Title: Teaching Efficient Hand Movements in Braille Reading
1Teaching Efficient Hand Movements in Braille
- Diane P. Wormsley, Ph. D.
- Brenda Brodie Endowed Professor
- North Carolina Central University
- February 22, 2008
2Learner Objectives
- Identify the most efficient method of moving the
hands in reading braille - Identify the various braille reading
characteristics and their implications - Indicate which pattern would be best for
beginning readers - Understand how to teach accuracy and proper hand
movements simultaneously
3Differences between Print and Braille Reading
- Differences in how the two media are read
- Mechanics eyes vs. fingers
- Perception sequential vs. all at once
- Visual The eye does not move smoothly.
- Tactile Pauses are rare fingers read through
5- Movement
- Visual No perception of words and letters
occurs during movement because movement is too
rapid. - Tactile Perception occurs only through movement.
6Pause Time
- Visual 92-98 or reading time is spent in
pauses. - Tactile Pause time is minimal.
7Number of Pauses
- Visual As reading skills improves, the number
of pauses declines. - Tactile Better readers have smooth movements.
- Visual Covered three to five words (Japanese
subjects.) - Tactile Not relevant
9Locations of Pauses
- Visual Pauses occur irrespective of meaning,
grammar or rhetoric, or length of a sentence in
lines. - Tactile Pauses occur rarely they are found
near word intervals or at beginnings of words.
10Functions of Pauses
- Visual Readers perceive during pauses.
- Tactile Pauses are halting points, rallying
points for understanding.
11Functions of flying movements
- Visual Links between pauses.
- Tactile Of paramount significance perception
occurs through movement.
12Methods of Perception
- Visual Several letters or words are perceived
all at once in pauses. - Tactile Letters are perceived successively
through the movement of the fingers and become
grouped in perception. -
13Word Cues
- Visual The average reader reads sentences with
the help of small cues, such as the size and
shape of letters and words. - Tactile The average reader uses the first and
second and sometimes the third braille character
in words as cues to predict or anticipate the
remainder of the word.
14Dominant and subordinate letters
- Visual Word recognition depends on context and
letter shapes. - Tactile The first three characters or letters
are dominant, along with some characters that are
also tactilely characteristic or peculiar
15Sensory channel
- Visual Both eyes work together involuntarily
without conscious knowledge of the activity. - Tactile Both hands are entirely under voluntary
control, especially in the early stages of
learning braille. - Adapted from Kusajima, T. (1974). Visual Reading
and Braille Reading An Experimental
Investigation of the Physiology and Psychology
of Visual and Tactual Reading. New York
American Foundation for the Blind.
16- i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty
uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal
pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a
rscheeearr at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't
mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are,
the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and
lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can
be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit
a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos
not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as
a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot
slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs
forwrad it.
17Other Differences Between Print and Braille
- Differences in the extent of the literacy media
in the environments of the readers - Braille in the environment Harry Potter is in
braille! - Quantity of literature
- Numbers of role models for reading/writing
18Other Differences Between Print and Braille
- Differences in the ability to get cues for words
from the pages of the readers (print readers have
pictures to help with words). - Differences in the number of symbols used in the
literacy medium (contracted braille) and when the
students are introduced to them.
19Other Differences Between Print and Braille
- Differences in redundancy in print and braille
relates to confusability of characters. - The problem of confusability applies to some
extent to all braille characters because they
lack the redundancy of print characters, and
consequently the salient features that redundant
dimensions produce. (Millar, 1997)
20Redundancy in Print
- It was nearing midnight and the Prime Minister
was sitting in his office, reading a long memo
that was slipping through his brain without
leaving the slightest trace of meaning behind.
21Redundancy in Print
- The more he attempted to focus on the print on
the page before him, the more clearly the Prime
Minister could see the gloating face of one of
his political opponents.
22Redundancy in Print
- The more he attempted to focus on the print on
the page before him, the more clearly the Prime
Minister could see the gloating face of one of
his political opponents.
23Redundancy in Print
- Middles, ends or beginnings absent.
- W-at a mar- - ous opponity!
- Lob- wen- strai--- to th- grandmoth -
- -obo as so enous hat e dnt ait or ttle
ed - Would this hold for braille reading?
24Redundancy in Print
- Vowels Absent
- -nc- -p-n t-m- th-r- w-s h-nds-m-
---ng w-lf n-m-d L-b-. - Consonants Absent
- -o-e-i-e- a-- -o-o - -i-- -a- -i-e-e o--
-a- -e - Does this hold for braille reading?
25Redundancy in Print
- Vowels removed completely
- Ths dmnstrts tht txt s stll mr r lss lgble whn
th vwls hv bn rmvd. - Would this hold for braille reading?
- (examples from Weaver, C., 2002, 91-98)
26Other Differences between Print and Braille
- in the ability to learn concepts essential for
reading and writing - in whether family and friends use your literacy
medium - in attitudes towards the literacy medium
- in when a child begins to learn his/her literacy
medium - in general cultural knowledge of the literacy
medium with the population at large
27Impact of Reading Sequentially Developing Skills
of Anticipation and Prediction
- Why is this necessary?
- Differences between print and braille reading
- Braille is read character by character
- Good braille readers use context plus information
from the first two or three characters of a word
to anticipate what that word will be allows for
faster braille reading. -
28How do you develop this skill?
- Provide for immersion in language.
- Read to children/let them listen to taped
storybooks. - When reading aloud to children, ask them to
finish sentences for you. - Play games that provide children with information
about their ability to predict. - Provide opportunities for vocabulary and concept
29Creating Flash Cards
- Use at least 3 x 5 inch cards.
- Cut off top right hand corner.
- Use dots 2-5 lead in line space word space
dots 2-5 lead out line - Create numerous cards for same word
- Have children who are capable make their own word
30Using Flash Cards
- Provide as much exposure to words as possible.
- Let students look at cards over and over again
- Give them a stack of cards with the same word on
it to look at - Watch for fingers numbing out
31(No Transcript)
32- Video demonstrating various hand movement
patterns and hand movement characteristics.
33Hand movements/Mechanics
- Patterns of hand movement usage two handed
method is most efficient and used by best
(fastest) braille readers - Perception of braille characters is dependent
upon whether braille is felt as global shape or
through dot density - Scrubbing
34Implications for Teaching Braille Mechanics
- Teaching hand movements
- Teach the use of both hands together initially
teach lateral scanning with both hands - Eventually teach students to separate hands at
the ends of the lines if they dont do it
automatically. - Teach the use of all four fingers of both hands
maintaining contact on the braille line.
35Hand movements/Mechanics (Cont.)
- Posture/Positioning
- Furniture Fit
- Use of hands
- Finger strength and dexterity
- Hand strength and dexterity
- Best practice non-slip surface under braille
materials and brailler
36The Susie Video
37Question and Answer