OF MICE AND MEN by John Steinbeck - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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OF MICE AND MEN by John Steinbeck


OF MICE AND MEN by John Steinbeck What is a Bindle stiff- A Bindle stiff is a single migrant laborer, generally white males, recruited to work on a temporary basis ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: OF MICE AND MEN by John Steinbeck

OF MICE AND MENby John Steinbeck
What is a Bindle stiff-
  • A Bindle stiff is a single migrant laborer,
    generally white males, recruited to work on a
    temporary basis during the harvest season in the

Life of a bindle stiff
  • The term bindle stiff emerged to describe
    these migrant workers who carried their
    belongings in a bundle and moved from place to

Daily life
  • Average pay 2.50 - 3.00 a day
  • Obviously this is not enough to build any type of
  • As a result, these workers remained trapped in
    their low paying and dead end unproductive

Ranch life
  • Most of these bindle stiffs were farm labor that
    drifted from ranch to ranch living in awful
    accommodations picking the harvest frantically
    from sunrise to sunset.
  • Ranches typically had a bunkhouse, and a cook
    house for the laborers.
  • Bindle stiffs lived in the bunkhouse which they
    shared with other hired hands.
  • Nights involved homemade entertainment on the
    confines of the ranch. They might venture into to
    town only 1 night a week because towns were
    usually too far away and they really didnt have
    any transportation or money to spend anyway.

Of Mice and Men
  • The novella focuses on these white single migrant
    workers before the arrival of the migrant
    families during the Great Depression.
  • The Novella shows the mens hopes and their
    feelings of hopelessness that was commonly felt
    by bindle stiffs.
  • This class of people were previously ignored by
    society, yet they numbered over 125,000 men
    during this time in our history.
  • Clearly, this large group was worthy of national
  • In fact at the end of the novella, Carlson
    demonstrates he is a participant in a faulty
    society when he asks Curley, Now what suppose
    is eatin them two guys. He clearly is oblivious
    about love, mercy, relationships or problems
    currently plaguing our society at that time.
  • So Steinbeck greatly influenced public awareness
    of these Migrant families and bindle stiffs
    poverty and despair with his work.

Hiring practices of the Depression era.
  • Enormous competition for jobs existed.
  • Management could manipulate their employees.
  • Workers were forced to accept unfair pay because
    many other hungry workers waited anxiously for
    their jobs.

  • Most new arrivals on these ranches were broke.
  • Employers operated stores which allowed the
    laborers to purchase food and other necessities
    on credit.
  • Thus, the laborer must work a second day to pay
    for the first, and so on. So the workers were
    continually in debt.

  • Steinbeck uses this two characters as an example
    of workers who were continually in debt.
  • George and Lennie, for instance, must stay on
    this ranch because they have no money.
  • For two bits Id shove out of here, says George
    (page 33). This statement is made by George
    after he anticipates trouble with Curly.
  • This shows the impossible situation he and Lennie
    are continually trapped. Staying means trouble
    but leaving means starvation and hopelessness.

  • No government programs and welfare services
  • No regulations on businesses and institutions
  • Families responsible to care for their elderly
  • Racism and segregation enforced during this
    period in our history
  • No laws of equality truly existed
  • Stereotypes are found throughout this novella.
    Society truly believed in these stereotypes and
    at this time in our nations history which causes
    many real problems in society.

Social Problems of the Time
  • Social protest of inequality that existed for
  • Women
  • Handicap
  • Race
  • Age

A Womans Role
  • In the early 1900s men and women were generally
    restricted to separate spheres of life.
  • Traditionalist values placed women in the home in
    charge of domestic duties.
  • Men where the only ones accepted in the
    workplace. Most wives did not work.
  • The common accepted feeling during this time was
    that married women were supported by their
    husbands and ought not to take jobs outside of
    the home that rightfully belonged to men.

Progressive Era
  • Marriage remained a primary goal for most women
    in the Progressive Era.
  • Some women did not feel fulfilled in this role.
  • The accepted notion of that time was that the
    familys well-being takes priority over the
    individual womans needs and interests.
  • Often women were forced to remain in love less
    marriages and suffer domestic violence.
  • Society still harshly judged the act of divorce
    or separation and those who undertook it.

Curleys wife
  • Curleys wife in Of Mice and Men enjoys little
  • She is trapped on her husbands ranch and not
    even allowed friends.
  • In the mens eyes, she is Curlys property, and
    although she is lonely, that is her husbands
    business and not theirs.

Curleys wife
  • In Of Mice and Men, Curleys wife displays a
    restlessness associated with other women of her
    situation and status.
  • The attitude matched those of real life farm
    wives studied during that time, which were
    filled with complaints of isolation, and lack of
    friends and entertainment.
  • Instead of providing Curleys wife with the
    excitement of a new life, her marriage has
    replaced her dreams of being an actress with the
    reality of a daily life filled with loneliness,
    boredom and house work.
  • Curleys wife represents the type of unhappiness
    that would continue for many married women until
    their role in society broadened.

The mentally retarded
  • By 1915, mental retardation had caught public
  • It was considered the most significant
    large-scale social problem in our nation at the
  • People were frightened and often at times
    displayed hostile attitudes towards the mentally

  • sterilization of the retarded/ neutered
  • segregated them from the larger population by
    placing them in horrific institutions which did
    unregulated testing etc .
  • No government agency regulated these
    institutions, so they were often horrific place
    where atrocities occurred

  • Laws disallowing marriage between mentally
    challenged people were passed by thirty-nine
  • Coupled with widespread sterilization, the laws
    were designed to limit the population of mentally
  • This scheme, designed to keep the population
    genetically superior, was eventually accepted by
    twenty-three states- and later, Nazi Germany.
    They borrowed the practice from USA

  • In Of Mice and Men, Lennie portrays an exception
    to the rule of institutionalization for mentally
    disabled people.
  • But societys inability to accept him, as
    illustrated by his friends fear that Lennie will
    be murdered for his accidental crime,
    demonstrates a refusal of this world to accept
    people who are different.
  • Lennies problem is that he cant comprehend the
    rules that govern society. When it becomes
    apparent that he never will, he is killed.

  • Elderly Candy is portrayed as a weak and passive
    man relying on the pity of others. He has no
    where to go when he can no longer support himself
  • His dog seems to become part of him as they have
    been together for so long, Candy is all alone
    except for his dog.
  • This practically worthless animal is on its last
    legs and is doing nothing for either of them
    being around. The dog symbolizes Candy.
  • Candy is aging and not really capable of much of
    the hard work and action that the others carry
    out, hes not much use to society either.
  • In a way, Candy is a guide for George and Lennie
    as he has been round the farm for quite some
    time, he is aware and nosy.

  • Blacks live oppressed and as out casts especially
    in the South during this period.
  • Black Americans harbored a legitimate fear of
    being lynched, since of the vast majority were
  • White Goddess concept
  • Mob justice is mentioned in Of Mice and Men in an
    exchange between Curleys wife and Crooks when
    she tells him that she could have him lynched
    whenever she wanted.
  • This statement, which she refers to is quite
    plausible that such a fate could have befallen
    the black man, Crooks.

Law, Order, and good ole fashion Vigilante
  • The illegal killing of a suspect by mob violence,
    represents a horrifying reality of the era.
  • Mobs reacted using violence for real or imagined
    crimes at their own discretion, not waiting for
    legal justice to take its course.
  • All that mattered to the lynchers was their own
    determination of an outsiders guilt.
  • Such lynchings were usually representative of
    racial tensions in society.

Frontier Justice Prevails
  • Ranch hands belonged to remote communities that
    were basically immune to official law
  • The isolation and size of the ranches allowed
    frontier justice to prevail.
  • It was left up to the farm owners themselves to
    maintain order over the migrant workers who
    arrived for the harvests.
  • Once a decision had been made about a mans
    supposed guilt, punishment would be extracted by
    the mob.
  • Such mobs were capable of atrocious disfigurement
    of their victims.
  • There were cases of mutilation-toes being cut off
    and the body doused in gasoline and then burned.

  • Crooks, the black employee who lives apart from
    the others.
  • Crooks tries to communicate the loneliness he
    feels as a social outcast.
  • Crooks gets Lennie to spill his dream of a
    private farm, and Crooks himself begins dreaming
    of an escape from the sad realities of his life.
  • Curleys wife steps into the doorway looking for
    companionship and their argument culminates in
    her threatening Crooks with a future lynching
    should he not behave.
  • Crooks resigns himself to his luckless destiny.

Allegorical Names
  • Character Name Meaning/ Source

  • The American Dream/ Broken Dreams George and
    Lennie dream to be able to own a place of their
    own and be their own bosses
  • Loneliness e.g. Candy's only companion, his dog,
    is killed
  • Friendship George shooting Lennie to help him
    escape from a brutal lynching
  • Innocence Lennie's not understanding why he
    shouldn't enter Crooks' room
  • Discrimination e.g. Crooks, as a ranch outcast,
    lives in a room all alone
  • Social protest/ Inequality Alienation, the
    treatment of old and/or non-productive ones,
    racial, gender, handicap prejudice

George and Lennie
  • Two UNCOMMON bindle stiffs
  • 1) They share a common dream of farm ownership.
  • 2) Unlike the others who travel alone, these 2
    have each other. FRIENDSHIP THEME
  • Two Stupid Dogs (1993)

Point of View
  • First person
  • third person objective/limited.
  • third person omniscient
  • The point of view of the novel is clearly third
    person objective. We never enter a person's mind,
    all the characters are described by the way they
    act and what they say. This choice of point of
    view makes Of Mice and Men relatively similar to
    a play for the theatre.

"To a Mouse, on turning up her Nest with the
Plough" by Robert Burns, November, 1785
  • But, Mousie, thou art no thy laneIn proving
    foresight may be vainThe best laid schemes o'
    mice an' menGang aft agley,An' lea'e us nought
    but grief an' painFor promis'd joy.Still thou
    art blest, compar'd wi' me!The present only
    toucheth theeBut, och! I backward cast my
    e'eOn prospects drear!An' forward, tho' I canna
    see,I guess an' fear!
  • Notes 1. Burns's brother Gilbert is responsible
    for the story that the poem was composed while
    the poet was ploughing, after he had turned up a
    mouse's nest and had saved the mouse from the
    spade of the boy who was holding the horses.
    sleekit sleek. 4. bickerin brattle hurrying
    scamper. 5. laith loth. 6. pattle a small
    long-handled spade for removing clay from the
    ploughshare. 13. whyles sometimes. 14. mawn
    must. 15. daimen occasional.icker ear of
    corn. a thrave twenty-four sheaves. 17. lave
    rest. 20. silly feeble. 21. big build. 22.
    foggage coarse grass. 24. snell piercing. 34.
    But without. house or hald house or
    habitation cf. Address to the Deil, 104. 35.
    thole endure. 36. cranreuch hoar-frost. 37.
    no thy lane not alone. 40. a-gley amiss.
  • Wee, sleeket, cowrin, tim'rous beastie, Oh, what
    a panic's in thy breastie!Thou need na start awa
    sae hastyWi' bickerin brattle!I wad be laith to
    rin an' chase theeWi' murd'ring pattle!I'm
    truly sorry man's dominionHas broken Nature's
    social union,An' justifies that ill
    opinionWhich makes thee startleAt me, thy poor
    earth-born companion,An' fellow-mortal!I doubt
    na, whyles, but thou may thieveWhat then? poor
    beastie, thou maun live!A daimen icker in a
    thrave'S a sma' requestI'll get a blessin wi'
    the lave,An' never miss 't!Thy wee bit housie,
    too, in ruin!Its silly wa's the win's are
    strewin!An' naething, now, to big a new ane,O'
    foggage green!An' bleak December's winds
    ensuinBaith snell an' keen!
  • Thou saw the fields laid bare an' wast,An' weary
    winter comin fast,An' cozie here beneath the
    blastThou thought to dwell,Till crash! the
    cruel coulter pastOut thro' thy cell.
  • That wee bit heap o' leaves an' stibbleHas cost
    thee monie a weary nibble!Now thou's turn'd out
    for a' thy trouble,But house or hald,To thole
    the winter's sleety dribbleAn' cranreuch cauld!
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