Title: Medical Ethics Daniel Chase, MD Overview What is medical
1Medical Ethics
- What is medical ethics?
- What are the generally accepted principles of
medical ethics? - How have medical ethics developed to the form we
know today? - What are codes of medical ethics, and which ones
do we follow?
3Defining our Terms
- Morality - our belief about right and wrong
(usually subjective and unexamined). - Ethics - (a) the study of principles for choosing
right action when doing right may also involve
doing harm or wrong (b) the use of ethical
theory to choose the best course of action (c )
the study of what is good and bad in human
character and conduct.
4Morality is our personal, subjective sense of
right wrong. Its sources include
- Up-Bringing
- Religion
- Peer Pressures
- Experience
- Local Rules
- The Media
- Self Interest
- Values
- Laws
- Loyalty
- Public Opinion
- Sense of Responsibility
- Attitudes, for example, Toward Science
5Ethical theories somewhatdiscourage such sliding
around. They force us to moresystematically
define the assumptions that underlie our
decisions about of what is the right action to
take in a given situation.
6Where Does Ethics Come From?
- Tradition
- Thats the way its
- always been.
- Authority
- Thats the way I
- was taught to do it.
- Reason
- Thats the way
- reality determines
- we ought to behave.
7Definition and Scope of Medical Ethics
- - System of values common to the medical
profession. - - Systematic application of values concerning the
practice of medicine. - - Standards of behaviour by which the physician
may evaluate his/her relationships with
patients, colleagues and society. - - Scope of medical ethics includes
- development of ethical codes and guidelines
- promotion of ethical practice
- prevention of ethical breaches
- recognition of ethical dilemmas
- resolution of ethical conflicts
8Components of Medical Ethics
- The Physician -- Patient Relationship
- The Physician -- Physician Relationship
- The relationship of the Physician to the System
of Healthcare - The Relationship of the Physician to Society
9What are the Medical Ethical Principles?
- What are the Medical Ethical Principles?
- Beneficence?
- Non-Maleficence?
- How about . . .
10Current Operative Principles of Medical Ethics
- The Principle of Make-more-money-ence
- The overriding principle of all physician
behavior, this above all dictates patient care
11Current Operative Principles of Medical Ethics
- The principle of Dont-get-sued-ience
- Second only to make-more-money-ence, this most
important principle is behind many unnecessary
tests and consults.
12Current Operative Principles of Medical Ethics
- The Principle of Turficence
- Learned early in med school or residency, this
principle requires the physician to always ask
the question, could I turf this patient to
someone else?
13Current Operative Principles of Medical Ethics
- The Principle of Distributive Justice
- Distribute the blame of your failure to as many
other people as possible, including the patient.
14Current Operative Principles of Medical Ethics
- The Principle of Malevolence
- The more of a jerk you are to the staff, the
farther youll go. - Screaming and yelling is a perfectly acceptable
practice and has a long, proud tradition in
15Current Operative Principles of Medical Ethics
- OK, time to be serious so I dont get fired.
- The Principle of Non-Maleficence
- The Principle of Beneficence
- The Principle of Autonomy
- The Principle of Veracity
- The Principle of Confidentiality(or Fidelity)
- The Principle of Social Responsibility and Justice
17The Principle of Non-Maleficence
- first do no harm Primum non nocere
- sanctity of life
- calculated risk or risk benefit
18Impaired Physician
- Physicians have the obligation to report impaired
behavior in colleagues
- Obligation to preserve life, restore health,
relieve suffering and maintain function - To do good
- Nonabandonment obligation to provide ongoing
care - Conflict of interest must not engage in
activities that are not in patients best interest
- Right to self-determination
- Requires decision making capacity
- Lack should be proven not assumed
- Competence legal determination
- Liberty freedom to influence course of
21The Principle of Veracity
- Truth telling
- Obligation to full and honest disclosure
22The Principle of Confidentiality
- Based on loyalty and trust
- Maintain the confidentiality of all personal,
medical and treatment information - Information to be revealed with consent and for
the benefit of the patient - Except when ethically and legally required
- Disclosure should not be beyond what is required
23The Principle of Justice and Social Responsibility
- Actions are consistent, accountable and
transparent - not to discriminate on age, sex, religion, race,
position or rank - Allocation of medical resources must be fair and
according to need - Physicians should not make decisions regarding
individuals based upon societal needs
24What is an Ethical Dilemma?
- A conflict between moral imperatives, i.e., what
is the right thing to do? - What is medically right vs. patient preference
- Jehovahs Witnesses and transfusions
- What is preferred by patient vs. proxy decision
maker - Rights of minor vs. legal guardians
- What is best for patient vs. what is best for
society - Commitment laws, notification of sexual partners
of patients with HIV
25Resolution of Ethical Dilemmas
- Principles
- Ethical codes
- Clinical judgement
- Reasoned analysis
- Ethical committees
- Ethical tests
- Declarations
- Oaths Pledges
- Common Sense
- Debate
- Ethical Consults
- The Law
26Key Moments in History of Medical Ethics
- The Hippocratic texts display a sustained
appreciation for the limits of medicine and the
need to prevent unnecessary iatrogenic harm to
the sick - The Art
- ... I will define what I conceive medicine to
be. In general terms it is to do away with the
sufferings of the sick, to lessen the violence of
their diseases, and the refuse to treat those who
are overmastered by their diseases, realizing
that in such cases medicine is powerless.
27Key Moments in History of Medical Ethics
- Central themes of the Hippocratic texts
- Hippocratic physicians were in a crowded, harsh,
and unforgiving medical market place - Physicians and other practitioners with high
mortality rates faced failure and poverty - Reputation for being a good physician, whose
patients die only from their incurable diseases
and injuries, becomes paramount - Leaving off the care of the dying becomes a
matter of urgent self-interest and good
reputation - My patients die from their incurable diseases and
injuries, not anything that I do - Prognosis emerges in the Hippocratic text as the
central clinical skill of the physician
28Key Moments in History of Medical Ethics
- Scottish physician-ethicist, John Gregory
(1724-1773), wrote the first modern work on
professional medical ethics in the English
language - Used philosophy of medicine and philosophical
ethics to reform medicine into a profession - Gregory changed the ethical standard of care for
dying patients
29Key Moments in History of Medical Ethics
- John Gregory, Lectures on the Duties and
Qualifications of a Physician (1772) - Medicine, or the art of preserving health, of
prolonging life, of curing diseases, and of
making death easy.
30Key Moments in History of Medical Ethics
- Thomas Percival (1740-1804) was an English
physician best known for crafting perhaps the
first modern code of medical ethics. He drew up a
pamphlet with the code in 1794 and wrote an
expanded version in 1803, in which he reportedly
coined the expression "medical ethics - Percival's Medical Ethics served as a key source
for American Medical Association (AMA) code,
adopted in 1847.
31Nuremberg Trials
See anyone we know?
32Key Moments in History of Medical Ethics
- The International Military Tribunal of 1946,
convened by the U.S., British, French and
Soviets, which convicted the major Nazi leaders
who survived World War II - AND
- Twelve cases tried by U.S. military tribunals at
Nuremberg from1946-9 of groups of doctors,
lawyers, industrialists, Einsatzgruppen and more.
33Key Moments in History of Medical Ethics
- Nuremberg Code of Ethics
- Informed Consent mandatory and exercised freely
- Experiments must avoid physical and mental
suffering - Experiments must be avoided if death or disabling
injury a possibility - Information from Nazi experiments is taboo
34Medical Codes
- Professional ethics of codes
- Developed through a process of collaboration,
consensus, and finally codification - Notion of professional self-regulation
35AMAs Code of Medical Ethics
1847 Edition
2001 Edition
36AMAs Code of Medical Ethics
- The Code first drafted by Drs. Bell and Hays was
based on Percivals conceptions of professional
ethics - A living compendium of ethical guidelines for
physicians that is continually revised and
updated by the Council on Ethical and Judicial
Affairs - The Code is freely accessible at
- www.ama-assn.org/ceja
37Awareness of the Code
- Routinely cited in legal cases and frequently
referenced by judges, lawyers, legal scholars,
and state licensing boards - Ironically, physicians are generally unaware of
the ethical guidance embodied in the Code - Illustrative example
- - Capital punishment
38Capital Punishment
Disallowed actions include Starting
intravenous lines for lethal injection drug
Determining death during execution
Administering the lethal drug Supervising
personnel who give the lethal drug
39Capital Punishment
Disallowed actions include Ordering lethal
drugs for the prison pharmacy Maintaining or
inspecting lethal injection devices
Monitoring vital signs during execution
Selecting injection sites for lethal drugs
40Physician Attitudes about Capital Punishment
- 80 indicated that at least 1 of the disallowed
actions was acceptable - 53 indicated that 5 or more were acceptable
- 34 approved all 8 disallowed actions
41Northsides Code of Ethics
42House Staff Manual
- Resident Physicians are governed by and are
expected to abide by the policies and procedures
which have been approved by the Graduate Medical
Education Committee. In addition, it is expected
that residents will follow all established
practices, policies, and procedures of the
hospital which may be determined by the
professional staff, board of trustees, and the
administration of the hospital.
43Professional Conduct
- All resident physicians shall maintain
satisfactory performance in relation to the
educational program, patient care, professional
ethics, morals, personal integrity and demeanor.
44Personal Demeanor
- No smoking in facilities
- No drugs or alcohol at work
- No sexual harassment
- Wear lab coats and ID badges, business attire,
including pantyhose. - Attend the educational program
- Complete Medical Records
46Doctor-Patient Relationship
- The conduct of the resident physician will
always be directed toward the best interest of
the patient. - Dont criticize patients management in front of
them. - The resident should render all possible aid and
comfort to the patient. . . Courtesy and
consideration for others, especially patients and
the patients family are essential.
47Relations with Attending Physicians
- Notify attending physician of changes in patient
status or death.
- Medical Ethics is the systematic application of
principles of behavior to the practice of
medicine - Commonly agreed on principles include
Non-Maleficence, Beneficence, Autonomy, Veracity,
Confidentiality, and Justice.
- Starting in the 18th and 19th centuries, medical
ethics has become a recognized discipline. Based
on earlier traditions and principles more
recently articulated, it seeks to provide a
useful framework for understanding and resolving
ethical conflicts.
- Ethical codes have been published by various
medical organizations, and provide a guideline
for behavior for physicians.