Title: China-Africa Economic Relations: Insights from AERC Scoping Studies
1China-Africa Economic Relations Insights from
AERC Scoping Studies
- By
- Olu Ajakaiye, AERC, Nairobi, Ademola Oyejide,
University Of Ibadan, Francis Mwega, University
of Nairobi, Mike Morris, University of Cape Town,
Raphael Kaplinsky, Open University, UK, Felix
NZue, ACET, Accra and Damiano Manda, AERC,
Nairobi - A presentation at the African Economic
Conference, UNECA Addis Ababa, Nov. 11-14, 2009
- Introduction
- China Africa Trade Relations
- China -Africa Investment Relations
- China-Africa Aid Relations
- China has become a major driver of the global
economy on several accounts. - phenomenal growth over 10 GDP growth rates for 2
decades - With 2008 GDP (PPP) of 7.8 trillion is second
largest economy in the world - First country to show signs of recovery from
current global financial and economic crisis with
7.9 growth by second quarter of 2009. - Manufacturing sector the main driver of growth
- economic growth accompanied by structural
transformation (Table 1) contributions of
services to GDP suggests China is transiting to a
knowledge economy.
- Has become a global production platform
- The growth also accompanied by social
transformation poverty rate fell from 53 in
1981 to 2.3 in 2005 HDI improved ( 0.53 in 1975
to 0.78 by 2005) - Is still a lower middle income country with GDP
per capita of 3,180 and considerable inequality.
- In contrast, SSA with approximately 1 billion
people record low and unstable growth rates. - 1990-2000 growth 2.5 2000-2007 growth 5.2.
- SSA growth not accompanied by structural
transformation - SSA export dominated by crude material minerals
(oil and other minerals) no export
diversification but increased concentration SSA
imports dominated by manufactures.
- SA imports final goods while China imports
manufactured components, add value locally and
export manufactured finished goods. - SSA attracts mainly resource seeking FDI tend to
be enclaves, no skills and technology transfers - Relatively high growth of 2000-2007 not been
accompanied by social transformation poverty
rates have not declined implying that SSA will
not meet the MDG-1 by 2015.
- Africas overriding development challenge remains
how to - Secure rapid (high), sustained and pro-poor
growth with structural and social transformations
and technological upgrading. - Successfully pursue export led growth taking
advantage of market access provided through
preferential trade arrangements - Eliminate supply constraints through increased
investment in infrastructure and the people. - Escape from commodity trap deepened by the
aborted natural resource boom that compromised
economic diversification, and increased
vulnerability to various shocks. - Escape from of lack of technological
modernization necessary to meet stringent global
production standards and remain competitive.
- China, hence, presents opportunities and
challenges to the development prospects of SSA
countries. - SSA countries should carefully and continuously
identify and analyze key features of China-Africa
economic relations if they are to maximize
advantages of the opportunities and ameliorate
impacts of challenges. - Strategies proposed should take account of
changing circumstances of individual SSA
countries and the changing nature of China.
9Key Features - Trade
- Bilateral Africa-China trade fairly balanced in
recent times Africa enjoyed a small trade
surplus with China 2004-2006 (2 billion per yr).
- Africas TOT in relation to China improved by 80
to 90 b/w 2001-2006, due to rising world prices
for oil and minerals exported to China in the
face of stagnant or falling prices of
manufactured goods imported from China.
10Key Features - Trade
- Trade flows between Africa and China growing
rapidly acceleration from 2000 onwards. - Total merchandise exports to China increased
about 6-fold from 4.5 billion in 2000 to 28.8
billion in 2006 - African exports to China increased faster than to
the ROW - Africas share in Chinas total imports remains
small (3.6 in 2006). - China now Africas 3rd largest export market,
after the US and EU. Accounting for 16 percent of
Africas total exports in 2006 - Africas aggregate imports from China increased
four-fold from 6.5 billion in 2000 to 26.7
billion in 2006.
11Key Features Trade
- Chinas imports from Africa dominated by fuels
and mineral products In 2006, fuels (73.3) - Africas import from China dominated by
manufactures accounting for 93.4 in 2006
12Key Features Trade
- The structure of Africas exports to China is
similar to that of its exports to other major
trading partners (US EU) indicating - Mutually beneficial Complementarity arguments
that reflects comparative advantage of each
partner and not any unilateral interest by China
in exploiting natural resources. - These arguments Ignore need for SSA to diversify
trade, avoid commodity traps and use trade to
promote growth and structural transformation. - Most analyses are at aggregate level which do
not reveal significant African country-level
differences which may have significant
implications for policy response. - To remedy this defect, data generated by the AERC
scoping studies in 21 SSA countries are used to
fill the gaps.
13Key Features - Trade
- The foot-print of China in terms of trade
relations varies among these countries. - Chinas export share in 2006 varies from less
than 1 (Cameroon , Uganda, Mauritius, Kenya,
Ghana) to over 10 (Zambia , Ethiopia and over
30 ( Angola, Congo) and Sudan (75). - Chinas share of particular export categories
substantial in several cases. oil exports in
Congo (28), Angola (30.9) and Sudan (82.3). - China has dominant share of the total export of
crude raw materials, except food and fuels, in
Madagascar (25.7), Cameroon (38.4), Ethiopia
(44.6), Tanzania (48.4), and Kenya (68.7).
14Key Features Trade
- Chinas chare of total imports has been
significant in Sudan (20.8), Madagascar (17.8),
Guinea (15.3), Nigeria (13.0), Cameroon
(11.1), South Africa (11.0), and Zimbabwe
(10.8). - At the commodity level, Chinas share of total
imports of manufactured products has been
dominant - China dominates import markets for machinery and
transport equipment (97.9) in Ethiopia. - supplies substantial proportions of imported
manufactures in Mauritius (20), Ghana 24.9),
Sudan (29.3), Madagascar (39.2), and the Gambia
(59), Tanzania (21.8), Nigeria (30.6) and
Cameroon (35.5).
15Key Features Trade
- National level analysis of the trade relations
between China and African countries reveals
several important features not obvious from the
earlier Africa-wide focus. - Chinas imports from Africa are concentrated in
few resource rich countries especially oil and
mineral exporters like Sudan, Congo, Angola,
Zambia and South Africa. - By comparison, Chinas exports of manufactured
products reach virtually all African countries. - Resource rich SSA countries maintain favourable
bilateral trade balances with China most others
have bilateral trade deficits.
16Gains and Loses - Trade
- export related gainers
- Oil exporters Angola, Chad, Congo, Cameroon,
Nigeria and Sudan - minerals and metals exporters Angola, Cameroon,
Ethiopia, Ghana, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia
and Zimbabwe - Cotton exporters Cameroon, Chad, Cote
dIvoire, Mali, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania,
Zambia and Zimbabwe - Logs and timber exporters Congo, Cote dIvoire,
Nigeria, and South Africa.
17Gains and Loses - Trade
- import related gainers
- Transport equipment importers South Africa,
Kenya, Mauritius, Ethiopia, and Nigeria - Automobile parts importers South Africa,
Nigeria, Kenya, and Ghana - Textiles and clothing importers South Africa,
Sudan, Mauritius, Nigeria and Gambia - Construction and mining machinery and equipment
importers South Africa, Sudan, Kenya, Zambia,
and Ghana - Rice importers Nigeria, South Africa, Cote
dIvoire and Kenya.
18Gains and Loses - Trade
- Dilema of Gainers include
- Improved consumers welfare due to lower import
prices vs displacement of local production
resulting in loss of industrial output and
employment South Africa, Kenya, Mauritius and
Nigeria more severely affected.
19Gains and Loses - Trade
- Export-related losses
- African exporters of labour-intensive
manufactures also exported by China (textiles and
clothing, furniture, footwear and other household
goods) Mauritius, South Africa, Madagascar,
Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Kenya, Swaziland, Ghana,
Cameroon and Nigeria. - These losses arise from displacement effects in
domestic and third-country markets by cheaper
Chinese products.
20Gains and Loses - Trade
- import-related losses are not significant in
virtually all SSA countries who export primary
products and import industrial goods as none of
them has established production platforms similar
to those of China.
21Opportunities and Challenges - Trade
- Opportunities for resource rich SSA countries
- Resource rich SSA countries should deploy
increased foreign exchange earnings to create
necessary conditions for high and sustained
economic growth accompanied by structural
transformation of the economic base and generate
remunerative jobs. - invest in physical infrastructure to connect
internal markets and link them up with regional
and global markets. - Develop integrated transport system to reduce
production costs and enhanced competitiveness
thereby relaxing export supply response capacity
constraints - invest in social infrastructure encompassing
health, education, water and sanitation thereby
developing high quality human resources to
support development efforts.
22Opportunities and Challenges - Trade
- Challenges presented to resource rich SSA
countries - Undesirable exchange rate appreciation and Dutch
disease by resource rich SSA countries - Sterilize forex inflows to maintain macroeconomic
stability and competitiveness - implement export promotion policies and
programmes to retain competitiveness of
manufactured exports. - Falling forex inflow because of early exhaustion
of natural resources or reduction in demand for
natural resources as China transits to knowledge
economy include speedy, effective and efficient
implementation of a development agenda to - diversify the economic base and exports and
- reduce dependence on natural resource exports for
23Opportunities and Challenges - Trade
- Opportunities for resource poor SSA countries
- Resource poor countries should take advantage of
eventual graduation of China out of labour
intensive manufacturing as wages eventually rise
by - building capacity of local manpower to attract
Chinese manufacturers seeking to take advantage
of a lower wage and competent labor force outside
China. - supporting local entrepreneurs to develop
capacity for participating in the Chinese
production sharing networks and partner with the
24Opportunities and Challenges - Trade
- Challenges for resource poor SSA countries
- Risk of de-industrialization posed by invasion of
cheap Chinese imports - negotiate structured partnerships between Chinese
and local entrepreneurs. - Develop and support local entrepreneurs capable
of partnering with the Chinese on mutually
beneficial terms. - Challenges of small size economies and inability
to host the minimum size of modern industries - Negotiate insertion into the Chinese production
sharing network on a regional basis.
25Opportunities and Challenges - Trade
- Trade deficit with China by resource poor SSA
countries - leverage Chinese support for establishing special
trade and economic cooperation zones - Incorporate establishment of structured
partnerships by operators in these zones between
African and Chinese firms to insert them into
Chinese export production sharing network into
the SEZ agreements - Incorporate skills and technology transfer into
SEZ agreements - Negotiate local value addition to raw materials
before exporting.
26Key Features Investment
- Chinese FDI to SSA increasing but it remains
small exceeding 5 only in 2000 for the period
1991 to 2003 - Chinese FDI inflows to Africa are
- prominent in oil and minerals, construction,
Agriculture, Manufacturing, services and retail
(general trade). - concentrated in resource rich countries like
Nigeria, Angola, Cameroon, Ethiopia, South
Africa, Sudan, Uganda and Zambia. - In 2006 alone, Chinas investment in oil/gas in
Angola was 2.4 billion 757 million in
Sudanese oil and 2.7 billion in Nigerian oil
fields. - As usual, these are resource seeking FDI.
27Key Features Investment
- Agricultural sector investments playing
significant role in Chinese investment in Africa
with - 4.3million in Ghana in 2001 representing 71.3
of all investment in that sector that year. - Coffee growing (Kenya) rice, timber production
and fishery (Cameroon) cotton farming (Mali,
Uganda, Tanzania and Zambia). - These are basically efficiency seeking FDIs as
they produce inputs more efficiently for use by
producers based in China - Chinese investment in construction activities are
market seeking being vehicles for delivering
Chinese aid, majority of which are for
construction of transport infrastructure, govt
buildings and sport stadiums (Angola, Congo,
Cameroon, Cote dIvoire, Ethiopia, Nigeria,
Uganda and Namibia).
28Key Features Investment
- Manufacturing investment primarily in labour
intensive activities garments dominate and they
are intended to take advantage AGOA scheme
(Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar and
Mauritius). - Chinese investment in manufacturing was
- Agro-food processing (Nigeria, Mali, Kenya,
Uganda and Zambia) - assembly plants (Kenya, Mali and South Africa),
- electronic goods (Kenya, South Africa and Mali).
- small scale manufacturing of candles, intravenous
fluids, cigarettes, mosquito nets, optical
lenses, TVs, DVDs, VCDs, glass, aluminium,
electric machines etc (Kenya) - electric bulbs, farm equipments (Mali).
29Key Features Investment
- As the bulk of Chinese investments in
manufacturing are intended to take advantage of
AGOA, they are basically efficiency seeking FDI .
- The small scale manufacturers of consumer goods
can be considered as market seeking as they
produce for local and in some cases, regional
30Key Features Investment
- Chinese investments in services sector include
- Financial services (South Africa, Madagascar and
Uganda) Tourism (Ghana) Transport (Kenya)
Telecom (Nigeria, Uganda, Angola, Congo, Ethiopia
and South Africa) - Chinese investment in services are market seeking
they seek to serve local and regional market.
31Gains and Loses - Investment
- Gains of FDI
- Close the savings-investment gap.
- Knowledge, management skills and technology
transfer. - Catalyst for domestic investment in the same or
related fields which can promote upstream as well
as downstream economic activities - Enhance export performance and foreign exchange
earnings if they are export oriented
32Gains and Loses - Investment
- These benefits can be best realized if the FDI
were to - partner with local counterparts,
- out-sources some operations to local producers
- offers employment opportunity to the local
populations. - Neither of these attributes are observable in
most of SSA with the possible exception of SA and
Mauritius implying limited gains to SSA
countries from Chinese FDI.
33Gains and Loses - Investment
- Losses from Chinese FDI
- Introduction of inappropriate technology, esp.
environmental damage - Limited linkages with the local economy,
- evacuation of raw material without local value
addition - Encourage sub-optimal extraction of scarce
resources, - Exploitation of local workers (discriminatory
compensation and unfair treatment of workers) - Doubtful quality of products.
- These complaints have been quite explicit in
South Africa and Zambia but common in most SSA - With possible exception of SA and Mauritius, no
significant outward FDI from SSA countries to
China - SA investors in China had to partner with Chinese
34Opportunities and Challenges - Investment
- Opportunities
- Use commodity power to leverage advantageous
terms, following the example of DRC (the
so-called Marshall Plan). - Negotiate for initiating structured partnerships
between Chinese and African firms thereby
inserting African firms into Chinese production
sharing networks and retaining a significant
proportion of value additions within the African
35Opportunities and Challenges - Investment
- Enhance benefits of market and/or efficiency
seeking Chinese FDI by negotiating - outsourcing of their activities to local
entrepreneurs - increase local sourcing of inputs
- Employment local people under decent labour
practices. - Governments should develop and support local
entrepreneurs that can partner with their Chinese
counterparts develop qualified and employable
human resources invest in health to secure
healthy work force.
36Opportunities and Challenges - Investment
- Challenges
- Challenge of environmental damage by resource
seeking FDI - develop capacity for formulating and provide
incentives for enforcing appropriate
environmental standards. - Challenges of low quality of outputs by market
and/or resource seeking Chinese FDI - develop capacity for formulating and enforcing
quality standards - Challenges of displacing local entrepreneurs by
small scale Chinese investors - develop capacity to formulate and enforce
suitable competition policy.
37Key Features Aid
- Chinas share of overall development assistance
to SSA countries is relatively small but it has
been increasing in recent years - Chinas aid to Africa is increasingly utilized to
achieve Chinas strategic objectives and hence
concentrated in resource rich African countries
like Angola, Nigeria, Sudan and Zimbabwe. - Data on Chinese aid not easily obtainable
- Some it is in the form of barter trade with
countries such as Zimbabwe and Angola. - Chinese foreign aid, trade and investment are
closely coordinated.
38Key Features Aid
- Chinese aid in form of debt cancellation is
without any policy conditionality unlike those
associated with HIPC Initiative. - Chinese aid is largely project and almost no
programme aid except for the debt cancellation - The only conditionality is respect for One China
Policy no Chinese aid for countries with
diplomatic ties with Taiwan (Gambia and Chad)
39Gains and Loses -Aid
- Gains from Chinese Aid
- Targeted at important infrastructure projects
with long maturity - less bureaucratic and low transaction costs
- Low cost
- No policy conditionality max. policy space
40Gains and Loses -Aid
- Losses from Chinese Aid
- Low quality of construction projects by Chinese
companies Angola road project and hiring of
Germans as project supervisors - Tied Aid and turn-key project Syndrome
- Possibility of a new debt build-up
- no policy conditionality may undermine governance
in SSA countries - Promotes lack of transparency and accountability
due to excessive secrecy and lack of data on key
aspects of aid size, purpose, terms, etc
41Gains and Loses -Aid
- Beneficiaries from Chinese aid include
- Households benefiting from cheap Chinese aid
projects (construction of social and physical
infrastructure) delivered timely. - Chinese contractors and investors advantaged by
bilateral agreements between China and the
recipient country - Few local labour involved in the construction of
infrastructure - Key losers from Chinese aid include
- Workers who are unfairly treated by Chinese aid
delivery companies. - Few local contractors due to bilateral agreement
promoting tied aid
42Opportunities and Challenges - Aid
- Opportunities SSA countries
- Multiple sources of and rising aid volume
triggered by Chinas intervention should be used
to - Leverage negotiation for better terms
- Ensure development assistance is demand driven
and consistent with recipient development agenda. - Resources released by Chinas debt cancellation
should be used for pro-poor strategic development
programmes following the pathways set by the HIPC
43Opportunities and Challenges - Aid
- Challenge of low cost and no policy
conditionality of Chinese aid - Subscribe to the APRM to
- Autonomously promote good and truly participatory
governance, accountability and transparency - avoid abuse of the policy space policies and
practices including corruption. - Challenge of Chinas progression to knowledge
economy - use aid to reduce dependence on continued
assistance from China and others within the
shortest possible time.
44Opportunities and Challenges - Aid
- Challenge of Chinese debt cancellation
encouraging excessive debt beyond sustainable - constantly monitor the level of debt ensuring
that it remains sustainable. - Challenge of China extracting concessions far
greater than the amount of aid it provides - develop capacity for effective negotiation to
ensure that concession and privileges provided to
China are commensurate with the volume of aid
45Opportunities and Challenges - Aid
- Challenge of tied aid
- negotiate terms of the aid delivery to
- promote partnership between Chinese companies
and their domestic counterparts, - increase local sourcing of inputs and
- enhance outsourcing arrangements including
subcontracting with local entrepreneurs. - When and where local capacity does not exist,
China should be encouraged to incorporate
initiatives to build local capacity as part of
the aid package.