Title: The MS4 Program
1The MS4 Program MDTs Commitments Obligations
a.k.a Why the Heck Should I Care?
Stacy Hill, P.E. Great Falls District
2Why does the MS4 Program exist?
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6Sure, but thats not Montana!
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12- 35 years of CWA
- industry WWTF better
- but runoff is out of hand only getting worse
13Not in Montana, huh?Thats the beauty of the
14So who is stuck with this?
15Tag Youre It!
- Urbanized areas with a population gt 50,000
- Cities with a population greater than 10,000
- cities, counties, MDT, universities, MAFB,
hospitals, large complexes
16Which means
- Billings Urbanized Area
- Billings, Yellowstone County
- Great Falls Urbanized Area
- Great Falls, Cascade County, MAFB
- Missoula Urbanized Area
- Missoula, Missoula County, UM
- Bozeman (including MSU)
- Butte
- Helena
- Kalispell
- MDT in all of these areas
17What do we have to do?
18Required elements
- 6 Minimum Control Measures
- Public Education Outreach
- Public Involvement/Participation
- Illicit Discharge Detection Elimination
- Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control
- Post-Construction SW Management
- Pollution Prevention Good Housekeeping
- Storm Water Management Program
19What is proposed for each of the 6 program areas?
20Public Education Outreach
- TAP presentations, brochures, PSAs
- Public Meetings
- Website
- Storm Drain Stenciling
- Guidance Manuals
- Training
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22Public Involvement/Participation
- Stakeholder meetings
- Public Involvement in Transportation Planning
Project Development - Adopt-A-Highway
- Feedback Solicitation Action
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25Illicit Discharge Detection Elimination
- Spill Response/IDDE Procedures
- Storm Sewer Mapping
- Dry Weather Screening
- SPCC Program
- Training
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29Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control
- Permitting Compliance
- Inspection/ECCP Development
- Training Information
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32Post-Construction Storm Water Management in New
Development Redevelopment
- PESC Program Presentation Wednesday 3-5
- Revegetation Programs
- Inspection Maintenance
- Environmental Checklists/Reviews
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35Pollution Prevention Good Housekeeping
- Training
- Street Sweeping
- Winter Road Management/Deicer Studies
- Waste Disposal/Recycling
- Procedures Manuals
- Vehicle Equipment Maintenance
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38What does MDT need me to do?
39What does MDT need me to do?
- new ideas
- spreading the word
- tracking the information
- realizing this is a worthwhile cause
40 41One more timewhy are we doing this?
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50Its worth it, right?!
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