Title: Radiation Syndromes
1Radiation Syndromes
2Symptoms of Acute Radiation Sickness
- Three categories (E. Hall, 1994)
- Hemopoietic 3-8 Gy LD50/60
- radiation damages precursors to red/white blood
cells platelets - prodromal may occur immediately
- symptoms septicemia,
- survival mixed
- examples include Chernobyl personnel (203
exhibited symptoms, 13 died)
3Symptoms, continued
- Gastrointestinal gt10 Gy
- radiation depopulates GI epithelium (crypt cells)
- abdominal pain/fever, diarrhea, dehydration
- death 3 to 10 days (no record of human survivors
above 10 Gy) - examples include Chernobyl firefighters
- Cerebrovascular gt 100 Gy
- death in minutes to hours
- examples include criticality accidents
4Delayed Effects
- Some biological effects, either from acute or
chronic exposure may take a long time to develop
become evident in exposed individual. - Called delayed or late, somatic effects
- Cancer
- Leukemia
- Bone Cancer
- Lung Cancer
- Life Shortening
- Cataracts
5Other Effects
- Mental Retardation
- Genetic Effects
6Sources of Human Data
- Considerable body of data exists
- Atomic-bomb survivors
- 93,000 survivors
- 27,000 nonexposed comparators
7Sources of Human Data
- Medical patients
- Therapeutic
- Thymus treatments - increase in thyroid tumors
- Tinea capitis (ringworm of the scalp)- 10,000
children- 6 fold increase in malignant tumors of
thyroid - Ankylosing spondylitis (inflammatory arthritis
that affects the spinal joints) - 14,000 patients
- increase in leukemia - Diagnostic
8Sources of Human Data, contd
- Body of data, contd
- Radium dial painters - several hundred, bone
cancer - Uranium miners - thousands - lung cancer
- Accidents
- Critical assemblies
- Particle accelerators
- Radiation devices
- Weapons fallout
- Chornobyl
9Examples of Dose-Response Relationships
- Two effects of radiation exposure
- deterministic (threshold)
- stochastic cancer
- Radiation Standards
- set below threshold
- set to limit stochastic risk
- Controversy on Risk
- possibility of threshold
- low-dose data limited
10Non-Stochastic (Deterministic) Effects
- Occurs above threshold dose
- Severity increases with dose
- Alopecia (hair loss)
- Cataracts
- Erythema (skin reddening)
- Radiation Sickness
- Temporary Sterility
11Stochastic (Probabilistic) Effects
- Occurs by chance
- Probability increases with dose
- Carcinogenesis
- Mutagenesis
- Teratogenesis
12Linear non-threshold hypothesis
- Fits data
- Single hit effect
- Accepted by most regulatory bodies
- Conservative
- Basis of current regulations
13Biological Effects Summary
- What We Know and What We Dont Know About
Radiation Health Effects - Borrowed from a talk by G. Roessler An
Educational Briefing By The HEALTH PHYSICS
SOCIETY Specialists In Radiation Safety March 28,
14Health Effects of Ionizing Radiation
- More known about radiation effects than effects
from any other potentially toxic substance --
more than chemicals
15Sources of Information
- Molecules and Cells
- Animals
- Humans (Epidemiological Studies)
- Medical
- Occupational
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki
16Time Frame of Effects
- Physical -- less than seconds
- Chemical -- seconds
- Biological -- seconds to many years
- Reactions with molecules, cells
- Tissue changes
- Cancer, leukemia
- The radiation may enter the body but miss
important targets - The radiation may not cause any damage to a
target - The damage may be repaired
- A damaged cell may die
- A damaged cell may be changed (mutated)
- High Doses
- May Lead to Early Effects or Death
- Low Doses
- Cancer and Leukemia
- Inherited Effects
- Embryo and Fetus
19What We Know
- Radiation is a weak carcinogen
- The probability of getting cancer is a function
of the dose - No evidence of any cancer effects below about 10
20What We Dont Know
- If there are
- any bad effects below about 10 rem
- beneficial effects below about 10 rem
- any effects other than cancer and leukemia
- any inherited effects at any dose
21Important Points
- High normal incidence of cancer (about 30)
- Cant prove relationship on an individual basis -
only an increased relative risk on a large group
basis - Long latent period
- Leukemia - 2 to 7 years from exposure
- Cancer - 10 to 40 or 50 years from exposure
- Dose to tissue
- Cancer wont occur in an organ of the body unless
that organ has received a dose
22Another Important Point
- Some cancers are not associated with
low-to-moderate doses of ionizing radiation - Hodgkin's Disease
- Non-Hodgkin's Disease
- Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
- Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma
- Uterus
- Prostate
23Current Issues in Radiobiological Research
24Current Issues in Radiobiological Research
- There are several areas which are challenging our
fundamental understanding of radiation damage at
the cellular level (where DNA has historically
been viewed as the principal target of concern).
- Three of these areas are now presented
25Genomic Instability
- Also known as genetic and chromosomal instability
- Refers to genetic change occurring serially and
spontaneously in cell-populations as they
replicate. - Radiation can induce a genome-wide process of
instability in cells. - Transmitted over many generations leads to
enhanced frequency of genetic changes among
progeny of the original irradiated cell. - Observed with
- Cell systems in vivo and in vitro and
- Low as well as high-LET radiation.
- Adjacent, un-irradiated cells.
- Generally accepted
- Unanswered questions
- mechanisms,
- how it is initiated and how it is maintained
26Bystander effects
- Conventional model of radiation-induced damage
requires damage of DNA either from direct
interactions of radiation or from free radicals
created nearby. - Recent studies have demonstrated damage (such as
altered gene expression) occurring in cells not
directly exposed to radiation. - Evidence that damage may be a consequence of
intercellular signaling, production of cytokines,
or free-radical generation. - Thought that these effects are related to
inflammatory-type responses. - Significance of the bystander effect as it
relates to consequences of radiation exposure is
not yet known.
27Adaptive Response
- Increasing number of studies show
- adaptive protection responses occur in living
cells - after single or protracted exposures to X- or
?-radiation at low doses. - Observed both in vivo and in vitro
- Documented across a wide range of organisms from
bacteria, and viruses to plants and animals. - Two types of protection are identified
- Prevention and repair of DNA damage.
- Removal of damaged cells.
- Mechanism is not immediate, but develops,
presumably in response to physiologic stress. - Manifests within hours and may persist weeks to
months. - No strong data supporting adaptive response
following exposures to high LET radiation.
28RHP 483/583Radiation Biology
- Prof. Higley
- 737-0675, E-122
- higley_at_ne.orst.edu
- Radiation Biology and Radiation Risk
- the study of the biological effects of ionizing
radiation on tissues, cells, and molecules - considering both acute and chronic radiation
effects - emphasis on vertebrates
29- Radiation Interactions
- Hall, Chapter 1
30Interactions with Matter
- Types of radiation
- Electromagnetic
- gamma, X ray
- Particles
- alpha, beta, neutron, etc.
- Interaction mechanisms
- ionization, excitation
- photoelectric, Compton scatter, pair production
- Absorption of energy in biological material
causes excitation or ionization - excitation raises electron to higher energy
state - ionization liberates electron from the atom
- radiation may be emitted as a result of these
processes (characteristic x-rays or Auger
32Electromagnetic Radiation
- Photons - energy packets traveling in the form of
a wave (with wave and particle characteristics) - X rays
- produced by
- transitions in electron orbitals
- deceleration of electrons (bremsstrahlung)
- g rays
- produced from within the nucleus
- from transition or rearrangement of nucleons
- With the exception of origin, g and x rays are
33Wave/Particle Properties
- l c/n
- l wavelength (m)
- c speed of light (3x108 m/s)
- n frequency (s-1)
- Wavelengths of common EM radiations
- radio waves - 300 m
- visible light - 5x10-7 m
- X and g rays - 10-11 m ( tenths of Angstroms)
34Wave/Energy Relationships
- E hn hc/l
- E energy, keV (Joules, ergs, etc.)
- h Plancks constant, 4.136 x 10-18 keV-sec
- Wavelength inversely related to energy freq.
- Ionizing electromagnetic radiation
- 10 eV
- 3 EHz
- 100 nm
35(No Transcript)
36Electromagnetic Spectrum
Gamma Rays
X Rays
Ultraviolet Light
Visible Light
Infrared (heat) radiation
Radio Waves
37Photon Interactions
- Photoelectric photon strikes inner-shell
electron and transfers all energy - Compton Scatter photon strikes a free or
loosely-bound orbital electron (outer shell) and
transfers portion of kinetic energy - Pair Production high-energy photon produces
positron/electron pair
38Photoelectric Effect
- More likely for low-energy photons (10s of keV)
- Photon absorption proportional to Z3
- bone shows up as unexposed areas on X-ray
- Inner-shell electron is ejected
- Thus, characteristic X rays also emitted
- 0.5 keV of little biological impact
- localized dose - relevant in microdosimetry
- Photoelectric hn hn - EB
39Compton Scatter
- More likely at intermediate photon energies
- Interaction results in scattered photon (lower
energy) and scattered electron - a wide range of energies are possible for both
- Photon absorption is independent of Z of
absorber, thus energy absorption by this
mechanism is similar for soft tissue, muscle and
40Pair Production
- Photon energy gt 1.02 MeV
- KE 1/2(hn - 1.02)
- Ultimately, the positron annihilates and produces
two 0.511 MeV photons - Exact mechanism unknown
e- (or ?-)
41Important to Remember
- Regardless of the absorption process
(photoelectric, Compton scatter, or pair
production), a portion of the photon energy is
always given to an electron as kinetic energy - Thus, fast electrons deposit photon energy
42Energy Absorption
- LD50/60 4 Gy (4 J/kg)
- If a 70 kg person receives a dose of 4 Gy,
theyve absorbed an equivalent of 280 J. - What is the caloric equivalent of 280 J?
- 4.186 J 1 cal, thus 280/4.186 67 calories
- What would be the temperature rise in the body
from this energy deposition? - Would we expect this to be fatal?
43Energy Rise from Radiation Event
- What does 67 calories get you in the real world?
Hall says ... - 1 sip of coffee (rise in body temperature)
- lifting 70 kg 16 inches
- smelling a Big Mac and fries
- Then, why is this a lethal dose?
Because its not about heat!
44Absorption Mechanisms
- Radiation can be classified as directly or
indirectly ionizing - Direct absorption - by primary radiation
- charged particles
- Indirect absorption - by secondary radiation
- photons, neutrons
- More densely ionizing than photons
- More efficient at ionizing tissue
- Larger mass than electrons
- for a given kinetic energy, it is deposited over
a shorter path length - thus, greater ionization density
- Linear Energy Transfer (LET)
- energy imparted per unit path length
- particles have a greater LET than photons
46Neutrons vs. Photons
- X and g-rays
- indirectly ionizing
- produce fast-moving, secondary electrons
- Neutrons
- indirectly ionizing
- produce recoil protons and heavier atoms
47n and g Secondary Particles
- Secondary electrons
- small, 1/1800 mass of proton
- single negative charge
- sparsely ionizing (low LET)
- Recoil protons and heavy fragments
- massive, similar size to absorption media
- positively charged
- densely ionizing (high LET)
- Similar to a proton in mass
- No electrical charge, thus, neutrons interact
with the nucleus of absorber atoms - Classified as
- thermal (lt 1 eV)
- epithermal (1 eV - 10 keV)
- fast (gt 10 keV)
- Important to us because they are by-products of
nuclear fission, and can cause activation
49Absorption of Neutron Energy
- Uncharged, thus highly penetrating
- Interactions with atomic nuclei
- Generate fast (high energy) recoil protons,
alphas, and heavy fragments - In biological systems - neutron interaction with
hydrogen (protons) is the dominant process - Energy absorbed by inelastic or elastic scatter
50Fast Neutron Interactions
With high energy neutrons, the collision is
inelastic (nucleus absorbs energy) and heavy
fragments result (fission or spallation
51Epithermal Neutron Interactions
With intermediate energy neutrons, the
collision is elastic, part of the energy is
transferred to nucleus and part is retained by
the incident neutron.
52Thermal Neutron Interactions
With low energy neutrons, the neutron is
absorbed by the nucleus, a prompt photon is
emitted, and the atom is activated.
53Direct and Indirect Action
- Biological effects of radiation result
principally from damage to the DNA - DNA is the critical target
- Target can receive direct damaged by physical
interaction with radiation, or - indirect damaged by free radicals formed when
radiation interacts with water molecules in the
54Direct Action
- Physical interaction that directly ionizes the
DNA molecule - DNA damage results from the physical breakage of
chemical bonds within the DNA backbone - Nucleotide bonds, phosphate bonds or strand
breaks may result from radiation damage - This damage may or may not be repairable
55Indirect Action
- H2O hn --gt H2O e- --gt H OH
- Chemical interactions
- H2O is an ion (charged)
- electron ejected from the water molecule
- OH is the hydroxy radical
- a free radical has an unpaired electron from a
broken covalent bond and is very reactive - must be in close proximity to DNA to do its
damage by chemical reaction
56Direct and Indirect ActionNeutrons
57Direct and Indirect ActionPhotons
Indirect Action Dominant for Low LET Radiation
58Energy Absorption in Radiobiology
- Energy is absorbed, but damage is done by
breaking chemical bonds - Energy deposited in cells and tissues
- unevenly in discrete packets
- average absorption per ionizing event 34 eV
- typical CC binding energy 4.9 eV
- remainder goes into other ionization, excitation,
and biological damage
59Time Scale of Events
- Initial ionization 10-15 sec
- Free-ion lifetime 10-10 sec
- Free-radical lifetime 10-5 sec
- Breakage of bonds and expression of biological
effects - cell death hours to days
- oncogenesis years
- germ cell mutation generations
60Classic Paradigm of Radiation Injury
Early (Acute) Effects (Radiation sickness)
Chemical Repair (ions recombine)
Enzymatic DNA Repair
Cell Death
Late effects
Ionizations (free radical formation, etc)
DNA Damage
Developmental effects (fetal)
Heritable Effects
Ionizing Radiation
DNA Mutation
? 1 s ?
? min - hrs ?
? days ?
? weeks ?
? months ?
? years ?
? generations ?
- Biological effect is due to direct and indirect
action on the DNA - Photons are indirectly ionizing, and act on the
DNA primarily by the indirect action - photons produce fast electrons
- Neutrons are indirectly ionizing, but generally
their products act on the DNA by direct action - neutrons produce protons, a-particles, hcp
62More Generally .
- Low-LET radiations
- 2/3 of bioeffect is by indirect action
- indirect effect can be chemically modified
- High-LET radiations
- produce most biological damage by direct action
- direct effect cannot be chemically modified