Title: Interior Plantscaping
1Interior Plantscaping
- Presented by
- Debra Heitkamp
- Interior plantscaping
- is the design installation and maintenance of
interior plantings
- Interior plantscaping
- involves the use of tropical and subtropical
herbaceous and woody plants
4The past and the present
- First evidence of plants in homes 3000 years ago
in China - Egypt, Greece, Rome
- 1970s plants used to organize and decorate
space - Tropical and subtropical plants have been adapted
to survive in interiors of buildings
5Benefits to indoor plantings
6Benefits to Indoor Plantings
- Plants
- improve morale
- increase productivity and creativity
7Benefits to indoor plantings
- Plants
- improve morale
- increase productivity and creativity
- enhance the environment
- aesthetically
- as an inexpensive decorating alternative
- by adding warmth and color
8Benefits to indoor plantings
9Benefits to indoor plantings
- Plants
- provide screens
- soften harsh architectural surfaces
10Benefits to indoor plantings
- Plants
- provide screens
- soften harsh architectural surfaces
- act as noise buffers
11Benefits to indoor plantings
- Plants
- refresh the atmosphere
12Benefits to indoor plantings
- Plants
- refresh the atmosphere
- absorb harmful pollutants
- 1 plant per 100 square feet
- Formaldehyde, Benzene and
Trichloroethylene -
13Plant Requirements
- Light
- most limiting factor to growing plants indoors
- either select plant for light levels or change
light intensity to suit the plant chosen - minimum light intensity is that which permits
plant to function at slightly exceeding the
compensation point
14Plant Requirements
- Temperature
- optimum temperatures are 65 to 75 F
15Plant Requirements
- Temperature
- optimum temperatures are 65 to 75 F
- increased temperatures increase photosynthesis
and respiration
16Plant Requirements
- Atmosphere
- drafts cause extensive transpiration
17Plant Requirements
- Atmosphere
- drafts cause extensive transpiration
- increase relative humidity with humidifiers in
the central heating and cooling systems
18Plant Requirements
- Growing Medium
- needs to be porous and well drained and yet
retain sufficient water for plant requirements
19Plant Requirements
- Growing Medium
- needs to be porous and well drained and yet
retain sufficient water for plant requirements - needs to be light if there are weight restrictions
20Plant Problems
- Environmental
- Cultural
- Pests
- Diseases
- Combination
21Plant Problems
- Environmental
- temperature
- light
- humidity
22Plant Problems
- Environmental
- temperature
- light
- humidity
- Cultural
- water levels
- fertilizer levels
23Plant Problems
- Pests
- aphids
- mealy bugs
- spider mites
- scale
- whitefly
- nematodes
24Plant Problems
- Diseases
- root rot
- stem and leaf diseases
25Interior Landscape Firms
26Types of Interior Landscape Firms
27Types of Interior Landscape Firms
- Install and Maintain
- Install, Maintain and Guarantee
28Types of Interior Landscape Firms
- Install and Maintain
- Install, Maintain and Guarantee
- Lease and Maintain
29Types of Interior Landscape Firms
- Install and Maintain
- Install, Maintain and Guarantee
- Lease and Maintain
- Long and Short-term Rental
30Types of Accounts
31Types of Accounts
32Types of Accounts
33Types of Accounts
34Important Aspects of Interior Plantscaping as a
- Contracts
- Installation
- Maintenance
- Frequency and type of maintenance
- Frequency and type of maintenance
- Environmental considerations
- Frequency and type of maintenance
- Environmental considerations
- Replacement
- Frequency and type of maintenance
- Environmental considerations
- Replacement
- Guarantee restrictions
- Frequency and type of maintenance
- Environmental considerations
- Replacement
- Guarantee restrictions
- Cancellation rights
- Frequency and type of maintenance
- Environmental considerations
- Replacement
- Guarantee restrictions
- Cancellation rights
- Fee
- Frequency and type of maintenance
- Environmental considerations
- Replacement
- Guarantee restrictions
- Cancellation rights
- Fee
- Insurance
- Lighting
- Heating and cooling
- Lighting
- Heating and cooling
- Accessibility of doors, elevators and loading
- Lighting
- Heating and cooling
- Accessibility of doors, elevators and loading
areas - Labor requirements
- Lighting
- Heating and cooling
- Accessibility of doors, elevators and loading
areas - Labor requirements
- Plants name, quantity and sizes
- Lighting
- Heating and cooling
- Accessibility of doors, elevators and loading
areas - Labor requirements
- Plants name, quantity and sizes
- Installation schedule
- Goals
- low loss rate
- healthy plants
- customer satisfaction
- Maintenance technicians
- deep interest in plants and plant health
- eager to learn
- degree in Horticulture or Botany
- extensive training
- Interior plantscaping requires a love of plants
and the knowledge of how they need to be nurtured
and cared for.