18Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Common
- Different bleeds (p.1376)
- Increased intracranial pressure (Module10)
- Restlessness- R/O respiratory
- Post concussion syndrome (p.1377)
- Systemic effects of acute brain injury (p. 1375)
- CSF leak- rhinorrhea/otorrhea- basal skull Fx
- Brainstorming- hypothalamic stimulation-ANS
- Associated cervical spinal cord injury
19Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Therapeutic interventions
- Diagnostic tests- Skull/spinal CT/MRI EEG
ABGs CBC, glucose, electrolytes - Treatment of IICP- airway fluid resuscitation
positioning temperature reg meds- osmotic
diuretics - Prevention of complications-
- Medications- IICP stress ulcers straining
brainstorming - Diet/calories
- CSF leak with possible menigitis
- Other (p. 1375) SIADH
- Surgery
- On bone evacuation clot craniotomy/ectomy
cranioplasty monitors
20Burr holes
21Crainectomy- bone flap out to allow for brain
expansion post op
22Post crani
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25Intraventricular and subarachnoid monitoring
devices for IICP
26Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Nursing
assessment specific to TBI
- Health history
- Description of accident past medical history
- Physical exam
- Glasgow Coma Scale (p.1299)
- Brainstem reflexes
- VS- Late sign is Cushing reflex
- Skull/face SCI
27Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Pertinent Nursing Problems
- Decreased intracranial adaptive capacity
- Ineffective airway clearance/breathing pattern
- Home care
- Home evaluation/rehab/nursing home
- Teach about post concussion syndrome
- Coummunity agencies/support groups