Title: Wind Energy
1Wind Energy
- Stephen R. Lawrence
- Leeds School of Business
- University of Colorado
- Boulder, CO
Adapted from a presentation by Keith
Stockton Environmental Studies University of
Colorado Boulder, CO
3Ancient Resource Meets 21st Century
4Wind TurbinesPower for a House or City
5Wind Energy Outline
- History and Context
- Advantages
- Design
- Siting
- Disadvantages
- Economics
- Project Development
- Policy
- Future
6History and Context
7Wind Energy History
- 1 A.D.
- Hero of Alexandria uses a wind machine to power
an organ - 400 A.D.
- Wind driven Buddhist prayer wheels
- 1200 to 1850
- Golden era of windmills in western Europe
50,000 - 9,000 in Holland 10,000 in England 18,000 in
Germany - 1850s
- Multiblade turbines for water pumping made and
marketed in U.S. - 1882
- Thomas Edison commissions first commercial
electric generating stations in NYC and London - 1900
- Competition from alternative energy sources
reduces windmill population to fewer than 10,000 - 1850 1930
- Heyday of the small multiblade turbines in the US
midwast - As many as 6,000,000 units installed
- 1936
- US Rural Electrification Administration extends
the grid to most formerly isolated rural sites - Grid electricity rapidly displaces multiblade
turbine uses
8Increasingly Significant Power Source
Wind could generate 6 of nations electricity by
Wind currently produces less than 1 of the
nations power. Source Energy Information Agency
9(No Transcript)
10Manufacturing Market Share
Source American Wind Energy Association
11US Wind Energy Capacity
12Installed Wind Turbines
13Colorado Wind Energy Projects
14New Projects in Colorado
15Ponnequin 30 MW
- Operate with wind speeds between 7-55 mph
- Originally part of voluntary wind signup program
- Total of 44 turbines
- In 2001, 15 turbines added
- 1 MW serves 300 customers
- 1 million dollars each
- 750 KW of electricity each turbine
- Construction began Dec 98
- Date online total June 1999
- Hub height 181 ft
- Blade diameter 159 ft
- Land used for buffalo grazing
16Wind Power Advantages
17Advantages of Wind Power
- Environmental
- Economic Development
- Fuel Diversity Conservation
- Cost Stability
18Environmental Benefits
- No air pollution
- No greenhouse gasses
- Does not pollute water with mercury
- No water needed for operations
19Pollution from Electric Power
Source Northwest Foundation, 12/97
Electric power is a primary source of industrial
air pollution
20Economic Development Benefits
- Expanding Wind Power development brings jobs to
rural communities - Increased tax revenue
- Purchase of goods services
21Economic Development Example
Case Study Lake Benton, MN 2,000 per 750-kW
turbine in revenue to farmers Up to 150
construction, 28 ongoing OM jobs Added 700,000
to local tax base
22Fuel Diversity Benefits
- Domestic energy source
- Inexhaustible supply
- Small, dispersed design
- reduces supply risk
23Cost Stability Benefits
- Flat-rate pricing
- hedge against fuel price volatility risk
- Wind electricity is inflation-proof
24Wind Power Design
25Power in the Wind (W/m2)
Density P/(RxT) P - pressure (Pa) R -
specific gas constant (287 J/kgK) T - air
temperature (K)
Area ? r2
Instantaneous Speed (not mean speed)
26Wind Energy Natural Characteristics
- Wind Speed
- Wind energy increases with the cube of the wind
speed - 10 increase in wind speed translates into 30
more electricity - 2X the wind speed translates into 8X the
electricity - Height
- Wind energy increases with height to the 1/7
power - 2X the height translates into 10.4 more
27Wind Energy Natural Characteristics
- Air density
- Wind energy increases proportionally with air
density - Humid climates have greater air density than dry
climates - Lower elevations have greater air density than
higher elevations - Wind energy in Denver about 6 less than at sea
level - Blade swept area
- Wind energy increases proportionally with swept
area of the blades - Blades are shaped like airplane wings
- 10 increase in swept diameter translates into
21 greater swept area - Longest blades up to 413 feet in diameter
- Resulting in 600 foot total height
28Betz Limit
- Theoretical maximum energy extraction from wind
16/27 59.3 - Undisturbed wind velocity reduced by 1/3
- Albert Betz (1928)
29How Big is a 2.0 MW Wind Turbine?
This picture shows a Vestas V-80 2.0-MW wind
turbine superimposed on a Boeing 747 JUMBO JET
30Wind Turbine Power Curve
Vestas V80 2 MW Wind Turbine
31Recent Capacity Enhancements
2006 5 MW 600
32Nacelle Components
- Hub controller 11. Blade bearing
- Pitch cylinder 12. Blade
- Main shaft 13. Rotor lock system
- Oil cooler 14. Hydraulic unit
- Gearbox 15. Machine foundation
- Top Controller 16. Yaw gears
- Parking Break 17. Generator
- Service crane 18. Ultra-sonic sensors
- Transformer 19. Meteorological gauges
- Blade Hub
33Turbines Constantly Improving
- Larger turbines
- Specialized blade design
- Power electronics
- Computer modeling
- produces more efficient design
- Manufacturing improvements
34Improving Reliability
- Drastic improvements since mid-80s
- Manufacturers report availability data of over 95
35Wind Project Siting
36Wind Power Classes
Wind speed is for standard sea-level conditions.
To maintain the same power density, speed
increases 3/1000 m (5/5000 ft) elevation.
37(No Transcript)
38(No Transcript)
39Siting a Wind Farm
- Winds
- Minimum class 4 desired for utility-scale wind
farm (gt7 m/s at hub height) - Transmission
- Distance, voltage excess capacity
- Permit approval
- Land-use compatibility
- Public acceptance
- Visual, noise, and bird impacts are biggest
concern - Land area
- Economies of scale in construction
- Number of landowners
40Wind Disadvantages
41Market Barriers
- Siting
- Avian
- Noise
- Aesthetics
- Intermittent source of power
- Transmission constraints
- Operational characteristics different from
conventional fuel sources - Financing
42Wind Energy and the Grid
- Pros
- Small project size
- Short/flexible development time
- Dispatchability
- Cons
- Generally remote location
- Grid connectivity -- lack of transmission
capability - Intermittent output
- Only When the wind blows (night? Day?)
- Low capacity factor
- Predicting the wind -- were getting better
43Birds - A Serious Obstacle
- Birds of Prey (hawks, owls, golden eagles) in
jeopardy - Altamont Pass News Update from Sept 22
- shut down all the turbines for at least two
months each winter - eliminate the 100 most lethal turbines
- Replace all before permits expire in 13 years
44Wind Characteristics Consequences
- Remote location and low capacity factor
- Higher transmission investment per unit output
- Small project size and quick development time
- Planning mismatch with transmission investment
- Intermittent output
- Higher system operating costs if systems and
protocols not designed properly
45Balancing Supply Demand
Base Load Coal
46Energy Delivery
47Energy Delivery
48Wind Economics
49Wind Farm Design Economics
- Key Design Parameters
- Mean wind speed at hub height
- Capacity factor
- Start with 100
- Subtract time when wind speed less than optimum
- Subtract time due to scheduled maintenance
- Subtract time due to unscheduled maintenance
- Subtract production losses
- Dirty blades, shut down due to high winds
- Typically 33 at a Class 4 wind site
50Wind Farm Financing
- Financing Terms
- Interest rate
- LIBOR 150 basis points
- Loan term
- Up to 15 years
51Cost of Energy Components
- Cost (/kWh) (Capital Recovery Cost OM) /
kWh/year - Capital Recovery Debt and Equity Cost
- OM Cost Turbine design, operating environment
- kWh/year Wind Resource
52Costs Nosedive ? Winds Success
38 cents/kWh
3.5-5.0 cents/kWh
Levelized cost at good wind sites in nominal
dollars, not including tax credit
53Construction Cost Elements
54Wind Farm Cost Components
55Wind Farm Economics
- Capacity factor
- Start with 100
- Subtract time when wind speed lt optimum
- Subtract time due to scheduled maintenance
- Subtract time due to unscheduled maintenance
- Subtract production losses
- Dirty blades, shut down due to high winds
- Typically 33 at a Class 4 wind site
56Improved Capacity Factor
- Performance Improvements due to
- Better siting
- Larger turbines/energy capture
- Technology Advances
- Higher reliability
- Capacity factors gt 35 at good sites
- Examples (Year 2000)
- Big Spring, Texas
- 37 CF in first 9 months
- Springview, Nebraska
- 36 CF in first 9 months
57Wind Farm Economics
- Key parameter
- Distance from grid interconnect
- 350,000/mile for overhead transmission lines
58Wind Farm Economics
- Example
- 200 MW wind farm
- Fixed costs - 1.23M/MW
- Class 4 wind site
- 33 capacity factor
- 10 miles to grid
- 6/15 year financing
- 100 financed
- 20 year project life
- Determine Cost of Energy - COE
59Wind Farm Economics
- Total Capital Costs
- 246M (10 x 350K) 249.5M
- Total Annual Energy Production
- 200 MW x 1000 x 365 x 24 x 0.33 578,160,000 kWh
- Total Energy Production
- 578,160,000 x 20 11,563,200,000 kWh
- Capital Costs/kWh
- 3.3/kWh
- Operating Costs/kWh
- 1.6/kWh
- Cost of Energy New Facilities
- Wind 4.9/kWh
- Coal 3.7/kWh
- Natural gas 7.0/kWh
- _at_ 12/MMBtu
60Wind Farm Development
61Wind Farm Development
- Key parameters
- Wind resource
- Zoning/Public Approval/Land Lease
- Power purchase agreements
- Connectivity to the grid
- Financing
- Tax incentives
62Wind Farm Development
- Wind resource
- Absolutely vital to determine finances
- Wind is the fuel
- Requires historical wind data
- Daily and hourly detail
- Install metrological towers
- Preferably at projected turbine hub height
- Multiple towers across proposed site
- Multiyear data reduces financial risk
- Correlate long term offsite data to support short
term onsite data - Local NWS metrological station
63Wind Energy Variability
Source Garrad Hassan America, Inc.
64Wind Farm Development
- Zoning/Public Approval/Land Lease
- Obtain local and state governmental approvals
- Often includes Environmental Impact Studies
- Impact to wetlands, birds (especially raptors)
- NIMBY component
- View sheds
- Negotiate lease arrangements with ranchers,
farmers, Native American tribes, etc. - Annual payments per turbine or production based
65Wind Farm Development
- Power Purchase Agreements (PPA)
- Must have upfront financial commitment from
utility - 15 to 20 year time frames
- Utility agrees to purchase wind energy at a set
rate - e.g. 4.3/kWh
- Financial stability/credit rating of utility
important aspect of obtaining wind farm financing - PPA only as good as the creditworthiness of the
uitility - Utility goes bankrupt youre in trouble
66Wind Farm Development
- Connectivity to the grid
- Obtain approvals to tie to the grid
- Obtain from grid operators WAPA, BPA,
California ISO - Power fluctuations stress the grid
- Especially since the grid is operating near max
67Wind Farm Development
- Financing
- Once all components are settled
- Wind resource
- Zoning/Public Approval/Land Lease
- Power Purchase Agreements (PPA)
- Connectivity to the grid
- Turbine procurement
- Construction costs
- Take the deal to get financed
68Financing Revenue Components
Source Hogan Hartson, LLP
69Closing the Deal
- Small developers utilize a partnership flip
- Put the deal together
- Sell it to a large wind owner
- e.g. Florida Power Light, AEP, Shell Wind
Energy, PPM Scottish Power - Shell and PPM jointly own Lamar wind farm
- Large wind owner assumes ownership and builds the
wind farm
70Wind Policy
71Wind Farm Economics
- Federal government subsidizes wind farm
development in three ways - 1.9 /kWh production tax credit
- 33.5 subsidy
- 5 year depreciation schedule
- 29.8 subsidy
- Depreciation bonus
- 2.6 subsidy
72Tax Incentives Issues
- Small developers cant fully use federal tax
credits or accelerated depreciation - They dont have a sufficient tax liability
- Example
- A 200 MW wind farm can generate a 12.6M tax
credit/year - Small developers dont have sufficient access to
credit to finance a 200M project
73Production Tax Credit
- 1.9/kWh Production Tax Credit
- First 10 years for producing wind generated
electricity - Wind farm must be producing by 12/31/07
- PTC has been on again/off again since 1992
- Results in inconsistent wind farm development
- PTC in place aggressive development
- PTC lapses little or no development
- The PTC puts wind energy on par with coal and
significantly less than natural gas - When natural gas gt 8.00/MMBtu
- Current prices 10 15/MMBtu
74Wind Power Policy
- Renewable Portfolio Standard
- 21 States have them
- Colorados Amendment 37
- Passed by voters November 2004
- 3 of generation from 2007 - 2010
- 5 of generation from 2011 - 2014
- 10 of generation by 2015 and beyond
- 4 of renewable generation from solar PV
- 96 of renewable generation from wind, small
hydro and biomass - Small utilities can opt out of program
75Renewable Energy Credits
- You subsidize wind energy when produced by
another utility - CU pays 0.006/kWh to Community Energy
- To power the UMC, Wardenburg and the Recreation
Center - Community Energy uses these funds to subsidize
wind energy at wind farms in Lamar and in the
upper Midwest - Although CU isnt getting the electrons from
these wind farms, it is in effect buying wind
energy - The three new buildings (Business, Law, and
Atlas) will also be powered by wind energy
76Inconsistent Policy ? Unstable Markets
Source American Wind Energy Association
77Future Trends
78Expectations for Future Growth
- 20,000 total turbines installed by 2010
- 6 of electricity supply by 2020
100,000 MW of wind power installed by 2020
79Future Cost Reductions
- Financing Strategies
- Manufacturing Economy of Scale
- Better Sites and Tuning Turbines for Site
Conditions - Technology Improvements
80Future Tech Developments
- Application Specific Turbines
- Offshore
- Limited land/resource areas
- Transportation or construction limitations
- Low wind resource
- Cold climates
81The Future of Wind - Offshore
- 1.5 - 6 MW per turbine
- 60-120 m hub height
- 5 km from shore, 30 m deep ideal
- Gravity foundation, pole, or tripod formation
- Shaft can act as artificial reef
- Drawbacks- TD losses (underground cables lead to
shore) and visual eye sore
82Wind Energy Storage
- Pumped hydroelectric
- Georgetown facility Completed 1967
- Two reservoirs separated by 1000 vertical feet
- Pump water uphill at night or when wind energy
production exceeds demand - Flow water downhill through hydroelectric
turbines during the day or when wind energy
production is less than demand - About 70 - 80 round trip efficiency
- Raises cost of wind energy by 25
- Difficult to find, obtain government approval and
build new facilities - Compressed Air Energy Storage
- Using wind power to compress air in underground
storage caverns - Salt domes, empty natural gas reservoirs
- Costly, inefficient
- Hydrogen storage
- Use wind power to electrolyze water into hydrogen
- Store hydrogen for use later in fuel cells
- 50 losses in energy from wind to hydrogen and
hydrogen to electricity - 25 round trip efficiency
- Raises cost of wind energy by 4X
83U.S. Wind Energy Challenges
- Best wind sites distant from
- population centers
- major grid connections
- Wind variability
- Can mitigate if forecasting improves
- Non-firm power
- Debate on how much backup generation is required
- NIMBY component
- Cape Wind project met with strong resistance by
Cape Cod residents - Limited offshore sites
- Sea floor drops off rapidly on east and west
coasts - North Sea essentially a large lake
- Intermittent federal tax incentives
84Nantucket Project
130 turbines proposed for Nantucket Sound
85Hawaiian Wind Farm Shock Absorber
- Install on 2.4 MW wind farm on Big Island of
Hawaii - Utilizes superconducting materials to store DC
power - Suddenly increased and decreased wind power
output - Likely to loose efficiency due to AC-DC-AC
"Utility Scale Wind on Islands," Refocus, Jul/Aug
2003, http//www.re-focus.net
86Where Can Coloradans Buy Wind?
87Oceanic Energy