Knowledge and Reality A - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Knowledge and Reality A


If I buy two tickets my chance of winning is 0.000002. It is now more probable. ... How does that work with an inductive argument such as that involving ravens? ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Knowledge and Reality A

Knowledge and Reality A
  • Lecture Six Paradoxes I

This Week
  • Our look at formal epistemology.
  • Our first look at some paradoxes.
  • Our chance to advance the skills you are expected
    to acquire.

Formal Epistemology
  • Basically this is the way of formalising, using
    logic, probability theory and mathematics, how to
    make decisions.
  • Its applied in numerous areas.
  • Economics (microeconomics and macroeconomics)
  • MAD scheme

Formal Epistemology
  • Some choices are easy.
  • If you like Pepsi and hate Coke, what should you
    decide about which to drink?
  • PEPSI!
  • If you want to go to the pub with your mates but
    your lover will make your life hell because of
    it, what do you do?
  • Depends how bad a hell!

Formal Epistemology
  • We do some really basic maths to show which
    option is better.

Formal Epistemology
  • Some choices are easy.
  • If you like Pepsi and hate Coke, what should you
    decide about which to drink?
  • PEPSI!
  • If you want to go to the pub with your mates but
    your lover will make your life hell because of
    it, what do you do?
  • Depends how bad a hell!

Formal Epistemology
  • We do some really basic maths to show which
    option is better.
  • Fix a utility to picking Coke and Pepsi.
  • If you hate Coke then youll lose out.
  • Lets say -10 Utility Points.
  • If you love Pepsi then youll gain.
  • Lets say 10 Utility Points.
  • The choice is clear one option gives you 10,
    the other option loses you 10.
  • Nor does it matter how difficult it is to
    determine these Utility Points

Formal Epistemology
  • Some choices are easy.
  • If you like Pepsi and hate Coke, what should you
    decide about which to drink?
  • PEPSI!
  • If you want to go to the pub with your mates but
    your lover will make your life hell because of
    it, what do you do?
  • Depends how bad a hell!

Formal Epistemology
  • Going to the pub is worth 20 UP.
  • Say that if your missus/bloke hating you isnt
    that bad (say you hate them too, or theyre too
    mild mannered to be really mean) then its -5 UP.
  • Say that if your missus/bloke would do terrible
    things to you then its -25 UP.
  • In the former you do it, in the latter you dont.
  • And other things can be factored in!
  • If youd feel guilty at doing it, maybe thats
    -20 UP and even in the first case you shouldnt
    do it.

Formal Epistemology
  • Things can get more complicated.
  • Perhaps if your lover came home he/she would
    discover you gone and make your life hell to the
    tune of 25 UP.
  • But you reckon theres only a 1 in 5 chance of
    them coming home.
  • If you stay in theres a 100 chance of losing
    nothing and gaining nothing.
  • If you go to the pub theres a 100 chance of you
    gaining 20 UP and a 20 chance of you losing 25.
  • The calculation is simple your expected utility
    gain is
  • 20

Formal Epistemology
  • Things can get more complicated.
  • Perhaps if your lover came home he/she would
    discover you gone and make your life hell to the
    tune of 25 UP.
  • But you reckon theres only a 1 in 5 chance of
    them coming home.
  • If you stay in theres a 100 chance of losing
    nothing and gaining nothing.
  • If you go to the pub theres a 100 chance of you
    gaining 20 UP and a 20 chance of you losing 25.
  • The calculation is simple your expected utility
    gain is
  • 20 (0.2 x 25 )

Formal Epistemology
  • Things can get more complicated.
  • Perhaps if your lover came home he/she would
    discover you gone and make your life hell to the
    tune of 25 UP.
  • But you reckon theres only a 1 in 5 chance of
    them coming home.
  • If you stay in theres a 100 chance of losing
    nothing and gaining nothing.
  • If you go to the pub theres a 100 chance of you
    gaining 20 UP and a 20 chance of you losing 25.
  • The calculation is simple your expected utility
    gain is
  • 20 (0.2 x 25 ) 20 5

Formal Epistemology
  • Things can get more complicated.
  • Perhaps if your lover came home he/she would
    discover you gone and make your life hell to the
    tune of 25 UP.
  • But you reckon theres only a 1 in 5 chance of
    them coming home.
  • If you stay in theres a 100 chance of losing
    nothing and gaining nothing.
  • If you go to the pub theres a 100 chance of you
    gaining 20 UP and a 20 chance of you losing 25.
  • The calculation is simple your expected utility
    gain is
  • 20 (0.2 x 25 ) 20 5 15

Formal Epistemology
  • Easy!
  • But weird things can happen.
  • MAD is one example.

The Centipede Game
  • Lets have another example.
  • I want to play a game.
  • The rules are easy!

The Centipede Game
  • Two people, each taking a turn.
  • There are 8 coins. The aim of the game is to get
    the most coins.
  • On your turn you can
  • (i) Take a coin and then let it be the other
    players turn.
  • (ii) Take two coins, and then the game ends and
    we tot up who has the most coins.
  • The game ends when we run out of coins.

Centipede Game
  • So you have a principle to maximise utility.
  • What you do is altered by what you think your
    opponent is going to do.
  • With MAD it wasnt so bad, but here it fails
  • It ends up that when the game starts I should
    just take two coins.
  • Imagine we played it with 100 coins (you can play
    it with as many coins as you like!)

Centipede Game
  • When its my go, and there are two coins left,
    itd be irrational of me to take one coin and let
    it be your go.
  • To make the most money (assume thats my aim, and
    I dont give a toss about you personally) I
    should take both coins and end the game.
  • Id end up with 51 and you end up with 49,
    rather than us both having 50.
  • Sound right?

Centipede Game
  • But youre a rational kinda person too.
  • So when we get to three coins on the table, and
    its your go you know what Im going to do next
  • And itll mean you end with 49.
  • So when there are three coins on the table, you
    should take two coins and end the game.
  • You end up with 50 and I end up with 49.

Centipede Game
  • Now go back to a turn earlier, where there are
    four coins on the table and its my go.
  • I know that, rationally, you will end the game
    the next turn.
  • So at that stage I should take both coins and end
    the game.
  • So Id have 50 and youd have 48.

Centipede Game
  • So now think about it again a turn earlier.
  • There are five coins on the table, and its your
  • You know that when it gets to four coins Ill end
    the game and youll only have 48.
  • Better to end the game then, and you end up with
    49 (and I end up with 48).

Centipede Game
  • Do you see where this is going?
  • We can do it again when there are six coins on
    the table and its my turn, I know youll end the
    game when there are five, so I better end it when
    there are six.
  • When there are seven coins on the table and its
    your turn, you know thats what Ill do so youd
    better end it there and then.
  • And so on and so forth.

Centipede Game
  • So we can keep going.
  • Rationally, it seems, as soon as the game starts
    I should take two coins and end it.
  • And that cant be right can it!
  • I only end up with 2 and you end up with
  • So, again, if we follow rational thinking through
    to its rational conclusions, we end up with
    apparently irrational activity.

Principles of Formal Epistemology
  • Where weve gone wrong is that we must be
    misapplying the principles we thought governed
    rational choice.
  • For it is demonstrably irrational to take two
    coins to begin with!
  • Lets spend the rest of the lecture looking at
    another example Newcombs Paradox.

Principles of Formal Epistemology
  • In this paradox the combination of two
    intuitively true principles lead us astray.
  • The first is the principle of maximum expected
  • You should do what is likely to bring about the
    maximum amount of utility.
  • Weve had examples of this already.

Formal Epistemology
  • Some choices are easy.
  • If you like Pepsi and hate Coke, what should you
    decide about which to drink?
  • PEPSI!
  • If you want to go to the pub with your mates but
    your lover will make your life hell because of
    it, what do you do?
  • Depends how bad a hell!

Maximum Expected Utility
  • Even in more complex cases, it seems good to go
    with it.
  • If you have to gamble and betting it on Horse A
    is 80 likely to yield 30 and betting on Horse B
    is 20 likely to yield 200, what should you do?
  • Horse A expected yield 0.8 x 30 24
  • Horse B expected yield 0.2 x 200 40
  • Ceteris paribus bet on Horse B
  • And things might not be equal maybe the Mafia
    will break your legs unless you get them 30. In
    which case the utility isnt in line with
    monetary gain.
  • But for demonstration purposes well stick with
    simple numbers and money.

Newcombs Paradox
  • Imagine there is a room with two boxes in it.
  • One box is transparent it has 1,000.
  • Another box is opaque but you know it either has
    nothing in it, or 1,000,000.
  • You can take the contents of either one box, or
    both boxes.

Newcombs Paradox
  • Heres the twist.
  • Theres some Derren Brown-esque character
  • He has predicted, with 100 accuracy, which box
    you will pick.
  • If you choose two boxes, there will be nothing in
    the opaque box.
  • If you choose one box, there will be 1,000,000
    in the opaque box.
  • So, how many boxes do you pick?

Newcombs Paradox
  • If you pick one box, and pick the one you can see
    into, you will definitely get 1,000.
  • If you pick on box, and pick the one you cant
    see into, what are the chances of you getting
  • Well, if Derren is a perfect predicator, the
    chance is 100.
  • So youll definitely get 1,000,000.

Newcombs Paradox
  • If you pick two boxes, whats the chances of you
    getting what?
  • As Derren is the perfect predictor, you have 100
    chance of having nothing in the second box.
  • So you will definitely get 1000.

Newcombs Paradox
  • One boxer (transparent) 1000
  • Two boxer 1000

Newcombs Paradox
  • One boxer (transparent) 1000
  • Two boxer 1000
  • One boxer (opaque) 1,000,000
  • The Maximum Expected Utility principle says to
    pick just one box the one you cant see into.
  • Sound good?

Principles of Formal Epistemology
  • The other principle is the Dominance Principle.
  • If you have some choices, and one of them, choice
    X, has no downsides that the others dont have

Principles of Formal Epistemology
  • The other principle is the Dominance Principle.
  • If you have some choices, and one of them, choice
    X, has no downsides that the others dont have
    and theres at least a chance that doing X will
    be good for you then you should do it.

Principles of Formal Epistemology
  • Example Stay at home, or go to the pub.
  • Imagine that staying at home has no upsides or
  • Imagine that going to the pub has no downsides (I
    get free beer, I have no problem with walking to
    the pub etc.) but a high chance Ill have fun.
  • I should go to the pub!
  • Imagine theres a small chance Ill have fun.
  • I should still go to the pub!
  • Imagine theres a one in a trillion chance Ill
    have fun.
  • I should still go to the pub!
  • At least, if theres no difference whatsoever
    between being in the pub and being at home.

Principles of Formal Epistemology
  • One choice dominates the others.
  • It is clearly better, because it is as good as
    the other choices and has the benefit of
    (possibly, or even definitely) being better.
  • How does this work in the Newcomb Paradox?

Principles of Formal Epistemology
  • One choice dominates the others.
  • It is clearly better, because it is as good as
    the other choices and has the benefit of
    (possibly, or even definitely) being better.
  • How does this work in the Newcomb Paradox?

Newcombs Paradox
  • Imagine your mother could see inside both boxes,
    and could advise you on how many to take.
  • And lets imagine you trust your mother
  • If there were 1,000,000 in the opaque box and
    1,000 in the transparent box, how many boxes
    would she tell you to pick?
  • Both of them! Youd come away with 1,001,000
    rather than 1,000,000.
  • Clearly, then, youd be well advised to take the
    advice of your mother in that case.

Newcombs Paradox
  • What if there were only 1,000 in the transparent
    box and nothing in the opaque box?
  • Well then your mother would still tell you to
    pick both boxes as youd walk away with 1,000
    rather than nothing (as if you picked one box,
    youd presumably pick the opaque, empty, box).
  • So in that case you also should follow her advice
    and take both boxes!

Newcombs Paradox
  • Heres the rub.
  • It doesnt matter whether your mother is there or
  • You know that either way shed tell you to take
    both boxes.
  • So you know that either way its in your
    interests to pick both boxes.
  • That choice dominates the other choices.
  • So, no matter what happens you should pick both

Newcombs Paradox
  • Think of it another way its too late for Derren
    to change the boxes now.
  • Whatever you decide whats in the boxes is whats
    in the boxes.
  • So, screw it, you may as well take as much as you
    can and take both boxes.

Newcombs Paradox
  • So NP is a paradox because one principle says to
    do one thing, and another principle says to do
  • MEU Pick one box.
  • DP Pick two boxes.
  • And both principles look to be good, rational
  • Something has to go! Something has to be revised!
  • A principle concerning how choices are made has
    to be altered!

Broader Skills
  • This topic builds into the idea of broadening
    your skills.
  • This topic really is about your own responses to
    the material.
  • In the others, Ive stressed that you could go
    off and read books on it.
  • Not so easy with this one the books are hard!

Broader Skills
  • So much of philosophy is your own response, and
    your own tackling of the material.
  • You need to go away and ruminate on these issues.

Broader Skills
  • If you do read the material, youll see that a
    lot of it is tricky.
  • Lots of maths and tables and stuff.
  • That can be okay. You need to master the art of
    learning what to read and what to ignore.
  • Especially in a discipline like philosophy where
    you can be dipping in and out of many other
    disciplines (do applied ethics, read politics and
    economics do metaphysics, read physics journals

Broader Skills
  • You have to try and get out of an article what
    you can.
  • The complex bits may be so complex you wont get
    anything out of them.
  • Just skip them.
  • You cant argue against them, so you may as well
    assume that it works.
  • If the author says it, then you may as well
    believe it!
  • Its called accepting for the purpose of

Broader Skills
  • Theres even a part of the article youve got for
    which youll need to do this
  • Have fun!

Next Lecture
  • Induction.
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