Title: Bites and Stings
1Bites and Stings
- Dr Pavan .M
- 3 million bites and 1,50,000 deaths/year from
venomous snake worldwide. - Bites highest in temperate and tropical regions.
- 3000 species of snakes, out of them only 10-15
of snakes are venomous - 97 of all snake bites are on the extremities
3Common Snakes - INDIA
- Cobras(nagraj) Naja naja,N.oxiana, N.kabuthia
- Neurotoxicity usually
- predominates.
4- Common krait(karayat)-Bungarus caeruleus
5- Russells viper(kander)-Daboia russelii
- Heat-sensing facial pits
- (hence the name "pit vipers").
6- Echis.carinatus(afai)-Saw scaled viper
7Features of poisonous non-poisonous snakes
- Non Poisonous Snakes
- Head - RoundedFangs - Not presentPupils -
RoundedAnal Plate - Double row Bite Mark - Row
of small teeth. - Poisonous Snakes
- Head Triangle
- Fangs Present
- Pupils - Elliptical pupil
- Anal Plate - Single row
- Bite Mark - Fang Mark
8Snake Venom
- Snake venom is highly modified saliva
9Mechanism of toxicity
- Cytotoxic effects on tissues
- Hemotoxic
- Neurotoxic
- Systemic effects.
- Toxic dose. The potency of the venom and the
amount of venom injected vary considerably. - 20 of all strikes are "dry"
10Snake Venom, Necrosis
- Proteolytic enzymes have a trypsin-like activity.
- Hyaluronidase splits acidic mucopolysaccharides
and promotes the distribution of venom in the
extracellular matrix of connective tissue. - Phospholipases A2- break down membrane
phospholipids -causes cellular membrane damage
- All these enzymes cause oedema, blister formation
and local tissue necrosis
12Snake Venom ,Paralysis
- Blocks the stimulus
- transmission from
- nerve cell to muscle
- and cause paralysis
- Does not penetrate
- the blood-brain barrier
13 14Contd..
- Postsynaptic effects are reversible with
antivenom and neostigmine. - Presynaptic nerve terminal, e.g.
beta-bungarotoxin and here neostigmine will not
be effective.
15Snake venom, Hemorrhages
- Activate prothrombin (e.g. ecarin from Echis
carinatus) - Effect on fibrinogen and convert it into fibrin
-thrombin-like activity, such as crotalase
(rattlesnake venom) - Activate factor 5, factor 10 , Protein C
- Activate or inhibit platelet aggregation
- Haemmorhagins- cause endothelial damage
16 17Clinical syndromic approachSyndrome 1
- Local envenoming
- (swelling etc) with
- bleeding/clotting
- disturbances
18 Syndrome 2
- Ptosis, external opthalmoplegia, facial
paralysis etc and dark brown urineRussell's
viper, Sri Lanka and South India
19Syndrome 3
- Local envenoming (swelling etc) with
paralysisCobra or king cobra
20Syndrome 4
- Paralysis with minimal or no local envenoming
- Krait, Sea snake
21Syndrome 5
- Paralysis with dark brown urine and renal
failure Russle viper
22Grade 0
- No evidence of envenomation
- Suspected snake bite
- Fang mark may be present
- Pain and 1 inch edema erythema
- No systemic signs- first 12 hours
- No lab changes
23Grade 1
- Minimal envenomation
- Fang wound moderate pain present
- 1-5 inches of edema or erythema
- No systemic involvement in present after 12 hours
- No lab changes
24Grade 2
- Moderate envenomation
- Severe pain
- Edema spreading towards trunk
- Petechiae and ecchymosis limited area
- Nausea,vomiting,giddiness
- Mild temperature
25Grade 3
- Severe envenomation
- Within 12 hours edema spreads to the extremities
and part of trunk. - Petechiae and ecchymosis may be generalized
- Tachycardia
- Hypotension
- Subnormal temperature
26Grade 4
- Envenomation very severe
- Sudden pain rapidly
- Progressive swelling which leads to ecchymosis
all over trunk - Bleb formation and necrosis
27Grade 4 contd
- Systemic manifestations within 15 min after the
bite - Weak pulse,NV,vertigo
- Convulsions, coma
28What investigation to do?
- Coagulation studies
- Blood grouping cross matching
- Sr.electrolytes
- Urinalysis
2920 min whole blood clotting time
- A few milliliters of fresh blood are placed in a
new, plain glass receptacle (e.g., test tube) and
left undisturbed for 20 min.
- The tube is then tipped once to 45 to determine
whether a clot has formed. If not, coagulopathy
is diagnosed
31Hess's test
- Blow up a blood pressure cuff to 80 mm Hg and
leave it on for 5 minutes. - If a crop of purpuric spots appears below the
cuff, the test is positive.
32 First Aid
First Aid
- No Tornique
- No Suction apparatus to be used(Sawyers)
- Do not run
- No role of Ice application
- When to use ASV?
- How much to use?
- What if a reaction occurs?
- When to stop ASV?
35When to use ASV
- Hemostatic abnormalities(lab and clinical)
- Progressive local findings
- Neurotoxicity
- Systemic signs and symptoms
- Generalised rhabdomyolysis
36Polyvalent antivenin
- Manufactured by hyper immunizing horses against
venoms of four standard snakes - Cobra (naja naja)
- Krait (B.caerulus)
- Russels viper(V.russelli)
- Saw scaled viper(Echis carinatus)
- Lyophilised form stored in a cool dark place
may last for 5 years - Liquid form has to be stored at 4c with much
shorter life span - Each 1ml of reconstituted serum neutralise0.6 mg
of naja naja0.45 mg of Bungarus caerulus0.6 mg
of V.russelli0.45 mg of Echis carinatus
38Guide for initial dose of antivenin
Grade Amount of Antivenin Route
0 None None
1 None None
2 5 vials IV 110 dilutions
3 5-10 vials IV 110 dilutions
4 10-20 vials IV 110 dilutions
39Dose in Paediatric
- Same as adult as the amount of venom does not
change-hence the dose of antivenom should be the
same - Only the dilution changes
40Skin testing- Done if patient is stable and time
- 0.02ml of 1100 solution of serum is injected sc
- A positive reaction occurs within 5 to 30 mins.
- Appearance of wheal surrounding erythema
41What to do in case of anaphylactic reaction to
- Adrenaline 0.5 to 1ml IM
- If hypotension,severe bronchospasm or laryngeal
edema give 0.5 ml of adrenaline diluted in 20 ml
of isotonic saline over 20 mins iv.
- A histamine anti H1 blocker-chlorpheniramine
maleate-10 mg IV - Pyrogenic reactions-antipyretics
- Late reactions-respond to CPM-2 mg, 6 hrly or
oral prednisolone-5 mg 6 hrly
43What if the patient needs ASV following reaction
- Dose should be further diluted in isotonic saline
and restarted as soon as possible. - Concomitant IV infusion of epinephrine may be
required to hold allergic sequelae at bay while
further antivenom is administered
44When to stop using ASV
- Bleeding subsides
- Lab values returns to baseline
- Signs of neurotoxicity reverses
- Local effects halts progression
45Supportive treatment
- Anticholineesterase have variable but useful role
- Trial
- Atropine sulphate 0.6 mg
- Edrophonium chloride 10 mg IV (or) Neostigmine
1.52.0 mg IM (children, 0.0250.08 mg/kg)
- If objective improvement is evident at 5 min
- continue neostigmine at a dose of 0.5 mg
(children, 0.01 mg/kg) every 30 min as needed
with - atropine by continuous infusion of 0.6 mg over 8
h -children, 0.02 mg/kg over 8 h
- Hypotension
- Administration of crystalloid (2040 mL/kg)
- Trial of 5 albumin (10 20mL/kg)
- CVP guided fluids
- Inotropic support and invasive monitoring
- Oliguria renal failure- fluids,diuretics,
dopamine - no response-fluid restriction- Dialysis
- Local infection- TT,antibiotics
- Haemostatic disturbances-FFP,fresh whole
49Cobra spit opthalmia
- Topical antimicrobial
- 0.1 adrenaline relieves pain
- No need for ASV
50Compartment syndrome
- If signs of compartment syndrome are present
and compartment pressure gt 30 mm Hg - Elevate limb
- Administer Mannitol 1-2 g/kg IV over 30 min
- Simultaneously administer additional antivenom,
4-6 vials IV over 60 min - If elevated compartment pressure persists
another 60 min, consider fasciotomy
51Bee Sting
- Honey bee belong
- Family- Hymenoptera
- Sub Family-Apidae
- Only the females have adapted a stinger from the
ovipositor on the posterior aspect of the abdomen
- Histamine.
- Melittina membrane active polypeptide that can
cause degranulation of basophils and mast cells,
constitutes more than 50 percent of the dry
weight of bee venom - Venom commonly causes pain, slight erythema,
edema, and pruritus at the sting site
- Local reaction
- Toxic manifestation and anaphylaxis
- Delayed reaction Serum sickness
- Immediate removal is the important principle and
the method of removal is irrelevant. - Sting site should be washed thoroughly with soap
and water to minimize the possibility of
- Intermittent ice packs at the site- diminish
swelling and delay the absorption of venom while
limiting edema. - Oral antihistamines and analgesics may limit
discomfort and pruritus. - Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can
be effective in relieving pain
56Severe systemic reaction
- Epinephrine 0.3 to 0.5 mg (0.3 to 0.5 mL of
11000 concentration) in adults and 0.01 mg/kg in
children (never more than 0.3 mg). - Injected IM and the injection site massaged to
hasten absorption - If hypotension,severe bronchospasm or laryngeal
edema give 0.5 ml of adrenaline diluted in 20 ml
of isotonic saline over 20 mins - Observation for 24 hours in ICU
- Parenteral antihistamines (diphenhydramine 25 to
50 mg IV, IM, or PO) and H2-receptor antagonists
(ranitidine 50 mg IV) - Steroids (methylprednisolone 125 mg) -to limit
ongoing urticaria and edema and may potentiate
the effects of other measures. - Bronchospasm is treated with -agonist
- Hypotension
- -massive crystalloid infusion, and central
venous pressure monitoring may be helpful in
these patients. - -Persistent hypotension require dopamine.
- -If dopamine is ineffective, an intravenous
infusion of epinephrine can be used
59Preventive Care
- Every patient who has had a systemic reaction
-insect sting kit containing premeasured
epinephrine and be carefully instructed in its
use. - Patient must inject the epinephrine at the first
sign of a systemic reaction. - Medic alert tag
60Scorpion sting- C. exilicauda
- Scorpions have a world-wide distribution.
- Highly toxic species are found in the Middle
East, India, North Africa, South America, Mexico,
and the Caribbean island of Trinidad.
61Mechanism of action
- Venom can open neuronal sodium channels and cause
prolonged and excessive depolarization
62Symptoms and sign
- Somatic and autonomic nerves may be affected
- Initial pain and paresthesia at the stung
extremity that becomes generalised - Cranial nerve- abnormal roving eye movements,
blurred vision, pharyngeal muscle incoordination
and drooling and respiratory compromise
- Excessive motor activity
- Nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, and severe
agitation can also be present. - Cardiac dysfunction, pulmonary edema,
pancreatitis, bleeding disorders, skin necrosis,
and occasionally death can occur
- Pain Management
- Ice pack
- Immobilization of limb
- Local anaesthetics are better than opiates
- Tetanus prophylaxis, wound care and antibiotics
- Benzodizepines for motor activity.
- Stabilize Airway Breathing and Circulation
- Hyperdynamic circulation
- Always combination of alpha blocker with beta
blocker to prevent unopposed alpha action causing
tachycardia - Nitrates for Hypertension/MI
- Hypodynamic Circulation
- CVP guided fluids
- Decrease preload with furosemide (not
hypovolumic) - Reduction of afterload improves
outcome-Prazosin, nitroprusside, hydralizine, ACE
inhibitor - Dobutamine is the best inotrope, avoid Dopamine
- Noradrenaline can be used
67Newer modality
- Insulin has shown to improve cardiopulmonary
status in case of scorpion envenomation